
Valituskäytäntö Israelin puolustusvoimissa toimii

IDF Soldier Complaints Report: Decrease in complaints; Commanders degrading subordinates
The official 2015 IDF Soldier Complaints Report indicates a slight decrease in the number of complaints filed, yet it still outlines serious exceptional cases. A company commander who handcuffed a soldier against direct orders, degrading treatment of soldiers in the kitchen, and an imprisoned handcuffed female soldier who had her bed taken from her cell.


Many complaints discuss how commanders treat subordinate soldiers

The non-commissioned officers (NCO) network within the IDF Emergency Storage Unit is on the verge of collapsing, an imprisoned female soldier was degraded, and orders for executing a mission were sent to soldiers via WhatsApp. Those are just a few of the situations described in the IDF Soldier Complaints Report published today (Monday), detailing 6,371 complaints filed by soldiers in 2015, which is 340 complaints lower than the 2014 report.

The report that was published by the Soldier Complaints Commissioner of the Ministry of Defense details many complaints dealing with “commander-subordinate” issues, as described by IDF Reserves Major General Yitzhak Barik, the Soldier Complaints Commissioner. “Throughout the year I was shocked that there are command officials who did not act according to IDF regulations,” Barik explains. “Moreover – there are commanders who treat their subordinates against the IDF morals and the IDF spirit.”

One can find examples of degrading treatment towards subordinates, among other things. One commander purposely injured a soldier using a staple gun. Another commander beat a soldier, kicked him and hit him with the butt of a rifle, while an additional female company commander handcuffed a soldier against direct orders. Other soldiers filed complaints about commanders from colonels to junior officers who were verbally abusive, expressing racist statements and inappropriate language towards their subordinates.

A difficult and striking circumstance within the report is about an imprisoned female soldier, serving her mandatory service in the IDF, who complained about degrading treatment and harassment she received from the detention base’s commanding staff. The commanders took her mattress from her cell, as the company commander poured water all over the cell floor – all while she has arm and leg handcuffs, which are not in accordance with IDF regulations.
Hyvä video USA:n ostaman vaunujen omasuojajärjestelmän toiminnasta linkissä

Watch: New Israeli anti-missile system in action
A new anti-missile defense system, designed by the Israeli Military Industries (IMI), was recently purchased by the United States army. Whenever a missile is launched toward a tank or other massive vehicles, the system destroys it by firing a small explosive device which hits it in the air.
How Israel used propaganda to trick its enemies during the Six Day War
During the Six Day War, the IDF activated a unit designed to instill fear, rumors and confusion among the enemy – On the posters and in messages played on the loudspeakers. The IDF Archives reveal that this was how residents were persuaded to surrender and to follow orders, as Egyptian and Jordanian soldiers abandoned their battles.


‘Combat soldiers dropped their weapons because of the posters’

49 years ago today (Sunday), the short crushing war began; The war that received the perfect name: “The Six Day War”. Many stories from those days – The complete destruction of the Egyptian Air Force in such a short time, the battle at Ammunition Hill and conquering the Western Wall, for example – became famously identified with the battle, yet several incidents and plans did not receive proper historical recognition. One example, the psychological propaganda that was activated during and after the war, was exposed today in files that the IDF Archives of the Ministry of Defense revealed for the first time in order to commemorate the beginning of the Six Day War’s 50th year.

One such document recently released by the IDF Archives deals with the 640 Unit’s actions summary: The unit which created fliers and used powerful portable speaker systems and other means which have not been released yet to the public. The unit distributed messages in Arabic to the forces fighting against the IDF and to the civilian population, in order to “reduce the enemy’s will to fight and to aid in establishing a government in the conquered areas.”

The summary document states that 10,000 leaflets were dropped in Gaza on the first day of the war (June 5th), and 20,000 were dropped in Al-Arish and the nearby outposts in Sinai. Widespread use of leaflets also occurred in the Jordanian sector: 15,000 were distributed by the Israeli Air Force’s Dassault Mystère planes in Shechem, 10,000 in Jericho and 20,000 between Shechem and Ramallah where the Jordanian outposts were located.

