"Israel is the strongest power in the region. It could have easily beaten Bashar al-Assad’s forces, which are shattered and scattered throughout the country and have not posed any threat to the IDF for many years now. Even if Israel had imposed a no-fly zone on the Syrian Air Force, or defined an area for the refugees, without a real military intervention, it could have saved the lives of tens of thousands and spared the suffering of millions. It is very likely that an Israeli intervention would have also prevented the Russian military involvement in the region."
Israelilla olisi ollut kyky pysäyttää Assad, rohkeutta ja poliittista motivaatiota ei siihen ollut. Tai ainakin suojavyöhykkeen olisi voinut luoda.
"Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Tuesday that Israel was looking into the possibility of bringing wounded refugees from the Syrian city of Aleppo to Israeli hospitals for treatment."
Israelin sairaaloissa ja kenttäklinikoissa on hoidettu tuhansia syyrialaisia sodan aikana.
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