
Kurdiammattilaisen kuvia

Kurds document the Battle for Mosul

Kurdish dissident Aso Saleh shared with JerusalemOnline pictures taken by photojournalist Keywan Fatahi that documents the Kurdish forces battling against ISIS in Mosul, Iraq.

The third day of Battle in ”Tish Xrapi Genre” in front of Bashiq and 15 kilometers from Mosul Photo Credit: Keywan Fatahi
The battle for Mosul, Iraq began on October 17. After over two years where the city was occupied by ISIS, the Iraqi government has announced an operation to free the city from the grasp of the murderous terror organization. From the onset, the Kurds have been playing a pivotal role in the battle over the city. Over 4,000 Kurdish Peshmerga are approaching the city from three different fronts. On the first day in the battle, the Kurds succeeded to capture 7 villages. The Kurds believe that these days are historic.

“To be with Peshmerga forces during these historic days and to record these historic events is an honor for many journalists,” Kurdish dissident Aso Saleh proclaimed. “Many journalists are at the forefront with the Peshmerga and Iraqi Army. My colleague Keywan Fatahi who is a Peshmerga and a photojournalist participated in the battle. He took some pictures from Bashiq along the front line. He will share these photos with you.”

Peshmerga forces are preparing to Bashiq offensive. Photo Credit: Keywan Fatahi
”Fazeliye” village near Bashiq. During Bashiq offensive, the Peshmerga forces in their artillery. Photo Credit: Keywan Fatahi

”Naweran” village. The first village that was captured by Peshmerga forces in the first day of battle. Photo Credit: Keywan Fatahi

A day after ”Naweran” village’s battle. Photo Credit: Keywan Fatahi
UN: 232 people murdered by ISIS for not complying with orders
A UN human rights spokeswoman said that ISIS terrorists have murdered more than 200 people who refused to take orders from them.
Oct 28, 2016, 2:00PM Becca Noy

At least 40 civilians murdered on Wednesday Photo Credit: Reuters/Channel 2 News

ISIS terrorists have murdered 232 people near Mosul, Iraq on Wednesday, according to UN human rights spokeswoman Ravina Shamdasani today (Friday). According to Shamdasani, at least 40 people were civilians and about 190 were former Iraqi soldiers. “Many of them who refused to comply were shot on the spot,” added Shamdasani. In addition, she said that the murderous terrorist organization is using tens of thousands of people as human shields.

Earlier today, it was reported that the Shiite militias are planning to attack ISIS just west of Mosul. A spokesperson for the forces said that the attack is imminent. However, the attack is sparking concerns in nearby Turkey.

JOL News reported yesterday that more than 800 ISIS terrorists were eliminated since the launch of the Mosul offensive 11 days ago, according to a senior-level US military official.
Mitä useampi kokki sitä huonompi soppa. Kaikki tunkevat saaliinjaolle Mosulista.

Hezbollah Brigades hurries troops to Mosul fight
By Bill Roggio and Caleb Weiss | October 28, 2016 | [email protected] |

An American M1 Abrams tank shown in the Hezbollah Brigades convoy

Hezbollah Brigades (also known as Kata’ib Hezbollah), an Iranian-backed Shiite militia in Iraq, is transporting forces, including troops and artillery, to participate in the operation to retake Mosul from the Islamic State. Hezbollah Brigades is a US-designated Foreign Terrorist Organization that is one of several Iranian-backed militias that operates in Iraq.

The convoy, which was seen in a video released by Hezbollah Brigades propaganda wings, was shown to include dozens of vehicles. At least 11 rocket launchers, four howitzers (including two US-made M198 howitzers), one American-made M1 Abrams, and one US M88 Recovery Vehicle were spotted. Several other vehicles transporting troops to Mosul can also be seen.

The Shiite militias, which are part of the Popular Mobilization Forces, are expected to fight the Islamic State in areas east of Mosul. A spokesman for the PMF said that the militias are moving towards Tal Afar and would launch an offensive against Islamic State forces entrenched there in “a few days or hours,” Reuters reported today.

The Popular Mobilization Forces was established in June 2014 after the Iraqi military and police forces were overwhelmed by the Islamic State in northern, central, and western Iraq. Clerics put out the call for Iraq to support the collapsing security forces. Established militias that are supported by Iran and have openly fought US and British troops during the occupation answered the call and dominate the PMF. They were organized under the aegis of the Popular Mobilization Forces, which is commanded by Abu Mahdi al Muhandi, who was listed by the US government as a specially designated global terrorist in July 2009 and was described as “an advisor to” Qods Force commander Qassem Soleimani.

