
US to Send More Troops, Helicopters to Help Iraq Retake Mosul.

by Carla Babb April 18, 2016

The U.S. is providing more than 200 additional troops and several Apache attack helicopters to assist Iraqi forces in their fight to retake the northern city of Mosul from Islamic State, Defense Secretary Ash Carter announced Monday in Baghdad.

Carter said the new U.S. troops would be mainly advisers needed to help with the logistics of advancing Iraqi troops further from their bases as they encircle Iraq's second largest city. He said they would advise at the brigade and battalion headquarters level.

"Everyone knows the fight of Iraq is the fight for Mosul," a senior U.S. defense official said. "Mosul is the end game in Iraq."

Iraqi forces began an offensive to retake the IS stronghold on March 24.

A senior defense official says a total of eight Apache attack helicopters will be sent to aid in the battle. U.S. troops are needed to fly and maintain them.

Last year, Iraqi officials declined a U.S. offer for Apache helicopters in the battle to retake Ramadi from IS, but the U.S official noted that the fight for Mosul will be even more difficult. The city fell to IS militants in the summer of 2014.

Carter on Monday also announced the United States will increase funding for Kurdish Peshmerga forces in northern Iraq, with a senior official saying the amount will be about $400 million.

Secretary Carter traveled to Iraq Monday to talk with his commanders and Iraqi leaders about ways the U.S. can ramp up the fight against IS militants in Iraq and Syria.

He met with Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi and Minister of Defense Khaled al-Obaidi before speaking with Kurdish President Masoud Barzani.

"The Iraqis are not shy about asking for what they need," a senior defense official said. "Our generals, our colonels, they are sitting next to the Iraqis."

Carter's visit was his third to Iraq as secretary of defense.


Speaking to reporters in the United Arab Emirates Saturday, Carter expressed confidence the White House will approve recommendations.

"We are looking to do more," Carter said at Al Dhafra Air Base near Abu Dhabi. "That ranges from in the air to on the ground. You should expect to see us doing more."

But Carter added that "Our presence on the ground will continue to be to enable, not to substitute for local forces."

The U.S.-led coalition has used the Al Dhafra Air Base for airstrikes against Islamic State, as well as for intelligence, reconnaissance and surveillance missions.

Air power

According to some at the Al Dhafra Air Base, the U.S. has already upped its munition power from the air and expects to continue to increase air power over the next six months.

"The F-22 has seen quite an expanded role since we've been here," an F-22 fighter jet operations officer told Carter during his visit to the base Saturday.

"The last six months the unit that we just swapped out with, they dropped just over 200 munitions, precision munitions out in the theater. Just this past week, we've dropped 20 percent of that, so 40 munitions in just a week."

In addition to munitions, about a third of the aircraft deployed to this base is dedicated to surveillance over Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan.

Carter said the troops at Al Dhafra Air Base played an important role in the fight against Islamic State.

"These people are pretty busy and some of them are in risky situations every single day," he Carter.

US strategy

Michael Rubin, a scholar at the American Enterprise Institute, told VOA the U.S. strategy seemed to be "containing" Islamic State, which continues to lose ground in Iraq and Syria, but worries that needed improvements to the strategy could come "too little, too late."

"When it comes to the fight against the Islamic State, it's almost as if we diagnosed with cancer at Stage One and then sat about arguing about whether or not we should prescribe an aspirin for the next four-five years while it metastasized to Stage Four," Rubin said.
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Pentagon to Spend Millions Supporting Kurdish Fighters in Iraq

Sputnik News

22:51 20.04.2016(updated 23:35 20.04.2016)

In an effort to push Daesh extremists out of Mosul, the United States will funnel millions of dollars to Kurdish fighters.

The city of Mosul in northern Iraq has served as a stronghold for Daesh, also known as IS/Islamic State, since the summer of 2014. In an effort to liberate the city, the Pentagon is preparing an offensive that will involve 217 US Special Operations troops, AH-64 Apache attack helicopters, and M142 High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems fighting alongside the Iraqi military.

