Ukrainan konflikti/sota

Operational information as of 10:30 a.m. 20/05/2024 regarding the Russian invasion

Glory to Ukraine!

The eight hundred and seventeenth day of the large-scale armed aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine.

Over the past 24 hours, 140 combat clashes took place, the enemy launched five missile strikes using six missiles, shot down 79 anti-aircraft missiles during 55 air strikes, used 1,066 kamikaze drones for strikes, including 82 UAVs of the Shahed and Lancet types. The invaders fired 4,056 times at the positions of our troops and peaceful settlements with various types of weapons, of which 118 were fired from rocket salvo systems.

On the night of May 20, 2024, the occupiers attacked Kharkiv Oblast with an "Iskander-M" ballistic missile, and also hit the territory of Ukraine with 29 Shahed-type unmanned aerial vehicles from the Primorsko-Akhtarsk and Kursk regions (Russian Federation). As a result of anti-aircraft combat, all 29 "Shahed" were shot down in Odesa, Mykolaiv, Poltava and Lviv regions.

Over the past day, the Air Force and missile forces and artillery of the Defense Forces hit two personnel concentration areas, four control points, three artillery systems and an anti-aircraft missile complex.

In general, the total losses of the Russian invaders amounted to about 1,400 people last day. Also, the enemy lost 14 tanks, 35 armored combat vehicles, 50 artillery systems, two anti-aircraft guns, four air defense vehicles, 81 operational-tactical BpLA, a missile, one ship, 60 vehicles and two units of special equipment.

The defense forces continue to focus their main efforts on a decent rebuff to the invaders. Since the beginning of the day, the situation at the front has escalated, the Russian invaders have carried out 533 attacks on the positions of our troops, used more than 50 kamikaze drones. At that time, there were more than 30 combat clashes, one missile strike and one airstrike each.

In the Kharkiv direction, the Defense Forces repulse an enemy attack in the direction of the village of Staritsa. The situation is under control. In addition, our units carried out measures to strengthen defensive lines and positions in certain areas.

According to the updated data, the total losses of the invaders in this direction amounted to 261 people and 40 units of weapons and military equipment over the past day. Our soldiers destroyed one tank, an artillery system, eight units of automobile and special equipment and 13 unmanned aerial vehicles. In addition, two tanks, one armored combat vehicle, eight artillery systems and six vehicles were damaged.

In the Kupyansk direction, our defenders successfully repelled the enemy attack in the Sinkivka direction. In turn, in some areas, Ukrainian soldiers conduct assault operations. The situation is under control.

In the Seversky direction, the number of enemy attacks has slightly decreased compared to the previous day. At this time, two military clashes are ongoing. The invaders are trying to dislodge Ukrainian units in the Rozdolivka region of Donetsk region. Last day, the occupiers paid a heavy price for their activity, losing 99 people wounded and dead and 21 units of weapons and military equipment. In particular, two tanks, eight armored fighting vehicles and an anti-aircraft missile complex were destroyed.

In the Kramatorsk direction, two attempts of the enemy to advance in the Ivanivskyi and Andriivka districts have already been repulsed today. Two more skirmishes continue near Klishchiivka. The enemy has no success. The situation is under control.

In the Pokrovsky direction, the situation is tense at the moment. Since the beginning of the day, the enemy attacked the positions of our troops 12 times. Fighting continues in Yevhenivka, Lozova, Sokol, Novopokrovsky, and Novoselivka Persha districts. A tense situation southwest of Ocheretiny. Measures are being taken to stabilize the situation.

Today, the losses of the enemy in the Pokrovsky direction in the amount of 45 servicemen and five armored combat vehicles have already been confirmed.

According to accurate data, last day the invaders here lost a total of 350 people irretrievably and wounded, as well as 20 units of military equipment.

In the Kurakhiv direction, three enemy attacks continue near Krasnohorivka and Novomykhailivka. The situation is under control. And two enemy assaults have already been successfully repulsed in Vodyanyi and Krasnohorivka districts.

In the direction of Vremivsk, the occupiers of this era have already made two attempts to advance near Staromayorsk. One has been repelled, another battle continues. Loss of positions is not allowed.