Hezbollah Brigades has been involved in most major operations to push back the Islamic State or to recapture Islamic State-held cities. For instance, last April, a month before the Islamic State took over the provincial capital of Ramadi, it sent its troops to take part in operations near the city. One video showed Hezbollah Brigade artillery units launching rockets against Islamic State forces in the Sijariyah district in eastern Ramadi. The city fell to the Islamic State last May and was recaptured in late December.

Hezbollah Brigades fighters were also involved in operations near the town of Karmah, just east of Baghdad, and in operations to recapture the town of Amerli in Salahaddin in Sept. 2014. [See LWJ reports, Hezbollah Brigades deploys fighters to Ramadi, US aided Hezbollah Brigades in breaking Islamic State siege of Iraqi town and Threat Matrix report, Hezbollah Brigades flaunts US equipment in Anbar operation.]

The militia has long been known to operate American M1 Abrams tanks. Last January, the militia showcased several US-made vehicles in a large convoy somewhere in Iraq. Some pictures of M1’s being in the hands of Hezbollah Brigades existed prior to the video, but these photos and videos have become much more prevalent since. The tanks and artillery were likely given to HB by the Iraqi military, or taken from the Islamic State during operations.

Screenshots from the video:




Tuosta suunnasta ohjus on todennäköisesti läpäissyt sekä ulkopanssarin, ammustilan että ammustilan ja miehistötilan välisen suojan. Epäilisin, että siinä kyllä miehistöltä paloivat perskarvat.

Mitäs olivat "selin tilanteeseen". Todistaa täysin saman, mitä olen kuullut niin saudien kuin irakilaisten sotilaallisesta ammattitaidosta etenkin Abramsien käytössä. Saudit taitavat olla menettäneet kymmenittäin Abrams-vaunuja Jemenissä. Etenkin Saudeissa armeija ja hassusti vielä paremmin varustettu kansalliskaarti (joka on vastavoimana armeijan vallankaappaukselle) ovat sellaisia kuningashuoneen prinssien (joita taitaa olla tuhansittain) päivähoitopaikka.
Ei ilmeisesti ollut jalkaväkeä siivoamassa ympäristöä. Aika orpoa on ajella pelkällä vaunulla ilman tukea. Ukrainan separatistivideoissa näkee hyvin, miten jalkaväki ja vaunut toimivat yhteen.
Ei ilmeisesti ollut jalkaväkeä siivoamassa ympäristöä. Aika orpoa on ajella pelkällä vaunulla ilman tukea. Ukrainan separatistivideoissa näkee hyvin, miten jalkaväki ja vaunut toimivat yhteen.

Sepä se. Samantyylistä "olen täällä aivan yksin...täällä ei ole ketään"-touhua on nähty Saudien touhuissa Jemenissä. Siinä ei "supertankki" paljoa auta, jos maasto on sellainen, että vihollinen pääsee helposti past-aseiden kantaman päähän eri suunnista huomaamatta. Jalkaväki on miltei pakollista tuollaisessa touhussa...mutta ei vaan tunnu hiekkavaltioissa menevän perille.
Tuonne postaamani shiia-joukot ovat siis menossa

Irakin shiiajoukot yrittävät katkaista Isisin huoltoreitin Mosuliin

Shiiataistelijat ilmoittavat aloittaneensa hyökkäyksen Tal Afarin kaupunkiin.

29.10.2016 klo 11:57päivitetty 29.10.2016 klo 13:26

Irakilaiset shiiajoukot ovat aloittaneet hyökkäyksen, jonka tavoitteena on katkaista terroristijärjestö Isisin huoltoreitti Mosulin kaupunkiin.

– Operaation tarkoituksena on katkaista huoltoreitti Mosulin ja Raqqan välillä, kiristää Mosulin saartoa ja vapauttaa Tal Afar, Irakin hallituksen suojeluksessa olevien shiiataistelijoiden tiedottaja Ahmed al-Assadi sanoi.

Tal Afar sijaitsee Mosulin länsipuolella. Isis valtasi kaupungin vuonna 2014. Sitä ennen enemmistö Tal Afarin asukkaista oli shiioja, minkä vuoksi kaupungin takaisinvaltaus on shiiataistelijoille tärkeää.


Yle Uutiset
Mosuliin hyökätään useista suunnista
Irakin hallituksen ja kurdien joukot aloittivat lokakuun puolivälissä hyökkäyksen Mosulin suurkaupungin valtaamiseksi takaisin Isisiltä. Kymmenet tuhannet sotilaat lähestyvät Mosulia idästä, etelästä ja pohjoisesta ja Yhdysvaltain johtama liittouma tukee hyökkäystä ilmaiskuin.

