Ukrainan konflikti/sota

Huyndaita ei ole ollut, eikä muuten tule talouteen!

Toivottavasti tulee mainosta koko maailman tasolla ja kuihtuu pois koko merkki.

Denis Danilov


Kyynisyys ei tunne rajoja. Tänään pidettiin Hyundai-jälleenmyyjien kokous Balilla. Jostain syystä ukrainalaista jälleenmyyjää ei kutsuttu tälle saarelle. Kuten kävi ilmi, syy on yksinkertainen: korealainen yritys Hyundai keskustelee siellä Venäjän vastaisten pakotteiden kiertämisestä jatkaakseen kaivinkoneiden ja muiden teollisuuslaitteiden myyntiä. Hyundain raskaat koneet osoittautuivat täydellisesti "Surovikin-linjan" rakentamisen ja tuhansien viattomasti murhattujen mariupolilaisten ruumiiden hautaamisen asfalttiin. Koko tämän tilanteen kyynisyyden tekee järjettömäksi se, että Venäjä tekee avoimesti yhteistyötä Etelä-Korean päävihollisen kanssa, mikä kirjaimellisesti uhkaa maan olemassaoloa - Pohjois-Koreaa. Ja se olisi ihan ok, jos se olisi yksityisesti, pienten välittäjien puheita, mutta ei, tämä on Hyundain virallinen politiikka, joka yrittää parhaansa mukaan myydä arvoaan ruplilla. Korean hallitus (joka on osoittanut horjumattoman tukensa Ukrainalle) on velvollinen ratkaisemaan tämän ongelman ja tuomaan kaikki asianosaiset oikeuden eteen.
M1A1 Avdiivkassa hylättynä :unsure:

Onkohan tilanne tuossa ihan se mitä väitetään.

muok. joku siellä on kusella tankin takana. kritiikki avoimista luukuista ja ilmatähystyksen puuttumisesta lienee ketjussa paikallaan, mutta ei kauheasti mikään viitta, että olisi hylätty.

Joka tapauksessa nyt twitterissä 2 videoita, joissa väitetään M1:n olevan Avdiivkassa.

Viimeksi muokattu:
Huyndaita ei ole ollut, eikä muuten tule talouteen!

Toivottavasti tulee mainosta koko maailman tasolla ja kuihtuu pois koko merkki.

Denis Danilov

Kyynisyys ei tunne rajoja. Tänään pidettiin Hyundai-jälleenmyyjien kokous Balilla. Jostain syystä ukrainalaista jälleenmyyjää ei kutsuttu tälle saarelle. Kuten kävi ilmi, syy on yksinkertainen: korealainen yritys Hyundai keskustelee siellä Venäjän vastaisten pakotteiden kiertämisestä jatkaakseen kaivinkoneiden ja muiden teollisuuslaitteiden myyntiä. Hyundain raskaat koneet osoittautuivat täydellisesti "Surovikin-linjan" rakentamisen ja tuhansien viattomasti murhattujen mariupolilaisten ruumiiden hautaamisen asfalttiin. Koko tämän tilanteen kyynisyyden tekee järjettömäksi se, että Venäjä tekee avoimesti yhteistyötä Etelä-Korean päävihollisen kanssa, mikä kirjaimellisesti uhkaa maan olemassaoloa - Pohjois-Koreaa. Ja se olisi ihan ok, jos se olisi yksityisesti, pienten välittäjien puheita, mutta ei, tämä on Hyundain virallinen politiikka, joka yrittää parhaansa mukaan myydä arvoaan ruplilla. Korean hallitus (joka on osoittanut horjumattoman tukensa Ukrainalle) on velvollinen ratkaisemaan tämän ongelman ja tuomaan kaikki asianosaiset oikeuden eteen.

Sitten jos vedetään vähän happea välillä. Hyundai Motor Group on tyystin eri firma kuin vaikkapa Hyundai Heavy Industries. Hyundai Group paloiteltiin jo yli 25 vuotta sitten itsenäisiksi yrityksiksi Aasian talouskriisin jälkimainingeissa ja nämä silloin muodostetut putiikit eivät nimestään huolimatta eivät ole korkeintaan kuin normaaleita yhteistyökumppaneita operatiivisella tasolla.

Samalla voisi kysyä lähteitä tälle kyseiselle skuupille.
M1A1 Avdiivkassa hylättynä :unsure:

Onkohan tilanne tuossa ihan se mitä väitetään.

muok. joku siellä on kusella tankin takana. kritiikki avoimista luukuista ja ilmatähystyksen puuttumisesta lienee ketjussa paikallaan, mutta ei kauheasti mikään viitta, että olisi hylätty.

Joka tapauksessa nyt twitterissä 2 videoita, joissa väitetään M1:n olevan Avdiivkassa.

kelailin tuota videota eestaas, minusta luukut ei ole auki ja telatkin näyttää ehjiltä, seisoskeleeko joku hahmo oik.etukulman huudeilla ? ehkä jätkät topanneet vaan kuselle tms. mutta en nyt suoraan allekirjoittaisi väitettä
M1A1 Avdiivkassa hylättynä :unsure:

Onkohan tilanne tuossa ihan se mitä väitetään.

muok. joku siellä on kusella tankin takana. kritiikki avoimista luukuista ja ilmatähystyksen puuttumisesta lienee ketjussa paikallaan, mutta ei kauheasti mikään viitta, että olisi hylätty.

Joka tapauksessa nyt twitterissä 2 videoita, joissa väitetään M1:n olevan Avdiivkassa.

On tuo Mäenpää kans yks idiootti ei osaa selvästikään käyttää omia aivojaan vaan lankeaa hänkin ryssän propagandaan (toisinaan).
kelailin tuota videota eestaas, minusta luukut ei ole auki ja telatkin näyttää ehjiltä, seisoskeleeko joku hahmo oik.etukulman huudeilla ? ehkä jätkät topanneet vaan kuselle tms. mutta en nyt suoraan allekirjoittaisi väitettä
Joo vähän ylireagoinnin makua oli tuossa Mäenpään viestissä kun tarkemmin itsekin tutkin. Kuskin luukku näyttäisi kyllä olevan auki.


