Uutisia Yhdysvalloista

President Obama signed into law a $633 billion defense bill that included restrictions on his ability to close the prison camps, then called Guantánamo a waste of national security resources.
US Department of Defense personnel will get their hands on Microsoft’s latest software in a deal officials claim is their best yet from Redmond. The government department has signed a three-year enterprise licence agreement with Microsoft worth $617m, giving its two-million-plus civilian and military staff access to Windows 8, Office 2013 and SharePoint 2013. The DoD reckoned the deal will save tens of millions of dollars on the cost of licensing the gear through the Microsoft’s Software Assurance upgrade programme.

Voi hyvää päivää, ei voi muuta kuin ihmetellä tätä hölmöilyä. Mutta heillä on kuulemma vielä varaa vinkuttaa firman korttia miettimättä tuleeko siitä enemmän haittaa kuin hyötyä.
Yhdysvaltain hallitus hylkäsi aloitteen Kuolemantähden rakentamisesta
Kirjoittaja Teemu Laitila @ 12.1.2013 20:49

Yhdysvaltain hallitus on hylännyt yli 30 000 ihmisen allekirjoittaman aloitteen, jossa ehdotetaan Tähtien sota -elokuvista tutun Kuolemantähden rakentamista maan puolustuksen kehittämiseksi. Kansalaisaloitteen mukaan puolustusresurssien keskittäminen Kuolemantähden rakentamiseen toisi töitä rakennusalalle, insinööreille ja avaruuden tutkimukseen sekä vahvistaisi kansallista puolustusta.
Hallituksen edustajan kohteliaaseen sävyyn kirjoittamassa vastineessa aloitteen hylkäämistä perustellaan muun muassa hankkeen hinnalla. Hankkeen hinnaksi tulisi hallituksen mukaan 850 kvadriljoonaa. "Me työskentelemme kovasti valtion velan pienentämiseksi, emme sen kasvattamiseksi", vastauksessa selitetään.

Lisäksi hylkäystä perustellaan Kuolemantähden sopimattomuudella hallituksen politiikkaan, sillä "Hallitus ei tue planeettojen räjäyttämistä". Kolmas syy on Kuolemantähden haavoittuvuus. "Miksi kuluttaisimme lukemattoman määrän veronmaksajien rahoja Kuolematähteen, jonka perustavanlaatuisen vian vuoksi se on haavoittuvainen jopa yhtä ainutta avaruusalusta vastaan".
Hahah! Toivottavasti ehdotettuun suunnitelmaan oli lisätty kaiteet kaikkiin putoamisherkkiin kohtiin ja suojaritilä paikkaan, josta voi lentää suoraan ytimeen. :D
Tai sitten ei vain ollut tarpeeksi monta ihmistä yllyttämässä. Suomessakin tarvittiin jopa 50 000 ihmistä, jotta saatiin Jukka ajamaan minikaivurilla Hangosta Kuusamoon. 30 000 ihmisen aloite Kuolemantähden rakentamiseksi tuntuu tässä suhteessa aika olemattomalta.

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yle uutiset Ulkomaat 23.1.2013 klo 22:58
Yhdysvaltain naissotilaat pääsevät etulinjan taistelutoimiin

Puolustusviranomaisen mukaan päätös asiasta on tehty. Naisille avautuu näin satoja tuhansia työpaikkoja asevoimissa.

Yhdysvaltain puolustusministeri Leon Panetta on päättänyt päästää naissotilaat taistelutoimiin. Päätös mahdollistaa sadoille tuhansille naisille pääsyn etulinjaan sekä mahdollisesti muun muassa eliittijoukkoihin. Asiasta kertoneen korkea-arvoisen puolustusviranomaisen mukaan Panetta aikoo kertoa asiasta torstaina.

Viranomaisen mukaan Panetta on päättänyt kumota vuodesta 1994 saakka voimassa olleen säädöksen, joka mukaan naiset eivät pääse etulinjan taistelutehtäviin. Asevoimille annetaan tammikuuhun 2016 saakka aikaa hakea poikkeuslupia siihen, onko jokin sotilastehtävä sellainen, ettei siihen voitaisi palkata naisia.

Valtaosa paikoista saattaa tulla naisille avoimeksi jopa tänä vuonna. Sen sijaan erikoisjoukkojen, kuten merivoimien kommandojen tai maavoimien Delta Forcen iskujoukkojen tehtäviin pääsyssä kestänee kauemmin.

