Hypersoniset aseet

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“Hypersonic” appears to become a major motto in the armament world. Beside missiles, we are about to also see shells fired at such speeds. The US Army has the lead, apparently.

Let’s first recall what hypersonic means: a speed above Mach 5 (7,250 km/h, 4,506 mph), a speed where dissociation of air begins to become significant and high heat loads exist. The US Army is planning to demonstrate artillery technology capable of firing hypersonic projectiles in a short or medium term.

Speaking to Defense News on March 19, Brigadier General Stephen Maranian, team leader for the Long-Range Precision Fires (LRPF) modernization team, said the U.S. Army is planning to extend the cannon on M777 Howitzer units to "be able to achieve the velocity out of the tube that hypersonic speeds would require."

Etending the cannon's tube from a 39-caliber to a 58-caliber will take place after the service finishes testing the XM113, a projectile "filled with insensitive high explosive munition and a supplementary charge," according to an Army fact-sheet on the rocket-assisted artillery round. The projectile is currently under development at Yuma Proving Ground, Arizona, and could be delivered to US Army artillery teams in two and a half years, Maranian told Defense News.

The XM113 round will increase the range of howitzers by about 33 percent, from about 30 km (18.6 miles) to 40 km (24.8 miles). Each round will be compatible with US Army precision guidance kits that turn artillery shells into smart weapons.
Olisi toimittajalla faktan tarkistuksen paikka. 7250 km/ on yli mach 6, ei mach 5. Putkea pidentämällä ei ammuksen nopeus tykin suulla nouse hypersooniseksi, vaan korkeintaan äänen siihen nopeuteen sillä kaasun koostumuksella ja lämpötilalla mitä putkessa laukaisuhetkellä muodostuu, koska kyseisellä nopeudella kaasut eivät enää työntäisi ammusta ulos putkesta lainkaan. Se ei varmasti ole sama kuin mach 5 vapaassa ilmassa. Rocket assisted ammuksen nopeus ei rajaudu siihen mitä putken suulla saavutetaan. Putken suulta mach 5 nopeudella lähtevän ammuksen kantama ei ilman rocket assisted käyttöäkään jäisi 40 km luokkaan, vaan vähintäänkin tuplaan.
Rocket assisted ammuksen nopeus ei rajaudu siihen mitä putken suulla saavutetaan. Putken suulta mach 5 nopeudella lähtevän ammuksen kantama ei ilman rocket assisted käyttöäkään jäisi 40 km luokkaan, vaan vähintäänkin tuplaan.

Uskon. Numerot näytti hassulta, mutta laitoin kuitenkin, koska jenkit on tunnetusti luopuneet raidetykin yhteydessä puhutusta ammuksesta, sen takia että he väittivät että ko ammuksella päästään 155mm kalustolla extra pitkille etäisyyksille (>75km). Millainen lakikorkeus tuli tarkistuslaskuissa ilman rakettiapua?
The 50-lb warhead arrived to the test site in the Texas desert in the back of a dust-covered Jeep nestled in an unassuming open, beat-up cardboard box.

Less than 30 minutes later, the warhead exploded from its perch hanging from a couple of 2x4s, driving into the ground below and sending thin metal panels around it — set up to measure fragmentation from the blast — flying backward. A shockwave ripped through the ground and could be felt many hundreds of yards away in a bunker.

When the dust settled, the fragmentation-pocked metal panels lay contorted on the earth and evidence of a warhead test was everywhere including fragmentation embedded deep in random test rigging and the tip of the warhead resting on the ground in the center of the test arena.

“It’s too early to say it’s going to match our model, but it’s what we were expecting,” Richard Truitt, Orbital ATK’s program manager for warhead development programs, told Defense News while surveying the aftermath.

The warhead — designed for hypersonic applications — marks a major first for the company. Three out of five of its major components were made using additive manufacturing. And the March 29 test was the first time Orbital ATK has tested a warhead built partially from 3D-printed materials.
Venäjän hyper-aseita.

I won’t give you any specifics about the means we use to watch that. I won’t give you any of the technical specifics about the capabilities of those missiles,” Gen. John Hyten told reporters at the Space Symposium. “But I can tell you that we have observed both Russia and China testing hypersonic capabilities.”

Hyten’s comments come after Russian President Vladimir Putin claimed in March that Russia had successfully tested a new “invincible” hypersonic missile that could travel at speeds in excess of Mach 10 — twice the Mach 5 speed that qualifies an air vehicle as hypersonic — and with a range of more than 2,000 kilometers.

The Kinzhal hypersonic cruise missile, which will be able to be equipped with both a nuclear and conventional warhead, can “overcome all existing and, I think, prospective anti-aircraft and anti-missile defense systems,” Putin said then.