Irakin kurdit, sunnipoliitikot ja Turkki ovat vastustaneet shiiojen osallistumista Mosulin valtaamiseen. Shiiataistelijat ovat auttaneet Irakin hallitusta useiden kaupunkien valtaamisessa takaisin Isisiltä, mutta YK:n ja ihmisoikeusjärjestö Amnestyn mukaan he ovat samalla syyllistyneet sunnisiviileihin kohdistuneisiin sotarikoksiin.

Irakin armeija sanoi aiemmin tällä viikolla, että hyökkäys etenee suunnitelmien mukaan, paikoin jopa etuajassa. Irakin hallitus ja kurdijoukot ovat edenneet kohti Mosulia valtaamalla takaisin ympäröiviä kyliä ja kaupunkeja.

Mosul on viimeinen merkittävä Isisin hallussa oleva kaupunki Irakissa.
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Tuonne postaamani shiia-joukot ovat siis menossa

Irakin shiiajoukot yrittävät katkaista Isisin huoltoreitin Mosuliin

Shiiataistelijat ilmoittavat aloittaneensa hyökkäyksen Tal Afarin kaupunkiin.

29.10.2016 klo 11:57päivitetty 29.10.2016 klo 13:26

Turkki haluaisi estää kyseisen alueen menettämistä shiioille ja kurdeille.

'Turkey will not forsake Tal Afar's Turkmen'

Turkey will take all necessary measures if any threat emerges from a Shia militia taking the northwestern Iraqi city of Tal Afar from Daesh, said Turkey's foreign minister.

"Fighting Daesh is necessary, but the process after Daesh must be planned carefully," Mevlut Cavusoglu told.

“Ethnic and sectarian balances must be taken into account in Mosul and Tal Afar,” a Daesh-held city 63 kilometers (39 miles) west of Mosul, he added.

Pointing to the threat of Hashd al-Shaabi, an umbrella group of pro-government Shia militias, Cavusoglu said in addition to the expected attack on Mosul, the militia is also targeting largely Sunni areas.

Cavusoglu underlined that Turkey will "take all precautionary measures allowed by international law" if anything in Tal Afar threatens Turkey’s security.

Cavusoglu also warned that Turkey "will not be insensitive" if the Turkmens of Tal Afar are attacked.
Sepä se. Samantyylistä "olen täällä aivan yksin...täällä ei ole ketään"-touhua on nähty Saudien touhuissa Jemenissä. Siinä ei "supertankki" paljoa auta, jos maasto on sellainen, että vihollinen pääsee helposti past-aseiden kantaman päähän eri suunnista huomaamatta. Jalkaväki on miltei pakollista tuollaisessa touhussa...mutta ei vaan tunnu hiekkavaltioissa menevän perille.

Pitää nyt kuitenkin muistaa että todellinen tilanne rintamalla on usein sitä luokkaa että linjassa on ~100 tankkia, ja kerran viikossa yhtä kohti ammutaan ohjus...suurin osa porukoista ei siis koskaan näe mitään todellista äksöniä jolloin joukkojen taktinen ryhdikkyys väkisinkin höltyy. Ja sitten yhden poppoon kohdalle osuukin sissien ohjustiimi ja kameramiehet.
Aikoinaan näin Irakista videon jossa irakilainen sissi ryömi kasapanoksen kanssa parkkeeratun Bradleyn alle...ryömi takaisin ja vei sinne toisen kasapanoksen...sitten posauttivat vaunun ilmaan eikä jenkeillä ollut evä värähtänyt koko homman aikana.

Abramsien palamisesta, tuolla videolla ensimmäinen hitti tuottaa aika väkivaltaisen palon josta on vaikea kuvitella miehistön selvinneen ehjin nahoin.
Tämän mukaan ihmisiä on jo kehoitettu vastarintaan ja sitä ilmenee.
Voi olla vähän propagandaakin mutta jotain totuutta varmaan on.

Thousands of Iraqi Civilians Abducted, Hundreds Executed in Battle for Mosul

Last Updated: October 28, 2016 1:29 PM

Lisa Schlein

The U.N. human rights office reports Iraqi civilians are increasingly being used as pawns by Islamic State militants in their battle for Mosul. The agency says it has received credible reports of hundreds of executions, mass abductions, and the use of civilians as human shields.

