Uutisia Israelista

Mielenkiintoinen liike siirtokuntalaisten ja PLO:n tukijoiden kesken uudentyyppisen kahden valtion unionin muodostamiseksi
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“Two States, One Homeland”: A new solution for peace between Israelis and Palestinians
The peace negotiations between the leaders are at a deadlock, the relevance of a two-state solution seems to be decreasing and the binational solution endangers the Jewish identity of Israel- but maybe there is another solution: A new initiative, backed by Israeli settlers and Palestinians, is calling for Israel and Palestine to become two states under a joint union, similar to the EU.


Beiruti and Cohen

It is a picture that is hard to imagine: Muhammad Beiruti, a Palestinian from Ramallah who supports the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), sitting and talking with Eliaz Cohen, an Israeli settler from Kfar Etzion. Both of them are convinced that this land cannot be split up. “Everything is mixed together,” explained Cohen. “The fence is a tear in the view but more than that, it isn’t effective and it will probably not create good neighbors on either side.” Beiruti added: “Every day, people are going over and under the fence, it doesn’t provide security- it’s just ugly.”

Beiruti and Cohen are two prominent members of “Two States, One Homeland,” a new movement whose principles regarding its approach to the Israeli Palestinian conflict were composed during hundreds of meetings that were conducted, secretly, on both sides of the Green Line over the past four years. On the Israeli side, several settlers from Gush Etzion are very prominent in the movement. These settlers explain that their views changed in recent years. “It took me a while to break free from the fear of a Palestinian state,” Cohen admitted.

“Our plan is really very simple- two independent and sovereign states that belong to a joint union and have strong interactions: open borders, joint rights and perhaps even a joint court for human rights,” explained Meyer Yoshua, another prominent Two States, One Homeland activist. “Everyone can live where he wants to live in these two countries. This is the idea.”

Beiruti explained that “the Palestinians who want to live in Palestine can [live] even in Efrat. The Israelis who want to live in Ramallah can [live there]. Settlers will no longer be ‘settlers,’ they will be Israeli citizens who live in a Palestinian state or Palestinian citizens. We will find the solutions.”

“We need to free ourselves from this fear, that it would just be like the 1929 Palestine riots, which has been disabling us for years,” insisted Cohen. “We aren’t delusional. The person who is delusional is the one who allows the fear to control him. Bibi [Benjamin] Netanyahu is delusional. Naftali Bennett, who calls Palestinians a ‘shrapnel in the butt’- an entire group of people-, is delusional. We are killing each other and cannot imagine a different reality. The reality in which we live today is delusional,” he concluded.

Two states - Israel and Jordan... palestiinan arabit tarvitsevat lantokentan, Ben Gurioniin eivat todellakaan ole tervetulleita. Menkoon arabit Jordaniaan, paitsi ainiin, sinne eivat hashemiitit lisaa paleja kaipaa. No eipa kaipaa kukaan muukaan.
IDF to form special unit in charge of relations with Syrian civilians

In the 1980s, when Israeli forces were operating in Southern Lebanon, the IDF maintained a liaison unit aimed at strengthening the ties with the Lebanese civilians. Now, in a similar way, the IDF announced that it will be forming a liaison unit aimed at establishing ties with the Syrian civilians who live near the Israeli border, as the bloody civil war in the country continues.

Näissä maisemissa tuli elettyä 14 kk

Israeli-Syrian border Photo Credit: Channel 2 News

First report: As the bloody civil war in Syria continues, the IDF announced that it is forming a liaison unit that will be in contact with the Syrian population. This unit will be in charge of strengthening the ties between Israel and the Syrian civilians who live close to the border.

In the past few months, the IDF has been working on establishing connections with the Syrian population near the border. The Israeli security forces decided to form this unit because it realized that there is no strong government force in the area near the border.

When Israel was operating in Southern Lebanon, the IDF’s Liaison Unit to Lebanon was in charge of maintaining contact with the Lebanese civilians. Since the Syrian civil war began five years ago, more than 2,000 Syrian civilians have received medical treatment from Israel. This new unit will be the direct continuation of this contact that has already been established with the Syrian civilians.

Kuusi viime kuun bussihyökääjää pidätetty

Egged Line 12 terror attack investigation: Six Hamas terrorists arrested
It was cleared for publication that six Hamas terrorists from Bethlehem were arrested as part of the investigation into the Egged Line 12 bus terror attack. The Palestinians not only planned and helped carry out the suicide bombing but also masterminded a series of additional terror attacks in Israel’s capital city.