Päätös avaa yli 230 000 uutta työpaikkaa naisille, valtaosa niistä maavoimien ja merijalkaväen yksiköissä.

Viime vuosina naiset ovat työskennelleet sotatoimialueilla muun muassa lääkintäjoukoissa, sotilaspoliiseina ja tiedustelu-upseereina. He ovat joskus joutuneet etulinjaan, mutta virallisesti he eivät ole olleet taistelutehtävissä. Yhdysvaltain 1,4-miljoonaisesta aktiiviarmeijasta 14 prosenttia on naisia.

AP, AFP, Reuters
The FBI's Hostage Rescue Team is federal law enforcement's only full-time counterterrorism unit. FBI.gov is highlighting the team as it celebrates 30 years of service to the nation.
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Yhdysvaltain armeija pelottelee sotilaitaan: "WikiLeaksin lukemisesta rangaistaan"

Yhdysvaltain armeijan sotilaille voi tulla ongelmia jo pelkästään paljastussivusto WikiLeaksin sivuilla vierailemisesta.

Sotilaille teroitetaan asiaa Guantanamon tutkikohdan lehdessä, kertoo verkkolehti Huffington Postin politiikan toimittaja Ryan Reilly. Hän julkaisi kuvan lehden artikkelista Twitterin kautta.

WikiLeaks tuli kansainvälisesti tunnetuksi vuonna 2010. Tuolloin Irakissa palvellut Bradley Manning pidätettiin yli 260 000 arkaluontoisen diplomaattisähkeen ja yli 500 000 armeijan salaisen asiakirjan lataamisesta sivustolle julkaistavaksi.

Manningia syytettiin viime vuonna sotaoikeudessa muun muassa vihollisen auttamisesta. Kuolemantuomion sijasta syyttäjä hakee 24-vuotiaalle sotilaalle elinikäistä vankeustuomiota. Tapauksen käsittely jatkuu yhä.

Guantanamon lehdessä kirjoitetaan, että tietojen kerääminen paljastussivustolle tai sen yrittäminen on rangaistavaa. Sen lisäksi Wikileaksin sivuilla ei saa vierailla kotikoneeltakaan. Jo se on puolustusvoimien sääntöjen vastaista ja seurauksena voi olla rangaistus sotaoikeudessa.

Secret Defense Department studies cast doubt on whether a multibillion-dollar missile defense system planned for Europe will ever be able to protect the U.S. from Iranian missiles as intended, congressional investigators say.

Military officials say they believe the problems can be overcome and are moving forward with plans. But proposed fixes could be difficult. One possibility has already been ruled out as technically unfeasible. Another, relocating missile interceptors planned for Poland and possibly Romania to ships on the North Sea, could be diplomatically explosive.

The studies are the latest to highlight serious problems for a plan that has been criticized on several fronts. Republicans claim it was hastily drawn up in an attempt to appease Russia, which had opposed an earlier system. But Russia is also critical of the plan, which it believes is really intended to counter its missiles. A series of governmental and scientific reports has cast doubt on whether it would ever work as planned.

At a time that the military faces giant budget cuts, the studies could prompt Congress to reconsider whether it is worthwhile to spend billions for a system that may not fulfill its original goals.
“Didn’t know the Marines had to take the bolts out of their rifles for the Inaugural,” an email forwarded to Gun Rights Examiner from a United States Marine Corps source observed. “Wonder if someone can explain why [they] would be marching in the inaugural parade with no bolts in their rifles!”

The email linked to a YouTube video of the 57th Presidential Inaugural Parade, embedded in this column, featuring Bravo Company Marines from the Marine Barracks Washington. Sure enough, the observation in the email is confirmed by watching the video, with screen shots provided in the photo and slide show accompanying this article.

This prompted an internet search to see if others had also noticed, and the Blur-Brain blog had.

The bolts have been removed from the rifles rendering them unable to fire a round,” the post stated. “Apparently Obama’s Secret Service doesn’t trust the USMC. Simply searching each guy to make sure he didn’t have a live round hidden on him wasn’t enough, they had to make sure the guns were inoperable.

