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IDF preparing to attack Syria

The IDF is preparing for the possibility of a limited ground operation in Syria in case there is massive fire. Among the threats Israel faces is a Hezbollah attack upon Israeli territory.
Aug 16, 2015

Israel appraised that the reality will change along the northern border. Within the last week, the IDF held an extensive exercise in the Golan Heights which included among other things the possible scenario of a limited ground operation within Syria in response to rocket fire or terror attacks along the border. This is because of the rapid increase in Islamist extremist forces in Syria and it has been appraised that the quiet along the northern front is an unstable situation that is likely to change any moment.

Another scenario is that Israel appraises the possibility of an additional campaign against Hezbollah. In recent years, the Lebanese terror organization has based its program upon attacking Israel. Because of the IDF exercise, the population was evacuated that lives alongside the Syrian and Lebanese borders.

Despite Israel’s efforts to prevent the smuggling of weapons to Hezbollah, shipments of armaments continue to pass from Syria to the Lebanese terror organization and also Iran’s command of this front is becoming increasingly dramatic. Qassem Soleimani, the commander of the Al Quds Force of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards outside of Iran’s borders, stands behind terror activities in the Golan Heights, both directly and indirectly.
Omana arveluna noista paljastuksista on, että ne eivät ole sattumaa. Yleensä ns. "vuodoilla" Israelissa on jokin tarkoitus. Niitä nyt ei vain tapahdu tuolla tasolla jo sotilassensuurin takia. Todennäköisesti kyseessä on varoitus Iranille.
Paljastukset kuohuttavat Israelissa edelleen.

Lieberman: “These leaks harm Israel”
Yisrael Beitenu Chairman Avigdor Lieberman attacked the leak that exposed details of a discussion about a possible attack against Iran.

Yisrael Beitenu Chairman Avigdor Lieberman strongly attacked the conduct of former Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak, where he exposed details on a discussion about a possible attack against Iran: “This harms our warning and training abilities.”

“I don’t intend to enter into the content of the talks and the positions of ministers but the leaks themselves on the most closed and sensitive discussions on state secrets; this is unacceptable,” he noted.

According to him, Barak’s revelations expose Israel to international criticism: “We appear to the world as babblers; this prevents countries from sharing with us activities, forcing us in the past to apologize for leaks. This stigma harms Israel’s ability to take part in intelligence.”
Kuten jo aiemmin mainitsin, koska ko. asiat päästettiin sotilassensuurin läpi (ja tuskin ilman useampaa lausuntoa, sen verran kovista asioista on kyse), en voi olla ajattelematta ko. vuotojen olevan tarkoitushakuisia.
Protests against Hamas within Gaza
A corn vendor in Gaza that suffered harassment from Hamas decided to start protesting in an extremist manner and poisoned himself. Now, he is hospitalized in critical condition in a local hospital.


Tensions in the Gaza Strip were felt last night after a corn vendor named Mohammed Abu Assi poisoned himself. The Palestinian public is now threatening to attack Hamas offices. Abu Assi poisoned himself after the Hamas authorities in Gaza closed down his stand. In response, he decided to protest in a manner that has an uncanny resemblance to the Tunisian Revolution that led to the Arab Spring.

The Corn vender from Gaza is hospitalized in critical condition in a local hospital. Since then, many people in Gaza are threatening to raise their hands against Hamas institutions. They are calling to burn, to destroy and to protest.
Protests against Hamas within Gaza
A corn vendor in Gaza that suffered harassment from Hamas decided to start protesting in an extremist manner and poisoned himself. Now, he is hospitalized in critical condition in a local hospital.

Tensions in the Gaza Strip were felt last night after a corn vendor named Mohammed Abu Assi poisoned himself. The Palestinian public is now threatening to attack Hamas offices. Abu Assi poisoned himself after the Hamas authorities in Gaza closed down his stand. In response, he decided to protest in a manner that has an uncanny resemblance to the Tunisian Revolution that led to the Arab Spring.

The Corn vender from Gaza is hospitalized in critical condition in a local hospital. Since then, many people in Gaza are threatening to raise their hands against Hamas institutions. They are calling to burn, to destroy and to protest. ?utm_source=ActiveCampaign&utm_medium=email&utm_content=Protests+against+Hamas+within+Gaza+and+more+news+from+JerusalemOnline&utm_campaign=MiddayNewsletter

En pidättele hengitystäni, mutta jotakin tuollaista tuolla pitää tapahtua, jotta muutosta saadaan aikaan. Toki tuossa on jälleen se vaara, että joku muu Islamisti porukka tulee tilalle, mutta minkä sille voi, jos mitään ei tee, niin mitään ei tapahdukkaan.
En pidättele hengitystäni, mutta jotakin tuollaista tuolla pitää tapahtua, jotta muutosta saadaan aikaan. Toki tuossa on jälleen se vaara, että joku muu Islamisti porukka tulee tilalle, mutta minkä sille voi, jos mitään ei tee, niin mitään ei tapahdukkaan.