The agency reports Islamic State militants have been forcing people living in the outskirts of the city of Mosul out of their homes and pushing them into the city to be used as human shields. It says that has been going on since the Iraqi government offensive to retake Mosul began October 17.

Human Rights spokeswoman Ravina Shamdasani says IS, also known as ISIL, has abducted nearly 8,000 families or more than 47,000 people and forced them at gunpoint into strategic IS locations.

“ISIL’s depraved, cowardly strategy is to attempt to use the presence of civilian hostages to render certain points, areas or military forces immune from military operations, effectively using tens of thousands of women, men, and children as human shields," said Shamdasani. "Many of those who refused to comply were shot on the spot. And, even among those who did comply, many of them, including 190 former ISF (Iraqi Security Forces) officers and 42 other civilians were shot dead.”

Shamdasani says the cruel behavior is provoking revenge killings of people suspected of being members of IS. She says some individuals have embarked on revenge killings and have vowed there will be “eye for eye revenge.”

She says the high commissioner for human rights is urging people to refrain from vigilante justice and to treat captured IS fighters in accordance with international human rights law. However, she tells VOA his appeal is failing to deter some people from attacking those they believe to be members of IS.

“However, what is very encouraging is that there are tribal leaders who actually are encouraging their people not to exact revenge attacks," said Shamdasani. "They are saying let us hand them over to the criminal justice system because otherwise we will be making things worse. And, this is extremely wise and really it is the only way forward towards peace.”

Shamdasani agrees some people claiming to be internally displaced are actually IS militants. She says it is important to screen everyone who arrives at camps for IDPs to separate those who have run from IS in fear of their lives from the men responsible for their suffering.
Ei. Se on muodostettu liittouman toimesta 2003 jälkeen, jolloin Irakin armeija käytännössä hajoitettiin ja rakennettiin uusi tilalle. Koulutuksesta ovat huolehtineet Jordanian ja Yhdysvaltain erikoisjoukot.

OK se on prikaati jolla on:
Iraqi Counter-Terrorism Force (ICTF) battalion,
three Commando battalions,
a support battalion
a special reconnaissance unit

Niilä ei ole mitään tst-vaunuja, tykistöä?
OK se on prikaati jolla on:
Iraqi Counter-Terrorism Force (ICTF) battalion,
three Commando battalions,
a support battalion
a special reconnaissance unit

Niilä ei ole mitään tst-vaunuja, tykistöä?

Kyseessä on terrorisminvastainen yksikkö, jota on kuitenkin käytetty tavanomaisena taistelu yksikkönä. Anbarin taisteluiden aikaan yksikkö valittikin raskaiden aseiden (jopa kranaatinheittimien) ja panssariajoneuvojen puutetta. Tuki oli ilmeisesti Yhdysvaltain ilmavoimien ja Irakin armeijan varassa.

En tiedä onko tilanne muuttunut.

Linkki kirjoitukseen Irakin terrorisminvastaisista joukoista:
Linkissä CNN:n uusi video Irakin erikoisjoukkojen taistelusta Mosulin esikaupungissa.

Iraqi Counter Terrorism Service commander: Troops have entered Mosul
A senior-level Iraqi Counter Terrorism Service commander said that Iraqi special forces have entered Mosul. A CNN correspondent embedded with Iraqi forces recorded the battles in the area.
Oct 31, 2016, 2:00PM Becca Noy
<iframe width="400" height="300" frameborder="0" src=""></iframe><br>Video by <a target="_blank" href="">JerusalemOnline</a>

Two weeks after the launch of the battle to liberate Mosul from ISIS, Reuters reported that a senior-level Iraqi Counter Terrorism Service commander said that special forces entered the city this afternoon (Monday) for the first time.

"They have entered Mosul," General Wissam Araji told Reuters. Araji said that the troops entered the al-Karama district of Mosul.


Iraqi soldier during the battle for Mosul Photo Credit: Reuters/Channel 2 News
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Kyseessä on terrorisminvastainen yksikkö, jota on kuitenkin käytetty tavanomaisena taistelu yksikkönä. Anbarin taisteluiden aikaan yksikkö valittikin raskaiden aseiden (jopa kranaatinheittimien) ja panssariajoneuvojen puutetta. Tuki oli ilmeisesti Yhdysvaltain ilmavoimien ja Irakin armeijan varassa.

En tiedä onko tilanne muuttunut.

Linkki kirjoitukseen Irakin terrorisminvastaisista joukoista:
OK, ne on sitten luopunut saddam husseinin organisaatiosta silloin....hänellä oli tavalliset JV-divisioonat (T-55) ja valiodivisioonatt (T-72)