Uutisia Kiinasta

Kiinalaisia sotilaita harjoituksessa, mutta mitähän tuo oikeapuoleinen mahtaa kantaa?
Sehän näkyy olevan sotilasstandardin mukainen automaattinen lääkeruisku ja neula. Sisältää luultavasti kaupallisesti käytettyä nukutusainetta määrän, joka on mitattu sopivaksi Leopard2:n nukuttamiseen. Minua taas kiinnostavat nuo taustalla olevat kolme tankkia, ne näyttävät minusta tältä.
Jukkis kirjoitti:
Minua taas kiinnostavat nuo taustalla olevat kolme tankkia, ne näyttävät minusta tältä.

Näyttäisivät olevan WZ551/ZSL92 kuljetuspanssarivaunuja.
Teräsmies kirjoitti:
Näyttäisivät olevan WZ551/ZSL92 kuljetuspanssarivaunuja.
Ei kun ne tela-ajoneuvot siinä tien toisessa laidassa. Etummaisella joka on siinä janttereiden päiden välissä erottuu selkeästi pitkä putki. Mutta saattavat kyllä olla liian sumeita tunnistettavaksi.
Kiina alkaa kypsyä jenkkeihin?

Commentary: U.S. fiscal failure warrants a de-Americanized world
English.news.cn 2013-10-13 09:57:25

By Xinhua writer Liu Chang

BEIJING, Oct. 13 (Xinhua) -- As U.S. politicians of both political parties are still shuffling back and forth between the White House and the Capitol Hill without striking a viable deal to bring normality to the body politic they brag about, it is perhaps a good time for the befuddled world to start considering building a de-Americanized world.

Emerging from the bloodshed of the Second World War as the world's most powerful nation, the United States has since then been trying to build a global empire by imposing a postwar world order, fueling recovery in Europe, and encouraging regime-change in nations that it deems hardly Washington-friendly.

With its seemingly unrivaled economic and military might, the United States has declared that it has vital national interests to protect in nearly every corner of the globe, and been habituated to meddling in the business of other countries and regions far away from its shores.

Meanwhile, the U.S. government has gone to all lengths to appear before the world as the one that claims the moral high ground, yet covertly doing things that are as audacious as torturing prisoners of war, slaying civilians in drone attacks, and spying on world leaders.

Under what is known as the Pax-Americana, we fail to see a world where the United States is helping to defuse violence and conflicts, reduce poor and displaced population, and bring about real, lasting peace.

Moreover, instead of honoring its duties as a responsible leading power, a self-serving Washington has abused its superpower status and introduced even more chaos into the world by shifting financial risks overseas, instigating regional tensions amid territorial disputes, and fighting unwarranted wars under the cover of outright lies.

As a result, the world is still crawling its way out of an economic disaster thanks to the voracious Wall Street elites, while bombings and killings have become virtually daily routines in Iraq years after Washington claimed it has liberated its people from tyrannical rule.

Most recently, the cyclical stagnation in Washington for a viable bipartisan solution over a federal budget and an approval for raising debt ceiling has again left many nations' tremendous dollar assets in jeopardy and the international community highly agonized.

Such alarming days when the destinies of others are in the hands of a hypocritical nation have to be terminated, and a new world order should be put in place, according to which all nations, big or small, poor or rich, can have their key interests respected and protected on an equal footing.

To that end, several corner stones should be laid to underpin a de-Americanized world.

For starters, all nations need to hew to the basic principles of the international law, including respect for sovereignty, and keeping hands off domestic affairs of others.

Furthermore, the authority of the United Nations in handling global hotspot issues has to be recognized. That means no one has the right to wage any form of military action against others without a UN mandate.

Apart from that, the world's financial system also has to embrace some substantial reforms.

The developing and emerging market economies need to have more say in major international financial institutions including the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, so that they could better reflect the transformations of the global economic and political landscape.

What may also be included as a key part of an effective reform is the introduction of a new international reserve currency that is to be created to replace the dominant U.S. dollar, so that the international community could permanently stay away from the spillover of the intensifying domestic political turmoil in the United States.

