Syyrian konflikti/sota

Syyrian ilmavoimat aloitti Idlibin pommittamisen ja ensimmäinen kohde oli sairaala.

al-Nusran keittiö.

Beirut (AFP) - Syrian government forces apparently executed at least 15 prisoners in the city of Idlib before Islamist fighters overran the provincial capital, a monitor said on Sunday.

BEIRUT (AP) — Syrians fled Idlib Sunday, fearing government reprisals a day after opposition fighters and a powerful local al-Qaida affiliate captured the northwestern town, activists said.
Viimeksi muokattu:
On muuten ISIS keskutelu selkäästi vaimennettu Suomalaisessa mediassa näin vaalien alla. Ei ole näkynyt eikä kuulunut mitään muutamaan viikkoon.
Kansainvälisiltä kanavilta sitten vähän toisenlaista kuvaa.
Jabhat Al Nusra is back in Syria ... with a vengeance
lmost two years ago, Al Qaeda-affiliated Jabhat Al Nusra received the first of a series of heavy blows in Syria. That blow was the unilateral announcement by Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi that the group was a franchise of his organisation in Iraq and that the two would be merged under the ISIL banner in Syria.

Jabhat Al Nusra engaged in drawn-out battles with ISIL that resulted in the eradication of its branch in Deir Ezzor, its most powerful and strategic outpost at the time. The Al Qaeda affiliate subsequently engaged in hostilities with other rebel forces in northern and southern Syria, before it received another hit when ISIL announced its “caliphate” last year. Since last summer, its bases, weapon depots and cells have been targeted by the American-led air strikes.

But Jabhat Al Nusra is now back – with a vengeance. On Saturday, the group gained a major victory against the Al Assad regime in northern Syria. The takeover of the second provincial capital by the anti-Assad forces is both strategic and symbolic. The first provincial capital, Raqqa, was taken by ISIL, and the second by its ideological sibling. The Jabhat Al Nusra victory comes two months after the group made another major rebel gain in Wadi Al Daif, a massive regime encampment in Idlib....
Kapinalliset aikovat vallata jäljellä olevat tukikohdat.
Charles Lister ‏@Charles_Lister · 16 minutes ago
Victorious #Idlib joint force “Jaish al-Fateh” has launched a final push on Al-Mastoumeh Base: stand-off bombardment & ground force attacks.

Charles Lister ‏@Charles_Lister · 15 minutes ago
PT: Reports already suggest limited #Syria Army withdrawals. Mastoumeh is the biggest base in #Idlib - its fall looks all but inevitable.
Idlib on kohta putsattu kokonaan hallituksen joukoista.
Charles Lister ‏@Charles_Lister · 3 minutes ago
Faylaq al-Sham claims fighters are now inside and in control of “large parts” of Al-Mastouma Camp, #Idlib. #Syria

Charles Lister ‏@Charles_Lister · 6 minutes ago
Jabhat al-Nusra claims its fighters are currently searching through buildings inside Al-Mastouma, #Idlib. #Syria



Islamilaisen Rintaman ukot yrittävät ampua hävittäjän alas kahdella iglalla mutta ilmeisesti ohjukset eivät osu(?).
Vieläkö Syyrialla on ilmavoimien tukikohtia hallussaan entä mitä kalustoa löytyy?
Mahtaako nykytilanteessa esimerkiksi Venäjältä saada lisää hankittua?
In Syria's war, Alawites pay heavy price for loyalty to Bashar al-Assad
By Ruth Sherlock, Beirut

In the Assad regime's heartland, dead officers are sent home in ambulances, while the corpses of ordinary soldiers are returned in undecorated pick-up trucks.

Then come the press gangs: military recruiters raid houses to find replacements by force for the dwindling ranks of Syria's military.

Sharing their sect with President Bashar al-Assad, Alawites have long been the core constituency for the Syrian regime. As the civil war drags into its fifth year, the minority sect is seen by opposition rebels as remaining unwaveringly loyal.

But from inside the community, the picture looks very different: as their sons die in droves on the front lines, and economic privileges – subsidies and patronage – cease, Alawites increasingly feel they are tools and not the beneficiaries of the regime.

In a series of exclusive interviews, Alawites from the coastal province of Latakia, the sect's heartland, have told the Telegraph of how they are now trapped between jihadists who consider them apostates, and a remote and corrupt regime that told them the war would be easy to win.

"Most don't have salaries now, and some don't even have food to eat," said Ammar, a businessman in Latakia. "My friends ask me: 'Mr Ammar what shall we do? The regime wants to take us as soldiers. We will die. But we don't have the money to get out'."

The scale of the sect's losses is staggering: with a population of around two million, a tenth of Syria's population, the Alawites boast perhaps 250,000 men of fighting age. Today as many as one third are dead, local residents and Western diplomats say.

Many Alawite villages nestled in the hills of their ancestral Latakia province are all but devoid of young men. The women dress only in mourning black.

"Every day there at least 30 men returned from the front lines in coffins," said Ammar, who spoke to the Telegraph using a pseudonym to protect himself and his family.

"In the beginning of the war their deaths were celebrated with big funerals. Now they are quietly dumped in the back of pick-up trucks."
The Syrian government used toxic chemicals in attacks on the northwestern city of Idlib during fighting with Islamist rebels in March, Human Rights Watch said, urging the United Nations Security Council to take action.

Evidence strongly suggests that Syrian government forces used toxic chemicals in several barrel bomb attacks in Idlib governorate between March 16 and 31, 2015. Syrian rescue workers reported that these attacks affected at least 206 people, including 20 civil defense workers. One attack killed six civilians, including three children. The attacks violated the Chemical Weapons Convention and a United Nations Security Council resolution.
Jotenkin tuntuu, että Syyrian sisällissodassa on käynnissä kilpailu siitä, mikä porukka rikkoo sotimisen sääntöjä törkeimmin. ISISin toimista on uutisoitu eniten, mutta eivät nuo Syyrian hallitus ja al Nusra tunnu jäävän paljoakaan perään.
Jotenkin tuntuu, että Syyrian sisällissodassa on käynnissä kilpailu siitä, mikä porukka rikkoo sotimisen sääntöjä törkeimmin. ISISin toimista on uutisoitu eniten, mutta eivät nuo Syyrian hallitus ja al Nusra tunnu jäävän paljoakaan perään.

Syyrian hallitus tappaa enemmän siviilejä kuin al-Nusra ja ISIS yhteensä. Päivittäin kuolee sellaiset 15-30 siviiliä tynnyripommituksissa ja muissa iskuissa.

Sitten vielä ne kymmenet tuhannet jotka ovat kadonneet jäljettömiin sen jälkeen kun hallituksen joukot ovat heidät pidättäneet.
On kyllä uskomatonta miten vapaasti Assad voi viljellä noita kloorikaasu-tynnyreitään, ei edes vihaisia twiittejä länsijohtajilta.
Onkohan Assadilla kovakin kontaktipinta pommituksiin. Jos Syyria menettää kaupungin ja samantein tulee kosto sairaalaan, onko Assadin käsky. Mielikuvalta ei voi välttyä että Assadin asema pelinappulana on kokenut kovan nousun. Ennen oli kumppani, nyt pelkkä sätkynukke. Miten maan johtajalla joka ei selviä päivääkään ilman ulkopuolista tukea useasta maasta voi olla todellista valtaa enää vuosien sotimisen jälkeen. Voiko Assad päättää enää linjauksista ja tulevaisuudesta. Istuuko samassa pöydässä Iranin,Venäjän Hizbollahin kaverit jotka kertovat mitä se tekee.