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Until recently, the ability to find a realistic way to carry ammunition while ensuring functional wear of equipment was a personal battle of blending form and function. Naturally, individuals start to assess locations where ammunition can be stored and quickly accessed. The ideas and applications have been exhaustively explored. Until recently, only science fiction and fantasy have been able to showcase the application of instant access to back-mounted ammunition systems. Much like the ability to simply “holster” or retain your weapon on your back instantly has been a product of video games and motion pictures. The application is simple in concept and yet nearly impossible to accomplish (see the Rapid Retention System). However, Cameron Shiell of AmmoBack (also written Ammo Back) had an idea; this idea was not only functional but had been accomplished in the most inconspicuous of designs, the Pez Dispenser.

The Pez Dispenser is a spring-loaded automatic dispenser of little candies that, upon desire, is manually opened, and a single piece of candy is pushed up and forced slightly forward for easy access. This concept was applied by Ammoback to 5.56mm NATO (5.56x45mm NATO) US AR-15/M16/M4/M4A1 mags (magazines). The result is a Pez Dispenser-like device of hate and malcontent! The AmmoBack is a back-mounted system that allows for the safe and effective storage of AR-15 magazines. It’s spring-loaded to force the last stored magazine down and slightly out of the opening, giving the user instant access to the magazine without the fear of it falling out of the carrier. The magazine is secure-but-accessible and easy to acquire when needed. The user can reach behind their lower back and pull the magazine out. Upon doing so, the next magazine in the stack is forced down and slightly outward, allowing the user to grab the next magazine when needed.

Ed Brown has always been known as a manufacturer of high-end 1911-style pistols, however, within the past few years, they have been exploring polymer-framed modern handguns. Their catalog now includes a variety of parts and accessories for non-1911 pistols as well as the Fueled Series of custom S&W M&P pistols. Continuing the expansion into the polymer handgun market, Ed Brown has announced their new 9mm Glock magazines.

Glockin lippaan uudelleen keksiminen kuullostaa melko turhalta keksimiseltä. Tässä vuosikymmenen Glockeilla ihmisille ammuntaa vetäneenä + pari sellaista itsekin omistavana en kyllä luotettavampaa pistoolinlipasta itse tiedä kuin Glockin omat 17ptr lippaat. Jopa saman malliset 33ptr versiot pelaavat hienosti.