Of course, the purpose of promoting these changes is not to completely toss the United States aside, which is also impossible. Rather, it is to encourage Washington to play a much more constructive role in addressing global affairs.

And among all options, it is suggested that the beltway politicians first begin with ending the pernicious impasse.
is: 17.10.2013 7:47
Näin Kiinan sotilaita opetetaan seisomaan suorassa

Näin koulutetaan Kiinan armeijan alokkaat seisomaan ryhdissä.
Tuosta kuvasta tulee kyllä ensi silmäyksellä jotain muuta mieleen kuin ryhdin opettelu...

Osaako kukaan selittää, että mitä tuosta voisi päätellä? Kaikki ovat velkaa toisilleen?

Pikemminkin siitä voisi päätellä Kiinan rakentaneen infraa kansalaisilta lainaamillaan rahoilla. Tapa on väärä. Käytännössä tämä tarkoittaa verotuksen siirtämistä tulevaisuuteen. Eli ne kansalaisilta lainatut rahat pitäisi käytännössä myöhemmin verottaa joko heiltä tai muilta kansalaisilta.

Infra tulisi rakentaa kansalaisilta verotetuilla rahoilla. Silloin ei pääsisi syntymään näennäisiä säästöjä kansalaisille, eikä kertyisi valtiolle velkaa. Nämä näennäiset säästöt ja valtion velka ovat joka tapauksessa jossain vaiheessa nollattava. Maksajaa sille velalle ei löydy. Nollaus hoidetaan joko inflaation avulla tai valtion konkurssin kautta. Tämän seurauksena kansalaiset huomaavat menettäneensä säästönsä ja eläkkeensä.
Pikemminkin siitä voisi päätellä Kiinan rakentaneen infraa kansalaisilta lainaamillaan rahoilla. Tapa on väärä. Käytännössä tämä tarkoittaa verotuksen siirtämistä tulevaisuuteen. Eli ne kansalaisilta lainatut rahat pitäisi käytännössä myöhemmin verottaa joko heiltä tai muilta kansalaisilta.

Infra tulisi rakentaa kansalaisilta verotetuilla rahoilla. Silloin ei pääsisi syntymään näennäisiä säästöjä kansalaisille, eikä kertyisi valtiolle velkaa. Nämä näennäiset säästöt ja valtion velka ovat joka tapauksessa jossain vaiheessa nollattava. Maksajaa sille velalle ei löydy. Nollaus hoidetaan joko inflaation avulla tai valtion konkurssin kautta. Tämän seurauksena kansalaiset huomaavat menettäneensä säästönsä ja eläkkeensä.

Ellei sitten tuo infra kykene tuottamaan tarpeeksi kattamaan korot?
Five Planes of the Chinese Air Force You Really Ought To Know About
Without these support aircraft, China’s new jet fighters are clueless and out of gas

The People’s Liberation Army Air Force has undergone sweeping changes in the last 20 years. Like the Chinese Navy, the PLAAF changed its name to simply “Chinese Air Force.” The introduction of fourth-generation fighters, bombers, unmanned aircraft and advanced cruise missiles has transformed the air arm from a primarily defensive force to one that can be used to project Chinese power throughout Asia.

At the same time, China has begun pressing old, previously dormant territorial claims in the South and East China Seas. The two events are not unrelated, as the Chinese government is clearly relying on the military to give its assertions teeth. The Chinese Air Force has already flown several high profile patrols through the two disputed areas, some of which would not have been possible two decades ago.

There’s an understandable preoccupation with the sexy side of the Chinese Air Force: the new fighters and fighter bombers are good-looking, capable aircraft. But behind them are five other aircraft that the new air arm can’t live without.


KJ-2000. Via Chinese Internet

KongJing-2000 radar plane

The KongJing-2000 is China’s first operational airborne early warning and control aircraft. Similar to the American E-3 Sentry, the KJ-2000 is an Il-76 cargo plane adapted to carry a disc-shaped radar dome. The sensor can detect hostile aircraft more than 300 miles away.

