Kun nyt BM-30:sta eli Smerch:sta tuli puhe, niin tässä tarkemmin.
The BM-30 "Smerch" is a Multipule Launch Rocket System. The system was developed in 1984, and entered service in 1989. Designed to eliminate troops, armour, and soft materiels in concentrated
area's. artillery batteries, command posts, and ammunition depots.
The 300mm rockets with a firing range of 70 and 90 km and various warheads have been developed specifically for the Smerch. The 9A52-2 vehicle with the automated system ensures:
+ Delivery of fire from an unsurveyed fire position.
+ Laying of the launch tube cluster with the crew staying in the cabin and without using aiming points;
+ Autonomous determination of an azimuth of the launch tube clusters longitudinal axis;
+ Visual representation of graphical information for the launch tube cluster laying, the route of vehicle movement and location as well as a point of destination and direction of movement on the video terminal.
+ Increase in MLRS survivability owing to reduced time of staying at a fire position;
+ Increased comfort for the laying operator, especially in adverse weather conditions and at night;
+ Increased independent operation owing to the navigation and survey equipment, which allows the vehicle to rapidly change fire positions and move autonomously.
+ Reduction of the combat crew.
BM-30 carriers 12 launchers in total, which can be fired in 38 seconds. The reload time of the Smerch is roughly 17 minutes. And it takes just 3 minutes to deploy. The projectiles that can be used on the BM-30 are:
9M55K Cluster munition, anti-personnel
9M55K1 Cluster, self-guided anti-tank
9M55K4 Cluster minition, anti-tank minelets
9M528 High Exlosive-Fragmentation
9M55S Thermobaric munition
9M55K5 HEAT/HE-Fragmentation
The BM-30 can mix and number of these munitions in one launch and launch selectively.
The main operators of the BM-30 are:
Russia - 320+
Belarus - 50
Ukraine - 87
India - 40
And Venezuela - 50 on order
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