Kylmä tosiasia on että siellä pitäsi antaa sodalle mahdollisuus selvittää ongelmat ja tämä tulee tapahtumaan ennemmin tai myöhemmin....
Kylmä tosiasia on että siellä pitäsi antaa sodalle mahdollisuus selvittää ongelmat ja tämä tulee tapahtumaan ennemmin tai myöhemmin....

Tässä tapauksessa on mahdollisuus siihen, että palestiinalaiset hoitavat taistelemisen. Eikä naapurimaat pääse märehtimään siitä sen enempää.
Hulluja nuo "roomalaiset"...

Israeli woman joined the Islamic State?
Family members of the woman in her 40s are convinced that yesterday she was on a flight to Turkey. From there she apparently crossed the border to Syria. Fearing for her life they turned to the Foreign Ministry to help locate her

A woman in her 40s from Shfar'am has been missing in the last 24 hours. People close to her believe that she left Israel to join the Islamic state terrorist Organization. It is suspected that yesterday (Friday) the woman got on a flight from Ben Gurion Airport to Turkey, then crossed the border into Syria in order to join the brutal terrorist organization. Her friends and family who fear for her life, turned this morning (Saturday) to the Israeli Foreign Ministry in hopes that it will help in this matter. According to the Arab Israeli media, this woman is a devout Muslim who previously expressed a desire to join the organization.

This is not the first time that Israeli citizens are joining the terrorist organization. During the past year there were number of reported cases in which Israeli Arabs tried to enlist to the Islamic State. Some of these recruits have even been killed in fierce battles that occurred in vast areas on which the organization is trying to take over.
Hulluja nuo "roomalaiset"...

Israeli woman joined the Islamic State?
Family members of the woman in her 40s are convinced that yesterday she was on a flight to Turkey. From there she apparently crossed the border to Syria. Fearing for her life they turned to the Foreign Ministry to help locate her

A woman in her 40s from Shfar'am has been missing in the last 24 hours. People close to her believe that she left Israel to join the Islamic state terrorist Organization. It is suspected that yesterday (Friday) the woman got on a flight from Ben Gurion Airport to Turkey, then crossed the border into Syria in order to join the brutal terrorist organization. Her friends and family who fear for her life, turned this morning (Saturday) to the Israeli Foreign Ministry in hopes that it will help in this matter. According to the Arab Israeli media, this woman is a devout Muslim who previously expressed a desire to join the organization.

This is not the first time that Israeli citizens are joining the terrorist organization. During the past year there were number of reported cases in which Israeli Arabs tried to enlist to the Islamic State. Some of these recruits have even been killed in fierce battles that occurred in vast areas on which the organization is trying to take over.

Sinällään onnekas juttu Israelille, että ämmä ei päättänyt tehdä mitään tuhoisaa kotimaassaan.
Mielenkiintoinen juttu Liberland - nimisen, entisen Jugoslavian alueella sijaitsevan 'valtion' halusta solmia diplomaattisuhteet Israelin kanssa. On kuulemma yhtymäkohtia Ottomaanivaltion hajoamisen ja Liberlandin synnyn välillä.

Kannattaa lukea! En kopio tänne koko juttua, on sen verran pitkä.

Liberland’s Representative: “Opening an embassy in Tel Aviv is a political position”
Liberland, a small country in the former Yugoslavia that has of yet to be recognized, does not want to take a position on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. According to Liberland’s Representative in Israel Olivier Donnet, “The ones who have their embassies in Tel Aviv are taking a political position. We don’t want to enter that debate.”

Not many Israelis have heard of Liberland, a small country located in the former Yugoslavia that has of yet to receive recognition from the international community. Nevertheless, despite this fact, Liberland’s Representative in Israel Olivier Donnet already has a residence in Jerusalem and he seeks to open up official representation in Israel. Furthermore, he is not opposed to the idea of having a representation in Jerusalem provided that enough people support Liberland there and Israel gives his country international recognition, although he reiterated that until that happens, it is not the time to speak about opening up of an official representation, let alone its location.

