Energia-aseet: laser ym.

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The U.S. Missile Defense Agency awarded Lockheed Martin a nine-month, $9.4 million contract to develop a Low Power Laser Demonstrator (LPLD) missile interceptor concept, the agency announced Oct. 5.

"Our Low Power Laser Demonstrator concept puts advanced beam control systems and a fiber laser on a high-performance, high-altitude platform to maximize risk reduction value over the demonstration period," said Sarah Reeves, director in Strategic and Missile Defense programs at Lockheed Martin.

"Lockheed Martin has committed millions of dollars to directed energy research and development, laying the groundwork for the laser technology that brings us much closer to an operational system capable of intercepting a missile in its boost phase."

A missile's boost phase - the short window after its launch - is the ideal time to intercept and destroy the threat, before it can reach top speed or deploy decoys. The speed and precision of laser systems make them potential options for a future missile defense system.

Lockheed Martin will draw from expertise in laser system architectures, ballistic missile defense system integration, platform integration, optics and beam control for the Low Power Laser Demonstrator program.

The company has extensive experience in developing laser systems through both government contracts and internal investments, which reduces risk for its demonstrator program.
Konseptin testaamista

Almost exactly one year ago, [Kreosan] published a video detailing an EM “weapon” built out of three magnetrons, some batteries, and a taser. It all seemed a bit too good to be true, so [Allen] decided to try and replicate the results for himself.

[Kreosan]’s original video was impressive, showing everything from home stereos to a humble moped exploding when in the presence of their powerful device. However, many of those watching the video doubted the footage. Most criticism centered around the nature of the power supply to the magnetron falling short of the usual 700-1000W seen in a microwave oven.
Kuolemansädetin oli viime vuosisadan SF konsepti, nyt todellisuutta.

Researchers have discovered a new way to produce high energy photon beams. The new method makes it possible to produce these gamma rays in a highly efficient way, compared with today's technique. The obtained energy is a billion times higher than the energy of photons in visible light. These high intensity gamma rays significantly exceed all known limits, and pave the way towards new fundamental studies.

"When we exceed the limit of what is currently possible, we can see deeper into the basic elements of nature. We can dive into the deepest part of the atomic nuclei," says Arkady Gonoskov, researcher at the Department of Physics at Chalmers University of Technology.

The results were recently published in the high impact journal Physical Review X. The new method is an outcome of a collaboration between Chalmers University of Technology in Sweden, Institute of Applied Physics and Lobachevsky University in Russia and University of Plymouth in the UK. Physicists in different fields, as well as computer scientists, have managed to work out the numerical models and analytic estimates for simulating these ultra-strong gamma rays in a new and somehow unexpected way.

In normal cases, if you shoot a laser pulse at an object, all the particles scatter. But if the laser light is intense enough and all parameters are right, the researchers have found that the particles are instead trapped. They form a cloud where particles of matter and antimatter are created and start to behave in a very special, unusual way.

"The cloud of trapped particles efficiently converts the laser energy into cascades of high energy photons - a phenomena that is very fortunate. It's an amazing thing that the photons from this source can be of such high energy," says Mattias Marklund, professor at the Department of Physics at Chalmers.

The discovery is highly relevant for the future large scale laser facilities that are under development right now. The most intense light sources on earth will be produced at such research facilities - as big as football fields.

"Our concept is already part of the experimental program proposed for one such facility: Exawatt Center for Extreme Light Studies in Russia. We still don't know where these studies will lead us, but we know that there are yet things to be discovered within nuclear physics, for example new sources of energy. With fundamental studies, you can aim at something and end up discovering something completely different - which is more interesting and important," says Arkady Gonoskov.
Osaako kukaan avata asiaa maallikkoymmärrykselle?