The army is attacking you with tremendous forces Channel 2 News
But did the messages actually work? “It seems that in at least two areas – Al-Arish and Nekhel – leaflets prompted several enemy soldiers to act according to what was written (not to stand in front of the IDF and to drop their weapons),” members of the unit noted. Yet more than just the distribution of leaflets was widely used. At the time, the speaker operators aided in the battles of the 268th battalion and the 5th, 11th, and 16th brigade. In one such incident, an appeal to commando soldiers was recorded and broadcasted near Latrun: Border Control forces reported that one commando member “has handed himself over after the appeals were played.”
Ihan hyvällä tekniikalla oli poliisi liikkeellä eikä pahemmin panikoinut. Kaikki olivat tähdättyjä laukauksia.
Päättäväistä toimintaa ko. mieheltä. Koulutusta ilmiselvästi oli!
Rohkea puhe rohkealta kenraalilta

IDF Deputy Chief of Staff: “Be courageous when opposing the majority view”

After sparking harsh criticism for allegedly drawing a comparison between Israel today and Nazi Germany in a Holocaust Remembrance Day speech, Israel’s Deputy Chief of Staff Yair Golan spoke his mind again today, encouraging future IDF officers to “be courageous when facing enemy fire, a different opinion, or the majority view.”

Deputy Chief of General Staff Yair Golan

Despite recently being at the heart of a public scandal following controversial statements made during a Holocaust Remembrance Day ceremony, the IDF’s Deputy Chief of General Staff Yair Golan did not fear to express his opinion again today (Thursday). In a closing ceremony for future Israeli Ground Force Officers, Golan spoke in front of the soldiers and stressed the importance of maintaining norms of human decency. “Be courageous when facing enemy fire, a different opinion, or the majority view,” he stated.

“The officer stands for four things and these are: courage, integrity and decency, responsibility and initiative, and being human,” Golan added. “For a military man, courage is not a matter of choice, but a matter of higher duty. Create an atmosphere of decency around you, where clear rules and consistent norms reign. Integrity and decency are the basis for the trust soldiers have in their commanders.”

Last May, Golan sparked a scandal after speaking at the national Holocaust Remembrance Day ceremony and comparing the processes taking place in Israel today to the processes that took place in Germany in the 30’s. Many in the Israeli political system were quick to condemn Golan’s statements, like Education Minister Naftali Bennett, who stated that “moments before the holocaust deniers turn these mistaken words into their flag, moments before our soldiers are god forbid compared to Nazis with approval from high ranks, the Deputy Chief of Staff was mistaken and must fix this immediately.”

But others, such as former Defense Minister Moshe (Bogie) Ya’alon, stood behind Golan. “I have full trust in the Deputy Chief of Staff, Gen. Yair Golan, a fighter and a respected commander,” Ya’alon stated. “The attack on him and the incitement towards him following a distorted interpretation of the things he said are another attempt in the worrying campaign to politically harm the IDF and its officers.”

Nonetheless, the Deputy Chief of Staff issued a statement in which he clarified that he did not mean to draw the comparison between the State of Israel and Nazi Germany. “The comparison is absurd and baseless, and there was no intention to draw such a comparison or criticize the political leadership,” he stated.
Dilemma? Toiset ylittävät aidan ansaitakseen rahaa perheelleen, mutta myös terroristit voivat käyttää aukkoa.
Mukana hyvä video Hebronin läheltä.

Palestinians crossing into Israel with ease
The terrorists who perpetrated the terror attack at the Sarona complex in Tel Aviv had crossed into Israel through a simple hole in the security fence. It turns out the fence isn't as secure as we thought.

This fence separates Israel from the Palestinian territories. And this is where Palestinians easily find breaks in the fence in order to enter Israel and look for work. IDF soldiers happen to arrive and give chase. “We’re from Hebron,” explains one of the Palestinians. “We do this every day.” They are then met by a special transport which costs them 100 shekels each way.

On a good day, the Palestinians will make it to the center of the country. On a bad day, they will be caught and forced to return to the Palestinian authority. The two terrorists who attacked a restaurant in the Sarona market of Tel Aviv recently came through this area. The Channel 2 reporter shows us how simple it is to cross the border.

Ali has 11 children to support in Hebron. He works in whatever he can find -- moving, construction. He acknowledges that sometimes terrorists can take the same journey. “You never know. People come to work, but someone might try to perpetrate an attack.” He brings clothes with him for a couple of days, just in case.

