Konflikti Kiinan merellä

Chinese people believe the United States is the "top threat" facing their country, a poll showed Wednesday, with most suspecting the world's number one economy of trying to "prevent China from becoming an equal power".

A survey by the Washington-based Pew Research Center revealed 45 percent of Chinese consider US power and influence to be a "major threat" -- more than economic instability (35 percent), climate change (34 percent) and the Islamic State (15 percent).

However, half of the 3,154 respondents in the survey had a "favourable opinion" of the US -- including 60 percent of those aged between 18 and 34.

The news comes as Beijing and Washington are at loggerheads over China's territorial claims in the South China Sea, with the US urging China to adhere to the rule of law and Beijing accusing its ally of interference.

The vast majority of Chinese (75 percent) believe their own country plays "a more important role in world affairs" than a decade ago, compared with only 21 percent of Americans, 23 percent of Europeans and 68 percent of Indians.

However, this confidence in China's international stature contrasts with a growing sense of unease among many, the survey showed, with about three-quarters of respondents saying their "way of life needs to be protected against foreign influence" -- up from 64 percent in 2002.

Despite China's increasing diplomatic influence, 56 percent of Chinese said they wanted their leaders to focus on the country's own challenges, such as official corruption, which most said was a problem.

Growing inequality is also a concern, with 37 percent describing the gap between rich and poor as a "very big problem".

Other worries include: food safety (74 percent), the country's choking air pollution (70 percent) and rising prices (74 percent), as many Chinese struggle to get a foothold in the real estate market
Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen on Monday called for a resumption of talks with China and pledged that "anything" can be on the table for discussion.

Relations with Beijing have deteriorated under Taiwan's first female president, whose China-sceptic Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) took office in May after a landslide victory over the Kuomintang party (KMT).

Tsai has refused to accept the concept of "one China", prompting Beijing to cut off all official communication with the island's new government.

China sees self-ruling Taiwan as part of its territory requiring reunification.

In a speech marking Taiwan's National Day, Tsai urged both sides to "set aside the baggage of history and engage in positive dialogue".

"The two sides of the strait should sit down and talk as soon as possible. Anything can be included for discussion," Tsai said.

While Tsai said she did not want Taiwan and China to go down "the old path of confrontation", her government would not "bow to pressure" from Beijing.

"Leaders on both sides should jointly show wisdom and flexibility and a calm attitude to resolve the existing differences between the two sides," Tsai said.

Taipei has accused Beijing of pressuring a number of countries, including Armenia and Kenya, to deport Taiwanese fraud suspects to China rather than their home territory.

Taiwan has also blamed China for blocking it from attending international events, including a major United Nations aviation meeting in Canada last month and a series of forums in semi-autonomous Hong Kong.

"This is our fundamental attitude towards maintaining the status quo and it is based on the collective hope for peace across the Taiwan Strait," Tsai said.

Relations between Taipei and Beijing improved under the previous China-friendly KMT government, but left many Taiwanese fearing the island's sovereignty was under threat.

Scores of anti-China protesters rallied outside Monday's ceremony demanding Tsai reject the "one China" idea.

Pro-China demonstrators called for Tsai to step down and one man was removed by police after he kept shouting during the president's speech.
syvä huokaus

Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte is willing to hold military exercises with China but not longtime ally the United States, Chinese media quoted him Monday as saying on the eve of a state visit.

Duterte heads to Beijing on Tuesday for a four-day trip that appears set to cement his dramatic foreign policy tilt away from United States, which he has railed against for criticising his deadly war on crime.

"It's only China (that) can help us," China's state-run Xinhua news agency quoted Duterte as saying in an interview ahead of his visit.

Duterte also told Hong Kong-based Phoenix Television he was willing to hold joint military exercises with China and Russia.

"Yes, I will. I have given enough time for the Americans to play with the Filipino soldiers," Duterte said when asked if he was open to war games with those two nations, as he reiterated he would no longer hold any more with the United States.

