Konflikti Kiinan merellä

Not long ago, U.S. Army forces in the Pacific spent most of their training time preparing for humanitarian relief missions, evacuations from natural disasters, and efforts to build up allied security forces.

Not anymore. Since President Donald Trump has come to office, the administration has issued a new National Security Strategy focused on the persistent potential for military conflict with China and North Korea. The Army has shifted gears accordingly.

“It’s dramatically different,” said Maj. Gen. Charlie Flynn, who manages the service’s strategy and plans as the service’s assistant deputy chief of staff. In the 1990s and 2000s, exercises in the Pacific were more “discreet, out-and-back operations” that “were kind of focused on disaster assistance, humanitarian relief, and it was really more for the ‘security cooperation’ part of it; much less so for interoperability,’” he said. “It’s vastly different today.”
Thousands of Hong Kong residents protested at the weekend over a government plan to build artificial islands to deal with the city’s severe housing shortage.

Hong Kong leader Carrie Lam last week announced a plan to reclaim about 1,700 hectares (4,200 acres) from the ocean and build infrastructure and transportation links to create a major business district. The islands, which would be Hong Kong’s largest land reclamation project, would eventually house up to 1.1 million residents over the next few decades.

Critics have said the project, the “Lantau Tomorrow Vision”, unnecessary, unaffordable, and unsustainable. Conservationists say it will destroy fisheries and marine habitats.

On Sunday, protesters took to the streets in central Hong Kong, carrying posters with the words: “We don’t want white elephant projects.” Children held up drawings of marine life and cutouts of Chinese white dolphins, whose population has already fallen dramatically over the years because of construction.

The Lantau project is the latest major infrastructure to come under fire from residents who say the government is wasting money on projects aimed at connecting the city more closely to mainland China. The Lantau plan is also being touted as another gateway to the Greater Bay area, a campaign to integrate Hong Kong with southern Chinese cities.

Proponents of the project say it is aimed squarely at one of Hong Kong’s biggest issues: a lack of affordable homes. Hong Kong, home to 7 million people, has some of the world’s most expensive housing. Lam promised 70% of the new land developed would be devoted to public housing.

The idea of using artificial lands for more housing has been debated on and off for years. Hong Kong’s airport is built on reclaimed land. About 6% of Hong Kong’s total area is built on reclaimed land, and about a quarter of the population is living on reclaimed land, according to a government taskforce.

Yet, sceptics say there is good reason why the Lantau project has not been acted upon yet. “Nothing has happened so far for two simple reasons: there is no real need for it, and the government does not have the money for it,” wrote Lam Chiu Ying adjunct professor in the geography and resource management department at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, for the South China Morning Post.

Pro-democracy parties say the project could cost as much as HK$1trn ($127bn), while other estimates put the cost at between HK$400bn and HK$500bn. The government has not released estimates but Hong Kong’s financial secretary admitted on Sunday it would be costly.

Others say the city still has existing land it could use – degraded agricultural land held by property developers, land reserved for indigenous villagers, or parts of the New Territories.

Critics also say the project will take too long to help with the imminent housing shortage. Construction would begin in 2025, with the first round of housing available only in 2032, according to the plan.

Pro-democracy lawmaker and environmentalist Eddie Chu said: “Hong Kong’s housing problem needs an urgent solution, like provisional housing, rather than a mega project that takes 20 years to finish.”
Yhdysvallat harkitsee lähettävänsä sota-aluksia Taiwaninsalmeen, kertoo uutistoimisto Reuters vedoten nimettömiin virkamieslähteisiin.

Virkamiesten mukaan tavoite on varmistaa Yhdysvaltain pääsy strategisesti tärkeälle vesireitille.

Samalla Kiina kuitenkin voi tulkita laivojen lähettämisen Taiwanin ja Kiinan väliin presidentti Donald Trumpin tueksi Taiwanin hallinnolle.

Manner-Kiina pitää Taiwania itselleen kuuluvana alueena.

Reutersin haastattelemien puolustusviranomaisten mukaan Yhdysvaltojen sota-alukset käyvät nykyään Taiwaninsalmessa liian epäsäännöllisesti.

Viimeksi kaksi yhdysvaltalaisalusta ylitti salmen heinäkuussa. Silloin Kiina varoitti Yhdysvaltoja "vaarantamasta rauhaa ja tasapainoa" alueella. Tätä edellisestä sota-alusten käynnistä Taiwaninsalmessa on noin vuosi.

