Korean Sota Osa II ?

Teräsmies kirjoitti:
Tällä miekkoselle on ihan hyvät mielipiteet.

Ja tällä.

Korean sota 2.0
China won’t sell out North Korea, no matter how much it should, and that sends a message to the rest of the world.

Who would you rather have in your corner? Who is going to stand by you when times are tough? China or America?
ctg kirjoitti:
China won’t sell out North Korea, no matter how much it should, and that sends a message to the rest of the world.

Who would you rather have in your corner? Who is going to stand by you when times are tough? China or America?
Vaikuttaapa varsin luotettavalta lähteeltä! :a-rolleyes:
MID-WEST, UNITED STATES — Within hours of South Korean news sources breaking a story that several Sang-Ho class submarines had disappeared from their North Korean bases, a ham radio operator named Tim, picked up a “numbers station” broadcasting on the same frequency as “The Voice of Korea” propaganda station. What makes this even more interesting is that at the tail end of the numbers transmission there was a long duration digital transmission as well.

North Korea has warned foreigners in South Korea to take evacuation measures in case of war. This comes amid growing concern that the North may be about to launch a missile test. Pyongyang has been making bellicose threats against South Korea, Japan and US bases in the region.

Japan has deployed defensive anti-missile batteries at three locations in Tokyo, to protect the capital's 30 million residents.

In the latest ratcheting up of tensions from North Korea, leadership has called for the complete evacuation and suspension of activities at the Kaesong industrial zone, an industrial area on the border where South Koreans and North Koreans work.

Already last week, North Korea was turning away workers from the South. Now all workers are being evacuated.

This is an unprecedented step that doesn't fit in with past episodes of DPRK bluster.

WASHINGTON — As North Korea hints at new military provocations in the coming days, the United States and South Korea have drawn up plans to respond more forcefully than in the recent past, but in a limited way intended to prevent an escalation to broader war.
E-Korea nostaa hälytysvalmiutta
P-Koreasta paenneet saatiin viime hetkellä kiinni
Japan has only limited access to U.S. intelligence about North Korea's nuclear program, even though it relies heavily on its ally for an informed view of global threats.

"There must be many secrets between the United States and North Korea that Japan does not know about," a Japanese government source said.

WASHINGTON (AP) — The top U.S. military commander in the Pacific said Tuesday that North Korea’s pursuit of nuclear weapons and long-range ballistic missiles represents a clear and direct threat to the United States and its allies in the region.

SEOUL, April 10 (Yonhap) -- South Korean police have tightened security around the nation to remain vigilant against possible North Korean terrorist attacks, officials said Wednesday.

The National Police Agency (NPA) has elevated the state of terror alert one notch from "attention" to "caution" to maintain a strong anti-terrorist stance, officials said.

South Korea is finalising plans to track down and block GPS jamming signals emitted by its increasingly belligerent northern neighbour.
Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov believes that the North Korea crisis should be given a chance to blow over, and urged calm ahead of talks with his US counterpart, Secretary of State John Kerry. “No one should intimidate anyone with any military maneuvers,” Lavrov said ahead of one-on-one meetings in London on the sidelines of the G8 foreign ministers’ summit. “There is yet a chance the situation will calm down by itself.” He also said that the US and Russia have no differences in their stance on the East Asian country.
Hyvä homma, koska viime kahakoissa Korean niemimaalla oli Amerikalla ja Venäjällä paljonkin erimielisyyksiä
Hairysteed kirjoitti:
Hyvä homma, koska viime kahakoissa Korean niemimaalla oli Amerikalla ja Venäjällä paljonkin erimielisyyksiä

Ryssät tietää, että he joko myötäilevät jenkkejä tässä asiassa, tai sitten PK nolaa heidät perinpohjaisesti.
ctg kirjoitti:
Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov believes that the North Korea crisis should be given a chance to blow over, and urged calm ahead of talks with his US counterpart, Secretary of State John Kerry. “No one should intimidate anyone with any military maneuvers,” Lavrov said ahead of one-on-one meetings in London on the sidelines of the G8 foreign ministers’ summit. “There is yet a chance the situation will calm down by itself.” He also said that the US and Russia have no differences in their stance on the East Asian country.

Mielestäni kiintoisa sanavalinta. Ei siis "on mahdollista että jotain tapahtuu" vaan olettaen että käännös on oikein, "on yhä mahdollista että tilanne rauhoittuu itsestään". Siis mahdollista, ei todennäköistä. Kun nyt ei pallopääpoika kiristäisi ruuvia niin tiukalle ettei enää pystykään kasvojaan menettämättä peräytymään.

