Ukrainan konflikti/sota

Ensimmäinen postus foorumille.

Itse pitää alkuun kehua tätä sivua, on jollainlailla jopa rauhoittanut omaa mieltä.

Ja nyt kun Venäjä hyökkäsi Ukrainaan, niin on huojentavaa nähdä että kuinka paska Venäjän ”pelottava” sotakoneisto on.

Olen aina ollut siinä uskossa että ”jos Venäjä hyökkäis niin..”
Harmittaa kaikki uhrit tuolla, mutta jos jotain positiivista tässä on niin tämä näyttö armeijalta.

En tietenkään aliarvioi Venäjää, mutta jokainen tuhottu sotakone tms on pois meidän mahdollisesta konfliktista.
Ja tämä juuri on se asia joka jokaisella eurooppalaisella pitäisi ymmärtää. Viimeistään nyt.
Mustanmeren laivaston lippulaiva risteilijä Moskva ilmeisemmin on joutunut hyökkäyksen kohteeksi - pari hinaajaa ilmeni netistä seurattavan live-laivaseurannan mukaan Odessan läheisille vesille ja Odessan alueen kuvernööri on ilmoittanut että alusta vastaan iskettiin. Pimeäähän siellä on ja sää kuulemma merellä huonohko, mutta puhetta on että alus on tulessa - uppoaminen asia erikseen: seurataan tilannetta. :salut:
Joo, viimeksi kun laiva upotettiin, niin ei ollut edes meritorjuntaohjuksella, mutta hienosti meni silti ja siinä samalla toinen alus vaurioitui.

tämä on helppo todentaa tovin päästä satelliittikuvista onko laiva hävinnyt tai viimeistään kun sitä ei näy satamassa tovin kuluttua.
Viimeiset 2 laivaa jotka Ukraina "upotti" ilmestyi parin päivän kuluttua uudelleen esille. Jospa nyt olisi totta kiitos aseavun
Jos yhtään kunnolla ovat osuneet kahdella puikolla ja edelleen palaa, niin pitkään on poissa pelistä uppoamattakin. Jopa vuosia.

Despite multiple earlier reports that this would not be the case, the U.S. government has included Russian-made Mi-17 Hip helicopters in a new batch of military assistance for Ukraine. This aid package will also include drones, howitzers, Humvees, and much more, and has a total value of approximately $800 million. There had been talk in the past about the possibility of the U.S. military transferring Mi-17s that had belonged to the now-defunct Afghan Air Force to Ukraine.

WASHINGTON, April 13 (Reuters) - U.S. President Joe Biden's administration on Wednesday announced an additional $800 million in military assistance to Ukraine, expanding the scope of the systems provided ahead of a wider Russian assault expected in eastern Ukraine.

The latest package, which brings the total military aid tally since Russian forces invaded in February to more than $2.5 billion, includes artillery systems, artillery rounds and armored personnel carriers, Biden said in a statement after a phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy.

Biden said he had also approved the transfer of additional helicopters, saying equipment provided to Ukraine "has been critical" as it confronts the invasion.

"We cannot rest now. As I assured President Zelenskyy, the American people will continue to stand with the brave Ukrainian people in their fight for freedom," Biden said.

The new security assistance package, according to the Pentagon, includes 11 Mi-17 helicopters that had been earmarked for Afghanistan before the U.S.-backed government collapsed and 18 155mm Howitzers, along with counter-artillery radars and 200 armored personnel carriers. This was the first time Howitzers have been provided to Ukraine by the United States.

The new package - first reported by Reuters on Tuesday - will be funded using Presidential Drawdown Authority, or PDA, in which the president can authorize the transfer of articles and services from U.S. stocks without congressional approval in response to an emergency. read more

As news of the latest security assistance package came out, executives from the top U.S. weapons makers met with Pentagon officials to discuss the industrial challenges in the event of a protracted Ukraine conflict.

Zelenskiy has been pleading with U.S. and European leaders to provide heavier arms and equipment as his country faces an invasion that has killed thousands and displaced millions.

Russia calls its actions in Ukraine a "special operation" to destroy Ukraine's military capabilities and capture what it views as dangerous nationalists, but Ukraine and the West say Russia launched an unprovoked war of aggression.

In Ukraine on Wednesday, Russia said it had taken control of the port in Mariupol and that more than 1,000 Ukrainian marines had surrendered in the southeastern Ukrainian city, which has been surrounded and bombarded by Russian troops for weeks.

Edit: lisäillään tähän ja yhteen toiseen, eli The Driven War Zone -artikkelia päivitettiin juuri. Aiemmin oli siis että helikopterit "nixed", mutta Biden sittemmin suostui helikopterien lähettämiseen
Viimeksi muokattu:
Eikös tuossa nimenomaan sanottu että kuitenkin olisi tulossa?

Ah, no en nyt ole varma enää, oliko tuossa aiemmin ettei, kun vilkaisin muutamaa muuta artikkelia ensin, ja päätin sitten linkata tuon. Joka tapauksessa aiemmin tänään useampi media uutisoi, ettei helikoptereita olisi tulossa, ja nyt siis ainakin The Drive (päivitetty tai ei) ja Reuters varmistavat, että on tulossa.

Edit: aivan, aiempi versio tosiaan oli että helikopterit "nixed" - eli on päivitetty artikkelia, ja ihan hetki sitten
Mistä näitä sikiää??

I'm in Australia, and our feckless corporate MSM is just as corrupt and useless as in the US or their Eurotrash satrapies.

Yes, javelin has proved to be a MASSIVE disappointment to the US, and the Ukies are sledging it as next to useless. Claims to the contrary are just US propaganda (sponsored by US MIC). Most of the relatively few Russian MBT losses seem to be due to artillery, the one area where the Ukies seem to be quote competent (due to their use of Soviet legacy equipment).

If you wonder about the veracity of US media in issues regarding war, ask yourself how accurate they were regarding the situation in Afghanistan, where the corrupt quisling puppet regime was unable to survive and collapsed even before the last US troops were pulled out
Or their nonsense about Russia getting stuck in quagmire in Syria in a failed effort to support a "doomed totalitarian regime.
Hiukan olen skeptinen.

Toisaalta jos sellainen ihme olisi tapahtunut että tuo olisi pohjassa, ottaisin asian kunniaksi lasillisen hienoa konjakkia.

Tuo on käytännössä lippulaiva.
Vastaa isosti ilmatorjunnasta alueella.
Mistä näitä sikiää??

I'm in Australia, and our feckless corporate MSM is just as corrupt and useless as in the US or their Eurotrash satrapies.

Yes, javelin has proved to be a MASSIVE disappointment to the US, and the Ukies are sledging it as next to useless. Claims to the contrary are just US propaganda (sponsored by US MIC). Most of the relatively few Russian MBT losses seem to be due to artillery, the one area where the Ukies seem to be quote competent (due to their use of Soviet legacy equipment).

If you wonder about the veracity of US media in issues regarding war, ask yourself how accurate they were regarding the situation in Afghanistan, where the corrupt quisling puppet regime was unable to survive and collapsed even before the last US troops were pulled out
Or their nonsense about Russia getting stuck in quagmire in Syria in a failed effort to support a "doomed totalitarian regime.
Pietarin trollitehtaasta.