Edellä postaamastani M1 videosta, jossa M1 väitetysti on taistelussa löytyy tältä videolta lyhyt anaklyysi ja geolokaatio. Tiettävästi ensimmäistä kertaa M1:t tulessa nyt Ukrainassa, 1 tappiokin näyttäisi jo tulleen (raivausvaunu, näyttäisi vähän miinaan ajaneelta). Avdiivkan pohjoispuolelle geolokaatio, olisikohan siellä vastahyökkäys päällä tuorein voimin.

muok, unohtui linkki videoon
M1A1 Avdiivkassa hylättynä :unsure:

Onkohan tilanne tuossa ihan se mitä väitetään.

muok. joku siellä on kusella tankin takana. kritiikki avoimista luukuista ja ilmatähystyksen puuttumisesta lienee ketjussa paikallaan, mutta ei kauheasti mikään viitta, että olisi hylätty.

Joka tapauksessa nyt twitterissä 2 videoita, joissa väitetään M1:n olevan Avdiivkassa.

Mäenpää tekee itsestään tärkeän, kun etsii virheitä.

Tuo ei kyllä näytä hylätyltä ja videohan on vanha.
Juuri kun ryssän satelliitit tulivat puheeksi, niin kuin tilauksesta tuli vastaan tällainen tuore raportti:

Interested in learning more about Russia's current space program and its future space-based plans?

Then check out this @CNA_org report by @RussianSpaceWeb!

Lainaan linkin takaa saatesanat, mutta varsinainen raportti on 50-sivuinen pdf-tiedosto (raportti julkaistu 22.2.2024 - seuraava linkki avaa ko. pdf-tiedoston): DOWNLOAD FULL REPORT


Anatoly Zak


This paper provides an overview of the Russian military space program from 2019 to 2023, including ongoing activities and known plans, in connection to current military space activities and overall Russian military doctrine. It also provides an outlook of the general direction and prospects for Russian military activities for the remainder of the decade (2020s). This paper is intended as an update to CNA’s 2019 report on Russia’s military space program.

It is obvious that for the rest of this decade, the Russian space program will continue to be shaped by the invasion of Ukraine and Moscow’s confrontation with the West. The Kremlin has been on a path it has characterized as the creation of the “multi-polar world” and strategic realignment to the Global South for almost two decades; however, after the annexation of Crimea in 2014, this process accelerated, and it supercharged following the February 24, 2022, full-scale invasion of Ukraine.

The new geopolitical situation has profoundly affected Russian military space policy and Roscosmos, the main developer of military and dual-use spacecraft. In April 2022, then head of Roscosmos, Dmitry Rogozin, stated that “in the current situation, Roscosmos has to become a much rigid structure [sic], working first of all for the benefit of defense and security of the country.” To achieve these new tasks and goals, Roscosmos would have to change its financial model, according to Yuri Borisov, who replaced Rogozin as head of Roscosmos in July 2022.

At first sight, the overall militarization of the Russian economy and society, accompanied by major investments into the defense sector, could be seen as beneficial to any industry connected to the military, including space. However, it is unclear how much of that financial windfall has gone toward the army’s basic and immediate needs (e.g., boots and artillery shells) or what share is available for high-end long-term projects, including spacecraft. A bigger question is whether the Russian high-tech sector is capable of significant progress under conditions of isolation from the West.

On the surface, Russian military and space officials have pursued the proclaimed goal of refocusing their efforts on the affiliate BRICS countries (i.e., Brazil, India, China, and South Africa) and beyond; however, they have made little progress thus far. Moscow tried to expand already established civilian and military space cooperation with new partners such as Egypt and South Africa, which both had previously ordered Russian dual-use spacecraft with very mixed results. During 2023, Borisov visited Algeria and Egypt, and Minister of Defense Sergei Shoigu visited North Korea at the end of July. These meetings were followed by the summit between Kim Jong Un and Vladimir Putin in September 2023, which began with a highly advertised tour of Russia’s new Vostochny spaceport by the North Korean dictator. However, by its own admission, the Kremlin reached no agreements with North Korea.

In this context, Russia’s military space cooperation with Iran was notable. For the first time, Russia began preparing a launch of a geostationary communications satellite for Iran on a Proton rocket, which would be a rare but potentially important foreign assignment for Roscosmos after decades and billions of dollars’ worth of commercial cooperation with the West. In 2022, Russia launched a reconnaissance satellite for Iran, which was the only foreign customer for its spacecraft at the time.


Approved for public release: distribution unlimited.


  • Pages: 50
  • Document Number: IOP-2023-U-037409-Final
  • Publication Date: 2/22/2024

Viimeksi muokattu:
Mäenpää huutaa että luukut auki. Mutta onko tuossa muita luukkuja auki kuin toi kuskin. Ja onko se juuri tuolla kusella ?

Mäenpäästä on tullut vähän Suomen Elon Musk Ukrainan suhteen. Kaikki on AINA huonon koulutuksen, asenteen tms vika. Jospa se oikea sotiminen onkin aika hankalaa ja kaikki ei mene aina siten kuin harjoituksissa. ?
Mäenpää huutaa että luukut auki. Mutta onko tuossa muita luukkuja auki kuin toi kuskin. Ja onko se juuri tuolla kusella ?

Mäenpäästä on tullut vähän Suomen Elon Musk Ukrainan suhteen. Kaikki on AINA huonon koulutuksen, asenteen tms vika. Jospa se oikea sotiminen onkin aika hankalaa ja kaikki ei mene aina siten kuin harjoituksissa. ?
No varmaan koulutuksessakin on puutteita ja osa kritiikistä täysin perusteltua. Sävy on vain tarpeettoman negatiivinen nykyään, lähtee heti kierroksille. Täytyyhän se vika olla osaamisessa eikä laitteissa kun niillä samoilla joudutaan itsekin sotimaan... Turhautumista tilanteeseen varmaan taustalla.

Kyllähän tuossa M1 taisteluvideollakin taas näyttää siltä, että yksittäinen M1 ajaa kilometrin eteen, käy ampumassa pari kertaa pääaseella ja ottaa sitten hatkat. Ei käsittääkseni tapa millä panssariaseella pitäisi taistella.
Väitetysti 30 kpl T-62 vaunuja saapunut Yevpatoriyan rautatieasemalle eli miehitetyn Krimin alueelle (video on niin suttuinen että minä en mene vannomaan, minkä perheen tai tyypin vaunuja nämä ovat):

The ATESH partisan movement recorded over 30 Russian -what looks to be T-62- tanks arriving at the railway station in Yevpatoriya, occupied Crimea.