Laser diodin sijasta gammalähetin voi muodostaa säteen. Normitilanteessa, kun tuo säde osuu kohteeseen se säteilee ympärille, muuntaen säteessä olevaa energiaa lämpösäteilyksi. Gammalähetin toimii hieman erinlailla, sillä tietyissä olosuhteissa gammasädekimppu tarttuu kohteeseen ja rupeaa muuntamaan sitä ennalta odottamattomalla tavalla. Tutkijat eivät kuitenkaan avaa miten sillä he eivät itse vielä ymmärrä kaikkia seikkoja, mutta he kuitenkin odottavat että tämä auttaa laser-pohjaisissa projekteissa kuten esim fuusiovoimalassa.

Onko se gammasädekimppu parempi kuin normi HEL? En tiedä, mutta luulen että tämä löytö edes auttaa kaikkia projekteja minkä kimpussa fyysikot ja muut tieteilijät pyörivät.
Kiitos ctg:lle rautalangasta. Surullista kyllä aivoni muistuttavat silti tämän asian suhteen pankin kynnysmaton pesemiseen käytettyä mäntysuopaa.

1.Laser diodin sijasta gammalähetin voi muodostaa säteen.

2.Normitilanteessa, kun tuo säde osuu kohteeseen se säteilee ympärille, muuntaen säteessä olevaa energiaa lämpösäteilyksi.

3. Gammalähetin toimii hieman erinlailla, sillä tietyissä olosuhteissa gammasädekimppu tarttuu kohteeseen ja rupeaa muuntamaan sitä ennalta odottamattomalla tavalla.

4.Tutkijat eivät kuitenkaan avaa miten sillä he eivät itse vielä ymmärrä kaikkia seikkoja, mutta he kuitenkin odottavat että tämä auttaa

5. laser-pohjaisissa projekteissa kuten esim fuusiovoimalassa.

1. Diodia ymmärrän vähän. Gammalähetintä en ymmärrä yhtään.

2. Tuon oletan tajuavani.

3. En tajua. Missä olosuhteissa? Miksi? Miten? Mikä tätä erilaisuutta ohjaa ja tuottaa? Miksi muutos on odottamaton?

Lisäksi välillä tulee joku outo pään sisäinen sekaannus. "Tässä puhutaan lähteestä mutta tuntuu ihan kuin puhuttais kohteesta ja tossa puhutaan kohteesta, mutta tuntuu ihan kuin asia koskisi jotenkin myös lähdettä ja... APUAAAAA!

4. Ton varmaan pitäis lohduttaa, mutta aikamoiseksi idiootiksi tässä silti itsensä tuntee kun pään sisällä oleva asiaan liittyvä kaaos ei kanssapalstalaisen ystävällisestä avusta huolimatta järjesty mihinkään sellaiseen rakenteeseen, jonka perusteella pystyisi hahmottamaan asian perusluonteen

5. Vieläköhän ne leikkii donintseillaan vai rupeavatko jo tutkimaan Y:n muotoista geometriaa, jossa on "puolivapaasti" purkautuva aine/energiasuihku, josta energia otetaan talteen?

Yritän tunkea tähän pikagögölöinnin jälkeen tyhmiä kysymyksiä:

a) Liittyvätkö oudot anomaliat liikemäärän säilymiseen?

b) Tai onko jotain outoa joka liittyisi pionin tapaisiin välittäjähiukkasiin ja/tai parinmuodostukseen ja/tai annihilaatioon?

Tapahtuuko jotain väärässä paikassa? Tai väärään aikaan? Jopa "etukäteen"?

c) Miten helkutassa gammasäteilystä tehdään koherenttia? Vai tehdäänkö?

Ei vaan tajua eikä aukea eikä ymmärrä!
Viimeksi muokattu:
Miten helkutassa gammasäteilystä tehdään koherenttia? Vai tehdäänkö?

Tutkimuspaperista, linkki oli artikkelin lopussa.

