Syyrian konflikti/sota

T-72 palaa Aleppon lähettyvillä.
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Ilmapommituksen jälkipyykkiä.
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Kapinallisten hyökkäys Latakiassa edistyy. Nyt sota on tavoittanut Assadin klaanin alueet jotka ovat olleet melko koskemattomia tähän mennessä.
Ahfad Rasul trying to use T 72

Islamilaisen Rintaman T-55 Latakin vuorilla.

Islamilaisen Rintaman propagandaa.

Kapinalliset saavuttivat Latakian rannat.

Vallattu poliisiasema.

Syria rebels take coastal village in Assad heartland
BEIRUT - Syria's opposition fighters seized a Mediterranean coastal village Tuesday as they pushed to consolidate their presence in a key regime bastion near the Turkish border, a monitoring group said.

The capture of Samra in Latakia province comes a day after rebels seeking to topple President Bashar al-Assad seized the area around Kasab, the last government-held crossing post with Turkey.

In retaliation the army pounded rebel positions in the northwestern coastal province, heartland of Assad's Alawite sect and scene of fierce fighting since Friday, said the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.

Rebels including the jihadist Al-Nusra Front "took control of Samra village in Latakia province early Tuesday," said Observatory director Rami Abdel Rahman.

"Fierce fighting has raged on in the outskirts of the village," he told AFP.

Samra is located in a valley near the Turkish border, and gives the rebels access to the sea.

Latakia is important because of its location on the coast, and because it is the heartland of both the Assad clan and the Alawite sect.
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Hilal al-Assadin hautajaiskulkue.
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Hilal al-Assad, a cousin of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, has been killed along with seven of his fighters during fighting in the border town of Kasab in Latakia province, after shells from rebels targeted his vehicle.

The UK-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, an activist group, reported Assad's death. It was confirmed by Syrian state television, which described Hilal as the head of the National Defence Force in the province of Latakia.

Hilal founded the National Defence Army, a group of pro-government civilians fighting alongside the Syrian army.

The Syrian rebel group Jaish al-Islam claimed responsibility for the killing in a statement published on its website.

"The first rocket was fired around 7:15pm, followed by another five minutes later. The rockets targeted a house where Hilal was holding a meeting with other members of the National Defence Army” the statement said.

On Sunday, activists and state media reported clashes near the town of Kasab and said both sides were dispatching reinforcements. Syrian officials said the opposition fighters were coming from inside Turkey.

The battle for Kasab broke out on Friday and at least 80 fighters on both sides have been killed.

Latakia province, which includes Assad's family village, is considered a government stronghold and many of its residents are from his Alawite minority.
Islamic Front execute two Saudis fighting for ISIS/ISIL. Their names were Abdullah and Hamid from Riyadh. Filmed in Idlib, Syria.
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Syrian Soldiers run so fast while syrian rebels storm and shot on the soldiers
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Syria War - Heavy Clashes And Intense Fighting Near The Turkish Border | Syrian Civil War 2014. Heavy clashes, fighting an fireifghts errupted in Latakia near the turkish border as rebel forces launched a large scale offensive in the region.

Hard-line Islamic rebels captured a small town in northwestern Syria near the Turkish border as part of their offensive in the rugged coastal region that is a bastion of support for President Bashar Assad.

Fighters from an array of armed opposition groups seized the predominantly Armenian Christian town of Kassab on Sunday. The rebels, including militant from the al-Qaida-affiliated Nusra Front, have also wrested control of a nearby border crossing to Turkey.

The advances, while minor in terms of territory, provided a welcome boost to a beleaguered rebellion that has suffered a string of battlefield losses in recent weeks. Forces loyal to Assad have captured several towns near Syria's border with Lebanon as part of a government offensive aimed severing rebel supply lines across the porous frontier and securing the border.

Rebels launched their offensive on Friday in Latakia province, which is the ancestral home of the Assad family and a stronghold of his Alawite sect. Since then, the fighting has focused around Kassab and the nearby border crossing.
Ulkomaat 26.3.2014 klo 19:16 | päivitetty 26.3.2014 klo 19:16
Syyriassa sotineelta jihadistilta löytyi räjähteitä Ranskassa
Poliisi epäilee miehen suunnitelleen terroritekoa. Iskun mahdollinen kohde ja ajankohta eivät ole vielä selvinneet.

Ranskan poliisi on löytänyt Rivieralta räjähdekätkön, jonka epäillään kuuluneen Syyriasta kotiinsa palanneelle jihadistille. Poliisi epäilee, että mies suunnitteli terrori-iskua.