Alli knows that he could be caught at any time, but he must take a chance. “Hunger is more powerful than anything else,” he explains. Around the country, the police round up the Palestinians who are in Israel without permits. Since the fence was built 10 years ago, the Palestinians have continued to find the breaks and enter Israel for work or terror.

Despite the news reports, despite the warnings of Israeli residents in the area, the Palestinians, including terrorists, continue to stream into Israel. Sometimes, under the nose of the IDF and the police.

Gidi David lives on kibbutz Lahav, near the border of the Palestinian Authority. “Nobody is doing anything, not the army, not the government,” he complains. “Only when there is an attack do they wake up.” Despite the heightened alerts, closures and the scrutiny of permit requests, unless the crossings through the border fence are not stopped, this is just a band aid for the situation.
Itsellä on kavereita jopa Israelin arabeista. Juudean ja Samarian (Länsiranta) arabeista ei yhtäkään. Jälkimmäiseen on syynä, että siellä meikäläisen näköinen jätkä on joko siirtokuntalainen tai Shabakin/IDF:n heppu.

Kumpikaan tuossa jälkimmäisessä kisassa ei anna oikein hyvää jälkitulosta....
Shalom @Sardaukar , toivottavasti loytyy sielta Serbian maalta se toiseksi viimeinen rasti. Hyvaa juhannusta sinne etelan maille joka tapauksessa!
Shalom @Sardaukar , toivottavasti loytyy sielta Serbian maalta se toiseksi viimeinen rasti. Hyvaa juhannusta sinne etelan maille joka tapauksessa!

Vierivä kivi ei sammaloidu! :D

Israelissakin oli aika humoristista kun erikoisjoukkojen vääpelit, sotilaspoliisin majurit ja panssarijoukkojen everstit kattoivat suoraan silmiin, mitä meikäläisen silmät kertoivat. Ja kun katsoo tappajia silmiin, niin ne hymyilee.
Hyvä puhe Israelin Apulaisesikuntapäälliköltä

Israel’s Deputy Chief of Staff: ‘Leadership must also know how to provide hope’

Major General Yair Golan participated the Israeli National Emergency Management Authority conference expressing optimism towards future threats. According to Golan, good leadership must know how to deal with threats, but also how to give hope for a better future. “There is nobody more prepared than we are to deal with a state of emergency.”

‘Leadership must provide hope’

Today (Monday), Israel’s Deputy Chief of Staff Yair Golan participated in a ceremony commemorating ten years since the Second Lebanon War, which set the National Emergency Management Authority in place. Golan referred to 2016’s threats, making clear that Israel is the most prepared country in dealing with states of emergency and emphasized the importance of having hope for a better future.

“I’m giving fair warning: This is an optimistic discussion that is not appropriate for pessimists,” Major General Yair Golan said opening the conference panel discussion. He also said that Israel must take into proportion the essence of its Northern threat and the Homefront preparedness campaign.

“70 tons of explosives exploded in Israel during the Second Lebanon War. Is that a lot or a little?” Golan asked, quick to answer his own question. “In World War II, 203 tons of explosives blew up in London every day. Therefore, we must adopt a balanced approach based on this.”

The Deputy Chief of Staff continued his speech at the Herzliya conference, pointing out the leadership’s responsibility to its citizens. “During a state of emergency, we need an optimistic leadership that knows how to deal with difficult situations,” said Major General Golan. “It’s important that the leadership gives hope and inspires – in order to know that right now is difficult, but it will get better.”


‘Hezbollah’s missiles won’t break the Homefront’ Channel 2 News
Golan demonstrated this importance of optimism, asserting that even if Hezbollah were to attack Israel at a volume four times greater than the previous campaign, the Homefront is prepared to deal with it. “This is an attack equivalent to a five hour Israeli Air Force mission – that is not what will dismantle the Israeli Homefront,” he made clear.

“There is no nation on the globe that is more prepared than we are for war-related emergencies,” the general declared. “Sometimes, I hear a statement of a scenario that 100,000 rockets are aimed at Israel and the citizen feels as if it is aimed at him. That is an unrealistic analysis of the threat.”