"This will be the last. It has been programmed. I do not want my soldiers to be humiliated," Duterte said, in reference to one set of war games in the Philippines that ended last week.

Duterte has sought to reshape his nation's foreign relations since taking office on June 30 by pivoting towards China and Russia while moving away from the United States, the Philippines' former colonial ruler and mutual defence ally.

Duterte has repeatedly expressed anger over American criticism of his war on crime, which has claimed more than 3,700 lives and raised fears of mass extrajudicial killings.

He has branded US President Barack Obama a "son of a whore" and told him to "go to hell".

But, signalling his shift to China is also for pragmatic reasons, Duterte has repeatedly ridiculed the United States for what he sees as its weakening economic and military influence around the world.
Näkökulma saaritehtailuihin ja kuinka sitä on vaikea luopua poliittisesti.

Despite global shorelines that are increasingly threatened by rising seas and storms, coastal development is, ironically, all the rage — just look at Dubai’s massive artificial island, shaped like giant palm trees and a map of the world. It’s a potent signal of wealth and power; after all, island-building is inherently political. That fact seems to have escaped the U.N. when it drafted its United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, signed in 1982. Although artificial islands are addressed in the policy, it’s clear the organization didn’t foresee any major diplomatic problems arising from their construction.

In a world that is rapidly changing both physically and politically, that’s going to be a problem, and it’s going to get worse.

Few things cause more international tension than access to coasts, oceans, and their resources, and climate change promises to intensify that conflict. The laws of supply and demand suggest that as coastal real estate dwindles, its value will go up, creating economic and political pressure to not only shore up existing coasts, but create new coastal real estate altogether — this, while coasts and islands elsewhere are disappearing.

Countries with competing claims in the area have responded in kind, building their own islands and settlements and infrastructure. These efforts are extremely modest in comparison to what the Chinese government has been able to accomplish in just a few years.

There’s nothing in the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea that seems to anticipate the artificial islands might be built in a show of imperial and military might in contested waters. The only mitigation is that, according to the policy, the construction of artificial islands does not affect a country’s claim to ocean territory, either as an exclusive economic zone or as continental shelf. But that, in an attempt to solve one problem, creates another.

The U.N. convention makes a clear distinction between natural and artificial coastal features, but in reality, these edges are blurred. Just as China’s island building projects will help it assert de facto control over the South China Sea, over time historical amnesia tends to do its thing, and we start to regard artificial structures as part of the natural environment.

When does a reef, built up into an island and colonized not only by humans but flora and fauna, become a natural thing? To answer “never,” as the U.N. appears to, is both impractical and shortsighted. The policy gives status to inhabited islands, but what of inhabited artificial islands? This is unclear, but what is clear is that this is a potential loophole China hopes to exploit.
Viimeksi muokattu:
Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte said it was "time to say goodbye" to the US during a visit to China on Wednesday, as the combative leader reconfigures his country's diplomatic alliances.

Duterte is in China for a four-day trip that is expected to confirm his tilt away from Washington and towards Beijing's sphere of influence.

During a speech addressing the Filipino community in Beijing, the firebrand president said the Philippines had gained little from its long alliance with the US, its former colonial ruler.

"Your stay in my country was for your own benefit. So time to say goodbye, my friend," he said, as if addressing the US.

"I will not go to America anymore. I will just be insulted there," he added, before once again referring to US President Barack Obama as a "son of a whore".

Duterte, who took office in late June, said he was fed up with the Philippines' foreign policy being dictated by a Western agenda.

"What kept us from China was not our own making. I will charter a new course," he said.

Alkaiskohan olla kohta sotilasvallankaappauksen ainekset kasassa Filippiineillä?

Ehkä, mutta tämän perusteella se olisi aivan selvä CIA juoni.
Ehkä, mutta tämän perusteella se olisi aivan selvä CIA juoni.