After years of sluggish investment, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency is turning up the funding stream, jumping from $85.5 million in fiscal year 2017 to $108.6 million in FY18 for hypersonic development. The FY19 budget includes a request for $256.7 million — a 136 percent increase.

Part of the reason for Hyten’s confidence is the naming of Mike Griffin, formerly the NASA administrator, for the post of undersecretary of defense for research and engineering, he said.

En epäile etteikö Venäjä noita pysty rakentamaan ajan kanssa. Hymyilyttää vain että Venäjän voittamattomat aseprojektit olevat yleensä pelkkää johtajien puhetta, ilman todisteita olemassaolosta ja kyvyistä. Toisinkuin esim tuo jenkkien X-51 etc. Joiden tiedämme lentävän ja tekevän mitä sanotaan.
Air Force awards nearly $1 billion contract for a hypersonic cruise missile

The Air Force is working with Lockheed Martin to design a new hypersonic prototype. The service previously explored the technology with tests of the X-51A Waverider

WASHINGTON ― The U.S. Air Force has selected Lockheed Martin to design and prototype a new hypersonic cruise missile, as part of a broad Pentagon push to kickstart America’s hypersonic arsenal.
The indefinite-delivery/indefinite-quantity contract for the “design, development, engineering, systems integration, test, logistics planning, and aircraft integration support of all the elements of a hypersonic, conventional, air-launched, stand-off weapon” was announced by the service Wednesday.

Selkeä video jossa selitetään millaisia hyperersoniset aseet ovat ja miten vaikuttavat strategiseen tasapainoon. Selitetään myös miksi niiden torjunta on vaikeaa tai mahdotonta nykyisin käytössä olevilla ohjuksilla.

The U.S. Air Force awarded Lockheed Martin a $928 million contract April 18 to develop a new missile that will travel more than five times faster than the speed of sound to overcome enemy defenses.

Under the indefinite-delivery/indefinite-quantity contract, Lockheed Martin will develop the Hypersonic Conventional Strike Weapon (HCSW), a new air-launched weapon system. The company is working closely with the Air Force to finalize system requirements under the contract's initial task order.

This is the first phase of a development program, with future phases progressing through design, flight test, initial production and deployment of the weapon system at early operational capability. The contract ceiling through early operational capability is $928 million.

"Our goal is rapid development and fielding of the HCSW system, and this contract is the first step in achieving that goal," said John Snyder, vice president of Air Force Strategic Programs at Lockheed Martin.

"Design, development, production, integration and test experts from across Lockheed Martin will partner with the Air Force to achieve early operational capability and deliver the system to our warfighters. We are incredibly proud to be leading this effort."

The HCSW team will primarily work in Huntsville, Alabama; Valley Forge, Pennsylvania; and Orlando, Florida; with additional expertise in Denver, Colorado, and Sunnyvale, California.

Lockheed Martin has developed and flown more hypersonic vehicles than any other U.S. company. The company has decades of hypersonic development and flight test experience from government contracts as well as internal investments in research and development projects.
The Pentagon comptroller has asked the US Congress to shift money from lower-priority defense programs to the US Air Force's first offensive "hypersonic conventional strike" weapon, according to a Tuesday report.

As part of a process known as an omnibus reprogramming request, the Pentagon requested that Congress allocate precisely $20 million for an air-launched hypersonic attack weapon, which travels five times the speed of sound, a Bloomberg report noted.

The Pentagon also seeks $65 million for a demonstration of a hypersonic weapon fired from ground forces, to happen sooner rather than later.

Hypersonic weapons are "not an advantage that we can concede to people who wish to be our adversaries," the Pentagon's first-ever undersecretary of defense for research and engineering, Michael Griffin, told reporters July 12.
Lockheed-Martin on siis valittu toimttajaksi sekä hypersonisiin HCSW (Hacksaw) että ARRW (Arrow) projekteihin. Lockheedin ARRW ohjus on saanut tyyppimerkinnän AGM-183A:

he service already announced a $928 million award in April deal for Lockheed’s Missiles and Space company to develop the Hypersonic Conventional Strike Weapon (HCSW, pronounced “Hacksaw”).
But a new document reveals that the USAF awarded a separate deal to Lockheed’s Missiles and Fire Control division in July 2017 to rapidly develop and field the Air-launched Rapid Response Weapon (ARRW, pronounced “Arrow”).
The ARRW, now assigned the designation AGM-183A, evolves from the Tactical Boost Glide (TBG) programme launched in 2014 by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). By using a rocket to boost the missile to very high altitudes, the unpowered ARRW then glides down to lower altitudes at speeds up to Mach 20.

