Syyrian konflikti

Tässä vielä Hixbollahin joukoista Golanilla:

Report claims Iranian-backed militants are dressing as Syrian soldiers to avoid IDF attention
According to a report by the Wall Street Journal, Iranian-backed forces are circumventing Israel and Russia’s agreement to withdraw Iranian forces from Syria’s border with Israel by dressing up as Assad forces.
Jun 10, 2018, 9:14PM JOL Staff

Hezbollah fighters in Syria.

According to a report by the Wall Street Journal released on Friday, Hezbollah and other Iranian-backed militants near Israel’s northern border are disguising themselves as Syrian forces in order to avoid detection by the Israeli Air Force. In the report, rebel fighters claimed that the disguises are orchestrated and supported by the Syrian Assad regime. Over the past few months, the Israeli Air Force struck multiple Iranian-held targets in Syria.

Ahmad Azam, who commands forces in the Syrian rebel Salvation Army, was quoted claiming that the Iranian-backed forces are “leaving in their Hezbollah uniform and they are returning in regime vehicles and dressed in regular [Syrian] army uniforms.” Azam also claimed that many of the Iranian-backed militants are given official ID cards from the Syrian government that belonged to now dead Syrian government forces. Two weeks ago, JOL reported that Israel and Russia had reached an agreement to withdraw Iranian-backed forces from Syria’s southern region, near the Israeli border. JOL also reported that the Russian foreign minister was also quoted as stating that only Assad forces have a right to be present in southern Syria.

As a result of the agreement between Russia and Israel, the Israeli Air Force would be free to strike any targets it believes to endanger Israel’s security without striking Russian, Iranian, or Syrian government forces. This agreement came after it was reported that Iranian forces fired rockets on IDF forces for the first time in the two countries’ histories. Following Israeli air strikes on Iranian-held positions in Syria, many feared that hostilities could escalate into a war-like scenario. The agreement between Russia and Israel suggested that both sides were attempting to avoid this outcome. However, both Israeli and Iranian officials were quoted as stating that no such agreement was actually reached.

Iranian General Masoud Jazayeri was quoted as stating that “the US and Israel are making desperate attempts to change the situation at the border” and that “the Zionist regime’s greatest fear is the presence of Muslim fighters near the border. It has come to pass.”

Israeli forces near the border with Syria remain on high alert, with the expectation that hostilities near the border may continue for a number of months. Hezbollah forces are now deeply involved on three fronts of hostilities with Israel. Yesterday, JOL reported that Hezbollah forces are training Hamas terrorists in Lebanon, as well as building a new missile manufacturing factory. In addition to training Hamas forces and engaging in combat in Syria, Hezbollah continues to prepare for expected hostilities with Israel at the Lebanon border.
Syyria siirtänyt ilmatorjuntaa Israelin rajalle.

Syrian army deployed additional AA systems along border with Israel
Augmenting the AA deployment is meant to decrease the Israeli freedom of operation in the Syrian airspace.
Jun 13, 2018, 12:48PM Raz-Haviv Dahan

Syrian anti-aircraft missiles.

The Syrian military has reinforced its deployment of anti-air systems along the border with Israel to minimize the IAF's freedom of operation in the Syrian airspace.

According to a senior commander in the Syrian military, who spoke to Reuters (Tuesday), the additional deployment comes as an effort "to renew the air defense system against Israel in the first degree". The systems that are to be deployed are the Russian Pantsir S1.

Last week, the Syrian president Bashar al-Assad told British Mail on Sunday that Israel and Russia have no military coordination regarding Syria and that the Syrian civil war is due to end in one year at most. "Russia never coordinated with anyone against Syria, either politically or militarily, and that's (a) contradiction, how could they help the Syrian army advancing and at the same time work with our enemies in order to destroy our army?"

Regarding the Syrian relations with Russia Assad commented, "We've had good relations with Russia for more than six decades now, nearly seven decades. They never, during our relation, try to dictate, even if there are differences."
Syyria siirtänyt ilmatorjuntaa Israelin rajalle.

Syrian army deployed additional AA systems along border with Israel
Augmenting the AA deployment is meant to decrease the Israeli freedom of operation in the Syrian airspace.
Jun 13, 2018, 12:48PM Raz-Haviv Dahan

Syrian anti-aircraft missiles.

