Epidemiat maailmalla

The New York Times reported this past weekend that the CDC has chosen not to publish huge amounts of COVID data, instead keeping it secret, because it fears that the information would cause ‘vaccine hesitancy’ among the American public.

The report notes that the withheld data includes information on boosters, hospitalizations, wastewater analyses, as well as critical information on COVID infections and deaths broken down by age, race, and vaccination status.

The justification for holding the information back? Fears that the data would be “misinterpreted” and lead to “vaccine hesitancy,” according to the report.

In other words, it didn’t fit into the narrative that everyone must get vaccinated and boosted no matter who they are and what their situation is.
Fresh suspicion that Covid may have been tinkered with in a lab emerged today after scientists found genetic material owned by Moderna in the virus’s spike protein.

They identified a tiny snippet of code that is identical to part of a gene patented by the vaccine maker three years before the pandemic.
It was discovered in SARS-CoV-2’s unique furin cleavage site, the part that makes it so good at infecting people and separates it from other coronaviruses.

The international team of researchers suggest the virus may have mutated to have a furin cleavage site during experiments on human cells in a lab.
They claim there is a one-in-three-trillion chance Moderna’s sequence randomly appeared through natural evolution.

But there is some debate about whether the match is as rare as the study claims, with other experts describing it as a ‘quirky’ coincidence rather than a ‘smoking gun’.

Pahoittelen sorsaa, mutta foliota en rupea käärimään.
Mie en ota mittään kantaa @ctg ylläolevaan, enkä foliota ala käärimään, mutta raippaa alan jo etsimään valmiiksi:

Tämähän on hieno uutinen. Arvatkaapa mitä tutkimusta EcoHealth Alliancen epäillään tehneen Wuhanissa ja minkälaisen labratutkimuksen sivussa on syntynyt Covid-19...
tiedän että sorsa on zerohedge, mutta en pysty kääntää Weltin alkuperäis artikkelia. Joten käärikää foliota jos on pakko, muuten lukekaa ajatuksella.

After analyzing data from over 10 million individuals, BKK ProVita board member Andreas Schöfbeck, over a 7.5 month period beginning in early 2021, 216,695 policyholders out of 10.9 million were treated for vaccine side-effects. This compares to 244,576 reports out of 61.4 million reported by the Paul Ehrlich Institute - a German federal agency.

Germany has a population of around 83 million people.

Schöfbeck called the data an "alarm signal," adding "The numbers determined are significant and urgently need to be checked for plausibility."

"The data available to our company gives us reason to believe that there is a very considerable under-recording of suspected cases of vaccination side-effects after they received the [COVID-19] vaccine."

“If these figures are applied to the year as a whole and to” the entire population of Germany, Schöfbeck estimated, then “probably 2.5-3 million people in Germany been under medical treatment because of vaccination side effects after [COVID-19] vaccination.

An estimated 140 million people in the US—around 43 percent—have had COVID-19, according to the latest analysis by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention using data from the end of January.

The estimate of people infected with COVID-19 is nearly double the CDC's cumulative tally of cases reported at the end of January, which totaled around 74 million. These numbers are expected to differ because many COVID-19 cases are not detected or reported—i.e., people may not get tested at all or take a home-test that is not reported. That means officials case counts are expected to be a significant undercount of actual infections. However, case reports can also include infections in people who have tested positive multiple times, effectively counting some people more than once.

The CDC has been estimating actual infections over time, which provides more insight into the recent tsunami of cases from the ultratransmissible omicron variant. Based on data from the end of November, the CDC estimates that about 37 million people became infected with the pandemic coronavirus in December and January. The number of cases reported to the CDC during that time frame was around 26 million.

The infection estimates stem from a nationwide seroprevalence surveillance program, which tested nearly 72,000 blood samples from late December to late January. The program uses blood samples sent to commercial labs for non-COVID-19 related testing, such as routine medical screens. The samples were surveyed for antibodies specifically from a SARS-CoV-2 infection—not vaccination.
But in recent days, Fisman noticed an “astounding” trend, he said. He posted about topics like requiring vaccination and improving ventilation to prevent the spread of Covid – and the nasty responses never came. No support for the trucker convoy, no calls to try the Canadian prime minister, Justin Trudeau, for treason.

