Pari turkkilaista kansanedustajaa väittävät omaavansa todisteita, että Syyriassa 2013 tehtyjen kaasuhyökkäysten sariinikaasu oli peräisin Turkista ja hyökkäyksen suoritti ISIS (tai jokin vastaava).
(Today's Zaman) CHP deputies: Gov’t rejects probe into Turkey’s role in Syrian chemical attack
Sinänsä tämä ei erityisemmin yllättäisi, että NATO:n Euroopan joukkojen ex-komentaja Wesley Clarkhan sanoi jo alkuvuonna CNN:n haastattelussa, että ISIS luotiin USA:n liittolaisten rahoituksella taistelemaan Hizbollahia vastaan. Vaikkei Clark eritellyt tarkemmin, ketä nämä "liittolaiset" ovat (tuo videon otsikko on sen youtubeen postanneen henkilön oma arvio), sopinee Turkki kuvioon varsin hyvin. Muita arvatenkin ainakin Saudi-Arabia, Qatar ja mahdollisesti myös Israel (yhteinen vihollinen yhdistää).
(Today's Zaman) CHP deputies: Gov’t rejects probe into Turkey’s role in Syrian chemical attack
CHP deputies Eren Erdem and Ali Şeker held a press conference in İstanbul on Wednesday in which they claimed the investigation into allegations regarding Turkey's involvement in the procurement of sarin gas which was used in the chemical attack on a civil population and delivered to the terrorist Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) to enable the attack was derailed.
Taking the floor first, Erdem stated that the Adana Chief Prosecutor's Office launched an investigation into allegations that sarin was sent to Syria from Turkey via several businessmen. An indictment followed regarding the accusations targeting the government.
"The MKE [Turkish Mechanical and Chemical Industry Corporation] is also an actor that is mentioned in the investigation file. Here is the indictment. All the details about how sarin was procured in Turkey and delivered to the terrorists, along with audio recordings, are inside the file," Erdem said while waving the file.
Erdem also noted that the prosecutor's office conducted detailed technical surveillance and found that an al-Qaeda militant, Hayyam Kasap, acquired sarin, adding: "Wiretapped phone conversations reveal the process of procuring the gas at specific addresses as well as the process of procuring the rockets that would fire the capsules containing the toxic gas. However, despite such solid evidence there has been no arrest in the case. Thirteen individuals were arrested during the first stage of the investigation but were later released, refuting government claims that it is fighting terrorism," Erdem noted.
Over 1,300 people were killed in the sarin gas attack in Ghouta and several other neighborhoods near the Syrian capital of Damascus, with the West quickly blaming the regime of Bashar al-Assad and Russia claiming it was a "false flag" operation aimed at making US military intervention in Syria possible.
Suburbs near Damascus were struck by rockets containing the toxic sarin gas in August 2013.
The purpose of the attack was allegedly to provoke a US military operation in Syria which would topple the Assad regime in line with the political agenda of then-Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and his government.
CHP deputy Şeker spoke after Erdem, pointing out that the government misled the public on the issue by asserting that sarin was provided by Russia. The purpose was to create the perception that, according to Şeker, “Assad killed his people with sarin and that requires a US military intervention in Syria.”
He also underlined that all of the files and evidence from the investigation show a war crime was committed within the borders of the Turkish Republic.
Sinänsä tämä ei erityisemmin yllättäisi, että NATO:n Euroopan joukkojen ex-komentaja Wesley Clarkhan sanoi jo alkuvuonna CNN:n haastattelussa, että ISIS luotiin USA:n liittolaisten rahoituksella taistelemaan Hizbollahia vastaan. Vaikkei Clark eritellyt tarkemmin, ketä nämä "liittolaiset" ovat (tuo videon otsikko on sen youtubeen postanneen henkilön oma arvio), sopinee Turkki kuvioon varsin hyvin. Muita arvatenkin ainakin Saudi-Arabia, Qatar ja mahdollisesti myös Israel (yhteinen vihollinen yhdistää).
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