PIcture from the scene of the terror attack, last month

The Hamas terrorists who were responsible for planning and carrying out the terror attack on Egged Line 12 have been arrested: Today (Sunday), it was cleared for publication that six Hamas terrorists from Bethlehem were arrested in a Shin Bet, IDF and Israel Police joint operation. According to the suspicions, they are not only responsible for planning and carrying out the suicide bombing on Egged Line 12 a month ago but also for masterminding a series of terror attacks.

In their interrogations, it was discovered that the terrorists created the explosive devices and makeshift bombs that the terrorist in the attack was wearing. In the terror attack, 19 people were injured. The terrorist, 19-year-old Abdel Hamid Abu Srour, was crucially injured after he blew himself up and died in the hospital two days later. “They planned to carry out more terror attacks, including many car bombs and shooting attacks,” stressed the Shin Bet. Two of the suspects who were arrested were even involved in a shooting attack last year.

18-year-old Muhammad Sami Abd al-Gaza was one of the Hamas terrorists who were arrested. He has already served a three-year sentence in an Israeli prison for planning several Hamas terror attacks. In his interrogation, he admitted that he started constructing explosive devices after he watched tutorial videos online. In October 2015, al-Gaza and another suspect fired at an Israeli vehicle in the West Bank. No one was injured in the attack.

21-year-old Muhammad Mag’di Mustafa al-Gaza helped construct the bomb used in the suicide bombing and recruited new members to the terror cell, including Abu Srour. He also said that he was prepared to be the next suicide bomber of the terror cell.

19-year-old Ahmed Muhammad Mashich accompanied Abu Srour to where he boarded the Egged Line 12 bus.

Demokratiassa on se hyvä puoli, että virheet tunnustetaan

IDF shot 15-year-old Palestinian teenager by mistake

An IDF investigation indicates that during a stone-throwing incident along Route 443, where 3 Israelis were injured, the IDF killed a Palestinian whom they thought was a terrorist but it has now become clear that he was not connected to the incident. The IDF stated that the incident is being investigated.


The IDF reported today that the investigation into the stone-throwing incident along Route 443 in Binyamin, where 3 Israelis were injured by Palestinians throwing rocks, Molotov cocktails and oil on the road below, indicates that one of the Palestinians that was thought to be a terrorist and was thus killed was not actually involved in the incident. The IDF stated that the incident is being investigated.

According to reports in the Palestinian Ma’an News Agency, it is said that the Palestinian was a 15-year-old boy named Muhammed Rifat Mahmoud Badaran and he is from a village west of Ramallah. The Palestinian news agency claimed that there were 3 other teenagers with him, who were with him and were evacuated to receive medical treatment.


Israel: 9 kuukautta terroria – yli 200 terrori-iskua
Palestiinalaisten viimeinen – yhä käynnissä oleva – väkivalta-aalto Israelin siviileitä vastaan alkoi 14.9.2015. Yksi järkyttävimpiä iskuja tapahtui 30.6.2016 kun 13-vuotias amerikkalais-israelilainen tyttö puukotettiin vuoteeseensa Kiryat Arbassa.

Tämä jopa kolmanneksi Intifadaksikin tai ’puukkointifadaksi’ kutsuttu terrori käsittää puukotuksia, ampumista, päälleajoja, pommeja ja kivityksiä ympäri maata. Numeroiden valossa tilasto (pl kivitykset) on seuraava:

  • 144 puukotusta
  • 49 ampumista
  • 29 päälleajoa autolla
  • 1 itsemurhapommi
IDF, joka yhdessä muiden turvallisuusviranomaisten kanssa pyrkii hillitsemään terroria ja saattamaan tekijät edesvastuuseen, on koonnut ajanjaksolta 14.9.2015 – 1.7.2016 (englanninkielisen) luettelon tapahtumineen ja päivämäärineen joka on löydettävissä allaolevasta lähdelinkistä. Lähde: IDF

Reaaliaikasta päivitystä (englanniksi) voi seurata IDF:n Twitter tililtä osoitteessa: @IDFSpokesperson


Bussipommi Jerusalemissa 18.4.2016 osoitti ettei kyse ole vain teininuorten kivittelystä vaan vakavammasta asiasta
Demokratiassa on se hyvä puoli, että virheet tunnustetaan

Israel on muuttunut sitten Shatilan päivien parempaan suuntaan. Paljon Israelin vastustajat kyllä tekevät, jotta Israel muuttuisi pahemmaksi. Vielä lumpeet kukkivat monta kertaa Genesaret-järvessä, kunnes tämä touhu loppuu.

