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Respected Leader
Saas nähdä onko ketju tälle oikea. Nämä kun tuppaa nopeasti eskaloitumaan.

Bahrain: At least one dead and hundreds injured as government violently cracks down on opposition

Today’s disturbing developments again show the consequences of rampant impunity enjoyed by the security forces. There must be a prompt, independent investigation and those responsible for unlawful killing and other arbitrary or abusive force must be prosecuted. The authorities must rein in the security forces, order that they strictly comply with international standards on police use of force, and ensure the right to peaceful protest is protected

Jaa, taitaa Bahraininkin kuningas joutua harkitsemaan kansalaisten lahjomista pois kaduilta. Saudi-Arabian kuningas, Arabiemiraattien emiirit ja Qatarin kuningas välttyivät aikanaan arabikevään ongelmilta antamalla kansalaisille suoraan rahaa heidän tileilleen.
Wikipedia sanoo pidätetystä:

"Ayatollah Sheikh Isa Ahmed Qassim(Arabic: آية الله الشيخ عيسى أحمد قاسم) is Bahrain's leading Shia cleric and a politician. He is the spiritual leader of Al Wefaq, Bahrain's biggest opposition society. He was the leader and is the founders of Islamic Enlightenment institution.[1]"

ja kertoo myös että on Shialaisen (Iranin) opposition äänitorvi. Menetti kansalaisuutensa ja että viime protestien jälkeen Saudit ja Arabiemiriaatti tekivät intervention maahan.

"Throughout the Bahraini uprising (2011–present) Qassim has been a vocal critic of the government and has led the opposition to King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa. "Bahrain’s Sunni rulers have treated Shiite anti-government protesters seeking greater rights in the Gulf kingdom as enemies of state." He said on September 16 during Friday Sermon.[7] "the politics of fear and the Sunni rulers’ refusal to reform has strengthened the resolve of Bahrain’s Shiite majority. He added.[8]"

"On 14 March, the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) agreed to deploy Peninsula Shield Force troops to Bahrain. Saudi Arabia deployed about 1,000 troops with armored support, and the United Arab Emirates deployed about 500 police officers. The forces crossed into Bahrain via the King Fahd Causeway. The purported reason of the intervention was to secure key installations.[9][10] The opposition reacted strongly, calling it an "occupation".[11]"

Ilmeisesti turvallisuusjoukot harventaa oppositiota.
bbc:n mukaan viisi kuollu. Näyttäis siltä että ei kummiskaan mitään sisällisotaa olisi tulossa.

Bahrain unrest: Death toll from raid on cleric's home rises to five

"The interior ministry said 286 people were also arrested after officers came "under attack by members of a terrorist cell" in the village of Diraz.
Activists said the officers opened fire at a sit-in by supporters of Sheikh Isa Qassim, who was not detained.
It came two days after the cleric was convicted of corruption charges"

Kuningas oli jo keväällä varautunu levottomuuksiin.
3 April 2017
Bahrain's king approves military trials for civilians

Bahrain's King Hamad has ratified a constitutional amendment that enables military courts to try civilians.
But Amnesty International warned that the measure was so vaguely worded that it could be used to try government critics, including peaceful activists.

Civilians last faced military trials during a three-month state of emergency declared in 2011 after the authorities suppressed mass pro-democracy protests.

About 300 people were convicted of political crimes during that period, after what Amnesty International said were grossly unfair tribunals characterised by a range of violations, including the admission of "confessions" obtained under torture.

Aika keinotekoinen öljyvaltio tuokin on:
In 2010, Bahrain's population grew to 1.2 million, of which 568,399 were Bahraini and 666,172 were non-nationals. <-aasialaiset tekevät työt
Approximately 70% percent of Bahraini Muslims are Shia. <- ja sunneilla on valta hallussaan (bonus:Juutalaisyhteisössä on 37 jäsentä)
Voisin sanoa, että Bahrain on paska valtio...
Aika keinotekoinen öljyvaltio tuokin on:
In 2010, Bahrain's population grew to 1.2 million, of which 568,399 were Bahraini and 666,172 were non-nationals. <-aasialaiset tekevät työt
Approximately 70% percent of Bahraini Muslims are Shia. <- ja sunneilla on valta hallussaan (bonus:Juutalaisyhteisössä on 37 jäsentä)

Siis nuohan eivät sinällään ole valtioita, vaan siellä on joku valtaa pitävä suku joka omistaa kyseisen maa-alueen. "Valtio" on sitten lähinnä päivittäisten asioiden pyörittämistä varten.