Others have observed the same phenomenon; those who frequently encounter bots or angry responses are now seeing a significant drop-off. Covid misinformation, which has often trended on social media over the past two years, seems to be taking a nosedive.

The reasons for this “bot holiday”, as Fisman calls it, are probably varied – but many of them point to the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

Russia’s information war with western nations seems to be pivoting to new fronts, from vaccines to geopolitics.
I’m one of the fortunate people who is yet to test positive for Covid. This is despite the fact that I work with live replicating Sars-CoV-2 (the virus that causes Covid) for my research, teach face-to-face at university, and have school-age children.

My fully vaccinated healthy friends of the same age were not so lucky, and some have suffered from more than one case of Covid in the past couple of years. What does this reveal about my immune system?
After nearly two years of dodging Covid-19, one of the most remote inhabited places in the world has recorded its first ever cases of the virus.

Rēkohu, or the Chatham Islands, are just over 800km east of New Zealand’s mainland and are home to roughly 600 permanent residents.

The Canterbury district health board (DHB) confirmed two of its residents had tested positive for the virus over the weekend and were now isolating and being supported.

The streets of the largest settlement, Waitangi, were quiet on Monday, with very few people around, Chatham Islands mayor Monique Croon said. “Some people are really worried, and for others, they are prepared and quite comfortable.”
Australian virologists have uncovered a drug-resistant mutation in the Covid-19 virus associated with the drug sotrovimab and say without the monitoring of patients given the treatment the mutated virus could spread in the community.

The world-first findings, published in the New England Journal of Medicine on Thursday, are the result of an analysis of the first 100 patients in western Sydney during the Delta outbreak in 2021 to be given sotrovimab.

Sotrovimab is a monoclonal antibody that is available in many countries to treat vulnerable patients who are at risk of severe disease and death due to Covid-19 infection. Sotrovimab must be administered via infusion within the first five days of Covid-19 infection, and prevents Covid-19 symptoms from becoming severe. It is one of the few human-engineered monoclonal antibodies that can target Omicron
A 60-year-old man allegedly had himself vaccinated against Covid-19 dozens of times in Germany in order to sell vaccination cards to people who did not want to get the jab themselves.

The man from the eastern Germany city of Magdeburg, whose name was not released in line with German privacy rules, is said to have received up to 90 shots against Covid at vaccination centres in Saxony for months until he was caught by police, the German news agency dpa reported on Sunday.

The suspect was not detained but is under investigation for issuing vaccination cards without authorisation and document forgery, dpa reported.

He was caught at a vaccination centre in Eilenburg in Saxony when he showed up for a Covid shot for the second day in a row. Police confiscated several blank vaccination cards from him and initiated criminal proceedings. By taking the jab doses the man would have been given real vaccine batch numbers to put on the cards.
Joissakin maissa koronatartunnat lähteneet taas nousuun. UK:ssa uusi BA.2 variantti on nostanut sairaalaan joutuneiden määrän korkeammalle kuin oli omikronin aikana pahimmillaan.

Sama huomattu myös Suomessa
Joissakin maissa koronatartunnat lähteneet taas nousuun. UK:ssa uusi BA.2 variantti on nostanut sairaalaan joutuneiden määrän korkeammalle kuin oli omikronin aikana pahimmillaan.

JOPA wiki osaa linkittää tyypistä The Atlantic (28) jutun, missä tyypin suoraan kirjoitetaan olevan twitter trolli.

Oli kuulemma ensimmäisiä twitter-heilujia, joka linkitti pakokauhun levittämiseen tähtääviä kuvia koronasta. Synnyinmaa on näköjään sattumalta Kiina.
JOPA wiki osaa linkittää tyypistä The Atlantic (28) jutun, missä tyypin suoraan kirjoitetaan olevan twitter trolli.