Almost any physical investigation involves the use of light, or photons, as a probe. High-energy photons are required to probe fundamental quantum processes, and interactions between lasers and matter can generate such photons; a charged particle can absorb laser photons and, in giving up some of its own energy, re-emit the photons at a much higher energy. This has led to great interest in using intense laser facilities to create high-energy photon sources, but there are seemingly unavoidable physical restrictions on their energy. In particular, the generation of high-energy photons leads to the start of an avalanche, or cascade, of electron-positron pairs that, while creating more photons, rapidly draws too much energy from the system, making the source unsustainable. We show that there is in fact a way to overcome such restrictions and create a source of giga-electron-volt (GeV) photons with unprecedented brightness.

The key to our concept is the use of particle-trapping phenomena to initiate a new scenario in which particle cascades and highly nonlinear particle dynamics induce and support each other but, crucially, in a controllable manner. By matching the intensity and duration of the laser pulse, it is possible to induce a cascade that is held at a subcritical level, avoiding significant depletion effects while sustaining photon production. In this scenario, laser radiation is converted into a well-collimated flash of GeV photons. The resulting source has parameters exceeding those provided by existing laser-based sources by several orders of magnitude.

Our concept is feasible for upcoming laser facilities and could enable a new era of experiments in photonuclear and quark-nuclear physics.

Liittyvätkö oudot anomaliat liikemäärän säilymiseen?

However, in a dipole wave, the electromagnetic field, being strongly concentrated near the center, quickly drops along this direction. Thus, apart from the radial migration towards the center, the trapping requires confining the oscillations in the z direction. However, the attraction point corresponds to the magnetic field node. Thus, in some vicinity of the z axis the magnetic field is insufficiently strong to deplete the energy of outgoing particles after the acceleration phase, so they will inevitably escape. Moreover, this can happen everywhere due to the probabilistic nature of emission. However, the cascade onset can compensate for the leakage of particles from the trapped state. In this context, in a dipole wave and in the presence of cascades, the threshold for the trapping can be naturally defined as the power Pc,dmin which leads to a self-sustained cascade; i.e., surpassing the threshold leads to the dominance of particle production in the trapped state over the leakage of particles from that state.

Moreover, this predominantly happens in the vicinity of the attraction point, further enhancing effective reallocation of particles towards this point. In such a way, for the multiparticle dynamics accompanied by a cascade, this effective trapping becomes sustained at a significantly lower level of power.

This effective trapping is based on the following mechanism. If a particle leaving the trapped state produces photons that generate at least one pair on average, one of the produced particles is likely to be sent back into the trapped state. This is because on average the photons carry a quarter of the original particle’s energy, while each of the produced particles carries on average one eighth. This is sufficiently low for the magnetic field to be able to deflect particles back into the trapped state, even if the field amplitude was insufficient to prevent the original particle from escaping. Hence, the cascade seeded by the original particle can provide another particle to replace it, and thus the process becomes self-sustaining.
Pahoittelen sitä että ctg:n vaivannäkö ei realisoidu täällä päässä (ainakaan ilman suurta omaa vaivannäköä) juuri minkäänlaiseksi hyödylliseksi tai hyödyttömäksi ymmärrykseksi.

Olo on kuin olisi törmännyt konttausnopeudella paksuun betoniseinään. Ei juuri satu, mutta ei nauratakaan. Eteenpäin ei konttaamalla pääse ja joku sisäinen varotuskello huutaa ettei kannata yrittää siten, että ottaa oikein kunnollisen juoksuvauhdin ja kattoo että muuttuisko seinä joustavammaksi liike-energian kasvattamisen kautta.

Oletan, että tietämättömyyden verkostolla on täydellinen ylivoima suhteessa tiedon rikkonaiseen seittiin ja ymmärryskyvyttömyyden rakettimoottoreissa on enemmän voimaa kuin järjen ja logiikan sähkövatkaimessa.

Antaudun asian edessä.
Nothing says futuristic 'top gun' like a fighter jet using a high-energy laser to blast enemy missiles out of the sky. That future may be only a few years away. The Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) has issued a $26.3-million contract to Lockheed Martin to design, develop, and build a high-energy laser for tests in a tactical fighter jet by 2021. The key technology is an advanced version of a multi-kilowatt fiber laser like the one the Navy tested earlier on the USS Ponce.