Following the breaking up of the Ottoman Empire, Palestine was not claimed by any country and the Jewish people used this fact in order to gain support for the idea of creating a Jewish state on this land. Liberland is based upon a similar idea: “All of the project is based on the fact that there is a land not claimed by any country. It is not owned by any country. Croatia thought it was Serbian and the Serbs don’t consider it part of their country. There is an island, a beach and river. It is three times the size of Monaco, about seven kilometers long.”
Johan oli mielenkiintoinen juttu. Pakko myöntää että oli itseltä mennyt täysin ohi... :oops:
Mielenkiintoinen ja järkevä ehdotus ja perinpohjainen analyysi, josta alku tässä:
This Op-Ed/Analysis is the author's personal opinion and does not reflect the opinions or views of

Op-Ed: Israel should help moderate Syrians opposed to Iran and Islamists
If Israel and the international community don’t step in to help the Kurds, Christians, Druze and moderate Sunni Arabs that are opposed to the radical Islamists, Iran, ISIS and the Islamists will control all of Syria and be at Israel’s doorstep.

Israeli journalist Yoni Ariel recently wrote an op-ed where he criticized Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for not accepting any Syrian refugees into her borders, claiming that not doing so is equivalent to denying Jews fleeing from the Holocaust the right to a safe haven and he referred to Netanyahu as “Begin’s unworthy successor” because of it. Interestingly, while purporting to care about the humanitarian situation in Syria, he does not suggest that Israel take any actions to help moderate Syrian Sunni Arab rebel groups as well as the Kurds and the Druze to establish a democratic Syria that is liberated from the tyranny of Iran, Assad, and the Islamists or at the very least, to help liberate Kurdish and Druze areas from their ruthless grasp. By not doing so, it makes all of his accusations against Netanyahu look ridiculous as his proposal to accept only 8,000 Syrian refugees into Israel will do almost nothing to help improve the plight of the Syrian people.

When the Syrian people decided to revolt against the Assad regime, it was not their dream to end up as refugees in Hungary, Germany, Austria, Israel, Turkey, Jordan and in other countries across the globe. It was their dream to live with dignity in Syria, where they would establish a democracy that respects human rights, women’s rights and minority rights. It was their dream to live on their own ancestral land without being forced to live under the horror of Assad’s barrel bombs, ethnic cleansing campaigns, torture chambers, massacres, and mass rapes. It was not their dream for Assad’s regime to be replaced by ISIS, who crucifies Christians, stones women to death for adultery, throws gays off the rooftops of buildings, commits genocide against Yazidis, ethnically cleanses Kurds, sells minority girls into sexual slavery, beheads Westerners, drowns political dissidents to death, and burnt a Jordanian soldier alive in a cage.

Ariel claimed that the Syrian conflict is a sectarian war between Sunnis and Shias but the issue is much deeper than that. The conflict is more about Arabs verses non-Arabs and Muslims verses non-Muslims than it is about Sunnis verses Shias, although that is certainly an element but not the main one. It is a conflict where Kurds are being ethnically cleansed from their lands not because they are Sunni; they are being forced from their lands because they are not Arab and the Syrian regime wants their lands so they can establish an Alawite state on the ruins of Syria. Areas that used to be 97% Kurdish are now 70% Arab and most of the Arabs that have been moved into these areas support the Syrian regime. The sense of ethnic cleansing is much stronger in Kurdish and Christian areas than it is among Sunni Arabs; the existential threat is stronger among the Druze than it is among Sunni Arabs as well. No one denies that moderate Sunni Arabs suffer immensely from both the Islamists and Assad’s terror campaign, torture chambers, chemical weapons, sieges, and barrel bombs but to practically ignore the Arab verses non-Arab and Muslim verses non-Muslim dimensions is to ignore a great part of the Syrian conflict.

Just like the Kurds have been targeted, the Druze will soon be victims of ethnic cleansing if Israel won’t step in to help them because the regime needs their lands as well to establish their Alawite state. This is why the Assad regime released all of the ISIS and other Islamist terrorists from prison; he sought for them to ethnically cleanse the Kurds, Christians and Druze while they and not the Assad regime faced the international repercussions. For this reason, the Assad regime, Hezbollah and Iran fight against ISIS last and mainly go after the secular opposition groups. They want ISIS to be strong enough to do their dirty work for them and to destroy the image of the Syrian opposition but they will still fight them a little in order to preserve their image in Russia and other countries as a regime struggling against Islamist terrorism. The world conveniently forgets that many of the ISIS leaders were former Baathists as well as the fact that the ruling party in Syria and the Iranian regime that supports Assad also cooperates with ISIS when it is convenient for them...
lähiviikkoina kannattaa googlettaa Venäjän kiinnostusta Israelin hallussa oleviin kaasukenttiin Libanonin edustalla. Huhut on tällä hetkellä aika villit, mutta katsotaan mihin se suttaantuu.
Oli miten oli. Siellä on aika paljon venäläistä sotavoimaa alueella.
Venäjälle käy kyllä siinä kisassa huonosti. Voi laivat upota mysteerisesti Tartuksen satamaan jne.