Yhdysvaltain puolustusvoimat ei ole virallisesti kommentoinut Reutersin uutista, eivätkä nimettömät lähteet vahvistaneet Reutersille suunnitelman aikataulua.
CSIS uusi kartta Eteläisen Kiinan Meren öljy ja kaasu kertymistä. Hassu asia tässä one että se alue missä Kiinan tekosaaret sijatsevat ovat kartoittamatta, melkein kuin suunnitelmia niille ei olisi. Pahoittelen että olen myöhässä tämän suhteen, mutta kone missä suurin osa linkeistä on, oli kuukauden päivät odottamassa osien takaisin tulemista takuuhuollosta.


The U.S. Energy Information Agency estimates that the South China Sea holds about 190 trillion cubic feet of natural gas and 11 billion barrels of oil in proved and probable reserves, most of which lie along the margins of the South China Sea rather than under disputed islets and reefs. The U.S. Geological Survey in 2012 estimated that there could be another 160 trillion cubic feet of natural gas and 12 billion barrels of oil undiscovered in the South China Sea. Beijing’s estimates for hydrocarbon resources under the sea are considerably higher but still modest in relation to China’s overall demand—the country’s oil consumption in 2018 is expected to top 12.8 million barrels per day.

Explore the energy blocks of the South China Sea. Hover over a block to see the block name, and click it for more information including resource type, operator, and production status. Zoom in and out with the + and – buttons, move around the map by clicking and dragging, and use the menu to toggle the oil and gas licensing blocks and claims of each country. Claim lines depicted are continental shelf claims based on a claimant’s international agreements, domestic legislation, and public submission of claims, as well as the nine-dash line of the People’s Republic of China.

Data was gathered from publicly available sources, including the Oil and Gas Year, DrillingInfo, IHS Markit, Shell International E&P, and the Department of Energy of the Philippines.
Tässä poliittiset piirustukset alueen luonnonvarojen ryöväämiseksi.... ei ku kehittämiseksi :cool:
Competition for oil and gas resources has repeatedly triggered standoffs between claimants in the South China Sea in recent years, especially between China, the Philippines, and Vietnam. The last serious attempt to cooperate on this front was the trilateral Joint Marine Seismic Undertaking of 2005 to 2008, which was allowed to expire amid political controversy and questions about its constitutionality in the Philippines. Since late 2016, the Philippine and Chinese governments have been discussing joint development of hydrocarbons at Reed Bank, but there has been little apparent progress despite optimistic official pronouncements. Independent experts and prominent jurists in the Philippines have said any such scheme would likely be unconstitutional based on the strict provisions in the country’s charter demanding that the government protect the nation’s rights to offshore resources.
This week Chinese president Xi Jinping ordered the Southern Theatre Command, responsible for monitoring the South China Sea and Taiwan, to boost its military capabilities to prepare for a possible conflict, according to a Hong Kong newspaper.

During a visit to the region on Thursday (Oct. 25), Xi said it was necessary to “concentrate preparations for fighting a war,” reported the South China Morning Post, citing a transcript of Xi’s speech from state broadcaster China Central Television. “We need to take all complex situations into consideration and make emergency plans accordingly.”

State news wire Xinhua also noted the speech, saying Xi “underlined the importance of preparing for war and combat.”

It was an unusual burglary, in which four or five laptops were stolen from a Scottish renewable energy manufacturer in the dead of a March night in 2011. So innovative was the company that it had been been visited by a 60-strong delegation led by China’s then vice-premier only two months before.

Nothing else was taken from the company and the crime, while irritating, went unsolved and forgotten – until a few years later pictures began emerging that showed a remarkably similar project manufactured in the world’s most populous country.

Then some people who were involved in the Scottish company, Pelamis Wave Power, started making a connection between the break-in and the politician’s visit, which was rounded off with dinner and whisky tasting at Edinburgh Castle hosted by the then Scottish secretary, Michael Moore.

Max Carcas, who was business development director at Pelamis until 2012, said the similarities between the Scottish and Chinese products were striking. Speaking publicly for the first time, he said: “Some of the details may be different but they are clearly testing a Pelamis concept.”
While populism is sweeping through Europe, North America, and now Brazil, it is also making gains in Southeast Asia. The region’s autocratic-leaning populists—those who have already ruled and those who are attempting to win power—use similar strategies: positioning themselves as outsiders who can solve problems where elites have failed, offering brutal approaches to crime, and targeting vulnerable groups within societies. Ultimately, these actions undermine democracy.