Nimettömänä esiintyvän virkamiehen mukaan poliisi löysi 900 grammaa triasetonitriperoksidia eli TATP-räjähdettä Cannesin lähellä sijaitsevasta Mandelieu-La-Napoulesta. Viranomaiset pääsivät kätkön jäljille sen jälkeen, kun poliisi oli aiemmin pidättänyt 23-vuotiaan miehen.

Viranomaisen mukaan iskun mahdollinen kohde ja ajankohta eivät ole vielä selvinneet.

TATP on samaa räjähdysainetta, jota käytettiin vuonna 2005 Lontoossa metroon ja bussiin kohdistuneissa pommi-iskuissa.

Eurooppalaiset viranomaiset ovat huolissaan tuhansista länsimaista Syyriaan sotimaan lähteneistä jihadisteista, jotka voivat syyllistyä terroritekoihin palattuaan lähtömaihinsa.


  • Mikko LeppänenYle Uutiset

No niin. Allahin miekka iskee pitkin eurooppaa. Ajan kysymys. Ei enään pitkän ajan. Mitä enemmän saavat selkäänsä pitkin Syyriaa sitä hanakammin hakevat muita kohteita.
Assad on tyytyväinen. Kuten Putin ja Irankin. Ne on toitottanut vuosia kuinka tuki kapinallisille tulee iskemään takasin. Pakkohan niin on myös käydä.
No niin. Allahin miekka iskee pitkin eurooppaa. Ajan kysymys. Ei enään pitkän ajan. Mitä enemmän saavat selkäänsä pitkin Syyriaa sitä hanakammin hakevat muita kohteita.
Assad on tyytyväinen. Kuten Putin ja Irankin. Ne on toitottanut vuosia kuinka tuki kapinallisille tulee iskemään takasin. Pakkohan niin on myös käydä.

Sitä voi kohta tapahtua Suomessakin...

Jotenkin siitä tuli mieleen tämä klassikko:

Press tv sanoo Turkin tykistön ampuneen eilen kapinallisten tueksi rajuissa taisteluissa mitä siellä käydään.
Niin tai näin, siellä käydään taistelua Armenialaisten kristittyjen asuttamista alueista. Jos väärän sortin kapinalliset on mukana tuossa,niin heidän voittonsa taistelussa ei tiedä hyvää väestölle. Kenen puoleen voivat kristityt kääntyä,kun länsi tukee näitä kurkunkatkojia. Tule apuun Vanja.
HJ-8 pamahtaa liikkuvaan T-55 panssarivaunuun.
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Hallituksen militiamiehet ajoivat väijytykseen Latakiassa.
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Obama appears ready to expand covert assistance to Syrian opposition
The Obama administration, stung by reversals in Ukraine and Syria, appears to have decided to expand its covert program of training and assistance for the Syrian opposition, deepening U.S. involvement in that brutal and stalemated civil war.

This stepped-up assistance program is likely to be discussed during talks Friday between President Obama and Saudi King Abdullah. U.S. endorsement of the program would tighten America’s links with Saudi Arabia after a period of noisy disagreement about Syria policy. But it also would complicate already tense relations with Russia and Iran, the two key backers of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

Obama appears more comfortable with a covert approach than with direct military intervention, as in Iraq and Afghanistan. Another selling point is that the enhanced aid program would have a counterterrorism focus. The United States would help train Free Syrian Army fighters to combat al-Qaeda extremists, even as the rebels launch guerrilla attacks against Assad’s army.

Critics argue that an expanded training and assistance program, first recommended by Obama’s top advisers in mid-2012, is long overdue — and that delays have allowed extremists and Assad’s forces to brutalize Syria. But Obama has been cautious about descending what he sees as a slippery slope. So far, despite pledges of support for the opposition, he has authorized only a limited program of covert training and mostly nonlethal assistance. He also recognizes the checkered history of such covert efforts, from the Bay of Pigs in Cuba to Nicaragua.

Details of the plan were still being debated Thursday, but its likely outlines were described by knowledgeable officials:

●Syrian opposition forces would be trained in camps in Jordan, northern Saudi Arabia and Qatar. The number of Syrian opposition fighters who would receive training would roughly double, to about 600 per month.

●The CIA would oversee training, expanding the program that it currently manages. The administration is still discussing whether U.S. Special Operations forces and other military personnel should play a role. Syrian rebels have argued that Special Operations trainers would provide better help, without the CIA’s political baggage.