"These are capabilities that will continue the process of accelerating the defeat of ISIL," US Defense Secretary Ashton Carter said in an interview with NBC News on Monday. "We are going to accelerate this campaign every time we find an opportunity to do so."

But the Pentagon also plans to convince local Kurdish Peshmerga fighters to join the fight, and it's set aside $415 million for that effort.

"In response to a request from the Kurdistan Regional Government for economic assistance, the Department of Defense will provide these funds on a monthly basis to support selected Peshmerga units," Pentagon spokesman Matthew Allen told Kurdish news agency Rudaw.

"These forces have been among the most effective in the fight against ISIL and will be critical in the retaking of Mosul," the spokesman added.

Secretary Carter stressed that the money will go toward supporting "selected Peshmerga units."

Kurdish groups have welcomed the decision. Kurdistan Region Security Council Chancellor Masrour Barzani tweeted his support on Monday, saying "This war is a shared responsibility, and I hope other members of the global coalition will consider increasing their aid to Kurdistan.

"I welcome the announcement by Secretary Ashton Carter to give financial aid to our Peshmerga and increase military engagement in war on ISIL."

The director of the Kurdish Regional Government's intelligence agency, Lahur Talabani, tweeted, "We thank the US government for their commitment & support to our brave Peshmerga forces who have been fighting ISIS on the world's behalf."

Critics argue that the plan will backfire, wasting millions in taxpayer dollars in the process.

"Though the Kurdistan Regional Government clearly has some interest in seeing ISIS expelled from the area around Mosul, their interests are likely more directly on defending their own territorial gains they've made during the war, including the oil-rich city of Kirkuk," Jason Ditz writes for

"Instead of leaving the Peshmerga to its own, already subsidized devices, the Pentagon seems to have decided that overt bribery is in order, to make sure the Peshmerga's involvement in the fight is centered on offensives where the US wants them."

The Pentagon's support of Iraqi Kurds is also surprising, given the former's refusal to acknowledge the role played by Kurdish fighters in Syria. Despite being the most effective forces on the ground, Washington has refused to allow Kurdish groups to participate in the Syrian peace talks. This was done largely at the request of the Turkish government, which fears the creation of an autonomous Kurdish region along its borders.

© Sputnik

USA:n ilmavoimien sotilaat yrittävät soveltaa IDF:n Gazassa käyttämää ”knock on the roof” (koputus kattoon) eli ampua ensin varoitus-laukaus kattoon ja sitten varsinainen isku taloon.

Testi Irakissa ei täysin onnistunut, koska arabinainen juoksi taloon ensin poistuttuaan sieltä varoituslaukauksen jälkeen, mutta palaten joutuakseen todellisen ilmaiskun uhriksi. Kansa pitää valistaa ja taas valistaa.
Islamic State claims dozens of troops killed in suicide assault in western Anbar

The Islamic State took responsibility for the killing of dozens of Iraqi security personnel in a suicide assault on a police station in a western Anbar province town which was recently liberated from the jihadist organization.

The Islamic State claimed the attack on a police station in Kubaysah near Hit in an official statement released on its social media accounts. The statement was obtained and translated by the SITE Intelligence Group.

“Four immersers from the soldiers of the Islamic State were able to carry out an attack on the Kubaysah police station in western al Anbar,” according to SITE. The group claimed the four-man suicide assault team penetrated security at the police station, and “two of the soldiers of the Caliphate detonated their explosive belts amidst them,” killing “nearly 50 apostates including soldiers and officers.” The other two attackers were said to have “returned safely to their headquarters.”

Iraqi media has not independently confirmed the report of the attack in Kubaysah. Attacks such as the one claimed by the Islamic State are common in both Iraq and Syria, and occur on a daily basis.