Russia depleting their stocks.


Viestiin tulleista kommenteista yksi poiminta:

marqs kommentoi näin: Russian T-62 spotted in Ukraine early 2022 already

Johon NOELREPORTS vastasi näin: That doesn't mean Russia isn't depleting its stocks. Russia is putting them to use on a larger scale now to cover for T-72/T-80 losses. In Robotyne, T-54's are now part of mechanized assaults.

Johon marqs vastasi näin: Sure, you will always have to deplete stocks during a war. But that also doesn't mean the war will be over soon bc Russia is "running out of tanks". And i see a lot of people thinking exactly that.

Johon NOELREPORTS vastasi näin: Agree on that. But then again, I never said the war will be over soon because Russia will run out of tanks. The rate at which Russia is losing tanks and IFVs alone is greater than they are producing. It is also questionable how many of these older tanks in stock are still operational, or whether they have already been partially cannibalized.

Johon marqs vastasi näin: I know, you didn't say that :)
Viimeksi muokattu:
Onhan tuo Mäenpää melkoinen hahmo. Kyseenalaistan vahvasti hänen ymmärtämyksen. Miten tuosta videosta oikein kehtaa alkaa edes kommentoimaan tuota luukun aukioloa ja miten pystyy tekemään johtopäätöstä, että Abrams olisi videossa hylättynä. Panssarintorjuntaohjuksista hän ei ainakaan tunnetusti ymmärrä yhtään mitään. Videossa ajaja on ilmeisesti kusella ja ajajan luukku on auki. Tornia on käännetty sen verran vielä, että ajajan on helpompi päästä ulos.

No jos narratiivi on itsestään tärkeän tekeminen virheitä keksimällä, niin en yhtään ylläty tulkinnasta.
GUR:n Skibitsky haastattelu, osa 1 (artikkeli julkaistu 21.2.2024): LÄHDE

14:20 02/21/2024

The nature of the actions of the Russian Federation with the loud name "offensives" implies a protracted war, and this is what the enemy is trying to impose on us, sacrificing a huge number of its people - the deputy head of the Ministry of Defense​

14:20 02/21/2024

The nature of the actions of the Russian Federation with the loud name "offensives" implies a protracted war, and this is what the enemy is trying to impose on us, sacrificing a huge number of its people - the deputy head of the Ministry of Defense​

10 minutes to read

The nature of the actions of the Russian Federation with the loud name offensives implies a protracted war, and this is what the enemy is trying to impose on us, sacrificing a huge number of its people - the deputy head of the Ministry of Defense

On the eve of the second anniversary of the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation into Ukraine, we talked with the deputy chief of the GUR of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, Major General Vadym Skibytsky, about the development of the Russian military-industrial complex, the enemy's probable plans and the current composition of his forces.

(Part 1)

Authors: Valeriya Proshchenko, Oleksandr Martynenko

Vadim Vasyliovych, the second anniversary of the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation into Ukraine is approaching, how have the enemy forces changed during this time?

If we talk about what has changed during this time, then it is the number of groups deployed on our territory. Currently, the ground component, the ground part of the group, which is located on the territory of Ukraine, consists of about 470 thousand military personnel. And this is only the land component, I do not include aviation, we do not count the navy here, which is also involved in conducting operations, in carrying out strikes.

In addition, a new component appeared, which was not present at the beginning of the aggression (it was represented only partially, by battalions). To date, a group of Russian Guard troops has been deployed in the temporarily occupied territories. These are almost 33,000 military personnel. These are the people who ensure the activity of the occupying power, the protection of strategic objects and, if necessary, can perform defense tasks in the temporarily occupied territories.

What else appeared additionally - the so-called grouping "covering the state border" of the Russian Federation. They are deployed on the territory of three regions of Russia, which directly border with us: Belgorod, Kursk, and Bryansk regions. The Russians are afraid that we will be more active, we will carry out appropriate actions on the territory of the Russian Federation. Perhaps it is necessary to move the war to the territory of Russia. There they concentrated a group of about 30,000 military personnel. Recently, they were also reinforced by units of the 116th brigade of the Russian Guard, which was overturned. Three battalions were transferred from our Mariupol to the territory of the Belgorod region, as they also admit, in order to ensure the safety and conduct of the elections of the ever-living Putin. These are the changes that mainly took place in the number of the land component.

Another thing that happened in two years. We essentially isolated the Black Sea Fleet. All major warships are in Novorossiysk. They can only enter Sevastopol to replenish ammunition, reload or, if necessary, when they are on combat duty. And yes, all the activity of the Black Sea Fleet is near the coast of Crimea or in the eastern part of the Black Sea. To date, we have fully ensured the ability to control in terms of fire, the ability to strike the Black Sea Fleet if it enters the northwestern part. And this gave us the opportunity to restore the sea corridor, along which grain and goods now go.

In two years, we liberated many territories that Russia was counting on from the very beginning of the aggression. And most importantly, the strategic goal of the Russian Federation, and even more so the complete occupation of Ukraine, has not been achieved. We completely violated the plans that Russia had in February 2022.

One of the main tasks that the Russians set before themselves - the so-called "release or assistance to Luhansk People's Republic, Donetsk People's Republic" has not yet been implemented. Two years have passed, and the Russians have not reached the administrative border of either the Luhansk or Donetsk regions. And because of that, we now see the activity of the enemy, which is connected with the fact that, at least before the presidential elections of Russia, we can demonstrate some significant result. I am sure that Avdiivka will be submitted to the elections as an incredibly great strategic victory. Although we understand that this is not a strategic victory at all. Due to this, they simply pushed our troops away from Donetsk.

And in what ways have Russian terrorists become weaker/stronger?

Two years of full-scale war, and we clearly know that a stronger force has emerged in the Russian Federation, and where they are lagging behind. We can name three strengths that the enemy has and which he uses.