Wondering if this may be an inauguration policy of long standing that transcends administrations, Gun Rights Examiner made a cursory search and found something even more curious. In the 2009 Inaugural Parade, the United States Navy marched with rifles that had not been so disabled (see 1:24 into that video plus the final slide).

This raises the question of why the administration felt it necessary to make this change now, particularly with concerns being raised about military involvement in domestic affairs, litmus tests on top brass willingness to fire on American citizens alleged by a heretofore prominent and credible Nobel Prize nominee, a “terrorism” policy that allows for assassinating Americans without due process, rising concerns over deployment of domestic drones, and publicized opposition among many in the USMC to presidential policies such as women in combat, as well as having been the most resistant military branch to ending “don’t ask, don’t tell.”

Add to this concerns over administration agencies buying up ammunition in massive quantities, the renewed destruction of expended military ammunition brass in contravention of the Defense Appropriations Act, and Obama’s post-election confidence in dropping the mask on his previously “under the radar” citizen disarmament plans, and the change becomes another piece that fits in a puzzle that’s forming an increasingly disturbing picture.

Unsurprisingly, a Google news feed search finds no reports on inaugural Marine disarmament in the “Authorized Journalist” media. Chances are, most of them aren’t qualified to notice such things, and that it doesn’t serve the agenda of those who are to point such things out.

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Pitäisikö mainita että monesti käytetään myös seremoniallisia kypäriä jotka eivät tarjoa oikeaa suojaa? Bloggaaja vetää snadisti overin johtopätöksen. Paraatijoukkojen on tarkoitus näyttää hyvälle, ei olla taisteluvalmiita kovat piipussa. :D
Obama to Renew Drive for Cuts in Nuclear Arms
WASHINGTON — President Obama will use his State of the Union speech on Tuesday to reinvigorate one of his signature national security objectives — drastically reducing nuclear arsenals around the world — after securing agreement in recent months with the United States military that the American nuclear force can be cut in size by roughly a third.
USAF ei enää lennä näytöslentoja Thunderbirdseillä eikä muillakaan.


As the Washington, DC establishment continues to wrestle with political issues related to deficits, budget cuts and sequestration, the U.S. military has taken some initial steps toward cost-cutting and identified possible additional steps that it will take if Congress and the President do not reach an agreement that prevents mandatory, draconian budget cuts from being implemented on March 1.

In this memo from Acting Under Secretary of the Air Force Jamie Morin and Air Force Vice Chief of Staff General Larry Spencer to Air Force senior leadership on Monday, the current budgetary uncertainties are explained, and Morin and Spencer direct the Air Force to immediately implement tactics to reduce the rate of spending and mitigate the impact of the budgetary cuts that would become mandatory in the event that a political agreement is not reached. Importantly, the memo also says, “Our intent with these initial actions is to pursue reversible or recoverable steps and avoid impacts to core readiness.” Though the memo also directs the Air Force to curtail flying not directed to readiness, including air shows, there is some consensus that this does not mean that the Air Force is directing Air Force personnel to end their air show-related preparation for the 2013 season. In any case, those who feel that they are being directed to take permanent, irreversible and/or unrecoverable steps should get additional guidance before taking those steps.

The Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Budget, Rear Admiral J.P. Mulloy, issued this, similarly-worded memo providing direction to Navy personnel on budgetary concerns. The Navy memo dictates a more general “reduction to flying hours,” without specifically referencing air shows or air show flying.

Metallica saneli ehdot Osama bin Ladenin tappajille
is 14.2.2013 6:06

Heavy-yhtye Metallica otti yhteyttä Yhdysvaltain asevoimiin ja vaati ettei bändin kappaleita jatkossa käytetä kiduttamiseen.
Tämä selvisi, kun Osama Bin Ladenin ampunut Navy SEAL -sotilas antoi haastattelun Esquire-lehdelle.

The Shooter -nimellä esiintyvä ampuja kertoo Esquirelle, että Metallican laulaja ja kitaristi James Hetfield otti yhteyttä saatuaan tietää, että armeija käyttää yhtyeen musiikkia sota-alueilla.

- Kun ensimmäisen kerran aloitimme sodan Irakissa, pehmitimme ihmisiä Metallican musiikilla ennen kuulusteluja, The Shooter kertoo.

- Metallica pelästyi tästä, ja he sanoivat: Älkää käyttäkö musiikkiamme, koska emme halua edistää väkivaltaa.

