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Epäillään, että on palkannut palkkasotilaita avukseen.

There are concerns that Jammeh is hiring rebel fighters. Reports are mercenaries, including people who fought for the Charles Taylor regime in the last decade, people like Benjamin Yeaten, have been recruited. But such mercenaries were crushed by ECOWAS forces in Liberia and by UN forces in Ivory Coast.

Etteivät vaan ole niitä samoja venäläisiä mitä Syyriassa..
Kaveri on myös erinomainen poppamies.

Jammeh uskoo itsellään olevan mystisiä voimia ja hän uskoo pystyvänsä parantamaan ihmisiä. Kyky on kuitenkin rajoitettu, ja hän pysyy parantamaan vain kymmenen AIDS-potilasta joka maanantai ja torstai ja sata astmapotilasta lauantaina tai perjantaina. AIDS-hoitomenetelmä perustui yrtteihin ja Koraanin säkeisiin.

Bitter medicine: how Gambian president claims to cure Aids


Gambian President Yahya Jammeh waves a Koran over Ousmane Sowe, 54, before Jammeh and Health Minister Dr. Hamsir Mbowe (L) begin Jammeh's alternative medicine treatment for HIV
Aika keskiaikaista menoa tämä "Hallitsen Jumalan tahdosta." Olihan eurooppalaisilla kuninkaillakin korkeimman mandaatti ja sukupuuta piirreltiin innokkaasti Jeesuksen perheeseen että voidaan todistaa jumalallinen alkuperä ja Paavi, jumalan kakkosmies maanpinnalla, tämän vielä vahvisti(tai sitten ei riippuen politiikan kiemuroista). Hohhoijaa... Millon ihmiset tulee järkiinsä. Sen päivän kun näkisi vaan taitaa jäädä näkemäti.
Johtaja on luopunut vallasta!

"Gambia dictator Yahya Jammeh, has finally relinquish power. In a state TV national address on Friday."

"Former Gambian dictator Yahya Jammeh, might likely leave town tonight to resettle in Guinea Conakry, the Freedom Newspaper can reveal. Mr. Jammeh is on the verge of finalizing the deal for his exit route, sources said. Although, Jammeh wants to have possession of his stolen wealth and assets within and outside the shores of the Gambia."

development happening in the Gambia.

This is a live report and we will be updating it as events unfold. You can send your reactions to us via email [email protected] or on Twitter @jollofnews and on our Facebook page.

Jammeh To Depart Banjul Today

President Yahya Jammeh is due to leave Banjul early this afternoon after he agreed to step aside on Friday to avoid military confrontation with Senegalese led regional troops.

Mr Jammeh will be go into exile in Guinea Conakry. His departure was delayed last night due to logistic reasons which has now been resolved by regional group Ecowas.

Mauritania’s President Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz, who helped to broker the deal, told Mauritanian state news agency that “the accord sees the departure of Jammeh from Gambia for an African country with guarantees for his family, those close to him and himself. He can come back to the country as he pleases.”
Gambian ex-presidentti lähti maanpakoon keskellä yötä – BBC: valtion kassasta kadonnut miljoonia
Luksusautoja nähtiin lastattavan rahtikoneeseen samana yönä, kun ex-presidentti poistui maasta.

Gambiassa valtion kassasta on kadonnut useita miljoonia maan entisen presidentin Yahya Jammehin lähdön myötä, uutisoi BBC. Asiasta kertoneen uuden presidentin neuvonantajan mukaan asiantuntijat pyrkivät selvittämään paljonko rahaa tarkalleen puuttuu. Tämänhetkisen arvion mukaan kateissa on yli 11 miljoonaa Yhdysvaltain dollaria eli yli 10,3 miljoonaa euroa.

BBC kertoo, että muun muassa luksusautoja nähtiin lastattavan rahtikoneeseen samana yönä, kun ex-presidentti poistui maasta. Presidentinvaalit viime vuonna hävinnyt Jammeh lähti maanpakoon viikonloppuna.

Gambian uusi presidentti Adama Barrow vannoi virkavalansa jo torstaina maan suurlähetystössä Senegalissa. Hän ei tiettävästi ole vielä palannut takaisin Gambiaan.

Gambian naapurimaat uhkasivat puuttua asiaan sotilaallisesti, mikäli vallanvaihtoa ei toteuteta. Lopulta maata 22 vuotta hallinnut Jammeh ilmoitti viikonloppuna, että suostuu luopumaan vallasta.

YK on aiemmin kertonut, että yli 45 000 ihmistä pakeni poliittista kriisiä Gambiasta Senegaliin. Lisäksi 800 ihmisen kerrottiin paenneen Guinea-Bissauhun.
Jammehin vallanvaihto taisi venyä siksi, koska pakkaamisessa kesti odotettua pidempään. ;)
West African troops move into Gambian capital to secure new leader’s arrival

Latest update : 23/01/2017

Gambia's capital was awaiting the arrival of the country's new leader Adama Barrow as West African troops moved to secure the capital, just hours after Yahya Jammeh, the authoritarian ruler of 22 years, flew into exile.

West African military forces were seen entering the Gambian presidential compound in the country’s capital on Sunday as they sought to secure new President Adama Barrow’s arrival before he takes office. Yahya Jammeh, who led Gambia for 22 years but refused to accept defeat in the December 1st presidential election, flew out of Banjul late on Saturday en route to Equatorial Guinea as the regional force threatened to intervene.

Barrow is waiting to get the green light from the ECOWAS forces before he returns to Banjul. “I can’t give a precise date or time, but it will be very soon,” he told France 24 in an exclusive interview.

The regional operation was launched late on Thursday after Barrow was sworn in as president at Gambia’s embassy in neighbouring Senegal, but it was then halted to give Jammeh one last chance to leave peacefully.The forces entered Gambia shortly after his departure in order to secure Banjul, ahead of Barrow's arrival.

On Sunday, officials in Equatorial Guinea refused to comment on whether Jammeh had arrived in the country. But in a statement, Equatorial Guinea’s opposition denounced the presence of Jammeh, whose 22-year reign was marked by systematic human rights abuses, on their soil. Equatorial Guinea is not a state party to the International Criminal Court.

Jammeh's dramatic about-face on his election loss to Barrow, at first conceding and then challenging the vote, appeared to be the final straw for the international community, which had been alarmed by his moves in recent years to declare an Islamic republic and leave the Commonwealth and the ICC.

On Sunday, Barrow warned that state resources appeared to have been depleted when Jammeh fled.

“According to information we received, there is no money in the coffers. It’s what we have been told, but the day we actually take office we will clarify all of it,” Barrow told Senegalese radio station RFM.

"After 22 years of fear, Gambians now have a unique opportunity to become a model for human rights in West Africa," Amnesty International's deputy director for West and Central Africa, Steve Cockburn, said in a statement Sunday.