At the time, it seemed impractical to combine beams from many fiber lasers; in doing so, you’d sacrifice the beam quality needed to focus power on distant targets. What changed the picture was the development of a high-power version of the wavelength-division multiplexing (WDM) technique used in high-capacity fiber-optic telecommunications. At low power, WDM can merge the outputs of 100 different lasers, each operating in its own narrow slice of the spectrum, into a single fiber core without causing interference. Lockheed has extended what it calls “spectral beam combining” to high-power fiber lasers, starting with a 30-kW system that combines light from about 100 lasers and uses less than half the power of other electric lasers. This year, Lockheed delivered a 60-kilowatt version to the Army for testing in a military tractor-trailer.

The AFRL contract is part of its Self-protect High Energy Laser Demonstrator, or SHiELD, program The aim is to test capabilities of a fighter jet that uses lasers to defend itself against missiles launched from the air or ground. Separately, Northrop-Grumman is building a beam control system to fire at targets, and Boeing is integrating the laser into an external pod that will contain it in flight, power it, cool it, and coordinate its actions with the aircraft’s systems.

Meanwhile AFRL and DARPA are also planning airborne tests of a competing, non-fiber laser system. The compact and lightweight electric laser, called HELLADS, was developed by General Atomics.

The SHiELD program includes three subsystems:

+ SHiELD Turret Research in Aero Effects (STRAFE), the beam control system, which will direct the laser onto the target

+ Laser Pod Research and Development (LPRD), the pod mounted on the tactical fighter jet, which will power and cool the laser

+ Laser Advancements for Next-generation Compact Environments (LANCE), the high energy laser itself, which can be trained on adversary targets to disable them

LANCE is designed to operate in a compact environment, and as such, the Lockheed Martin team focused on developing a compact, high efficiency laser within challenging size, weight and power constraints.
Viimeksi muokattu:
MARAUDER (Magnetically accelerated ring to achieve ultrahigh directed energy and radiation) is, or was, a United States Air Force Research Laboratory project concerning the development of a coaxial plasma railgun

As of 1993 the project appeared to be in the early experimental stages. The weapon was able to produce doughnut-shaped rings of plasma and balls of lightning that exploded with devastating thermal and mechanical effects when hitting their target and produced pulse of electromagnetic radiation that could scramble electronics.[5] The project's initial success led to it becoming classified, and only a few references to MARAUDER appeared after 1993. No information about the fate of the project has been published after 1995.

Ohjelma alkoi onnistumaan, vedettiin salaiseksi. Ei ilmoitusta projektin päättämisestä. Kutina on sellainen että tuo on yksi jenkkien takataskun aseista.
Toisijaiset ongelmat ovat suurin uhka EMP iskussa tavallisille kansalaisille. Auto onnettomuudet, tulipalot ja muut vastaavat, kun taas se uhka että kaikki kärvähtää pysyvästi ja suistaa alueen kivikauteen on fiktiota.

We tested a sample of 37 cars in an EMP simulation laboratory, with automobile vintages ranging from 1986 through 2002. Automobiles of these vintages include extensive electronics and represent a significant fraction of automobiles on the road today. The testing was conducted by exposing running and nonrunning automobiles to sequentially increasing EMP field intensities. If anomalous response (either temporary or permanent) was observed, the testing of that particular automobile was stopped. If no anomalous response was observed, the testing was continued up to the field intensity limits of the simulation capability (approximately 50 kV/m).

Automobiles were subjected to EMP environments under both engine turned off and engine turned on conditions. No effects were subsequently observed in those automobiles that were not turned on during EMP exposure. The most serious effect observed on running automobiles was that the motors in three cars stopped at field strengths of approximately 30 kV/m or above. In an actual EMP exposure, these vehicles would glide to a stop and require the driver to restart them. Electronics in the dashboard of one automobile were damaged and required repair.

Other effects were relatively minor. Twenty-five automobiles exhibited malfunctions that could be considered only a nuisance (e.g., blinking dashboard lights) and did not require driver intervention to correct. Eight of the 37 cars tested did not exhibit any anomalous response. Based on these test results, we expect few automobile effects at EMP field levels below 25 kV/m.