The Philippines and Thailand, two of the region’s six biggest economies, already have autocratic-leaning populist leaders, and a third, Indonesia, could be run by one after a presidential election next year. The emergence of such populism could further erode democracy and stability in a region that had, until the past decade, been growing freer.

Southeast Asia’s populists differ in many ways from counterparts in Europe and North America. They focus less on immigration, economic decline, and trade. In Southeast Asia, economic growth rates remain relatively strong; most countries are highly dependent on trade; and immigration is not a leading political issue. The Philippines is a main source of migrants, with one of the highest percentages of citizens working abroad of any country.
Kiinassa keskustelu värikkäästi Usan vapaan merenkulun vaatimuksesta eteläkiinanmerellä. NYt on ehdotettu, että pitää törmätä jenkkialuksiin. Ajaa päin. Kiinan ohjussukellusveneet ei pääse rauhassa valtameren syvyyksiin ellei jenkkejä häädetä kiinanmereltä.

  • A senior Chinese military officer who spoke at a conference in Beijing on Saturday urged the Chinese navy to use force to counter US activities in the South China Sea.
  • The People's Liberation Army Air Force colonel argued that the Chinese navy should ram US Navy warships that try to conduct freedom-of-navigation operations in "Chinese waters" in the South China Sea, Taiwan News reported.
  • Such an aggressive action would certainly constitute an escalation after an incident in September in which a Chinese navy destroyer nearly collided with a US warship in the South China Sea.
The South China Sea is a powder keg, and one senior Chinese military officer seems interested in lighting the fuse.

Kiinassa keskustelu värikkäästi Usan vapaan merenkulun vaatimuksesta eteläkiinanmerellä. NYt on ehdotettu, että pitää törmätä jenkkialuksiin. Ajaa päin. Kiinan ohjussukellusveneet ei pääse rauhassa valtameren syvyyksiin ellei jenkkejä häädetä kiinanmereltä.

  • A senior Chinese military officer who spoke at a conference in Beijing on Saturday urged the Chinese navy to use force to counter US activities in the South China Sea.
  • The People's Liberation Army Air Force colonel argued that the Chinese navy should ram US Navy warships that try to conduct freedom-of-navigation operations in "Chinese waters" in the South China Sea, Taiwan News reported.
  • Such an aggressive action would certainly constitute an escalation after an incident in September in which a Chinese navy destroyer nearly collided with a US warship in the South China Sea.
The South China Sea is a powder keg, and one senior Chinese military officer seems interested in lighting the fuse.

Jaahas, tuossa on taas sellainen ehdotus että...
Sallisiko ainoakaan jenkkikippari Kiinalaisen aluksen törmätä päin? Tuhoamatta tai yrittämättä tuhota törmääjää? Voiko tuo olla eskaloitumatta? :oops:
Voi myös olla, että tällä ilmoituksella on tarkoitus saada aikaan epävarmuutta USA:n puolelta. Harvoin tulee kiinalaisilta tuollainen veto ilman ylempää hyväksyntää.
Jenkkikapteeni joka antaa kiinalasen törmätä alukseensa ilman vastatoimia voi kyllä sanoa hyvästit uralleen. Veikkaan minä.
Hankala sanoa. Kiinalaisten "kolme sodankäyntiä" (psykologinen, media, lain hyväksikäyttö) on luotu toimimaan harmaalla alueella ja välttämään kovapanosammuntoja varsin pitkälle (poiketen venäläisten hyvinkin suorasta sotilaallisesta aggressiosta). Omalla mututuntumalla sanoisin että siinä vaiheessa kun Kiina on kerännyt (ainakin omasta mielestään) riittävän lujan aseman esim. Etelä-Kiinan merellä A2/AD verkostollaan. Näin käydessä he ovat valmiita yhä (uhka)rohkeampiin temppuihin.

Mitään aikaa minulla tai kenelläkään muulla ei ole antaa.
Ei siellä mitään tohinaa ala. Kiinan vaatimukset on övereitä ja tietävät sen itsekin. Kunhan uhoavat. Vahingossa tietenkin voi käydä mitä vaan. Ei Kiinalla ole muuta kuin hävittävää diktatuurina jonka varallisuus tulee meidän tuotteiden valmistuksesta.
Kiinan asevarustelu on kesken, eivät varmasti halua mitään rähinää moneen vuoteen. Mitä Pohjois-Koreaan tulee niin Trump puhuttiin ilmeisesti Mattisin ja muiden toimesta ympäri ja näpäytys-iskua ei toteutettu.