Supreme Leader
Kolmenneksi Hong Kongin ja Sveitsin jälkeen. Ruotsi kymmenes ja Yhdysvallat sijalla 20. Pitäisikö kaikkien inisijöiden muuttaa Venäjälle tai johonkin vinku-Intiaan, kun ei olo kelpaa? Isoisillä ei ollut kuin paleltuneita nauriita ja sota vielä niskassa.
■ Rule of Law ■ Security and Safety ■ Movement ■ Religion ■ Association, Assembly, and Civil Society ■ Expression ■ Relationships ■ Size of Government ■ Legal System and Property Rights ■ Access to Sound Money ■ Freedom to Trade Internationally ■ Regulation of Credit, Labor, and Business
Top 10 Freest Countries
1. Hong Kong 6. Canada 2. Switzerland 7. Australia 3. Finland 8. Ireland 4. Denmark 9. United Kingdom 5. New Zealand 10. Sweden
■ Rule of Law ■ Security and Safety ■ Movement ■ Religion ■ Association, Assembly, and Civil Society ■ Expression ■ Relationships ■ Size of Government ■ Legal System and Property Rights ■ Access to Sound Money ■ Freedom to Trade Internationally ■ Regulation of Credit, Labor, and Business
Top 10 Freest Countries
1. Hong Kong 6. Canada 2. Switzerland 7. Australia 3. Finland 8. Ireland 4. Denmark 9. United Kingdom 5. New Zealand 10. Sweden