South Korea’s government has concluded the March 20 cyberattacks that hit three of the country’s TV broadcasters and three of its banks were launched by attackers linked to the North Korean government.

This week comes one sure sign that life on in the North is returning to normal after weeks of military drills: nationwide manure production. Millions of North Koreans have swopped guns for shovels and returned to collective farms to make fertiliser. Sources in South Korea say a quarter of the North’s population – up to seven million people – have been ordered to prepare for spring crops, an annual ritual that is critically important for the impoverished, aid-dependent nation.

“Until last month there were worker and peasant Red Guards and other reserves on the streets, all in uniform with their backpacks and guns, but now there are only workers with shovels and hoes, mobilised to produce manure for farms,” said the well-respected Dailynk.com news website, which relies on information from a network of reporters inside the North.
Tuotanoin, onkohan missään tullut julkiseksi tiedustelutietoa siitä, että onko USAn YAL-1B ABL (AirBorneLaser) -koneet sattumalta kiertelemässä jossain Korean niemimaan itärannikolla? Tuli vaan mieleen, kun tuolla Saksalainen sotilaslaser-ketjussa mainitaan viime aikojen kehitystä näissä aseissa. Siis, jos/kun oikeasti on riski että P-K ampuu oikeasti jonkun ohjuksen toista maata kohti, niin ABL saattaisi pystyä pudottamaan sen heti kun ohjus tulee pilvien yläpuolelle. Vaatisi sitä, että ABL-koneen on oltava valmiiksi alueella. En muista onko koneita yksi vai useampia, tai että pystyykö sitä ilmatankkaamaan. Tai että miltä kentiltä ne operoisivat, lienevät vielä kehitysalustoja eikä sotakäyttöön hyväksyttyjä laitteita. Mutta tilanne vähän edellyttäisi sitä että tämänkin torjunta-ase olisi valmiudessa?

Edith: kyllä tuota YAL-1A:ta ilmatankataan ainakin kuvassa ... toisaalta, koneen lennon sanotaan olevan 12-18 tuntia, mutta en tiedä voiko mukaan pakata tuplamiehistön, vettä ja näkkileipää viikon operaatiota varten...
OldSkool kirjoitti:
Edith: kyllä tuota YAL-1A:ta ilmatankataan ainakin kuvassa ... toisaalta, koneen lennon sanotaan olevan 12-18 tuntia, mutta en tiedä voiko mukaan pakata tuplamiehistön, vettä ja näkkileipää viikon operaatiota varten...

Jos siellä on kukaan yhtään suunnitellut asioita, niin joko Koreassa tai Japanissa on joku lentotukikohta, joka on varustettu huoltamaan tuota tai vermeet saadaan helpolla kuljetettua sinne. Siis mihin muuhunkaan tuota konetta olisi suunniteltu? Iran on toki uhitellut viimeaikoina, mutta PK on tehnyt sitä huomattavasti pitempään.
OldSkool kirjoitti:
Tuotanoin, onkohan missään tullut julkiseksi tiedustelutietoa siitä, että onko USAn YAL-1B ABL (AirBorneLaser) -koneet sattumalta kiertelemässä jossain Korean niemimaan itärannikolla?

Pahoin pelkään että kyseinen kapine on koipussissa.

Funding for the program was cut in 2010 and the program was canceled in December 2011. It made its final flight on February 14, 2012 to Davis–Monthan Air Force Base in Tucson, Arizona to be prepared and kept in storage at the "Boneyard" by the 309th Aerospace Maintenance and Regeneration Group.
"No one should be allowed to throw a region and even the whole world into chaos for selfish gains," Mr Xi warned during a speech at the opening of the forum.

The Chinese president did not mention any country by name, but it is widely believed that his words were aimed at Pyongyang.

Decades ago, China and North Korea forged a relatively close relationship based on shared historical and ideological ties. But that relationship has entered a dark period.

"Since North Korea's nuclear test in February, there has been no high-level official contact and the relationship on both sides is relatively cold," explains Professor Su Hao of China's Foreign Affairs University.

Links between the two countries failed to recover after the death of Kim Jong-Il last year, some argue. When Kim Jong-Un came to power, he failed to pay his respects to the leaders in Beijing who were providing his regime with the majority of North Korea's food and fuel aid.

"In comparison with his grandfather and his father, China has minimal personal contact with the young leader," says Cheng Xiaohe, deputy director at the Center for China's International Strategic Studies at Renmin University in Beijing.

"When this young guy came to power, he tried to show his tough face to the US and South Korea, but also to China."