Jep. Mikäli ylläviitattu maininta USAsta irtautumisesta pitää paikkansa, niin mikä tahansa destabilloiva tapahtuma maassa viittaa ulkoiseen puuttumiseen ja nimenomaan länsikoalition taholta, koska kellään muulla ei riittävää intressiä liene.
Duterte ei halua että Filippiinit on pelkkä USAn satelliitti. Hyvistä suhteista Kiinaan on ehkä enemmän etua filppareille kuin sodanlietsonnasta jenkkien piikkiin
Ja justiinsa nyt Duterte on ensimmäisellä virallisella valtiovierailullaan Kiinassa
Saa apua huumeidenvastaiseen taisteluunsa sekä aloittavat kahdenkeskiset neuvottelut kiistanalaisista saarista.
Philippine President Duterte announces 'separation' from United States
BEIJING (Reuters) - Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte announced his “separation”from the United States on Thursday, declaring that it had “lost” and he had realigned with China as the two agreed to resolve their South China Sea dispute through talks.

Duterte made his comments in China, where he is visiting with at least 200 business people to pave the way for what he calls a new commercial alliance as relations with longtime ally the United States deteriorate.

His trade secretary, Ramon Lopez, said $13.5 billion in deals would be signed
Duterte ei halua että Filippiinit on pelkkä USAn satelliitti. Hyvistä suhteista Kiinaan on ehkä enemmän etua filppareille kuin sodanlietsonnasta jenkkien piikkiin

No se on aika selvää ihan jo karttaa katsomalla. Kiina on nousemassa maailman johtavaksi talousvallaksi ja sijaitsee Filippiinien vieressä, kun taas USA on tuhansien kilometrien päässä.
Dutertesta saa käsityksen siitä, minkälaista USA:n politiikka olisi, jos Trump valitaan.
Dutertesta saa käsityksen siitä, minkälaista USA:n politiikka olisi, jos Trump valitaan.

Ehkä hän on heidän ainoa vastaus, mutta se tarkoittaa että Trumpia pitää kontrolloida. Kuka on valmis siihen? CIA? Ei kiitos.

Luulen että euroopan on pakko ottaa isompi rooli tässä sivustakatsojan roolin sijasta. Haagi sijaitsee EUn tontilla, ja tämä on poliittisesti vielä kontrolloitavissa. Diplomaattisesti ehkä pakosta, ennenkuin jenkit on pakotettu vaihtamaan tulta idän lohikäärmeen kanssa, vaarantaen kaikki. En kuitenkaan usko hirväesti että näin tekevät vaikka heillä on siihen mahdollisuus, koska munattomuus sanoa yhdellä suulla että he haluavat välisanan.
Viimeksi muokattu:
Ehkä hän on heidän ainoa vastaus, mutta se tarkoittaa että Trumpia pitää kontrolloida. Kuka on valmis siihen? CIA? Ei kiitos.

Luulen että euroopan on pakko ottaa isompi rooli tässä sivustakatsojan roolin sijasta. Haagi sijaitsee EUn tontilla, ja tämä on poliittisesti vielä kontrolloitavissa. Diplomaattisesti ehkä pakosta, ennenkuin jenkit on pakotettu vaihtamaan tulta idän lohikäärmeen kanssa, vaarantaen kaikki. En kuitenkaan usko hirväesti että näin tekevät vaikka heillä on siihen mahdollisuus, koska munattomuus sanoa yhdellä suulla että he haluavat välisanan.

EU:n pitäisi yhdessä alkaa pitää puoliaan suurvaltoja vastaan rekentavassa hengessä eikä toimia jatkuvasti kuin pelästynyt koiranpentu. Kun Venäjä sanoo böö, niin EU juoksee jenkkien syliin ja kun jenkit sanoo böö, niin täällä ollaan valmiita ihan mihin vaan.

Vitsit meitä on monta sataa miljoonaa ja talous isompi kuin ameriikassa. Ihme vellihousuilua!