- Ajattelin: Jopas, teillä on kuitenkin levy nimeltä Kill 'Em All, The Shooter sanoi lehdelle.

Metallican ensilevy Kill 'Em All tarkoittaa suomeksi: tappakaa heidät kaikki.

"Minulla oli hihamerkki, kun ammuin"

Armeija luopui Metallicasta ja otti tilalle kristillisen heavy yhtyeen Demon Hunterin musiikkia.

- Demon Hunter lähetti meille levyjä ja hihamerkkejä. Käytin niitä kaikissa tehtävissä. Minulla oli Demon Hunterin hihamerkki, kun ammuin Osama bin Ladenin, The Shooter kertoo.

Seattlesta, Washingtonista kotoisin oleva Demon Hunter soittaa kristillistä metalcorea.

Yhtye esiintyi Suomessa 30. huhtikuuta 2012 Kouvolan Vappugospel-tapahtumassa.

- Seal Team 6 ja The Shooter ovat amerikkalaisia sankareita, jotka ansaitsevat tukemme, Demon Hunterin jäsenet ovat kommentoineet.
Tässä vielä tarkennusta USAF in vähentämiin lentoihin; http://www.lvrj.com/news/red-flag-thunderbirds-at-nellis-targeted-for-grounding-190244941.html
Bear Bombers Over Guam

February 15, 2013 4:04 pm

Two Russian nuclear-armed bombers circled the western Pacific island of Guam this week in the latest sign of Moscow’s growing strategic assertiveness toward the United States.

The Russian Tu-95 Bear-H strategic bombers were equipped with nuclear-tipped cruise missiles and were followed by U.S. jets as they circumnavigated Guam on Feb. 12 local time—hours before President Barack Obama’s state of the union address.
Air Force Capt. Kim Bender, a spokeswoman for the Pacific Air Force in Hawaii, confirmed the incident to the Washington Free Beacon and said Air Force F-15 jets based on Andersen Air Force Base, Guam, “scrambled and responded to the aircraft.”
“The Tu-95s were intercepted and left the area in a northbound direction. No further actions occurred,” she said. Bender said no other details would be released “for operational security reasons.”
The bomber incident was considered highly unusual. Russian strategic bombers are not known to have conducted such operations in the past into the south Pacific from bomber bases in the Russian Far East, which is thousands of miles away and over water.
John Bolton, former U.N. ambassador and former State Department international security undersecretary, said the Russian bomber flights appear to be part of an increasingly threatening strategic posture in response to Obama administration anti-nuclear policies.
“Every day brings new evidence that Obama’s ideological obsession with dismantling our nuclear deterrent is dangerous,” Bolton said. “Our national security is in danger of slipping off the national agenda even as the threats grow.”
Defense officials said the bombers tracked over Guam were likely equipped with six Kh-55 or Kh-55SM cruise missiles that can hit targets up to 1,800 miles away with either a high-explosive warhead or a 200-kiloton nuclear warhead.
The F-15s that intercepted the bombers were based at Kadena Air Base, Japan, and were deployed to Guam for the ongoing annual Exercise Guahan Shield 2013.
Two U.S. B-2 strategic bombers were deployed to Guam in late January and last fall advanced F-22 fighter bombers were temporarily stationed on the island. Three nuclear-powered attack submarines and the Global Hawk long-range drone also are based in Guam.
About 200 Marines currently are training on the island. Earlier news reports stated that Japanese and Australian military jets joined U.S. jets in the Guam exercises.
Guam is one of the key strategic U.S. military bases under the Obama administration’s new “pivot” to Asia policy. As a result, it is a target of China and North Korea. Both have missiles capable of hitting the island, located about 1,700 miles east of the Philippines in the Mariana island chain.
This week’s bomber flights are a sign the Russians are targeting the island as well, one defense official said.