If taken at the national level: Russians have a powerful mobilization resource. They have no shortage of men to take part in the war. This is connected, first of all, with the financial side of this issue. The financial motive remains the main one, especially in regions with a poor economy, few jobs and low wages. The package of social assistance adopted by the Russian Federation is very powerful. Among other things, it includes a high salary, especially if the serviceman performs tasks on the front line, one-time assistance from the Ministry of Defense and from local authorities, as well as significant concessions in lending. In addition, an important factor is criminal liability for evasion of military registration, for desertion, for surrender. I'm not talking about espionage and the rest.

The next strong point is that due to the large number of Russians, they have the ability to take troops into reserve to replenish losses and rest, and also to move or regroup troops from one direction to another. I will give Avdiivka as an example. They withdrew troops from the Lymansky, Kupyansky directions and threw them at Avdiivka. That is, the Russians can throw reserves in the most critical directions from their point of view. And the movement of troops, regrouping, they practiced all the time during strategic exercises in the Russian Federation, during other operations of operational combat training.

The third strength of the enemy is aviation and dominance in the air, because every day the enemy uses aerial bombs. For example, the most we counted in one day was 75 air bombs, 500 kilograms, were released on Avdiivka. In addition, you can see that every day there are attacks by the same Kh-31, Kh-59, guided missiles on our facilities. First of all, the Russians are trying now to destroy our air defense system, our weapons-carrying aircraft, and to destroy our airfield network so that we cannot use our aircraft. This is a strong point, which today has a very significant effect on the battlefield, on the conduct of hostilities.

As for the weaknesses - I won't tell you the weaknesses. Because the enemy will understand, and he will simply neutralize these weaknesses. But they have many weaknesses. They are related to both administrative issues of the management of the armed forces and equipment and weapons. We know all this, we take everything into account. Our troops are aware of this. Our strength is that we know the plans of the enemy.

In January, you emphasized that the enemy currently does not have enough reserves to carry out powerful strategic offensive operations in at least two or three directions at the same time. However, recently, more and more often, in particular, in the Western media, information about the preparation of offensives, either on Kupyansk, or on the Zaporizhzhia direction, appears. What information does intelligence have about this?

When we talk about conducting a strategic operation, the Russian Federation clearly cannot conduct it in two directions now. What categories do we operate in? First of all, before the start of the war, the strategic directions for the Russian troops were defined, which in principle remain, and what a strategic operation is defined.

A strategic operation is an operation carried out in a separate strategic direction. In the direction of Ukraine, the Russian Federation had at least two strategic directions. This is the southwestern strategic direction - the area of responsibility of the Southern Military District. And the Western strategic direction is the responsibility of the Western Military District.

Kharkiv, Sumy, Chernihiv, Kyiv region are the western strategic direction. The cities where active hostilities are currently taking place are the southwestern strategic direction. To date, Russia continues strategic operations in only one direction. It has no troops, no forces, and no means to conduct a powerful offensive operation in the western strategic direction. The Russian Federation currently does not have a strategic reserve, they are trying to create one. Everything that was created was immediately brought to our territory. The 18th Army, the 25th Army, the 3rd Army Corps - they are all fighting, there is no reserve.

If we are talking about what should be the pace of the offensive in a strategic operation? For a day, this is an advance of 20 km deep into the enemy's territory. The occupiers of Avdiivka took more than four months, what kind of strategic offensive can we talk about? Yes, these are tactical measures carried out by small tactical groups, assault squads, it goes on continuously. There have been changes in the tactics of actions during these two years, unequivocally. At first, the Russians went to act in battalion tactical groups, and today they have returned to the usual tactics of assault operations. These are again brigades, regiments, divisions, armies, corps. That is, they returned to the classical structure inherent in a conventional conventional war.

That is why we say that Russia is not capable of conducting strategic offensive operations simultaneously in two directions. Actions of a tactical, operational-tactical nature are possible. But it takes time. They took Bakhmut for more than a year. And now there is a lot of talk about the Orihiv direction. To date, there is a result that we achieved during the counteroffensive operation, and the enemy did not push us back there. They did not return to the positions they were in at the beginning of our offensive actions. Thus, there are active actions with the use of aviation, artillery, the destruction of our individual positions, there is no advance.

The main efforts of the Russians are now concentrated on Avdiivka, Kupyansk, and Lyman. Why? Because the task that stands for the next six months will remain unambiguously the same - access to the administrative borders of Luhansk and Donetsk regions. And the second is the maintenance of captured territories. The enemy has captured part of the Kherson region, part of the Zaporizhia region, and they will try to keep them, because they need a land corridor to the Crimea, a logistics system that goes through the Crimea, transportation of ammunition, equipment, and personnel to the south. We destroy large landing ships, they no longer carry anything. If there are 4 or 5 of them left there, they too will be drowned.

Therefore, the task of the enemy is to keep under control the territories they have captured. And containment is, therefore, an active defense or pushing us back to the positions from which we started our offensive actions. And then we understand how important it is for us to have reserves, how important it is to have the support of our partners, to develop our production. Because this nature of the actions of the Russian Federation with the loud name "offensives" predicts a protracted war. A war of attrition. And this is what the enemy is now trying to impose on us, sacrificing a huge number of his people.

So before the "elections" of the president of the Russian Federation, to which there is not much time left, what exactly will the enemy try to achieve?

Before the elections, they specifically want to enter, at least, the administrative borders of the Luhansk region. To have at least some success, something like Avdiyivka, maybe somewhere else in some direction. The key points are: Kupyansk, Lyman, Avdiyivka. And why Kupyansk, Lyman? To show that it was possible to return those territories that were liberated by Ukraine after the start of full-scale aggression. Because it will be symbolic. This is an element that will be very actively used in information and psychological operations, actions, information space.

You have emphasized many times that Russians learn well and quite quickly. We know that Crimea is a "painful" topic for them, and Ukraine inflicts significant losses on the occupiers. But the enemy can learn to defend himself against our successful actions.

That's right, they defend themselves, and we come up with new approaches. As an example, we reached the Crimea, landed a landing force. At first, they reached Sevastopol, Feodosia, and the Crimean Bridge. What did the Russians do after that? They first began to strengthen anti-aircraft defense, create anti-sabotage, so-called "anti-terrorist" groups, conduct training. Doesn't help. Next, they began to build boom barriers, to sink ships so that our unmanned vehicles could not "override" these boom barriers. Then they began to use other means to prevent damage. Nothing, we impress.