Approximately 10 percent or more of the automobiles exposed to higher field levels may experience serious EMP effects, including engine stall, that require driver intervention to correct. We further expect that at least two out of three automobiles on the road will manifest some nuisance response at these higher field levels.

The serious malfunctions could trigger car crashes on U.S. highways; the nuisance malfunctions could exacerbate this condition. The ultimate result of automobile EMP exposure could be triggered crashes that damage many more vehicles than are damaged by the EMP, the consequent loss of life, and multiple injuries.
British miltech boffinry outfit Qinetiq has opened a testing centre named the Dragonworks for the building and tweaking of giant laser cannon.

So named after the Dragonfire weapon which will be its first product, the Dragonworks is located near Farnborough, in the heart of the leafy Home Counties.

The facility, which includes a dedicated clean room for assembling laser weaponry as well as "the UK's only Reflective Hazard Assessment Tool" (RHAT), is built to allow full-power testing of laser cannon in a controlled, indoor setting.

One presumes the facility either has a lot of mirrors or several hundred gallons of black paint on the inside. Either way, 27 people work on it full-time, along with the indirect support of many others.

Qinetiq chief exec Steve Wadey said in a canned statement: "Dragonworks introduces a brand new sovereign capability, which will significantly enhance the UK's ability to operate and characterise high energy lasers."

First off the Dragonworks assembly line will be the MBDA Dragonfire laser cannon, as covered in shining detail here on El Reg. Once assembled and tested in early 2018, the laser element of Dragonfire will be attached to a "beam director" supplied by Italian-headquartered defence contractor Leonardo. Following a full-power zap under indoor test conditions, the complete weapon will then be shipped to MoD test ranges at Shoeburyness, just east of Southend in south Essex for full-power outdoor trials.

"Data collected using the RHAT will inform the safety case for these and future trials, ensuring the reflectivity of targets is fully understood and any risk mitigated accordingly," we are told.

The £30m Dragonfire laser cannon, formally known as a Laser Directed Energy Weapon (LDEW) will eventually be installed aboard a warship, El Reg understands, once the characteristics of the laser have been figured out. One of the biggest problems is ensuring that reflections of the laser beam don't accidentally zap anything else nearby; hence the indoor and outdoor trials. Another potential problem, which non-energy-beam-based weapons don't face, is the weather: heat and light-based systems should, in theory, be much reduced in effectiveness by rain, fog and mist. The problem is already well understood in military circles from combat aircraft's passive electro-optical sensor systems.

Simply put, light and heat don't penetrate water vapour very well, hence why foggy mornings are darker and colder than sunny mornings. Whether boosting light beams to tens of kilowatts overcomes that effect is something the Dragonfire project will be finding out
Jenkkeihin mahtuu kyllä salaliittoteorioita.

Mikähän siihen oikein on syynä?
Metalenses - flat surfaces that use nanostructures to focus light - promise to revolutionize optics by replacing the bulky, curved lenses currently used in optical devices with a simple, flat surface. But, these metalenses have remained limited in the spectrum of light they can focus well.

Now a team of researchers at the Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS) has developed the first single lens that can focus the entire visible spectrum of light - including white light - in the same spot and in high resolution. This has only ever been achieved in conventional lenses by stacking multiple lenses.

The research is published in Nature Nanotechnology.
Jenkkeihin mahtuu kyllä salaliittoteorioita.

Mikähän siihen oikein on syynä?

Valtaosa salaliittoteorioita kehittelevistä ovat jonkinlaisia uskontohörhöjä ja niitähän riittää. Myös lähi-idässä teoriat ovat suosittuja, sattumaako? Tuskinpa.

Tieteen vihaaminen ja kaikki uskontoa uhkaava sekä "perinteitä arvoja" joutuu salkkareiden tulilinjalle... oli kyseessä sitten moderni taide tai kerrostalot.