Greatest Leader
En tieda kuuluuko tama varsinaisesti foorumin aihepiiriin mutta sotilaallisiakin implikaatioita on koska "the virus CAN BE WEAPONISED." (Wiki)
Liberia on juuri sulkenut maarajansa historian suurimman Ebola-outbreakin seurauksena:
Most border crossings in Liberia have been closed and communities hit by an Ebola outbreak face quarantine to try to halt the spread of the virus.
Screening centres are also being set up at the few major entry points that will remain open, such as the main airport.
Meanwhile, Nigeria largest's airline, Arik Air, has suspended all flights to Liberia and Sierra Leone after a man with Ebola flew to Nigeria last week.
The virus has killed at least 660 people in West Africa since February.
Daily Mail hieman raflaavampaan tyyliin:
Deadly Ebola virus 'could spread globally' after plane brings it to Nigeria
Lisatietoa viruksesta:
Kuolleisuus on 65%-90%, rokotetta ei ole olemassa.
Liberia on juuri sulkenut maarajansa historian suurimman Ebola-outbreakin seurauksena:
Most border crossings in Liberia have been closed and communities hit by an Ebola outbreak face quarantine to try to halt the spread of the virus.
Screening centres are also being set up at the few major entry points that will remain open, such as the main airport.
Meanwhile, Nigeria largest's airline, Arik Air, has suspended all flights to Liberia and Sierra Leone after a man with Ebola flew to Nigeria last week.
The virus has killed at least 660 people in West Africa since February.
Daily Mail hieman raflaavampaan tyyliin:
Deadly Ebola virus 'could spread globally' after plane brings it to Nigeria
Lisatietoa viruksesta:
Kuolleisuus on 65%-90%, rokotetta ei ole olemassa.