In the Dnieper direction, fighting continues near Krynyk. Our defenders have already repelled another attack today. The enemy had no success.

Ukrainian defenders are doing everything they can to hold defensive lines and positions, causing significant losses to the enemy. The command is taking measures to allocate appropriate reserves and means of fire damage.

Join the Defense Forces!
Together we will win!
Glory to Ukraine!

Ukrainan konflikti näyttää tosiaan laajenevan mielenkiintoisella tavalla:

Fico, ryssän tukija ammutaan. Henkilön syyllisyyksiksi lasketaan EU:n tukipaketin läpimeno.

Iranin pressa kuolee. Henkilön syyllisyyksiksi lasketaan Shaded toimitusten hidastuminen/viivästyminen.

Kumpikin asia vaarantaa lilliputtelin pään ja lopun kropan kiinteän liiton joten pakkohan tuossa on mafiapomon reagoida kun ei alaiset suorita. Tosin näitten tapausten hyötyjä löytyy Kiinasta, kun lilliputtelin tukijat harvenee niin Kiinaan on tukeuduttava yhä enenevässämäärin. Kiinan kannalta on parasta ajaa ryssät täysin riippuvaiksiksi Kiinasta ja lopulta junailla Ukrainaan lännen mielestä asiallinen rauha. Tälläinen vaatii kunnon kuristusotetta ryssistä mutta palkintona on kiitollinen EU. Lyö sitten nätisti kiilaa EU-USA välille. Kiinakin osallistunee mielellään Ukrainan jälleenrakentamiseen.

No yhä selkeämpää alkaa olla se että ryssän hyökkäykseen olisi pitänyt reagoida kunnolla jo heti alussa, nyt sitten saadaan nauttia yhä isommista kerrannaisvaikutuksista.
Viimeksi muokattu:
Kaja Kallas sanoi Financial Timesille, että jotkin maat kouluttavat jo ukrainalaisia sotilaita maassa omalla vastuullaan.

"Kaja Kallas told the Financial Times that “there are countries who are training soldiers on the ground already” and they did so at their own risk. If training personnel were attacked by Russian forces it would not automatically trigger Nato’s Article 5 mutual defence clause, she said."
Jonkin verran keskustelua Ukrainassa on herättänyt Syrskyn nimeämä koko itäisen rintaman komentaja Sodol. Väitetään olevan todella epäpätevä. Tatarigami komppaa tässä Sternenkoa (eräs suurimmista lahjoitusten kerääjistä).

These appointments are made not by an abstract state, as Mr. Serhiy notes, but by a concrete official, namely Syrskyi. You have to call a spade a spade, because this is his personnel policy

General Sodol has been appointed as the commander of the Khortytsia Security Guard.

To understand, Khortytsia is the entire eastern front — from the north of Kharkiv Oblast to Vugledar.

And this appointment is a personnel disaster.

It was difficult to imagine a worse candidate who did not care about the life of a soldier.

Previously, Sodol commanded the marines.

No combat marine will say a censorious word about him.

There are a lot of examples in the network when Sodol simply "honed" the marines - from the tragedy with the 37th brigade of marines to the sending of marines to the left bank without any support and protection.

It is very strange to see the state declaring the value of human life and appointing to such a high position someone who treats personnel in the worst traditions of Zhukov.

We will start to change for the better and have a chance to win when the generals are also responsible.

Thoughtlessly lost people - prison instead of a position.

And not a promotion, as now.

Todella merkittävä jos viime yön upotus olisikin tuo "Tsiklon" eikä aikaisemmin mainittu Kovrovets -miinanraivaaja. Tai molemmat toki käy myös. Tuo Tsiklon pystyy ampumaan Kalibr -risteilyohjuksia. Satelliittikuvia odotellessa.
Mielestäni merkittävämpää, kuin uponneen aluksen luokka, on tuo ase mitä on mainittu käytetyn. Rypäleet ovat toki hyviä aiheuttamaan vaurioita aluksille, mutta huonoja upottamiseen tai muuten täysin tuhoamiseen. Eli tässä vaikuttaa minusta suoraan sanomatta kerrotun, että Ukrainaan on toimitettu unitäärikärkisiä ATACM:seja. Paitsi että ne ovat tuotannon uudemmasta päästä, ne sopivat myös monien muuntyyppisten maalien kuin laivojen kurittamiseen. Erityisenä esimerkkinä tulee mieleen sillat.
🔱Operational information as of 1:30 p.m. 20/05/2024 regarding the Russian invasion.

