Norjan Hemvärnet (Kodinturvajoukot)

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Kirjoitan Norjan Hemvärnet, tämä taitaa olla parempi kun Ruotsin.
Jos Suomi ottasi tästä mallia??;jsessionid=3Z1R1YM1V5JADQFIZYGSFEQ?_requestid=48967 "organisaatio"

The Norwegian Home Guard (Norwegian: Heimevernet), is a rapid mobilisation force in the Norwegian military

It is divided into districts, which again is divided into smaller units, typically covering a single Municipality. In a wartime situation Heimevernet will typically be used to protect the local infrastructure and population, but may also be used as regular troops. As it for the most part comprises locals, it is ideally suited for guerrilla warfare (sabotage, ambushes, etc.)

Recently (2005), the Home Guard has recruited for a high readiness force with better trained and equipped personnel. It is called the "Task Force" (Norwegian: Innsatsstyrke) This force represents 10 percent of the total force. HV-016 is now a part of HV I-styrke, and is administered separately from the other branches.

The Home Guard has a peace time personnel number of 1,200. On high readiness there are 5,000 Task Force personnel, 25,000 "Strengthening Force" personnel and 20,000 "Follow-up Force" personnel. The total Home Guard Force is approximately 56,200.

Troop Exchange
The Home Guard does a troop exchange with the Minnesota National Guard every year. The exchange grew from Norwegian American soldiers sent to Norway to assist resistance fighters in World War II. As part of the Exchange, American Guard members are flown to Camp Torpomoen and Norwegians are sent to Camp Ripley. Troops complete each other's winter operations training, and tour the area.

The Task Force
There is one Task Force per district, in total 5000 men. The Task Force is the speartip of the Norwegian Home Guard, and contains flexible and mobile units. It has top priority when concerning weapons, material and training resources. The Force is ready to respond within 24 hours to acts of terrorism, bomb threats, and or other emergencies.

The Task Force consists of several different units within each district. In this way, each district will be able to respond to any kind of incident that could occur, without having to rely on outside help. Each district (with some variations) will have trained operators in these different types of units:

Jegertropp (Reconnaissance units)
Skarpskyttertropp (Sharpshooter teams)
MP-tjeneste (Military Police service)
Hundetjenesten (K9 unit)
ABC-tropp (NBC platoon)
016 (016 Military close protection & escort service)
Stabstropp (Staff platoon - Communications, intelligence, transport & logistics)
Dykkerlag (Diving team - Underwater reconnaissance, explosives-detection)
Sanitetstropp (Medical unit)
Sambandstropp (Communications unit)
Innsatstropp (Force protection platoons)
Kystmeldepost (Coastal observation posts)
Bordingslag (Boarding team - Observation, control, inspection and takeover of ships/boats)

Home Guard Districts
Region 1

Oslofjord Heimevernsdistrikt 01 - HV-01 - Rygge
Oslo og Akershus Heimevernsdistrikt 02 - HV-02 - Lutvann
Telemark og Buskerud Heimevernsdistrikt 03 - HV-03 - Heistadmoen
Opplandske Heimevernsdistrikt 05 - HV-05 - Terningmoen
Region 2

Rogaland Heimevernsdistrikt 08 - HV-08 - Vatneleiren
Bergenhus Heimevernsdistrikt 09 - HV-09 - Bergenhus
Region 3

Møre og Romsdal Heimevernsdistrikt 11 - HV-11 - Setnesmoen
Trøndelag Heimevernsdistrikt 12 - HV-12 - Værnes
Sør-Hålogaland Heimevernsdistrikt 14 - HV-14 - Drevjamoen
Region 4

Nord-Hålogaland Heimevernsdistrikt 16 - HV-16 - Elvegårdsmoen
Vest-Finnmark Heimevernsdistrikt 17 - HV-17 - Porsangermoen


Kartta täältä_

Formed in 1987 as a result of the possible threat posed by the Russian Spetsnaz, HV-016 (also informally known as HV-SPES) is an elite unit of the Norwegian Home Guard and a part of the newly formed I-Styrken, or Innsatsstyrken (En.: Intervention Force). The unit has detachments based in the 4 largest cities in Norway; Oslo, Trondheim, Bergen and Stavanger. Not a special forces unit per se, as the operators are not full-time employed in the unit, but participate in numerous exercises throughout the course of a year. It is regarded as a highly capable unit

Recruitment and personnel
The operators are recruited among people who have finished their conscript duty in the Norwegian armed forces, and many of them have experience from international operations with other branches of the Norwegian forces, such as Telemark Battalion. Some also stem from Marinejegerkommandoen and Hærens Jegerkommando, the two special forces units in the Norwegian military.

The applicants go through a four-day selection period with a following two-week basic course for the ones who pass. After this, the cadets commence the regular exercises with the unit for 6 months before being considered full members.

The exact organization of HV-016 is not publicly known. Also, the number of, and identities of its operators, are kept secret

HV-016 specializes in close protection of key military personnel and assets, CQB (Close Quarter Battle), and direct, offensive action. It is not primarily a counter-terrorism unit, as this is considered the duty of Beredskapstroppen and Forsvarets Spesialkommando, but special circumstances may allow the unit to be instructed by military command to assist the police. It is not known whether or not this has ever happened;jsessionid=3Z1R1YM1V5JADQFIZYGSFEQ?_requestid=48783
Operational capabilities

11 territorial district staffs
1 Naval command
15 deployable intervention command units of which two are sea mobile
4 static Air Force Home Guard command units

17 rapid-reaction intervention forces (13 with land and 4 with sea combat capability)
217 areas capable of supplementing and strengthening the intervention units
17 Naval Home Guard areas
11 Air Force Home Guard areas with Air Station base defence capabilities

Niilä on myös oma koulu
The Home Guard Education and Competence Centre, Dombås
The Naval Home Guard Command, Haakonsvern
The Home Guard Officer Candidate School, Porsangmoen

Soldatmassen i Heimevernet består av soldatar som har avtent 3-6 månaders grunnkurs , eller full førstegongsteneste før dei blei overførte til Heimevernet. I tillegg er det mogleg å søkje seg til Heimevernet som frivillig.

Befalskoleelever 12+12 måneder
På GP skal det være en befalskoleklasse for Heimevernet med et antall på mellom 15 – 20 elever. Dette betyr 12 måneders utdanning etterfulgt av 12 måneder plikttjeneste

På GP har det vært UB-kull (Utskrevet Befal) med en klasse i året siden 2003. Denne tradisjonelle seks måneders UB-utdanningen vil bestå av cirka 30 elever. Elevene har her seks måneders utdanning og seks måneders praksis

Tässä on fysiska krav jos sä haluat sinne Insatsstyrkan

Ja tässä jos sä haluat tulla oppilas i hemvärnets befälsskola