ctg kirjoitti:
Mistäs tämmöinen huipputiedemies löytyi? Onko tämä nyt mutua vai ihan totta?
Tuossa aikaisemmin lähetin linkin ja siellä mainitaan (kaiken muun seassa myönnettäköön):
"After he was captured by U.S. forces in Baghdad in 2003, Dr. Mahdi Obeidi, who ran Saddam's nuclear centrifuge program until 1997, handed over blueprints for a nuclear centrifuge along with some actual centrifuge components, stored at his home – buried in the front yard – awaiting orders from Baghdad to proceed. He said, "I had to maintain the program to the bitter end." In his book, "The Bomb in My Garden", the Iraqi physicist explains that his nuclear stash was the key that could have unlocked and restarted Saddam's bombmaking program. However, it would require a massive investment and a re-creation of thousands of centrifuges in order to reconstitute a full centrifugal enrichment program."
Tuo linkki vie lähimmäksi, mutta se on silti siellä seassa. Mutta linkin kattama pätkä sisältää paljon muutakin mitä sinun kannattaa lukea.
Edit: Oletan, että tuollaisen projektin johtajaa saa kutsua "huipputiedemieheksi"?