Greatest Leader
Ei tällaiset ohjeet lisää yhteiselämää muiden uskontojen kanssaMun mielestä kaikki nämä kohdat on sellaisia, joissa nimenomaan kerrotaan muslimeille pitämään oman päänsä eikä antamaan yhtään periksi esimerkiksi länsimaisille arvoille.
5.51. O you who believe! Take not the Jews and Christians for friends and allies (in their Judaism and Christianity, and against the believers). Some among them are friends and allies to some others. Whoever among you takes them for friends and allie
The Miraculous Quran - Questions and Answers, translation, interpretation, Al-Ma'idah
"O you who believe! Take not the Jews and Christians for friends and allies (in their Judaism and Christianity, and against the believers). Some among them are friends and allies to some others. Whoever among you takes them for friends and allies (in their Judaism and Christianity and against the believers) will eventually become one of them (and be counted among them in the Hereafter). Surely God does not guide such wrongdoers. |