The Syrian military has reinforced its deployment of anti-air systems along the border with Israel to minimize the IAF's freedom of operation in the Syrian airspace.

According to a senior commander in the Syrian military, who spoke to Reuters (Tuesday), the additional deployment comes as an effort "to renew the air defense system against Israel in the first degree". The systems that are to be deployed are the Russian Pantsir S1.

Last week, the Syrian president Bashar al-Assad told British Mail on Sunday that Israel and Russia have no military coordination regarding Syria and that the Syrian civil war is due to end in one year at most. "Russia never coordinated with anyone against Syria, either politically or militarily, and that's (a) contradiction, how could they help the Syrian army advancing and at the same time work with our enemies in order to destroy our army?"

Regarding the Syrian relations with Russia Assad commented, "We've had good relations with Russia for more than six decades now, nearly seven decades. They never, during our relation, try to dictate, even if there are differences."
Israelilla halvempaa tuhota nuo systeemit lyhyemmän kantaman aseilla.
Israelilla halvempaa tuhota nuo systeemit lyhyemmän kantaman aseilla.
Sehän tässä väkisinkin tulee mieleen, että eikö iippojen ole vain helpompi tuhota nuo mitä lähempänä ne ovat Israelin rajaa. Esim. jos iippohävittäjät ottavat nuo kohteekseen ja ampuvat läjän ohjuksia tai liitopommeja jo Israelin ilmatilasta, niin eikö niille rajan tuntumassa majaileville pantsireille jäisi silloin vähemmän aikaa reagoida, kun tuskinhan ne voivat torjua niitä ohjuksia/pommeja niiden lentäessä vielä Israelin ilmatilassa?

OPCW vahvisti tänään julkaisemassaan raportissa, että Syyriassa 24.3. oli käytetty sariinia ja 25.3. tod näk klooria. Sariiniselvittelyissa oli mittauksissa todettu jäämien sisältävän heksamiinia. Heksamiini on ollut siis Syyrian "tavaramerkki" sariinin valmistuksessa.

"The hexamine finding “is a particularly significant match,” Smithson said, because it is a chemical identified as a unique hallmark of the Syrian military’s process to make sarin."

Tämänpäiväinen raportti on nyt yksi lisä tuohon todistekasaan Syyrian käyttämästä kaasuaseesta.
ISIS:in kuolinkouristuksia:

ISIS teloitti valtavassa verilöylyssä 90 omaa jihadistiaan

Arno Rydman | 14.06.2018 | 13:52- päivitetty 14.06.2018 | 14:05

Syyrian Isis-johtajat ovat riitaantuneet keskenään.

Isis teloitti suuren joukon omia jihadistejaan useiden taistelukentillä koettujen tappioiden surauksena Syyriassa ja Irakissa, kertoo uutissivusto Iraq News.

Irakin puolisotilaallisten shiiajoukkojen komentaja Qutri Al-Obeidin mukaan teloitukset tehtiin Syyriassa lähellä Irakin-vastaista rajaa. Kyseessä oli tähän mennessä suurin omiin jihadisteihin kohdistunut rankaisutoimenpide.
– Isisin johtajat tappoivat noin 90 jihadistia ja heittivät ruumiit Eufrat-jokeen, Al-Obeidin sanoo.

Uhrien kerrotaan olleen haluttomia osallistumaan Syyrian armeijan vastaisiin taisteluihin. Syyrian armeija suorittaa parhaillaan operaatioita vapauttaakseen Isisin hallussa olevia rajaseudun alueita.

Al-Obeidin mukaan Syyriassa olevat Isis-johtajat ovat riitaantuneet keskenään sen jälkeen, kun Syyrian joukot saartoivat jihadistit ja Irakin ilmavoimat alkoivat pommittaa heitä.

Syksyllä 2017 Isis menetti viimeiset hallitsemansa merkittävät alueet Syyrian Raqqassa.
Aiemmin Britannian kokoista maa-aluetta vallassaan pitäneen Isisin alue käsittää Syrian Observatory for Human Rights -järjestön mukaan nyt alle kolme prosenttia Syyrian pinta-alasta.

Isis on ajettu asemistaan myös Irakissa.
USA on kieltänyt olleensa iskun takana.
Olisiko joku raketti-isku tms jotka paikalla olleet ovat luulleet ilmasta laukaistuiksi.