Aircraft such as the KJ-2000 are considered force multipliers whose abilities enhance other aircraft. For example, a KJ-2000 could operate in the open, radar on, detecting enemy aircraft in all directions. Nearby Chinese fighters could fly with their radars off and rely on the KJ-2000's sensor instead, making the fighters harder to detect.

Chinese Air Force pilots are known for relying heavily on ground controllers for instructions. As China’s air operations move farther from shore and away from ground radar stations, aircraft such as the KJ-2000 will be necessary to provide direction.

Complicating matters is the inherent lack of mid-air refueling capability. Unlike the American E-3, the KJ-2000 cannot remain on station for long periods of time. In April, a drill involving three KJ-2000s achieved 24 hours of continuous radar coverage, but that involved three of China’s five existing KJ-2000s. With aerial refueling, a single Sentry could stay aloft for 22 hours.

The lack of AEW&C aircraft seriously limits China’s ability to sustain air operations over the South and East China Seas. If the CAF wants to be able to conduct large-scale, high-tempo operations for prolonged periods— something like a war—it will need many more of these aircraft. Until it has them, don’t expect China to be even remotely interested in an actual air war.

It’s worth noting that KJ-2000s have helped patrol China’s new Air Defense Identification Zone near the disputed Senkaku Islands.


H-6. Via Chinese Internet

Xian H-6 bomber

The H-6 is modern China’s first—and so far only—heavy bomber. First licensed from the Soviet Union in the late 1950s, the H-6 has been continually updated over the years.

Originally designed to drop nuclear bombs, the H-6 has grown into other roles, including conventional bomber, missile carrier and even aerial refueling tanker. The Chinese Air Force is thought to have roughly 80 H-6s in the role of nuclear bomber and cruise missile carrier, and 10 as aerial refuelers.

The latest version of the H-6 bomber, the H-6K, carries up to seven CJ-10 long-range cruise missiles. The H-6/CJ-10 combination is designed to provide China with a long-range, precision strike capability against targets on the ground.

This capability is apparently aimed at what China calls the First Island Chain, consisting of Taiwan, Okinawa, Japan and the Kuril islands. Inside the First Island Chain is China’s inner defense zone, an area that China feels it must keep clear of enemy forces in wartime in order to protect the homeland.

The H-6 has not seen combat with China, but two years ago the bombershelped break up ice floes in the Yellow River. Three H-6s dropped 24 1,000-pound bombs in an attempt to get the river flowing.


Y-20. Xinhua photo

Y-20 airlifter

China has a long history of relying on the Soviet Union and then Russia for military cargo aircraft. China operates several dozen Il-76 airlifterspurchased from Russia: 30 outfitted as cargo planes, five as KJ-2000s and four as Il-78 aerial tankers.

But the Il-76 has proved expensive, and now China is building its own heavy airlifter, the Y-20. Developed by Xian Aircraft Industry, the four-engine Y-20 appears similar in appearance to the American C-17 and Europe’s A400M.

According to China’s state media, the Y-20 is capable of transporting up to 66 tons of cargo a distance of 2,700 miles. The Y-20 will also be capable of mid-air refueling, stretching that range even farther. The Y-20 will be inferior in most ways to contemporary Western aircraft, but as a first attempt at an airlifter, it ain’t bad.

The Y-20 will be particularly useful in getting outsized cargo rapidly to China’s far western territories and offshore locations such as the southernHainan Island. The Y-20 would also be a key player in any Taiwan invasion scenario hauling combat troops and vehicles including the Type 99 tank.

The Y-20 will also carry paratroopers, possibly as many as 90. But dozens of Y-20s would be needed to lift China’s airborne divisions and supply an invasion force. It’s not at all clear that Beijing has the will or the cash to acquire that many.

But the Y-20 is important for another reason. Once mated with a decent engine, the Y-20 could become the basis for a new generation of support planes including refueling tankers and airborne early warning aircraft.