❗️The main summary:

🟠At this time, the enemy is most active in the Pokrovsky direction. Since the beginning of the day, there have been no clashes in the Lymansky, Toretsk, Gulyaipilsky, and Orihiv directions.

🟠The Russian aggressor continues to terrorize the civilian population in Chernihiv Oblast and Sumy Oblast - shelling the populated areas of Novodmytrivka, Sopych, Popivka, Pavlivka, Mystki and Yelino with artillery.

🔵 In the Kharkiv direction, two clashes are ongoing, near the village of Staritsa and the city of Vovchansk. The enemy receives a hard rebuff.

🔵 In the Kupyansk direction, a battle is taking place in the area of Synkivka. The situation is under control. One attempt by the occupiers had already been repelled before that.

🔵 Two airstrikes were carried out in the Lymansky direction - the enemy struck from the weapons of army aviation helicopters near Novolyubivka and dropped four guided air bombs in the Terni district. There were no clashes.

🔵On the Siverskyi direction, our soldiers repulse an attack near Bilogorivka. The situation is under control. The enemy's attempt, supported by aviation, to advance in the direction of Rozdolivka failed.

🔵In the Kramatorsk direction, the number of enemy attacks increased to six. The occupiers tried to dislodge our soldiers from their positions in the areas of Ivanivske, Andriivka, Novy and Klishchiivka settlements. One skirmish continues near Novy and Klishchiivka. The situation is under control.

🟠It's hot again in the Pokrovsky direction - 22 attacks have already been recorded here. 12 of them are ongoing. The aggressor is most active near Sokol, Novopokrovsky and Netaylovo.

🔵 In the Vremivsk direction, the enemy will continue to make attempts to break through our defenses in the Staromayorsky area. Our soldiers successfully repelled three attacks.

🔵 In the Dnieper direction, three enemy attempts to dislodge the Ukrainian defenders from Krynyk were also repelled. Loss of our positions was not allowed.

🔵 In other directions, the situation has not changed much at this time.

Together to victory! ✊
Glory to Ukraine! 🇺🇦


Pikku-Dima isottelee taas ja kertoo päätöksen rauhasta Venäjän kanssa tulevan USA:lta eikä Ukrainalta. USA liittolaisineen on päättänyt tuhota Venäjän ja tarjoavat vain huonoja rauhanehtoja eikä Venäjä suostu niihin ikinä. Ukrainan antautumisen jälkeen Medvedevin mukaan Zelensky pitää tuomita oikeudenkäynnissä terroristina kuolemaan.

Medvedev: The West will push through an agreement on Ukraine that is unfavorable for Russia​

MOSCOW, May 20. /TASS/. The decision on peace with the Russian Federation will be made not by the President of Ukraine, but by the United States and its allies, who will promote a treaty that is as unfavorable to Russia as possible. Deputy Chairman of the Russian Security Council Dmitry Medvedev stated this to TASS, assuring that Moscow will never sign such an agreement.

“One way or another, the decision on the peace treaty will not be made by some half-baked [Ukrainian President Vladimir] Zelensky and not by his conditionally replacing figure. Behind them will be those who supply Kyiv with weapons to continue the “eternal war.” Let’s call them directly - this is the United States and their Western allies," the politician said.

Medvedev is confident that these countries will not retreat from their goal of destroying Russia. “I am deeply convinced that the West will push through an agreement that is most unfavorable for us, which we will never agree to sign,” he stated.