You see that they dispersed the ships. At first, they transferred everyone from Crimea, some to Novorossiysk, some to Feodosia. Now Feodosia has also been removed. Next, we began to destroy their arsenals, warehouses with ammunition on the territory of Crimea, and they began to transport ammunition to the territory of Russia. That is, we use new approaches to achieve results.

I will give another example - FPV drones. We started using FPV drones, and the occupiers also realized that this is a very powerful weapon at the tactical level. They are also now establishing a powerful production of FPV drones, no less than ours, if not more. And if unmanned aerial vehicles and FPV drones begin to develop, then the development of radio-electronic warfare means increases. This is a comprehensive approach. There are means of electronic warfare at the strategic level, operational-tactical, and tactical. In order to fight FPV drones, both we and the enemy have to develop, and small tactical-level means of radio-electronic warfare have begun to be actively implemented. We calculated that today Russia uses about 70 types of tactical electronic warfare devices. This includes three classes: portable; those that are placed on the equipment; and portable (gun-type). Of the 70 types, the most widespread are four types: "Lisochek", "Siloc", "Volnorez", "Triton". (nimet ukrainaksi “Лісочек”, “Сілок”, “Волнорез”, “Тритон”.)

Any terrorist act can now be carried out at the expense of drones. And if there is no powerful means of electronic warfare that can either neutralize or destroy UAVs, there will be no result in the fight. And this is the result of two years of war.

In September, you reported that the Russian Federation deployed 46 launchers of the "Iskander" missile complex along the border with Ukraine, what is the number as of now?

Added two more launchers. Not much can change. Their production is small. There were 46, now there are 48. Two launchers were added, they made an additional tactical group, which is used for launching ballistic missiles from the territory of Russia.


Poimin tästä ne kohdat jotka kiinnittivät minun huomion:

- ryssän tavoitteista ennen presidentinvaaleja (eli seuraavan kolmen viikon aikaikkuna): he pyrkisivät ainakin saavuttamaan Luhanskin alueen rajat tai jos siinä ei onnistuta, tavoitteena olisi saavuttaa edes jonkinlaista Avdiivkan kaltaista menestystä jollain toisella suunnalla. Hän mainitsee nimeltä Kupyansk, Lyman, Avdiyivka. Näistä Kupyansk ja Lyman ovat symbolisesti tärkeitä, koska Ukrainan onnistui vapauttaa ne.

- ryssän tavoitteista loppuvuoden 2024 osalta: huomio ja voimat on keskitetty Avdiivka, Kupyansk ja Lyman. Miksi? Koska seuraavan kuuden kuukauden tavoitteena on Donetskin ja Luhanskin alueiden valtaaminen ja rajojen saavuttaminen. Toinen tärkeä tavoite on vallattujen alueiden pitäminen. Yksi syy on Krimin maasillan hallinta ja käyttö.

- ryssä kykenee hyökkäämään yhdessä STRATEGISESSA suunnassa kerrallaan. Taktisen tason hyökkäyksiä on toki laajemmin, mutta voimat eivät riitä vahvempaa hyökkäykseen kuin yhdellä suunnalla kerrallaan. Se voi siis olla joko eteläinen suunta (Zaporizzja) tai itäinen suunta (Luhansk) mutta eivät molemmat yhtäaikaa.

- Iskander-laukaisualustojen määrä Ukrainan rajoilla: niitä oli aikaisemmin 46 kpl ja nyt niitä on 48 kpl eli on tullut 2 kpl lisää. Ei voida sanoa että paljon olisi muuttunut. Laukaisulaitteiden uustuotannon määrä on pieni.

- Mustanmeren laivasto käytännössä eristetty Mustanmeren itäosiin. Heidän aluksensa partioivat Krimin rannikkoa ja käyvät Sevastopolissa hakemassa aseita, mutta tällöin niitä vastaan voidaan iskeä ja on iskettykin

- ryssän joukkojen määrä Ukrainassa: maavoimien sotilaita noin 470 000. Luku ei sisällä ilmavoimien ja merivoimien joukkoja, jotka tietysti tekevät osansa. Lisäksi on uusi joukko, "Russian Guard" jotka toimivat miehitetyllä alueella. Näiden tehtävänä on alueen vartiointi, strategisten kohteiden suojaaminen ja tarvittaessa taisteluihin osallistuminen. Näiden määrä on melkein 33 000. Ilmeisesti tässä ei puhuta Rosgvardiasta? Näiden lisäksi on noin 30 000 "rajanturvajoukkoa", jotka on sijoitettu Belgorod, Kursk ja Bryansk alueille.

- hän nimeää Venäjän vahvuudet:

1) heillä on suuri mobilisaatiopotentiaali ja rahaa joka houkuttelee osallistumaan, varsinkin köyhiltä alueilta. Tämä on hyvin vahva kannustin.

2) joukkojen määrän takia heillä on mahdollisuus ottaa tiettyjä joukkoja pois linjasta, lepuuttaa niitä ja korvata tappiot - ja toisaalta joukkoja voidaan siirtää eri rintamalohkojen välillä. Hän antaa esimerkin: ryssä veti joukkoja pois Lymanin ja Kupianskin seuduilta ja heitti ne Avdiivkaa vastaan.

3) kolmas vahvuus on Venäjän ilmavoimat. Hän mainitsee erikseen ohjautuvat liitopommit ja kertoo esimerkin: yhtenä päivänä ryssä käyttä 75 kpl 500kg liitopommeja Avdiivkaa vastaan. Lisäksi he käyttävät usein lyhyemmän kantomatkan ohjuksia kuten Kh-31P ja Kh-59 eli taktisen tason ohjuksia.