Netanyahu on Friday visited the family of 13-year-old Hallel Yaffa Ariel, who was murdered Thursday morning as she slept in her Kiryat Arba bedroom after a terrorist from a nearby Palestinian village sneaked inside and stabbed her to death.

The premier was also accompanied by Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman and Agricultural Minister Uri Ariel.
During the meeting, Netanyahu commended the family's strength during such a difficult time, and promised to discuss with Liberman ways to help prevent similar attacks in the future.

"We will stregthen together here," Netanyahu told the family. "I will sit with the defense minister and we will decide how to strengthen this community," he added.

On his departure, Netanyahu said that "to see Hallel's room, to see the bloodstains there at the side her bed and on books and clothes of this little girl, it's shocking."

"And it reminds us once again who we are and what we are facing," Netanyahu continued. "They want to uproot us, but will deepen our roots. They will not force us out of here."

Netanyahu concluded by stating that acts of terror will not succeed in breaking the soul of the Jewish people and will not force Jews to abandon their homes.

"I was very impressed with this wonderful family, they will not break their spirits and they will not succeed in breaking our spirit."

On Thursday morning, Hallel was sleeping in the first-floor bedroom that she shared with her two sisters, Shira Ruth, eight, and Kana, four.

Everyone was out of the house, when Muhammad Tarayrah, 17, breached the settlement’s fence, setting off an alarm that alerted residents to stay indoors.

According to Israel Security Forces, Tarayrah slipped into Hallel’s bedroom through an open window and stabbed her multiple times. He was still in the house when the settlement’s security team arrived, including Hallel’s stepfather, Amichai, who was part of the team.

They shot and killed Tarayrah and found Hallel by her bed.

A Magen David Adom paramedic said that when he arrived at the scene the teenage girl was unconscious and not breathing. They were able to resuscitate her at the scene, but it was touch-and-go during the ride to Shaare Zedek Medical Center in Jerusalem, as they fought to keep her alive.

She was pronounced dead shortly after her arrival, without ever regaining consciousness.

The murder, which came as the international community is pushing Israel and the Palestinians to renew the frozen peace process, set off a political firestorm, with rightwing politicians blaming Palestinian incitement for the attack and others on the left accusing the government of stagnation.

Eipä näy taas mister terrorismi on ihana tuomiojaa kommentoimassa mitään, puhumattakaan hamasin parhaasta ystävästä tavjasta.

Kannatan nyt ja tulen aina kannattamaan Bibin tapaa hoitaa asioita. Kova kovaa vastaan. Nyt lähtee torppa ja karkoitetaan välittömästi. Ei mitään vuosia kestäviä valitusoikeudenkäyntejä, vaan mene sinne mistä tulit.
Talo pistetään palasiksi, jolloin jokainen ymmärtää, että kaikella on hintansa.

Netanyahu on Friday visited the family of 13-year-old Hallel Yaffa Ariel, who was murdered Thursday morning as she slept in her Kiryat Arba bedroom after a terrorist from a nearby Palestinian village sneaked inside and stabbed her to death.

The premier was also accompanied by Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman and Agricultural Minister Uri Ariel.
During the meeting, Netanyahu commended the family's strength during such a difficult time, and promised to discuss with Liberman ways to help prevent similar attacks in the future.

"We will stregthen together here," Netanyahu told the family. "I will sit with the defense minister and we will decide how to strengthen this community," he added.

On his departure, Netanyahu said that "to see Hallel's room, to see the bloodstains there at the side her bed and on books and clothes of this little girl, it's shocking."

"And it reminds us once again who we are and what we are facing," Netanyahu continued. "They want to uproot us, but will deepen our roots. They will not force us out of here."

Netanyahu concluded by stating that acts of terror will not succeed in breaking the soul of the Jewish people and will not force Jews to abandon their homes.

"I was very impressed with this wonderful family, they will not break their spirits and they will not succeed in breaking our spirit."

On Thursday morning, Hallel was sleeping in the first-floor bedroom that she shared with her two sisters, Shira Ruth, eight, and Kana, four.

Everyone was out of the house, when Muhammad Tarayrah, 17, breached the settlement’s fence, setting off an alarm that alerted residents to stay indoors.

According to Israel Security Forces, Tarayrah slipped into Hallel’s bedroom through an open window and stabbed her multiple times. He was still in the house when the settlement’s security team arrived, including Hallel’s stepfather, Amichai, who was part of the team.

They shot and killed Tarayrah and found Hallel by her bed.