The Islamic State has suffered significant setbacks in Anbar over the past six months with the losses of several major cities and towns along the Euphrates River. In some areas, the Islamic State has pulled back to conduct guerrilla attacks against Iraqi security forces, tribal fighters, and the Shiite militias which have filled the security vacuum.

Kubaysah was first
occupied by the Islamic State in early October 2014, and held for more than two years before the Iraqi military liberated the town toward the end of last month. Two weeks after the Iraqi military regained control of Kubaysah, the nearby town of Hit was also wrestled from the Islamic State. Like Kubaysah, Hit fell to the Islamic State in October 2014.
Yk.n raportti Irakin sodan tappioista.

UN Casualty Figures for Iraq for the Month of April 2016

In-Depth Coverage

Sunday, 01 May 2016 12:08

Baghdad, Iraq, 01 May 2016 -- A total of 741 Iraqis were killed and another 1,374 were injured in acts of terrorism, violence and armed conflict in Iraq in April 2016*, according to casualty figures recorded by the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI).

The number of civilians killed in April was 410 (including 11 federal police, Sahwa civil defence, Personal Security Details, facilities protection police, fire department), and the number of civilians injured was 973 (including 20 federal police, Sahwa civil defence, Personal Security Details, facilities protection police, fire department).

A total of 331 members of the Iraqi Security Forces (including Peshmerga, SWAT and militias fighting alongside the Iraqi Army but excluding Anbar Operations) were killed and 401 were injured.

The overall casualty figures are down from the previous month of March, where a total of 1,119 were killed and 1,561 were injured.

The Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General (SRSG) for Iraq, Mr. Ján Kubiš, expressed his deep concern at the incessant violence.

"It pains us to see the continuing bloodletting and loss of life, particularly among civilians who are paying a high price as a result of bombings and the armed clashes", Mr. Kubiš said.

"Terrorists have used suicide attacks to target cafés, places of worship, pilgrims and markets in a wicked, unrelenting campaign to cause maximum casualties and inflict untold suffering on the population", he added.

Baghdad was the worst affected Governorate with 874 civilian casualties (232 killed, 642 injured). Ninewa 72 killed and 30 injured, Salahadin 32 killed and 24 injured, Diyala 17 killed and 15 injured, while Kirkuk had 16 killed and 10 injured and Basra 08 killed and 16 injured.

According to information obtained by UNAMI from the Health Directorate in Anbar, the Governorate suffered a total of 252 civilian casualties (27 killed and 225 injured).


Month Killed Injured
April 2016 410 973
March 2016 575 1196
February 2016 410 1050
January 2016 490 1157
December 2015 506 867
Novemer 2015 489 869
October 2015 559 1067
September 2015 537 925
August 2015 585 1103
July 2015 844 1616
June 2015 665 1032
May 2015 665 1313
April 2015 535 1456
March 2015 729 1785
February 2015 611 1353
January 2015 790 1469
December 2014 680 1360
November 2014 936 1826
October 2014 1089 2074
September 2014 1144 2084
August 2014 1533 1994
July 2014 1384 2122
June 2014 1775 2351
May 2014 798 1607
April 2014 745 1836
March 2014 640 1845
February 2014 862 2377
January 2014 756 1650
December 2013 661 1201
November 2013 565 1186
October 2013 852 1793
September 2013 887 1957
August 2013 716 1936
July 2013 928 2109
June 2013 685 1610
May 2013 963 2191
April 2013 595 1481
March 2013 229 853
February 2013 418 704
January 2013 319 960
December 2012 230 655
November 2012 445 1306

Please note that all figures remain estimates until full investigation and analysis has been carried out.