●The rebels have been pleading for two years for anti-aircraft missiles to stop Assad’s air force, but Saudi Arabia wants U.S. permission before delivering them. To reassure the United States, the opposition has proposed tight controls on these weapons, known as “MANPADS.” Only five missile launchers would initially be furnished. Each use of them is to be videoed, and each would be fitted with a tracking device and a remote shutdown mechanism. As of late Thursday, the administration still appeared to be weighing the issue.

●Vetting of opposition forces would continue during and after the training. Recruits with extremist links supposedly would be weeded out as trainers learned their backgrounds. Saudi Arabia has agreed to exclude any fighters who have worked with three jihadist groups: Ahrar al-Sham, Jabhat al-Nusra, and the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria.

●The sometimes fractious “friends” of the Syrian opposition would, in theory, be united behind this program. Qatar, which in the past funneled aid to organizations known as the Islamic Front, support that later made its way to al-Qaeda extremists, has agreed to halt this assistance.

Qatar has also offered to finance the combined program in its first year, which could run to hundreds of millions of dollars. Saudi Arabia, a sharp critic of Qatar, may resist this donation. It is unclear what role would be played by Turkey, which has been accused of allowing Muslim extremists to operate across its border with Syria.

●To stabilize what is today a badly fragmented Syria, the program would provide assistance for local councils and police in areas that have been cleared of Assad’s forces. The opposition has also requested specialized training to maintain border security. Finally, the program may seek to establish corridors for delivery of humanitarian assistance, though it is unclear how aggressively the United States and its allies would be prepared to protect these humanitarian zones.

The expanded program would “send a clear message to the Assad regime that there is no military solution to the struggle,” according to a March memo to the White House from the opposition. Assad “has no incentive to talk” now, the memo argued, because he thinks he is winning.

The rationale, bluntly stated, is that to reach an eventual diplomatic settlement in Syria, it is necessary now to escalate the conflict militarily. This has been a hard pill for Obama to swallow, but prodded by the Saudis, he seems to have reached that point.
NDF on lähettänyt lisää miehiä suojaamaan Latakiaa, mutta monet ovat ajelleet suoraan kapinallisten väijytyksiin.
Islamilaisen Rintaman kameramies kuvaa Syyrian ilmavoimien MiG-29 koneen hyökkäyksen.

MiG-23 tulittaa kapinallisia.

Tynnyripommi hyökkäys Latakiassa.
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Syyrian armeija tulittaa Doumaa kranaatinheittimillä.
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Ilmeisesti se keväthyökkäys on menossa. Kauhean vähän uutsoidaan. Joutuu maailmalta kaivaan tiedot. Turkin armeija on mukana. Ovat perustaneet tukikohtia joissa annetaan huoltoa ja tiedustelutietoja kapinallisille. Ilmeisesti tykistö ja ilmavoimat suojaavat. Jäänyt Ukrainan konfliktin varjoon.Assad laittanut panssarit,tykistön ja ilmavoimat tuonne torppaamaan kapinalliset. Iranin sotilasdelegeaatio ryntäsi tänään turkin pääministerin juttusille ja oli pahalla päällä. Keskustelut jatkuvat kuulemma edelleen. Nyt on hyvä aika hyökätä ja lännen tukea kun kaikki katsoo Ukrainaan.
Ei niitä järkevimpiä paikkoja vaunulle, tai ainakin ohjus pääsee tekemään kaikenlaista hallaa myös rakennukselle tuossa samalla.

Yleensä Syyrian armeijan sotilaat parkeeraavat aukealla joten onhan tuossa sentään jotain yritystä suojata bemaria pst-ohjuksilta.

Islamilaisen Rintaman julistus Kessabin kaupunkia koskien.
Toyotalle löytyy taas käyttöä.
Recently, when the US State Department resumed sending non-lethal aid to Syrian rebels, the delivery list included 43 Toyota trucks.

Hiluxes were on the Free Syrian Army's wish list. Oubai Shahbander, a Washington-based advisor to the Syrian National Coalition, is a fan of the truck.

"Specific equipment like the Toyota Hiluxes are what we refer to as force enablers for the moderate opposition forces on the ground," he adds. Shahbander says the US-supplied pickups will be delivering troops and supplies into battle. Some of the fleet will even become battlefield weapons.

"You can absolutely expect for many of those trucks to be mounted with crew-served machine guns or other type of equipment, military equipment, that the opposition forces have access to. I mean, that's one of the reasons why the Toyota Hilux is such an important force multiplier, because it could be used both for humanitarian purposes and for operational purposes as well."