Oli kuulemma ensimmäisiä twitter-heilujia, joka linkitti pakokauhun levittämiseen tähtääviä kuvia koronasta. Synnyinmaa on näköjään sattumalta Kiina.

Syytätkö nyt kuulemma-pohjalta Feigl-Dingiä väärennetyn datan välittämisestä?

Vilkaisin tuota Atlanticin juttua. Se oli tammikuun 20. 2020, ennen kuin virusta oli edes havaittu Kiinan ulkopuolella (Italiassa 31. tammikuuta), ja kirjoittaja ilmeisesti arveli SARS-Cov-2:sta tulevan paljon pienemmän ongelman kuin siitä sitten tuli, ja Feigl-Ding oli ilmeisesti postannut alkuvaiheessa tweetin jossa oli tulkinnut silloin tammikuussa 2020 arvioitua R_0:aa väärin tms. Tuon Atlanticin jutun kirjoittaja näyttää olevan Alexis Madrigal joka on journalisti, ei esim. epidemiologi tai biotieteiden asiantuntija.

No löysin Feigl-Dingin tweet-ketjun aiheesta, ja hän kirjoittaa Alexis Madrigalin sittemmin parantaneen ymmärrystään:

Mutta sittemmin Atlanticissa esim.:
No katsotaas sitten vähän, tuliko siitä viruksesta lopulta suuri ongelma - vain kuolemien suhteen tässä:

Tätä vertailua en nyt nopeasti löytänyt graafina tuoreempana kuin tweetissä helmikuulta, ja itse data on ilmeisesti vuoden 2021 loppuun, ja joistakin maista vielä vanhempaa (artikkelimuodossa on vain tuota graafia vanhempaa dataa, josta puuttuu mm. Venäjä).

Liikakuolleisuus per capita, järjestys:
Bulgaria, Serbia (tässä suurin luottamusväli - Serbian sijoitus kuitenkin jossain kärkikymmenikössä), Peru (joka oli hieman vanhempien tietojen Our World in Data -tietojen mukaan ykkösenä, muttei enää koska saivat sittemmin parempia MRNA-rokotteita kiinalaisten ohelle kolmansiin annoksiin, ja rokotuskattavuus on aika hyvä), sitten muita Itä-Euroopan maita, ja kymmenentenä Meksiko. USA ei mahdu kärkikymmenikköön, koska rokotuskattavuus vanhemmissa on menettelevä, ja he saivat hyviä MRNA-rokotteita varhain.

Edit, pari typoa sekä lisäys: väki on tietysti nuorempaa Perussa kuin Euroopassa, mutta siellä tuli todella paljon tartuntoja ennen kuin saivat rokotteita. Ja aiemmissa arvioissa tosiaan puuttui kuolleisuusdataa mm. Venäjältä. Joskus loppuvuodesta 2021 oli Perussa, jossa mediaani-ikä on vain 32, liikakuolleisuuden perusteella kuollut jo n. 0.7% koko väestöstä SARS-CoV-2-tartunnan seurauksena, ja virallistenkin lukujen perusteella n. 0.6% - eli viralliset luvut olivat siellä aika lähellä todellisia, mille täytyy nostaa hattua.

Rokotuskattavuus on länsimaiden alhaisin Bulgariassa ja Pohjois-Makedoniassa Bosnia-Hertsegovinassa. Serbiassa se on jonkin verran parempi, mutta siellä on käytössä länsimaisten rokotteiden ohella myös kiinalaiset kokovirusrokotteet, ja erään serbilähteen mukaan kiinalaiset olisivat siellä luultavasti länsirokotteita suositumpia. Venäjällä on myös hieman korkeampi rokotuskattavuus, mutta länsirokotteita ei ole.