* CAVEATS: In general, UNAMI has been hindered in effectively verifying casualties in conflict areas. Figures for casualties from Anbar Governorate are provided by the Health Directorate and are noted below. Casualty figures obtained from the Anbar Health Directorate might not fully reflect the real number of casualties in those areas due to the increased volatility of the situation on the ground and the disruption of services. In some cases, UNAMI could only partially verify certain incidents. UNAMI has also received, without being able to verify, reports of large numbers of casualties along with unknown numbers of persons who have died from secondary effects of violence after having fled their homes due to exposure to the elements, lack of water, food, medicines and health care. For these reasons, the figures reported have to be considered as the absolute minimum.
Dramaattinen video näyttää USA:n Navy SEALin viimeisen taistelun 100 ISIS-miestä vastaan
8 minuuttia sitten(päivitetty 1 minuutti sitten)

Videolla näkyy amerikkalaisen eliittisotilaan hengen vaatinut taistelu ISIS-jihadistien kanssa.

  • 4fcd99c38c21bbdecaa6bc8b138616732bf8a66d500ff79f05f14cbaf9f6fb35

    Charles Keating.

  • 88b1105b464d3e1af6b820e21859ade5b9fbeedd809b8b2f23599affa943bae7

    Videolla näkyy amerikkalaissotilaita.
Kurdijoukkojen kuvaamalla videolla (alla) näkyy amerikkalaisen CBS:n mukaan taistelu ISIS-jihadisteja vastaan Irakin Mosulin lähistöllä. Dramaattisella videolla kuuluu myös paikalla olleiden Yhdysvaltojen asevoimien sotilaiden keskustelua ja komentohuutoja.

Taistelu on saanut suurta mediahuomiota sen vaatiman amerikkalaisuhrin vuoksi. Laukaustenvaihdossa menehtyi nimittäin Yhdysvaltojen kenties maineikkaimmissa Navy SEAL -erikoisjoukoissa palvellut Charles Keating.

Taistelu tapahtui viime viikon keskiviikkona. Keating menehtyi saatuaan tarkka-ampujan luodin kylkeensä. CBS:n mukaan ISIS iski yllättäen kurdien asemiin. Keating oli joidenkin muiden amerikkalaisten kanssa paikalla neuvonantajana. Hänen yksikkönsä osallistui kuitenkin oitis taisteluun..

Yhdysvaltojen armeijan eversti Steve Warren kertoi keskiviikkona tiedotustilaisuudessa, että kyseessä oli yksi ISIS:n suurimpia iskuja viimeisen muutaman kuukauden aikana. ISIS-taistelijoita oli noin satakunta. Lisäksi terroristit käyttivät itsemurhapommirautoja ja panssaroituja kauhakuormaajia.

Ensimmäisenä brittilehti Guardianille päätyneellä videolla näkyy amerikkalaissotilaita, jotka tulittavat jihadisteja yhdessä kurdien Peshmerga-joukkojen kanssa.

Amerikkalaisten kerrotaan vetäytyneen paikalta sen jälkeen, kun heiltä loppuivat ammukset. Taistelu kääntyi lopulta Peshmerga-taistelijoiden hyväksi ja ISIS ajettiin ulos kaupungista. Amerikkalaisten mukaan taistelussa menehtyi kaikkiaan 60 ISIS-taistelijaa.

Kuka pe^%$le veti koko vyon putkeen kk:n lapi tossa videossa... krmh!!
Mikä on tuon selässä olevan USA:n lipun tarkoitus? Omatunnistus vai joku muu syy.
Olisko vaan tarkoitus yrittää pitää vihun päät alhaalla kun omat etenee...?

Just tollasen takia ihmetyttaa ettei kevyt korohoro tunnu kelpaavan kuin meille... silla saa savua, sirpaletta ja voisipa heittaa vahan 'Willy-Petea":kin ilmalaukeavana, jos olis sallittu... "only for illumination purposes" niinkuin IDF tosta toteaa :D. Pysyis ainakin mun potta alhaalla jos tulee fosforia niskaan

ps. Enaa 1,5 tuntia kiekkoon... yes!
Just tollasen takia ihmetyttaa ettei kevyt korohoro tunnu kelpaavan kuin meille... silla saa savua, sirpaletta ja voisipa heittaa vahan 'Willy-Petea":kin ilmalaukeavana, jos olis sallittu... "only for illumination purposes" niinkuin IDF tosta toteaa :D. Pysyis ainakin mun potta alhaalla jos tulee fosforia niskaan

ps. Enaa 1,5 tuntia kiekkoon... yes!

