Israel julkistanut tappioita.
IDF data: Following the war - a 13-year record in the volume of suicides in the IDF
The IDF today presents the casualty figures for the years 2023-2024, which show that the war brought with it a record for decades in the number of casualties - since the Yom Kippur War.
During the war, a total of 891 people were killed.
Of these:
329 people died in the battles of 7/10.
390 killed in Gaza Strip maneuver
50 killed in ground maneuver in Lebanon
37 killed in operational activity in the north
11 killed in operational activity in Judea and Samaria
In 2024, there was a more than 2-fold jump in the number of fatalities from road accidents - 20 were killed in the past year, compared to 9 fatalities in 2023.
During the ground maneuver in Gaza, 60 people were killed in operational accidents (15% of the maneuver casualties), and during the maneuver in Lebanon, 5 people were killed in operational accidents (10% of the maneuver casualties).
Suicide cases:
Since the beginning of the war, 28 people have died in suicide attacks: 16 of them were reservists (close to 60%).
The IDF says that "the war and the unprecedented burdens on those serving are certainly affecting the issue," and estimates that the war has a clear impact on the significant increase in the volume of suicides among soldiers - a record since 2011. The estimate is that the numbers will increase.
The IDF presents a number of steps taken during the war to reduce suicide incidents:
A 24/7 telephone helpline has been opened, and since the start of the war it has received 3,900 calls. The IDF says that many suicides have been prevented thanks to the treatment provided through it.
The scope of the KABNI was expanded during the war - approximately 800 KABNI were recruited in the reserves.
Doron Kadosh
Kaupunkisodankäyntiä vuositolkulla ja tappiot siihennähden, aivan olemattomat.
Tuolta, oppia.
IDF data: Following the war - a 13-year record in the volume of suicides in the IDF
The IDF today presents the casualty figures for the years 2023-2024, which show that the war brought with it a record for decades in the number of casualties - since the Yom Kippur War.
During the war, a total of 891 people were killed.
Of these:
329 people died in the battles of 7/10.
390 killed in Gaza Strip maneuver
50 killed in ground maneuver in Lebanon
37 killed in operational activity in the north
11 killed in operational activity in Judea and Samaria
In 2024, there was a more than 2-fold jump in the number of fatalities from road accidents - 20 were killed in the past year, compared to 9 fatalities in 2023.
During the ground maneuver in Gaza, 60 people were killed in operational accidents (15% of the maneuver casualties), and during the maneuver in Lebanon, 5 people were killed in operational accidents (10% of the maneuver casualties).
Suicide cases:
Since the beginning of the war, 28 people have died in suicide attacks: 16 of them were reservists (close to 60%).
The IDF says that "the war and the unprecedented burdens on those serving are certainly affecting the issue," and estimates that the war has a clear impact on the significant increase in the volume of suicides among soldiers - a record since 2011. The estimate is that the numbers will increase.
The IDF presents a number of steps taken during the war to reduce suicide incidents:
A 24/7 telephone helpline has been opened, and since the start of the war it has received 3,900 calls. The IDF says that many suicides have been prevented thanks to the treatment provided through it.
The scope of the KABNI was expanded during the war - approximately 800 KABNI were recruited in the reserves.
Doron Kadosh
Kaupunkisodankäyntiä vuositolkulla ja tappiot siihennähden, aivan olemattomat.
Tuolta, oppia.