Aerojet-Rocketdyne on onnistuneesti testannut ARRW boosteria:

Aerojet Rocketdyne successfully completed two hot-fire tests of a rocket motor designed to boost an air-launched tactical glide hypersonic vehicle during its initial phase of flight.
The tests, which were done under simulated extreme cold and hot conditions, took place on an undisclosed “recent” date at the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) at Edwards AFB in California, AerojetRocketdyne said.
The motors were tested at extreme temperatures to verify they would perform as expected across the full range of anticipated operational conditions, the company says.
In a boost glide hypersonic system, a rocket accelerates its payload to high speeds; the payload then separates from the rocket and glides unpowered to its destination at hypersonic speeds up to Mach 20. Lockheed Martin is leading the development of the USAF’s boost glide programme, called the Air-launched Rapid Response Weapon (ARRW), and Aerojet Rocketdyne is subcontracted to supply the booster rockets.
Video Appears To Show China Testing Hypersonic Glide Vehicles Via High Altitude Balloon

Selkeä video jossa selitetään millaisia hyperersoniset aseet ovat ja miten vaikuttavat strategiseen tasapainoon. Selitetään myös miksi niiden torjunta on vaikeaa tai mahdotonta nykyisin käytössä olevilla ohjuksilla.

Olen osin eri mieltä. Maailma on kamppaillut saman ongelman kanssa - eli lyhyen päätöksenteko-ajan ja ensi-iskun etujen kanssa - ydinsodan uhan keksimisestä alkaen, eivätkä hypersooniset aseet tuo itsessään tähän mitään muutosta.

Kiinalaisten hypersooninen ase.

Incredible pictures have emerged showing the plumes of light created by a hypersonic aircraft streaking through the sky.

The plane owned by the Chinese military, and is capable of travelling of speeds up to Mach 10 whilst carrying a nuclear payload.

Although officials in China have yet to confirm the latest round of testing, Chinese military bloggers claim the eerie phenomenon was caused by the hypersonic glide vehicle which they know as DF-ZF.

Neuvostoliiton ja Venäjän asevoimissa palvellut kontra-amiraali evp. Vsevolov Khmyrov on esittänyt venäläismedialle kovia väitteitä maan uusista hypersonisista ohjuksista.

Sukellusvenelaivuetta vuoteen 2002 asti komentanut Khmyrov totesi, että Yhdysvaltain vetäytyminen keskipitkän matkan ohjuksia rajoittavasta INF-sopimuksesta merkitsee strategisen tilanteen muutosta. Hän väitti Yhdysvaltain suunnittelevan uusien ohjusjärjestelmien sijoittamista eri puolille Eurooppaa. Upseerin mukaan Venäjä pystyisi iskemään komentokeskuksiin ja muihin tärkeisiin amerikkalaiskohteisiin ennätyksellisen nopeasti uusilla hypersonisilla 3M22 Tsirkon -risteilyohjuksilla. Laivaston väitetään osuvan 500 kilometrin päässä sijaitseviin kohteisiin jopa viidessä minuutissa.

– Tsirkonin kaltainen hypersoninen asejärjestelmä pystyy murtautumaan käytännössä minkä vain ohjuspuolustuksen läpi, Vsevolov Khmyrov sanoi Newsweekin mukaan.

Läntiselle Atlantille ja Tyynellemerelle on tällä hetkellä sijoitettu kahdesta kolmeen Venäjän pinta-alusta tai sukellusvenettä, jotka on varustettu noin 40 hypersonisella ohjuksella.

Presidentti Vladimir Putin vahvisti tiistaina pitämässään puheenvuorossa, että Tsirkon-ohjusten toimintaa on testattu viimeisen neljän vuoden aikana. Hänen mukaansa Tsirkonin lentonopeus on jopa 9 Machia eli yli 11 000 kilometriä tunnissa.

The US armed forces are planning five test programs on hypersonic weapons systems in the Marshall Islands in the central Pacific Ocean, Army Space and Missile Command chief Lieutenant General James Dickinson said in congressional testimony on Wednesday.

"There are currently five active hypersonic test programs in various stages of planning at RTS [the Ronald Reagan Ballistic Missile Defence Test Site]," Dickinson told the House Armed Services Strategic Subcommittee.

The RTS is located at the US Army garrison on Kwajalein Atoll in the Marshall Islands.

"Because of the geographic remoteness and available complex sensor suite, RTS has seen a significant upswing in hypersonic systems test planning," he said.

RTS also provides critical testing support to both offensive and defensive missile testing requirements for programs such as Ground-Based Mid-course Defence GMD and US Air Force strategic ballistic missile systems, Dickinson said.