Tässä suhteessa brexit oli jenkeille kuin lottovoitto.
Dutertesta saa käsityksen siitä, minkälaista USA:n politiikka olisi, jos Trump valitaan.

Tämän voi tulkita monella tavalla. En usko, että Trump alkaisi virallisissa kannanotoissaan kuitenkaan haukkumaan muiden maiden päämiehiä huoranpenikoiksi. Mutta politiikan sisältöä katsoen Trump mahdollisesti tekisi jotain samaa kuin mitä Duterte todennäköisesti katsoo tekevänsä: pyrkii liittoutumaan "luontaisten" kumppaneiden kanssa.

Itse kuulun siihen kategoriaan, jonka mielestä ideaalitilanne olisi saada USA-Eurooppa-akseli vetämään yhtä köyttä, missä Eurooppa sisältää myös Venäjän. Kiinan nousu sekä muslimien kuohunta ovat suurimmat läntistä elämäntapaa ja yhteiskuntaa uhkaavat tekijät, ja niihin vastaamisessa kannattaisi panostaa vähemmän sisäiseen kinasteluun ja enemmän yhteisten etujen etsintään. Tässä olen siis samalla kannalla kuin Trump, joka ainakin vielä joskus 1-2 vuotta sitten totesi jotakuinkin niin, että Venäjän painostaminen Kiinan syliin on suuri virhe USA:lta, ja joka olisi valmis taistelemaan ääri-islamisteja vastaan yhdessä Venäjän kanssa.

Mutta voi toki olla, että olen hieman liian optimistinen sen suhteen, kuinka hyvä sopu USA-Eurooppa-akselin sisällä ylipäänsä on mahdollinen. Jo pelkästään EU:n sisällä tuntuu olevan välillä yllättävänkin suuria näkemyseroja, minkä seurauksena brexitkin syntyi.
Miten Kiina on uhka Suomelle tai Euroopalle ??? Saksan tärkeimpiä kauppakumppaneita, mersut, volkkarit, bemut ja porschet menee kaupaksi kuin häkä päähän samoinkuin kaikki muu kehittynyt tekniikka.
Pikemmin pitäisi Suomen yrittää laajentaa markkinointiaan maailman väkirikkaimmassa maassa eikä sulkeutua omiin pikku ympyröihinsä.
Ja justiinsa nyt Duterte on ensimmäisellä virallisella valtiovierailullaan Kiinassa
Saa apua huumeidenvastaiseen taisteluunsa sekä aloittavat kahdenkeskiset neuvottelut kiistanalaisista saarista.

Saarista ei kuulemma puhuttu. Mainittiin vain ohimennen:


In 2012, China seized Scarborough Shoal, a fishing ground that has become a key source of contention between the two countries. The two did not mention the issue in public following meetings on Thursday, but they did reach 13 cooperation agreements, including those for tourism, transportation, infrastructure, and financing.

A top Chinese diplomat said the two would resume long-stalled diplomatic and defense talks, the lack of any resolve could disappoint some at home.

Liu Zhenmin argued that disputes in the South China Sea were not the sum total of relations between the two sides. In addition to lifting restrictions on the import of fruit, Liu said China would also end a travel advisory that discouraged tourists from traveling to the Philippines.

"Everyone can see that the agreements we have signed this time, including cooperation between the two countries' coast guard departments marks the start of the two countries' maritime cooperation," Liu said.
Miten Kiina on uhka Suomelle tai Euroopalle ???

Meidän kannalta lähinnä taloussuhteet. Kiinalaisilla on esim. ollut taipumuksia sumeilematta pölliä lännen teknologiaa ja pitää oma valuuttansa keinotekoisen halpana.

Sää nähdä, mihin suuntaan suupielet alkaa kääntyä Saksassa, jos ja kun kiinalaiset autot alkaa yleistyä lännessäkin. Juurihan sitä uutisoitiin, että kohta Kiina-Volvoja aletaan myydä Euroopassa.