Piti laittaa tämä Gripen-myyntidirikan puolustelu kun sai myös Makea-Billin kommentin mukaan

Tosin eihän tuolla EJ200 samankaltaisuudella oikeasti ole mitään väliä, ei jonkun 10 kappaleen oston takia kukaan EJ200:a GE414:n tilalle vaihdata.
Toimittaja Darren Olivier kertoo kuinka Etelä-Afrikka tiedusteli aikoinaan EJ200:lla varustettua Gripenia, mutta liian kallis oli. Heidän hankintamäärä oli 26 kappaletta.
South Africa asked Saab to provide a detailed proposal for an EJ200-engined Gripen during the negotiation phase of their 1999 acquisition of the type, perhaps linked to this news https://flightglobal.com/eurojet-aims-ej200-variant-at-thrust-vectored-gripen/21234.article
It was deemed feasible even then, just too expensive at the time
Tuon Flightglobalin linkin mukaan 1998 on ollut kovat piipussa. Jopa thrust vectoringia on ajateltu Gripeniin. 102kN on jopa enemmän kuin Gripen E:hen päätynyt F414-GE-39E 98kN.
The company says that a 700h flight test programme is being planned to explore thrust vectoring on a standard Gripen airframe for the export market. Eurojet has proposed to Saab a 102kN (23,000lb)-thrust version of its engine, called the EJ230, combined with an axisymmetric thrust-vectoring nozzle from Spanish Eurojet partner ITP, and a control system from Daimler-Benz Aerospace (Dasa) subsidiary MTU.
According to Eurojet, the increased thrust will be achieved by measures including the addition of a new higher pressure-ratio fan.'
Eurojet says that it is in competition with the General Electric F414 with an AVEN thrust-vectoring nozzle. The current version of the Gripen is powered by the Volvo Aero RM12, a licence-produced GE F404.
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