Eikös jenkeillä ole heittimiä melkolailla vastaavalla tavalla käytössä kuin meilläkin? Eivät pidä niitä ihan yhtä merkittävässä asemassa, kun heitin kuitenkin vaatii kohtuu ison miehistön, mutta kuitenkin.
Eikös jenkeillä ole heittimiä melkolailla vastaavalla tavalla käytössä kuin meilläkin? Eivät pidä niitä ihan yhtä merkittävässä asemassa, kun heitin kuitenkin vaatii kohtuu ison miehistön, mutta kuitenkin.

Hyva pointti, ei noita SOCOM-kavereita minaan heitinmiehistona kayteta, se on selva... mutta yllattavan vahan nakee vanhaa kunnon savutusta missaan noissa hiekkamaan videoissa, vaikka siita olis noilla AMET:eilla paljon hyotya kun pitaa aukealla liikkua. Ihme juttu.
Britannian SAS-eliittijoukot kidnappasivat kolme ISIS-pomoa salaisessa operaatiossa

3 minuuttia sitten(päivitetty 2 minuuttia sitten)

Brittiläiset eliittisotilaat ovat kaapanneet ISIS-järjestön komentajia Irakissa.

  • ac471bb5a47594bc7edf2d6684e01702251fc830ab8d06154a383c2224fe5183

    Irakilaissotilaita ja tuhottu ISIS-ajoneuvo.

Britannian maineikkaat SAS-eliittijoukot ovat kaapanneet kolme ISIS-jihadistijärjestön komentajaa Irakissa käynnissä olevassa salaisessa operaatiossa.

Kolme viikkoa jatkunut operaatio koostuu öisistä ”salamaiskuiksi” luonnehdituista SAS-joukkojen hyökkäyksistä, joiden tarkoituksena on napata ISIS-johtajia elävänä ja pehmittää järjestöä ennen suurhyökkäystä jihadistien hallitsemaan Mosulin kaupunkiin.

Brittilehti Mirrorin tietojen mukaan SAS-miehiä operoi Mosulin liepeillä yli 20. Iskuja tehdään yhteistyössä Irakin armeijan erikoisjoukkojen kanssa.

Mirror kertoo esimerkiksi eräästä operaatioista. Siinä irakilaissotilaat soluttautuivat ISIS:n hallitsemalle alueelle siviileiksi pukeutuneina ja surmasivat siellä liikkuneet vartijat. Sen jälkeen SAS-joukot iskivät ja kaappasivat paikallisen komentajan.

”Viholliskomentajien kaappaaminen on aina ollut avainroolissa vihollisen ajatteluun vaikuttamisessa. Se hermostuttaa heitä ja voi pakottaa heidät tekemään virheitä”, korkea armeijalähde kertoo.

Lähteen mukaan yhtenä operaation tavoitteista on saada joku kaapatuista ISIS-komentajista vaihtamaan puolta. Hän muistuttaa, että tämä on onnistunut Afganistanissa.

”Tällä voi olla suuri vaikutus Mosulin asukkaiden elämään. Tämä voi säästää henkiä”, Lähde sanoo.

Is Iraq heading towards a civil war following the storming of parliament?

After the storming of the Iraqi Parliament by angry protesters inspired by Shia cleric Muqtada Al Sadr, JerusalemOnline interviewed Kurdish dissident Abdulwahab Talabani, who spoke about how Iraq has witnessed increased sectarian tensions and is heading towards a civil war.