- hän ei kommentoi Venäjän heikkouksista, koska se auttaisi vihollista niiden korjaamiseen. Mutta hän sanoo että ryssällä on monia heikkouksia, jotka liittyvät sekä asevoimien hallinnointiin kuin myös aseisiin ja varusteisiin. Ukraina ja sen joukot tietävät nämä heikkouden ja käyttävät niitä hyväkseen. Yksi Ukrainan vahvuus on että he tietävät, mitä vihollinen suunnittelee / tavoittelee (Our strength is that we know the plans of the enemy.).
Viimeksi muokattu:
No varmaan koulutuksessakin on puutteita ja osa kritiikistä täysin perusteltua. Sävy on vain tarpeettoman negatiivinen nykyään, lähtee heti kierroksille. Täytyyhän se vika olla osaamisessa eikä laitteissa kun niillä samoilla joudutaan itsekin sotimaan... Turhautumista tilanteeseen varmaan taustalla.

Kyllähän tuossa M1 taisteluvideollakin taas näyttää siltä, että yksittäinen M1 ajaa kilometrin eteen, käy ampumassa pari kertaa pääaseella ja ottaa sitten hatkat. Ei käsittääkseni tapa millä panssariaseella pitäisi taistella.
Kuinka hyvin ne massamaiset mekanisoidut hyökkäykset ovat onnistuneet drone aikana ukrainassa? Kummallakaan puolella ne eivät ole onnistuneet. Yksinkertaisesti olosuhteet ovat sellaiset, etteivät tuollaiset massamaiset mekanisoidut hyökkäykset enää toimi.

Noita dronesta kuvattuja videoita tulkittaessa tulisi muistaa, että se kuvaava drone tuskin on sielä vain maisemakuvia twitteriin ottamassa. Tuo yhteistyö dronejen kanssa lienee paras tapa käyttää tankkeja tuollaisissa olosuhteissa.
GUR:n Skibitsky haastattelu, osa 2 (artikkeli julkaistu 23.2.2024): LÄHDE

16:00 02/23/2024

The Russians have set themselves the task of destroying our aviation and infrastructure for Western aircraft - Deputy Chief of the GUR Ministry of Defense Skibitsky​

16:00 02/23/2024

The Russians have set themselves the task of destroying our aviation and infrastructure for Western aircraft - Deputy Chief of the GUR Ministry of Defense Skibitsky​

9 min to read
The Russians have set themselves the task of destroying our aviation and infrastructure for Western aircraft - Deputy Chief of the GUR Ministry of Defense Skibitsky

On the eve of the second anniversary of the Russian Federation's full-scale invasion of Ukraine, the Interfax-Ukraine agency spoke with the Deputy Chief of the GUR of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, Major General Vadym Skibitsky, regarding the development of the Russian military-industrial complex, the number of shells, arms supplies from the DPRK, the enemy's probable plans and the current composition of his forces .

(Part 2)

Authors: Valeriya Proshchenko, Oleksandr Martynenko

Tell us about the current state of Russian missile production. In particular, you said that the Russian Federation can produce about 115-130 strategic missiles with a range of more than 350 kilometers. Is this data still relevant?

Yes, in fact, this data remains. The Russians had and have intentions to increase production. In February, it was planned to release 130 missiles (these are of the Iskander, Kalibr, Kh-101, Kh-32, Kinzhal class).

It must be said that, indeed, the enemy has plans for production, and the Russians are trying to implement them, even if there are restrictions on components due to the introduction of sanctions. For example, we know that a center has been created in the Russian Federation, which is currently dealing with the issue of replacing foreign components, especially the electronic base, with Russian-made components. They are worse in quality, not so perfect, but they allow you to produce weapons. From the remains of the rockets, we can see that rockets manufactured in the fourth quarter of last year are being used now. That is, this is what was produced in October, November, and it immediately leaves the assembly line for use. But we also see that the rockets no longer meet the declared characteristics. That is, the quality becomes much worse.
And we can also clearly see this from the Kalibr, which has greatly reduced the use of these missiles. The last such large-scale use of them was in September, then the Russians used three missiles on January 2, and on February 15 - two Kalibr missiles. Although, according to our information, the enemy is making Kalibr, and the plan is quite big. But the Russian Federation needs to replenish its strategic reserves, to equip the frigates and submarines that they are making, and they all have the main armament - Kalibr. That is, the Russians cannot leave their ships and submarines without missiles.

In addition, the Russians are now trying to use more technological, more effective weapons, because the effectiveness of our air defense system against such missiles is very high. What about Kh-101, what about "Kalibr". But the enemy understands that it is difficult to shoot down ballistic missiles, and for this we need high-tech Western weapons, like the Patriot, and we depend here on the supplies of our partners.

The Prosecutor General and the SBU confirmed that Russia had already used missiles from North Korea in the war against Ukraine. What data is available on this? How do these missiles differ from Russian ones?

Yes, the Russians use North Korean missiles. It is very difficult to find out what exactly is launched: KN-23 or Iskander, but, nevertheless, the characteristics are ballistic. The only thing we clearly know is that the rockets are different in size. And secondly, the Korean missile is newer in development, because, most likely, it was based on the Russian Iskander development.

According to our assessment, the Russians have promised to provide some additional technology in order for North Korea to improve its weapons. But it remains a powerful weapon because the destruction is great. This ballistic missile carries a large charge (more than half a ton).

But this once again confirms that the Russian Federation does not have enough production capacity for a rapid and powerful increase in the production of missile weapons. If that were the case, they wouldn't be reaching out to North Korea.

This can be seen from the ammunition. Our assessment is as follows: the Russians produced last year - they simply fulfilled the state defense order - this is about two million ammunition of caliber 122 mm, 152 mm. But to date, if we take the available statistical data, the Russians have already imported one and a half million ammunitions from the DPRK. But these ammunition are from the 70s and 80s. Half of them do not work there, and the rest need to be restored or checked before they can be used.

What is the benefit for North Korea? It gives away the old one, asks to increase its production and asks in return for certain technologies, including missile technology, technologies for the production of submarines, in order to develop its defense-industrial complex. That is, they traded. We are talking about receiving technologies from Russia.
And the most important thing here for the international community is that North Korea is definitely asking for technologies related to nuclear weapons. And here it is necessary to call Russia to responsibility, because the whole world is fighting for non-proliferation, and Russia is openly starting to work in this direction in exchange for receiving additional ammunition, missiles and other types of weapons.

And what about shells, for example, from Belarus?

The Russians have already removed all ammunition from Belarus, now there is nothing to take from there. Belarusians are now trying to restore their production. But these are not the volumes we are thinking about.

