Onpas kutkuttava salaliittodokkari Netflixissä, ihan samaa tarinaa, vain vähän eri näkökulmasta kuin luvun alla oleva kirja mitä jo mainostin täällä aiemmin. Hämmentävää että Netflix julkaisee tällaista. Ehkä niiden juttujen rinnalla, mitkä on nykyään menossa, tämä on niin peanuts ja so last season että voi surutta laittaa isolle julkaisualustalle.
Operaatio mustekala
Original title: American Conspiracy: The Octopus Murders
Follows journalist Danny Casolaro's mysterious death while probing an alleged conspiracy called "The Octopus" linking spy software theft, unsolved murders and major 20th-century scandals.
Siis ihan samaa tarinaa kuin tässä (poislukien Vatikaanin osallistuminen), miten jo ainakin WW2:n loppumetreillä oli hokattu hyväksi perusrahoitusmenetelmäksi huumeet vähemmän konventionaalisille sotilas- ja tiedusteluoperaatioille, varmaan vähän muuallekin. Ja siitä sitten kehiteltiin hommaa eteenpäin. Tosin on osa jo historiallista jatkumoa eli jos ei ala huumeet maistumaan niin me vittu tapetaan:
Operation Gladio: The Unholy Alliance between the Vatican, the CIA, and the Mafia Hardcover – February 3, 2015
Paul L. Williams (Author)
This disturbing exposé describes a secret alliance forged at the close of World War II by the CIA, the Sicilian and US mafias, and the Vatican to thwart the possibility of a Communist invasion of Europe. Journalist Paul L. Williams presents evidence suggesting the existence of “stay-behind” units in many European countries consisting of five thousand to fifteen thousand military operatives. According to the author’s research, the initial funding for these guerilla armies came from the sale of large stocks of SS morphine that had been smuggled out of Germany and Italy and of bogus British bank notes that had been produced in concentration camps by skilled counterfeiters. As the Cold War intensified, the units were used not only to ward off possible invaders, but also to thwart the rise of left-wing movements in South America and NATO-based countries by terror attacks.
Williams argues that Operation Gladio soon gave rise to the toppling of governments, wholesale genocide, the formation of death squads, financial scandals on a grand scale, the creation of the mujahideen, an international narcotics network, and, most recently, the ascendancy of Jorge Mario Bergoglio, a Jesuit cleric with strong ties to Operation Condor (an outgrowth of Gladio in Argentina) as Pope Francis I.
Sure to be controversial, Operation Gladio connects the dots in ways the mainstream media often overlooks.