Tu-154. Note the bulge running underneath the fuselage. JASDF photo

Tu-154 special missions aircraft

In the lexicon of intelligence, “special missions” aircraft are those dedicated to collecting electronic data on the enemy. Aircraft such as the Tu-154 fly near ships and aircraft of foreign countries, photographing them and pulling in the electromagnetic signals they broadcast.

Outwardly, the Tu-154 SMA looks like a commercial passenger plane. But if a Tu-154 in CAF markings flies past, you can be sure the Chinese military knows quite a bit about you.

The special Tu-154 is equipped with the BM-KZ 800 electronic intelligence collection system, designed to collect data on land and ship based radar transmitters. The BM-KZ 800 equipped with sensitive receivers to pluck radar, radio and all manner of other signal data out of the air.

The raw data are then analyzed and cataloged for quick identification. If a radar can be uniquely associated with a certain type of ship, for example, that can help speed identification of those ships in the future. Signals information can also be used to jam enemy communications and radar systems.

Mounted underneath the aircraft is a synthetic aperture radar that produces radar-based images of objects including vehicles, installations, ships and aircraft—in daytime or at night, regardless of weather. Like an ultrasound of a fetus in the womb, but using radar waves.

Like the KJ-2000 radar planes, Tu-154s have flown over China’s new Air Defense Identification Zone in the East China Sea.


Il-78 in Russian service. Via Discussionworld.com
Il-78 tanker

Most fighters have a fairly short combat radius: the distance an armed fighter can fly to a designated point, drop bombs or fight other planes, and then return home. This is usually less than half the fighter’s advertised range—and it’s a big problem if you’re fighting a war at a distance.

For decades, China didn’t have to worry about distance because it expected any future conflict to take place over China. Now, as Beijing presses old territorial claims on its periphery, it has to start thinking about sending jet fighters greater distances.

That’s where the Il-78 aerial refueling tanker comes in.

The combat radius of the J-10 fighter is around 350 miles. The distance from China’s air bases on Hainan Island to the contested Spratly Islands in the South China Sea is 670 miles. Other than an aircraft carrier, the only way China can even consider putting fighter patrols over Spratly Islands is with aerial refueling tankers like the Il-78.

The Il-78 is a Russian Il-76 cargo aircraft converted to carry fuel instead of cargo, and it carries enough fuel to fill the tanks of a J-10 no fewer than 20 times over. Trailing three long refueling hoses, the Il-78 can refuel three fighters at once.

Although it can refuel more aircraft at one time than the American KC-10, the Il-78 carries less fuel internally.

The problem is, China only has eight Il-78 tankers and is having trouble procuring more. It has signed deals for more Il-76 cargo aircraft, likely with an eye towards converting them to tankers, but production issues in Russia have meant only a handful of new Il-76s have been delivered.

Until China is able to get its hands on more aerial tankers, its air force will continue to have a short reach.

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Kiinalaisten UH-60 suoritti ensilennon, ainoa varsinainen ero alkuperäiseen näyttäisi olevan pidempi/isompi ohjaamo.
On Dec. 23, at 14.11 Local Time, Chinese medium lift utility helicopter dubbed Z-20 made its first flight.

As the image (published on a Chinese Internet website and then made available by Alert5) shows, the chopper is clearly based on the U.S. Black Hawk type (China operates 24 Black Hawk procured in 1983 as S-70C-2).

Still, it features some peculiar things: the 5-blade rotor, a larger cabin and a different landing gear and tail.

Z-20 is believed to be a 10-ton chopper that will be used to replace Mi-17 and Mi-171 helos within People’s Liberation Army.
Kiina odottaa suuria muutoksia kansalliseen turvallisuustilanteeseensa. Kiinan virallinen uutispalvelu Xinhua alleviivaa tilannetta kirjoituksessaan, jonka mukaan Kiinan presidentti Xi Jinping on käskenyt maansa armeijaa valmistautumaan sotaan.