I would like to note that the European Union promises us one million shells per year. And these are all EU countries. Russia has managed to produce two million rounds of ammunition, and this year it seems that it wants to produce 2.7 million rounds of ammunition. But these are plans. Let's see if they will be implemented. But this requires, first of all, modernization of production, deconservation or creation of new lines. Therefore, we ask our partners that sanctions should be aimed at machines, at materials from which electronic chips, microcircuits and so on are made. Therefore, it is a very broad spectrum, and the Main Directorate of Intelligence and our entire intelligence community are currently working in this direction. This applies to everything related to the production of weapons. And I am not talking about the number of enterprises involved in production by Russia. Dozens of enterprises and companies are connected with the production of one or another ammunition or type of weapons and equipment.

Clarifying about Belarus, can we not raise the issue of the threat from there at all today?

Definitely. The full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation began from four directions, and one of them was in Belarus. A powerful grouping of troops was deployed there. To date, Russia has neither a powerful grouping of troops nor a reserve, let alone troops that could be assembled there. They are all fighting with us.

After Russian President Vladimir Putin's interview with American propagandist Tucker Carlson, the topic of using nuclear weapons once again flooded the information space . How relevant is this topic now?

I believe that this topic is not relevant today. There is a threat, but its level is small. This is nuclear blackmail, definitely. And look, it appears periodically. If we have any success, when the Russian Federation sees that we are getting normal support and help, then nuclear blackmail begins. This is a very powerful tool used by the Russian Federation to influence political processes, in particular, in Europe. First of all, these are elections in various countries and preparations for the elections to the European Parliament.

This year, as noted by the military and political leadership of Ukraine, our goal is to gain air superiority. And at the same time, the enemy is increasingly shaking up the topic of providing us with F-16s, which they say will not change anything a priori and in general the planes will all be destroyed. But the enemy is preparing in a certain way for us to receive the planes?

First, when the Russians say that we will not succeed in anything, it means that they are afraid. Why? Because the F-16 is one of the means that will allow, among other things, to destroy their aircraft used for bombing strikes.

All these words, they say that it is difficult for us to operate airplanes, there is no place to place them - this is also all nonsense. Look at how many Western weapons we use today. Previously, no one could believe that our fighters are so professional, because they really master this technique very quickly.

Second, yes, it will be difficult. The Russians have set themselves the task of destroying both our aviation and infrastructure. Here, three days in a row, the enemy bombed one of our airfields, trying to hit it with ballistic missiles. And this is precisely the enemy's approach to prevent us from deploying aircraft there. They are very afraid that powerful Western equipment will come to Ukraine. And we are already clearly convinced and know that Western weapons are much better and have an advantage over Russian and Soviet weapons. Any. These are accuracy, efficiency, and other parameters. We felt it on anti-aircraft defense equipment, on ammunition, especially on high-precision weapons, on armored personnel carriers. And it is visible on the battlefield.

And what about the Russians now in general with airplanes? We see and are very happy with the news that our forces are attacking enemy planes, in particular the same Su-34 bombers . But do they still have many planes?

Many. Let's say that today Russia can oppose and has about three hundred combat aircraft against us. Therefore, if we shoot down at least two planes every day, it will be a tangible result. But then again, the Russians are also learning.

Let me remind you that we shot down an enemy A-50 long-range radar detection aircraft.

Then the Russians moved the area of combat duty, but they lost the range of conducting reconnaissance here. This is very positive for us. That is, if earlier the Russians could see from Azov all the way to Kyiv, now they can't reach Kyiv from the Krasnodar Territory by intelligence means. Because they are afraid to approach the zone of action of our anti-aircraft defense.

It will be the same with aviation. There will be powerful means, more means of air defense. Aviation, the same F-16s will not allow the enemy to work at a short distance from the front line. Then there won't be 75 enemy bombs on Avdiivka in just one day, or on Krynky, where the Russians dropped, for example, 35-45 bombs on one of our small bridgeheads. Our aviation will be efficient, and our pilots are experienced, trained, motivated and highly professional.

But we hear so much talk now that airplanes are not a game-changer in war.

This is what pessimists and enemies of our state say. Because everything we received from partners has shown its effectiveness and brings positive results.

Of course, not as much as we would like, because in many cases it depends on both the number and the characteristics. Because there are types of weapons with higher characteristics, medium and small. If we are given species with small characteristics, then it is effective, but if we are given with the largest characteristics, then the battlefield will look completely different. And we felt this during the contralateral operation.

People say a lot, and many did not believe that we would be able to use Western weapons, or that we would establish a strong production of FPV drones and actively use them.

How is the situation with the "Wagners" in the Russian Federation after the mutiny of the owner of the "Wagner" PVK Yevgeny Prigozhin? Are they no longer in Ukraine?

A volunteer corps of 18,000 people is currently being formed in the Russian Federation . This, including all former Wagnerians, is managed by the Ministry of Defense. They are now operating in the Avdiivka region. This is the brigade of veterans - this is the volunteer corps used by Russia.

Therefore, they are actively used because they have combat experience. That is, they can now be seen on the battlefield. They use the same approach that was used by "Wagner" in Bakhmut. These are constant assault actions and achieving results at any cost. As for the salary, it is almost the same there as in the armed forces of Russia. But at "Wagner" the salary was higher and "Wagner" highly valued his instructors and commanders.

And what about the Russian Federation's recruitment of foreigners to be involved in the war against Ukraine?

You have seen that in Russia they propose to introduce service in the army until the age of 70. Because the Russians understand that they are destroying their entire gene pool. Especially Slavic. That is, only the Tatars and the northern Caucasus will remain there, and the Slavic nation will be exterminated by this war. Because of this, they recruit foreigners, in particular Africans, Syrians. But no one wants to go to war. They come here just to escape and get to Europe. Everyone thinks they are coming here to fight. But it is not so. Believe me. At the first opportunity, they will try to get to Europe.


Poimin tästä muutaman minun silmiin osuneen asian, tosin rajusti tiivistäen:

- hän kertoi aikaisemmassa haastattelussa että ryssä valmistaa 115-130 kpl strategisia ohjuksia per kuukausi (ohjuksia joiden kantama on yli 350km eli tarkoitetaan Iskander, Kalibr, Kh-101, Kh-32, Kinzhal jne.). Hän vahvistaa että määrät ovat yhä samat ja helmikuun 2024 tavoite on 130 kpl.

