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Kannattaa kuunnella eri podissa Toni Stenströmin haastatteluja. Mielenkiintoista juttua erittäin selkeällä ulosannilla.
I [Billie Flynn] had the opportunity with my good friend Joetey Attariwala to discuss the Royal Canadian Air Force’s contribution to the coalition effort during NATO’s Operation Allied Force (OAF), fought 25 years ago. The Canadian fighter force evolved over the years, rooted in the lessons learned in combat. In this podcast episode, we worked through the how and why of the CF-18 commitment and the strengths and weaknesses of our deployed operation

Blogi samasta aiheesta eli Naton pommitukset Jugoslaviassa 24. maalisk. 1999 – 10. kesäk. 1999.
Tämä on siis Billie Flynnin oma tarina, ei sama mitä ym. podcastin sisältö.
I sat down with TK Toeki, CEO of Dicerrra, talking Automatic Ground Collision Avoidance and saving lives, Human Performance and the theme of Deliberate Practice as well as the distinction between legacy and5th Gen fighter pilots and how to select and develop aircrew for future platforms.


Osa 2 Leadership in combat, navigating toxic workplaces and enhancing human performance as aviators.


I really appreciated the interview with Chris McGhee on his ’20 Years Done’ Podcast discussing our parallel Air Force worlds. We dealt with different cultures, communication skills, and the ever-difficult transitioning from military careers to the real world. We took the time to dissect my story of “The Hole in the Wall Gang” from an earlier blog. This wasn’t a bitch session but more to extract the positives from the experiences.

Eli podcast-haastattelu, joka käsitteli pitkälti tätä blogikirjoitusta.
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