Alla oleva graafi löytyy tästä Naturessa julkaistusta artikkelista. Ainakin jenkkien liikakuolleisuutta verrattuna ilmoitettuihin covid-kuolemiin on mm. IHME arvioinut korkeammaksi kuin graafissa. IHME:n arviot olivat mielestäni aika pielessä Euroopan maiden suhteen kun niitä joskus katselin, mutta luultavasti tarkempia USA:n suhteen. Economistin malli taas on todella virheellinen ainakin joiden maiden kuten Kiina suhteen, ja ihmettelenkin miten Naturessa on hyväksytty artikkeli jossa siihen viitataan. Samoin Economistin liikakuolleisuusarviot löytyvät Our World in Datasta (ja mielestäni voisivat poistaa ne).

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For much of the pandemic, China kept the coronavirus at bay. The country adopted an aggressive COVID-Zero plan, rigorously identifying, containing, and tracing cases to prevent the viral spread. It appeared to work remarkably well—until the arrival of the ultratransmissible omicron variant.

The seemingly uncontainable virus is now exploding in China, smashing records daily and laying bare a tragic fault in China's COVID policies: the country's most vulnerable—older people—are among the least protected by vaccination. As such, death rates are bound to soar.

This has already played out in Hong Kong, which saw its own towering omicron wave between January and March. In its wake was one of the highest death rates the world has seen amid the pandemic. In a study published Friday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the US CDC partnered with the CDC China for a postmortem on the deadly spike. The analysis highlighted the fatal flaw when neglecting to vaccinate older people.

As of late December 2021, about 67 percent of vaccine-eligible Hong Kong residents were vaccinated with at least one dose. About 64 percent had two doses, and just 5 percent had boosters. But the numbers went downhill with age. Of people ages 60 and up, only 52 percent had one dose or more. For those ages 70 to 79, only 48 percent had at least one. And for those ages 80 and above, a mere 20 percent had at least one dose.

On January 6, officials in Hong Kong detected the city's first cluster of omicron cases, sparking an outbreak that peaked March 4. By March 21, officials had recorded a total of 1,049,959 cases and 5,906 COVID-19–associated deaths. The daily mortality rate reached 38-per-million people, one of the highest in the world.

Of the 5,906 COVID-19 deaths during the omicron wave, 96 percent were among people ages 60 and above. Overall, comparing death rates with people under age 30, people 60 and up were 253 times more likely to die, and people 80 and up were 946 times more likely to die. Of the people 60 and up who died, 70 percent (3,970 of 5,655) were unvaccinated, and an additional 18 percent (1,023 of 5,655) had only gotten one vaccine dose. Overall, unvaccinated people ages 60 and up were 21 times more likely to die than people in the age group who had at least two doses.

It's unclear why relatively few older adults in Hong Kong and elsewhere in China got vaccinated. The CDC authors of the analysis noted that a June 2021 survey in Hong Kong found that 57 percent of people were hesitant about or resistant to COVID-19 vaccines. "The dynamic COVID-Zero strategy, successful until the emergence of the omicron variant, might have resulted in further complacency, particularly among older persons," the authors speculated.

They noted that since the omicron wave began, vaccination among older adults has increased "substantially." As of March 21, vaccination among people ages 60 to 69 rose from 65 percent to 81 percent; in those ages 70 to 79, vaccination rose from 48 percent to 69 percent; and among those 80 and above, vaccination rose from 20 percent to 39 percent. Still, those numbers are low compared to those in the US and Europe. And on mainland China, only about half of those aged 80 and above have been fully vaccinated, according to data from March.

As omicron surges in Shanghai, the analysis provides a clear call to action. "This report underscores that vaccination reduces COVID-19 mortality rates in older adult populations and calls attention to the importance of monitoring age-specific vaccination coverage, identifying disparities in age-specific vaccination rates, and addressing those coverage gaps," US CDC wrote in a statement.
Shanghain lockdown on aiheuttaa vastustusta. Mielenkiintoinen videopätkä sikäli, että se lähti aika laiskasti 'liikkeelle' youtubessa, vaikka oli jo amerikkalaisilla tv-kanavilla.

Vähän muutakin hässäkkää ko. kaupungissa. Viitteitä kauppojen ryöstelystä ja poliisien kanssa tappelemisesta.