Golan finished his speech, stating that Hezbollah does in fact have a large amount of missiles, yet part of them are short-range and have very small warheads. “There is also a very small amount of long-range missiles with large warheads, but they are very easy for us to shoot down, Golan emphasized.
On tää Salami vaan kova jätkä kun on 100 K ohjusta suunnattuna Israeliin? :confused:...onneksi ei ole maustetumpi makkara kuin salami ? :rolleyes:

Iranian commander warns there are 100,000 missiles ready to strike Israel

The deputy commander of Iran's powerful Revolutionary Guard declared Friday that there are tens of thousands of missiles in Lebanon ready to strike Israel.

"Hezbollah has 100,000 missiles that are ready to hit Israel to liberate the occupied Palestinian territories if the Zionist regime repeats its past mistakes," Gen. Hossein Salami was quoted as saying by Tasnim, according to Reuters.

The Jerusalem Post reported that Salami warned that Israel’s occupied territories could come under attack if they make the “wrong move.”

“Today, the grounds for the annihilation and collapse of the Zionist regime are (present) more than ever,” he said.

Additionally, state TV reported Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani accused the West of trying to exploit differences between Shiite and Sunni Muslims to divert attention from the Palestinian-Israel conflict.

"The global arrogance (the United States and its allies) wants to create discord among Muslims ... Unity is the only way to restore stability in the region," Rouhani said. "We stand with the dispossessed Palestinian nation."

Rouhani spoke as tens of thousands of Iranians joined in an anti-Israel rally to express support for the Palestinians. The demonstrators shouted "Death to Israel" and "Death to America" and while they burned an Israeli flag.

“The Zionist regime (Israel) is a regional base for America and the global arrogance ... Disunity and discord among Muslim and terrorist groups in the region ... have diverted us from the important issue of Palestine," Rouhani added.

Israeli opposition has been a policy of Tehran’s since the 1979 Islamic Revolution. Shiite Muslim Iran has backed Palestinian and Lebanese militant groups who oppose peace with Israel.

Viimeksi muokattu:
Monessa lähteessä on että 2 patriot ohjusta ja yksi ilmasta ilmaan ohjus. Kaikki ohi???
Jerusalem postin mukaan hezpollahi väittänyt heidän koneeksi.
Haaretz lehdessä sama 2 ohjusta maasta ammuttu ja yksi ilmasta. Kaikki ohi. Maassa olisi tyttö haavoittunut patriot sirpaleista.

Kirjoittivat myös että voi olla venäläinen lennokki. ,Asiaa tutkitaan.

Kännykällä ei linkkejä jaksa laittaa.
Ensin ilmoitettiin näin:

Northern Israel: Israeli Air Force shot down UAV
Two Patriot missiles were fired at an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) above the Golan Heights. Almost immediately, rocket sirens were sounded in the area, apparently due to the debris from the interception. No injuries or damages were reported.

Two Patriot missiles were fired today (Sunday) at around 5:00 PM by an Israeli Air Force command outpost. The missiles were fired at an UAV that crossed into Israel’s Golan Heights. No injuries or damages were reported.

The IDF Spokesperson’s Unit confirmed that a few Patriot missiles were fired at an UAV “that was suspected of crossing Israel’s northern border.” Shortly thereafter, rocket sirens were sounded throughout a number of towns in the area.

The IDF stressed that no missiles landed in the Golan Heights area and that the sirens were sounded due to the debris from the interception. Parts of the UAV landed near a town in the Golan Heights without causing injuries or damages.

Video torjunnasta linkissä:

Nyt korjaus asiaan:

IDF inquiry: 3 attempts to intercept unknown drone over Golan failed The IDF Spokesperson said three unsuccessful attempts – not two as previously reported – were made to shoot down the unmanned aircrafts over the Golan.


Following the security incident over the Golan Heights in which Israel failed to intercept an unknown drone, the IDF Spokesperson on Sunday evening revealed the conclusions from the preliminary army inquiry.

"In the afternoon hours, an unmanned aircraft entered Israel's air space in the central Golan Heights," said the IDF's statement. "The aircraft was spotted prior to its entry and was fully monitored by the Air Force. The preliminary inquiry indicates that three interception attempts were conducted that didn't hit the target."

"The identity of the drone is still unknown," the statement said, "and the matter is still under a probe."

Earlier, it was reported that two Patriot missiles were launched by Israel after an unidentified drone had crossed into Israeli air space. A 14-year-old girl was reportedly injured by shrapnel from one of the missiles.