Guam also plays a key role in the Pentagon’s semi-secret strategy called the Air-Sea Battle Concept designed to counter what the Pentagon calls China’s anti-access and area denial weapons—precision guided missiles, submarines, anti-satellite weapons, and other special warfighting capabilities designed to prevent the U.S. military from defending allies or keeping sea lanes open in the region.
Defense officials disclosed the incident to the Free Beacon and said the Russian bomber flights appeared to be a strategic message from Moscow timed to the president’s state of the union speech.
“They were sending a message to Washington during the state of the union speech,” one official said.
The bomber flights also coincided with growing tensions between China and Japan over the Senkaku islands. A Chinese warship recently increased tensions between Beijing and Tokyo by using targeting radar against a Japanese warship.
The U.S. military has said it would defend Japan in any military confrontation with China over the Senkakus. The bomber flights appear to signal Russian support for China in the dispute.
Meanwhile, Obama on Wednesday telephoned Japan’s Prime Minister Shinzo Abe to reiterate U.S. nuclear assurances to its ally following North Korea’s third detonation of an underground nuclear device.

A White House statement said the president told Abe, who visits Washington next week, that the United States “remains steadfast in its defense commitments to Japan, including the extended deterrence offered by the U.S. nuclear umbrella.”
“It shows that the Russians, like the Chinese, are not just going to sit idly by and watch the United States ‘pivot’ or ‘rebalance’ its forces toward Asia,” said former State Department security official Mark Groombridge.
“One could argue the Russians were poking a bit of fun at the Obama Administration, seeing how they flew these long-range bombers close to Guam on the same day as the state of the union address,” he said.
“But the broader implications are more profound,” said Groombridge, now with the private strategic intelligence firm LIGNET. “The Russians are clearly sending a signal that they consider the Pacific an area of vital national strategic interest and that they still have at least some power projection capabilities to counterbalance against any possible increase in U.S. military assets in the region.”
Airspace violations by Russian Su-27 jets triggered intercepts by Japanese fighters near Japan’s Hokkaido Island last week. The Feb. 7. incident prompted protests from Tokyo and took place near disputed territory claimed by both countries since the end of World War II.
The Russian air incursion around Guam was the third threatening strategic bomber incident since June. On July 4th, two Bear H’s operated at the closest point to the United States that a Russian bomber has flown since the Soviet Union routinely conducted such flights.
The July bomber flights near California followed an earlier incident in June when two Bear H’s ran up against the air defense zone near Alaska as part of large-scale strategic exercises that Moscow said involved simulated attacks on U.S. missile defense bases. The Pentagon operates missile defense bases in Alaska and California.

Those flights triggered the scrambling of U.S. and Canadian interceptor jets as well.
The bomber flights near Alaska violated a provision of the 2010 New START arms treaty that requires advance notification of exercises involving strategic nuclear bombers.
Military spokesmen sought to play down the June and July incidents as non-threatening, apparently reflecting the Obama administration’s conciliatory “reset” policy toward Russia that seeks better relations by tamping down criticism of Moscow, despite growing anti-U.S. sentiments and policies from the regime of Russian President Vladimir Putin.
Joint Chiefs Chairman Gen. Martin Dempsey questioned his Russian counterpart, Gen. Nikolai Makarov, during a meeting at the Pentagon July 12th.

The latest Russian nuclear saber rattling through bomber flights comes as the Obama administration is planning a new round of strategic arms reduction talks with Russia. State Department arms official Rose Gottemoeller was recently in Moscow for arms discussions.
The president was expected to announce plans to cut U.S. nuclear forces by an additional one-third in a new round of arms reduction efforts with Moscow.
However, the president did not announce the plans and said only during his state of the union speech that he plans further arms cuts.
“Building Guam as a strategic hub has played a critical role in balancing U.S. security interests in responding to and cooperating with China as well as in shaping China’s perceptions and conduct,” wrote Government Accountability Office analyst Shirley A. Kan in a September 2012 report.
“Since 2000, the U.S. military has been building up forward-deployed forces on the westernmost U.S. territory of Guam to increase U.S. presence, deterrence, and power projection for potential responses to crises and disasters, counterterrorism, and contingencies in support of South Korea, Japan, the Philippines, Taiwan, or elsewhere in Asia.”


p.s. eka posti, piti vihdoinkin liittyä joukkoon ikuisen ajan lueskelun jälkeen

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Taasko uusi multiaccount puolustamaan omia mielipiteitä? :p Mitä tuohon uutiseen tulee, niin ovatko amerikkalaiset automaattisesti jotenkin oikeutetumpia lentämään tiedustelukoneillaan toisten ilmatilassa, tahi kruisailemaan lentotukialuksilla toisten rannikoilla?

(Vain ensimmäinen lähdelinkki toimii.)