A Magen David Adom paramedic said that when he arrived at the scene the teenage girl was unconscious and not breathing. They were able to resuscitate her at the scene, but it was touch-and-go during the ride to Shaare Zedek Medical Center in Jerusalem, as they fought to keep her alive.

She was pronounced dead shortly after her arrival, without ever regaining consciousness.

The murder, which came as the international community is pushing Israel and the Palestinians to renew the frozen peace process, set off a political firestorm, with rightwing politicians blaming Palestinian incitement for the attack and others on the left accusing the government of stagnation.

Eipä näy taas mister terrorismi on ihana tuomiojaa kommentoimassa mitään, puhumattakaan hamasin parhaasta ystävästä tavjasta.

Kannatan nyt ja tulen aina kannattamaan Bibin tapaa hoitaa asioita. Kova kovaa vastaan. Nyt lähtee torppa ja karkoitetaan välittömästi. Ei mitään vuosia kestäviä valitusoikeudenkäyntejä, vaan mene sinne mistä tulit.
Talo pistetään palasiksi, jolloin jokainen ymmärtää, että kaikella on hintansa.
Olen taysin samaa mielta. Ainoaa kielta jota barbaarit ymmartavat on valitettavasti barbarismi. So be it.

Eipähän obama sanonut taaskaan mitään, kun oman maan kansalainen tapetaan terrori-iskussa. Taisi joku kolmannen luokan puhemies sanoa, että hupsis ja auts.

Netanyahu on Friday visited the family of 13-year-old Hallel Yaffa Ariel, who was murdered Thursday morning as she slept in her Kiryat Arba bedroom after a terrorist from a nearby Palestinian village sneaked inside and stabbed her to death.

The premier was also accompanied by Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman and Agricultural Minister Uri Ariel.
During the meeting, Netanyahu commended the family's strength during such a difficult time, and promised to discuss with Liberman ways to help prevent similar attacks in the future.

"We will stregthen together here," Netanyahu told the family. "I will sit with the defense minister and we will decide how to strengthen this community," he added.

On his departure, Netanyahu said that "to see Hallel's room, to see the bloodstains there at the side her bed and on books and clothes of this little girl, it's shocking."

"And it reminds us once again who we are and what we are facing," Netanyahu continued. "They want to uproot us, but will deepen our roots. They will not force us out of here."

Netanyahu concluded by stating that acts of terror will not succeed in breaking the soul of the Jewish people and will not force Jews to abandon their homes.

"I was very impressed with this wonderful family, they will not break their spirits and they will not succeed in breaking our spirit."

On Thursday morning, Hallel was sleeping in the first-floor bedroom that she shared with her two sisters, Shira Ruth, eight, and Kana, four.

Everyone was out of the house, when Muhammad Tarayrah, 17, breached the settlement’s fence, setting off an alarm that alerted residents to stay indoors.

According to Israel Security Forces, Tarayrah slipped into Hallel’s bedroom through an open window and stabbed her multiple times. He was still in the house when the settlement’s security team arrived, including Hallel’s stepfather, Amichai, who was part of the team.

They shot and killed Tarayrah and found Hallel by her bed.

A Magen David Adom paramedic said that when he arrived at the scene the teenage girl was unconscious and not breathing. They were able to resuscitate her at the scene, but it was touch-and-go during the ride to Shaare Zedek Medical Center in Jerusalem, as they fought to keep her alive.

She was pronounced dead shortly after her arrival, without ever regaining consciousness.

The murder, which came as the international community is pushing Israel and the Palestinians to renew the frozen peace process, set off a political firestorm, with rightwing politicians blaming Palestinian incitement for the attack and others on the left accusing the government of stagnation.

Eipä näy taas mister terrorismi on ihana tuomiojaa kommentoimassa mitään, puhumattakaan hamasin parhaasta ystävästä tavjasta.

Kannatan nyt ja tulen aina kannattamaan Bibin tapaa hoitaa asioita. Kova kovaa vastaan. Nyt lähtee torppa ja karkoitetaan välittömästi. Ei mitään vuosia kestäviä valitusoikeudenkäyntejä, vaan mene sinne mistä tulit.
Talo pistetään palasiksi, jolloin jokainen ymmärtää, että kaikella on hintansa.

että tälleen....

Sivistynyt väkivalta on sellaista, jossa ensin ilmoitetaan, että nyt ammutaan ja vasta sitten henki pakenee ruumiista. :D
Noh en ole koskaan tota kokeillutkaan... onko toi sita missa tulee senkka omasta nenasta?
No se voi olla sitäkin mutta meinaan esimerkiksi vaikka sitä kun Osaman tilukset raidattiin.