Lähde: Xinhua, Infowars 30.12.2013, Verkkomedia.org

Kiinan presidentti on määrännyt armeijan valmistautumaan sotaan

Pitkän Xinhuan kirjoituksen mukaan Kiinan 40 000 sotilaan harjoitus "Mission Action 2013" oli merkittävä osa niiden toimenpiteiden sarjaa, joilla syvennetään valmistautumista potentiaaliseen konfliktiin ja varmistettiin joukkojen olevan valmiina - ei ainoastaan tehtäviinsä, mutta voittamaan."

Presidentti Xi on lisännyt käyntikertojaan Kiinan armeijan (PLA) sotilasalueilla kuluneen vuoden aikana osana armeijan reformia tavoitteena "valmistaa joukkoja sodan tilanteeseen", pääkirjoituksessa sanotaan.


Xinhuan mukaan Japanin luoma uhka saarikiistassa Senkaku/Diaouyun saarten hallinnasta, terrorismin uhka sekä Yhdysvaltojen lisääntynyt sotilaallinen läsnäolo Aasian Tyynenmeren alueella ovat Kiinan sotavalmistautumisen taustalla. Nämä syyt ovat aiheuttamassa "suuria muutoksia" Kiinan kansallisessa turvallisuustilanteessa, jotka ovat vaatineet Kiinan armeijan taisteluvalmiuden kohottamista.

Kiina on esittänyt jatkuvasti voimakkaampia vastalauseita alueensa turvallisuustilanteen vaarantumisesta. Kiinan mediassa on esitetty jopa karttoja ydinsodan seurauksista Kiinan ja Yhdysvaltojen välillä, ja kuinka Kiinan sukellusvenejoukot iskemään amerikkalaiskohteisiin.

Kiinan uuden strategisen pommituskoneen, H-6K, kykenee kiinalaislähteiden mukaan iskemään Yhdysvaltain tukikohtiin Läntisellä Tyynellä merellä.

Kiina on esittänyt jyrkkiä vastalauseita Yhdysvaltojen läsnäolosta Itä-Kiinan merellä. Kiina myös lähetti ensimmäistä kertaa tiedustelulaivansa Hawajin alueelle. Kiinan armeijan nettisivuilla julkaistun artikkelin mukaan Kiinan valmistuva lentotukialusryhmä kykenee haastamaan USA:n lentotukialukset.
Ei tarvita konfliktia. Kiina kotiuttaa rahansa ennen kriisiä jenkeiltä... löpö ja aseet loppu Obamalta. Konkurssi. Sen pituinen se. :)
Ei tarvita konfliktia. Kiina kotiuttaa rahansa ennen kriisiä jenkeiltä... löpö ja aseet loppu Obamalta. Konkurssi. Sen pituinen se. :)

Ei se ihan noin helposti toimi. Suurin osa kiinalaisista sijoituksista on kiinni amerikkalaisissa (valtion ja yritysten) arvopapereissa, ja niiden äkillinen myyminen voisi tapahtua vain hyvin huomattavalla tappiolla, yksinkertaisesti siksi että niitä on paljon. Todella paljon. Ja jos ne otetaan pois yhdysvaltalaisista sijoituskohteista, niin mihin ihmeeseen ne sitten sijoitettaisiin? Sijoituksia on paljon amerikkalaisissa kohteissa yksinkertaisesti siksi, että Yhdysvalloissa on eniten sijoituskohteita tarjolla.
China became the world’s largest trading nation in 2013, overtaking the US in what Beijing described as “a landmark milestone” for the country.

China’s annual trade in goods passed the $4tn (£2.4tn) mark for the first time last year according to official data, after exports from the world’s second largest economy rose 7.9% to $2.21tn and imports rose 7.3% to $1.95tn.

As a result total trade rose 7.6% over the year to $4.16tn. The US is yet to publish its 2013 trade figures, but with trade totalling $3.5tn in the first 11 months of the year, it is unlikely to beat China.

The shift in the trading pecking order reflected China’s rising global dominance, despite a slowdown in economic growth last year.