- toisaalta hän sanoo että ryssällä on yritystä korvata osa länsikomponenteista "muilla", mutta nämä eivät ole yhtä laadukkaita. Toisaalta niiden käyttö voi mahdollistaa kapasiteetin kasvattamisen

- torjutuista ohjuksista on nähtävissä että ryssä käyttää vuoden 2023 viimeisellä neljänneksellä valmistettuja ohjuksia eli ne on valmistettu lokakuussa tai marraskuussa 2024 (hän ei mainitse joulukuuta). Samalla on havaittu että ohjukset eivät täytä kaikkia alkuperäisiä vaatimuksia eli niiden laatu on paljon huonompi

- hän kommentoi mereltä laukaistavista Kalibr-risteilyohjuksista että niitä on käytetty harvoin ja vähän. Hän kertoo että heidän tietojensa mukaan Kalibreita kuitenkin valmistetaan ja tuotantotavoitteet ovat melko suuret (the enemy is making Kalibr, and the plan is quite big). Yksi syy näiden vähäiselle käytölle on ryssän tarve täyttää strategiset reservinsä. Heillä on paljon frigatteja ja sukellusveneitä joiden pääasiallinen asejärjestelmä on Kalibr. He eivät siis voi jättää näitä varustamatta, vaikka onkin sota päällä.

- Pohjois-Korean ballistisista ohjuksista: ne ovat uudempaa suunnittelua kuin venäläisten, koska ne perustuvat ryssän Iskandereihin. Heidän arvionsa mukaan ryssä on luovuttanut Pohjois-Korealle tuotekehitysapua joilla asejärjestelmiä voi parantaa (According to our assessment, the Russians have promised to provide some additional technology in order for North Korea to improve its weapons.).

- aseiden ostaminen Pohjois-Korealta vahvistaa sen että ryssällä ei ole riittävästi tuotantokapasiteettia ja kykyä lisätä sitä nopeasti. Jos näin olisi, heillä ei olisi tarvetta kääntyä Pohjois-Korean puoleen.

- heidän arvionsa mukaan ryssä tuotti noin kaksi miljoonaa tykistön laukausta vuonna 2023, tämä määrä sisältää 122mm ja 152mm. Myöhemmin hän mainitsee että vuoden 2024 tavoite olisi 2,7 miljoonaa mutta toteaa että tavoite ja lopputulos voivat olla kaksi eri asiaa. Näiden lisäksi Venäjä on tuonut Pohjois-Koreasta 1,5 miljoonaa laukausta - mutta nämä ovat 1970- ja 1980-lukujen tuotantoa. Hänen mukaansa puolet niistä eivät toimi ja toinen puolisko vaatii joko kunnostuksen tai laadun tarkistuksen ennen käyttöä

- mitä Pohjois-Korea hyötyy: myyvät pois vanhaa materiaalia varastoistaan, kasvattavat omaa tuotantokapasiteettiaan sekä saavat vastakauppana tiettyjä teknologioita. Hän mainitsee nimeltä ohjusteknologian, sukellusveneiden valmistamiseen liittyvän tiedon sekä yleisesti oman teollisen kompleksinsa kehittämisen. Lisäksi hän sanoo että Pohjois-Korea haluaa kehitysapua ydinaseidensa osalta.

- Valko-Venäjän varastoihin hän kommentoi että ne on tyhjennetty eikä lisää tule. Valko-Venäjä pyrkii parhaillaan rakentamaan omaa kykyään tykistön laukausten valmistamiseen, mutta toistaiseksi määrät eivät ole maininnan arvoisia

- hyökkäyksen uhka Valko-Venäjältä on pieni, koska Venäjällä ei ole resursseja sellaiseen

- F-16 hävittäjistä: hän toteaa että niiden vähätteleminen on typerää. Ukraina on todennut länsimaiset asejärjestelmät selvästi neuvostovalmisteisia paremmiksi. Samalla he ovat osoittaneet taitoa käyttää heille toimitettuja uusia kykyjä. Ryssä toki oppii ja reagoi, mutta uusien asejärjestelmien tuomat vaikutukset ovat silti positiivisia. Esimerkkinä: F-16 hävittäjien avulla Ukraina kykenisi pakottamaan ryssän Su-34 koneet kauemmaksi etulinjasta, jolloin ne eivät voi käyttää ohjautuvia liitopommeja etulinjaa tai hyökkäyskärkiä vastaan

- ydinaseilla uhkailusta: joka kerta kun Ukraina näyttää saavan apua tai menestyvän taistelukentällä, ryssä aloittaa ydinaseilla uhkailun. Se on heikkouden merkki mutta toisaalta sitä ei käytettäisi jos sillä ei olisi vaikutusta.
Viimeksi muokattu:
Kuinka hyvin ne massamaiset mekanisoidut hyökkäykset ovat onnistuneet drone aikana ukrainassa? Kummallakaan puolella ne eivät ole onnistuneet. Yksinkertaisesti olosuhteet ovat sellaiset, etteivät tuollaiset massamaiset mekanisoidut hyökkäykset enää toimi.

Noita dronesta kuvattuja videoita tulkittaessa tulisi muistaa, että se kuvaava drone tuskin on sielä vain maisemakuvia twitteriin ottamassa. Tuo yhteistyö dronejen kanssa lienee tehokkain tapa käyttää tankkeja tuollaisissa olosuhteissa.
Tuossa on kyllä pointti. Ehkä massamaisten panssarihyökkäyksien toteuttaminen on dronejen myötä mennyt rajustikin hankalammaksi. Mitään et pysty tekemään salassa, yllätysmomentteja ei ole. Itsemurhadronet vaanivat joukolla ja toiset johtavat tulta.

Ja taktinen etu tuossa dronen ja takin yhteistyössä varmasti on. Periaatteessa dronea käytetään tiedustelijana ja spotterina/tulenjohtajana tankille. Tankki voi aika huoletta ajaa tasalle x kun dronesta on annettu tieto, että vihollista ei ole. Pitäisikö jokaisella panssarilla olla taistelijaparina drone?