Not too long ago, the Iraqi Parliament building was stormed by angry protesters. The Deputy Speaker and 5 Kurdish lawmakers were trapped inside the Parliament building and were attacked by demonstrators, who also smashed their cars. One of them was even beaten up. The Kurdish MPs were evacuated in the end and flown to Kurdistan. In an exclusive interview with JerusalemOnline, Kurdish dissident Abdulwahab Talabani stated following the storming of the Iraqi Parliament that Shia cleric Muqtada Al Sadr was the one who ordered it and Prime Minister Al Abadi had no knowledge about it.

“Muqtada Al Sadr has announced that he is against sectarian, political and ethnic quotas in the government formation,” Talabani related. “He demands a technocratic government. Al Abadi prepared the name list for that to be passed but that was not supported by the Kurdish and Sunni blocs as well as some Shia groups. As a result of that, the parliament building was stormed. However, I believe that there is another reason behind that storming, which is the rift and hostility between the Al Sadr Movement and the Al Dawa Party. Al Sadr never forgot about the attack launched by the Al Malaki forces against his followers in the city of Basra two years ago. He is now retaliating.”

According to Talabani, the Iranian intelligence supports Muqtada’s agenda, which seeks to implement a coup d’état against the pro-American Al Abadi: “The conflict in the parliament was primarily a Shia-Shia one. Perhaps this conflict will escalate into a civil war among the Shia groups, indicating their failure in ruling Iraq.”

Aside from the Shia-Shia conflict, Talabani related that relations between the Kurds and the government in Baghdad have deteriorated: “The new government in Baghdad ignores the grounds on which the new government in Iraq was built upon after the demise of Saddam’s regime in 2003 in which the Kurds should be accepted as an active and comprehensive participants in the political process rather than obedient servants and followers.”

According to him, 17% of the budget is supposed to be allocated to the Kurds but this has never happened as the Iraqi government has ordered the cessation of funds precisely at a time when the Kurds are battling against ISIS: “In the Iraqi Constitution, the Peshmerga Forces are considered part of the Iraqi Defense Force yet they were never paid a penny. Furthermore, they were not equipped to fight against the most brutal terror group. The Central Government started hampering the process of arming the Peshmerga.” They also have tried to stand in the way of the Kurds selling oil in order to fund themselves: “It’s time to think about an independent Kurdistan. This tragedy must end.”

Talabani noted that Iranian influence within Iraq has only exasperated sectarian tensions between the Kurds and the Central Government: “There is a semi-permanent Iranian Guard leader in Iraq present in the battlefields and the green zone that guides Al Abadi and other Shia rulers, with whom they are working on implementing a Shia crescent, which means that Iran is plotting against Kurdish President Barzani.”

Iran views Barzani’s push for Kurdish independence to be an impediment to establishing a Shia crescent between Iraq and Syria: “The establishment of an independent Kurdistan will terminate the Shia crescent. This is one of the important reasons for Iran’s hostility to Barzani. Of course, there are other reasons, such as Iran’s fear about Kurdish national sentiment in Iranian Kurdistan. In Iran, there are 14 million Kurds, who dream about their freedom and nationalism rather than their religious doctrine.”

However, despite the huge implications that the storming of the Iraqi Parliament incident has for Iraq, Talabani noted that the international reaction was not that strong: “A strong public reaction did not emerge from America and the Western countries, except that they announced their support for Al Abadi and required their personnel to travel to peaceful Kurdistan. Some of the embassies closed their doors. It’s said that a military force dispatched to the American Embassy in case of an emergency. Foreigners and Westerners are not visible on the city streets while in some areas of Baghdad, armed Shia groups were seen.”

“The most prominent position that has emerged in the Western media is that Iraq is on the verge of collapse and civil war,” Talabani related. “This situation will have negative repercussions on the war against ISIS and certainly this new situation with Iran in Iraq is not in Israel’s interest. Of course, the hostile behavior towards the Kurdish Parliamentarians were unwelcome in most of the visible and readable media. The Kurdish Parliamentarians have currently suspended their attendance in the Iraqi Parliament, awaiting the Kurdish leaderships’ decision for returning to Parliament again.”