Russian President Vladimir Putin previously emphasized that Russia has never refused negotiations, unlike the Ukrainian side. However, since Moscow has been deceived many times, it must now understand “with whom and how to deal” and to what extent who can be trusted. Putin indicated that the agreements should be based on the draft Istanbul agreements of 2022, but take into account current realities. The Kremlin has also repeatedly noted that the Russian Federation will negotiate on its own terms and will not accept attempts to impose rules on it.

Medvedev believes that Zelensky should be put on trial or liquidated​

MOSCOW, May 20. /TASS/. After the capitulation of Kyiv, the President of Ukraine Vladimir Zelensky should be arrested and put on trial or liquidated as a terrorist. This was stated to TASS by Deputy Chairman of the Russian Security Council Dmitry Medvedev.

“The further (after the capitulation of Ukraine - TASS) fate of Zelensky is not indifferent to us. He must be caught and put on trial for crimes against citizens of Russia and Ukrainians. If it is impossible to deliver such a criminal, the rules practiced for terrorists must be applied,” Medvedev emphasized.

“This is exactly the fate that befell Zelensky’s spiritual teacher, Stepan Bandera,” he recalled.
Siinä taas nähdään että tilanne ei ole läheskään hallinnassa. Tuokin video viikonlopulta. Ukrainan kehno puolustus ja miesalivoima tuolla suunnalla mahdollisti ryssän etenemisen.

Ryssä tekee miinoitteet ja jää nuokin ryssän haltuun lopulta. 🤬
Ukrainan olisi pitänyt jo 2022 erota Ottawan sopimuksesta, he tarvitsevat jalkaväkimiinoja kaikkiin metsäkaistaleisiin, tämä antaa edun ryssälle miinoittamisessa kun siirrytään vähitellen asemasotaan.

Lopulta on kuitenkin pitkä aika, tämän jatkuessa tarpeeksi pitkään odotan että ryssän ja Ukrainan raja näyttää vähän samalta kuin Koreoiden väliset rajat, suurimmalta osin 4km leveä näyttää olevan tuo bufferialue siellä.
Operational information as of 4:30 p.m. 20/05/2024 regarding the Russian invasion

In total, by this time, the occupiers had made 58 attempts to dislodge our soldiers from their positions. Clashes continue in 17 areas. The enemy continues to attack most actively in the Pokrovsky direction.

In Chernihiv Oblast and Sumy Oblast, as of now, the invaders shelled areas of various populated areas with artillery 13 times. In particular, the enemy fired in the direction of Myropilsky, Yunakivka, and Lisny.

In the Kharkiv direction, battles continue near Staritsa and Vovchansk. The enemy used the aviation component five more times: twice it fired from helicopter gunships near Granov, and also dropped anti-aircraft missiles in the Zhovtnevoy and Liptsi districts. Since the beginning of the day, the total number of airstrikes has already reached six.
Attempts by the occupiers to advance in the areas of Synkivka, Berestovo and Ivanovka continue in the Kupyansk direction. The situation is under control. Three attacks by the Russian invaders have already been repulsed near Novoyehorivka and the previously mentioned Sinkivka.

In the Siversk direction, the Defense Forces have been holding back the onslaught of the enemy for quite a long time today, who are trying to somehow advance in the area of Bilogorivka. Our soldiers also severely stopped the activity of the invaders near Vyimka and Rozdolivka.

In the Kramatorsk direction, the battle continues in the area of Novy settlement. Having failed in six attacks in this direction earlier in the day, the enemy carried out five airstrikes - dropping guided aerial bombs three times in the area of Chasovoy Yar, once on the settlement of New York in Donetsk region, and also engaged Su-25 attack aircraft nearby Northern

In the Pokrovsky direction, the total number of clashes has increased to 24, eight of which are ongoing. The enemy is trying to find weak points in our defense near Umansky and Severny. In addition, the enemy dropped a total of eight air defense systems near Oleksandropol, Kalinovy and Zhelany.
In the direction of Vremivsk, near Staromayorsky, four attacks by invaders were repelled. Twice the enemy accompanied his actions with airstrikes.

Apart from the fact that the enemy carried out an airstrike in the Orihiv direction, near Novoandriivka, the rest of the situation is unchanged.

Together we will win! Glory to Ukraine!