Gary Samore, a top Obama administration national security official, warned of new sanctions if North Korea conducted a third round of nuclear tests on Monday, as reports surfaced that North Korea has miniaturized its nuclear warheads so they can be delivered by ballistic missile.

North Korea’s last round of tests, conducted in May 2009, appear to have included a “super-EMP” weapon, capable of emitting enough gamma rays to disable the electric power grid across most of the lower 48 states, says Dr. Peter Vincent Pry, a former CIA nuclear weapons analyst and president of EMPact America, a citizens lobbying group.

Tulee mieleen saddamin alumiiniputket.

North Korea is "skating very close to a dangerous line" after weeks of saber-rattling, U.S. Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel warned Wednesday as northeast Asia watched for an expected missile test.

"Their actions and their words have not helped defuse a combustible situation," Hagel told reporters at the Pentagon. He said the United States and its allies want to see North Korean rhetoric "ratcheted down," but if that doesn't happen, "our country is fully prepared to deal with any contingency."

"We have every capacity to deal with any action North Korea will take to protect this country and the interests of this country and our allies," Hagel said.
http://www.uusisuomi.fi/ulkomaat/58263-etela-koreasta-kova-pyynto-usa-kieltaytyy kirjoitti:
Etelä-Koreasta kova pyyntö – USA kieltäytyy

Yhdysvaltain kongressissa paljastettujen tiedustelutietojen mukaan on todennäköistä, että Pohjois-Korea pystyy varustamaan ohjuksen jonkinlaisella ydinkärjellä. Etelä-Koreassa on ehditty jo pyytää Yhdysvalloilta ydinaseita pelotteeksi pohjoista naapuria vastaan.

Kongressiedustaja Doug Lamborn paljasti salaisen tiedusteluraportin arvion kongressin istunnossa, kertovat muun muassa uutistoimisto Yonhap ja BBC. Lambornin mukaan raportissa todetaan ”kohtuullisella varmuudella”, että Pohjois-Korea pystyy varustamaan ballistisen ohjuksen ydinkärjellä. Samalla todetaan, että tällaisen ohjuksen toimivuus ja luotettavuus on hyvin kyseenalainen.


Yhdysvaltain sotilastiedustelussa uskotaan, että Pohjois-Korea pystyy varustamaan ohjuksen jonkinlaisella ydinkärjellä.

Pentagon totesikin myöhemmin, että Pohjois-Korea tuskin on kyennyt kunnolla testaamaan tai kokeilemaan tällaisen ydinaseen käyttöä. Myös Etelä-Koreassa epäiltiin tietoja, että Pohjois-Korea olisi todella kyennyt kehittämään ydinkärjeksi soveltuvan pienen ydinpommin.

Yonhapin mukaan joukko eteläkorealaisia kansanedustajia on pyytänyt Yhdysvaltoja siirtämään Etelä-Koreaan ydinaseitaan vastaamaan Pohjois-Korean uhkaan. Yhdysvallat ei aio toteuttaa pyyntöä.

–Emme puolla taktisten ydinaseiden palauttamista Korean niemimaalle, sanoo Yhdysvaltain asevoimien komentaja, kenraali Martin Dempsey.
NATO head Anders Fogh Rasmussen has been dispatched to Seoul for high level consultations.

The official disclaimer is that this has nothing to do with the ongoing US-DPRK confrontation. “The trip was long-planned and not connected with North Korean threats of nuclear war”.

Rasmussen is slated to meet the newly-elected President Park Geun-hye, Foreign Minister Yun Byung-se and Defence Minister Kim Kwan Jin.

Although unconfirmed, Rasmussen will likely also meet up with military brass of the South Korea-US Combined Forces Command.

When asked if the trip was in any way linked with rising tensions on the Korean peninsula, a NATO official candidly responded that

“Rather than the current crisis, it would instead cover Afghanistan where non-member South Korea has contributed some 350 troops to NATO-led forces fighting the Taliban” (NATO official statement quoted by AFP, April 9, 2013)

It is worth noting that Rasmussen’s presence in Seoul coincides with the visit by US Secretary of State John Kerry.

What is at stake are high level discussions.

The presence of Rasmussen also confirms that NATO has taken on a global military mandate well beyond the confines of the so-called “Atlantic region”.

It also points to the possible military involvement at some future date of NATO member states in the Korean Peninsula.

“Amidst these disputes, the South Korean government believes that North Korea may have as much as $6 trillion USD in rare earth elements. Beyond the metals, North Korea is known to be a rich source of many minerals including gold, zinc, magnesite, and others. “
Minä lujin että P-korean ydinmaali eli ensimm'inen maali olisi Tokyo, Japani