Hyva pointti, ei noita SOCOM-kavereita minaan heitinmiehistona kayteta, se on selva... mutta yllattavan vahan nakee vanhaa kunnon savutusta missaan noissa hiekkamaan videoissa, vaikka siita olis noilla AMET:eilla paljon hyotya kun pitaa aukealla liikkua. Ihme juttu.

Jos vastapuoli ei osaa ampua, niin mitä sitä savuttamaankaan, kun se haittaa myös omaa tulitusta? Voisiko myös olla, että savun suojassa eteneminen ei ole suosiossa myöskään siksi, että taistelutapa on huomattavasti varovaisempaa IED uhan takia (siis on vaara, että mennään savun sokaisemana liian lähelle)? Myöskin näkisin, että savutusta ei tarvita, jos tekniikka on paikantaa vihollinen ja tilata tulitukea sen niskaan.
US kills Islamic State’s military emir for Anbar province


Islamic State military commander Abu Wahib (center)

The US military killed Abu Wahib, the notorious Islamic State military commander who was responsible for overrunning much of Anbar province in 2014. Abu Wahib waged jihad with al Qaeda during the US occupation and escaped from an Iraqi prison in 2012 to rejoin the fight.

Pentagon Spokesman Peter Cook announced today that the US killed Abu Wahib, “the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant’s military emir for Iraq’s Anbar province,” in an airstrike on May 6. Three additional “ISIL jihadists” were killed in the airstrike, which is said to have taken place in Rutbah, a remote desert town located near the Jordanian border.

“Abu Wahib’s death is another blow to ISIL’s leadership that will further degrade its ability to operate, especially in Anbar province,” Cook said.

The Islamic State has suffered significant losses in Anbar province over the past year, losing the cities of Ramadi and Hit. The Islamic State still controls Fallujah in the east, Rutbah, and a number of towns in the west along the Euphrates River up to the Syrian border.

Abu Wahib, whose full name is Shakir Wahib al Fahdawi al Dulaimi, has been waging jihad in Iraq for more than a decade. He was detained by US forces in Ramadi in 2006 during the height of al Qaeda in Iraq’s insurgency. Cook described Abu Wahib as “a former member of al Qaeda in Iraq,” which morphed into the Islamic State of Iraq and remained part for al Qaeda’s network. The Islamic State became independent of al Qaeda in the spring of 2014 after Ayman al Zawahiri ejected the group due to a leadership dispute with Abu Bakr al Baghdadi.

Wahib was sentenced to death and transferred to Tikrit Central Prison. In November 2012, he escaped along with 110 inmates after the Islamic State of Iraq assaulted the prison. That jailbreak and others like it infused the Islamic State of Iraq with leaders and fighters who were captured during US and Iraqi military operations.

By 2013, Abu Wahib emerged as the Islamic State in Iraq’s military commander for Anbar province. He was responsible for executing a series of military operations that ultimately led to the fall of Fallujah in January 2014. A host of towns along the Euphrates River Valley fell to his forces during the Islamic State’s onslaught in the summer of 2014.

Abu Wahib’s crowning achievement was the taking of Ramadi, Anbar’s provincial capital, in May 2015. He organized his forces to overrun the city and forced Iraqi military units to abandon their posts despite an active US military air campaign in the province. The Islamic State held the capital for seven months until Iraqi forces, backed by US airstrikes, drove them from the city at the end of December 2015.

In addition to his military campaigns, Abu Wahib appeared in Islamic State propaganda videos. He is best known for executing soldiers, policemen, and civilians after capturing. Abu Wahib, unlike most jihadists in the Islamic State’s snuff films, refused to cover his face.