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Coordination centre for reconciliation of opposing sides on the territory of the Syrian Arab Republic started its work at the Hmeymim airbase

In accordance with the Russian-American agreements, the Coordination centre for reconciliation of opposing sides on the territory of the Syrian Arab Republic started its work at the Hmeymim airbase yesterday.

The centre is composed of over 50 people and 5 groups:

  • analysis and planning group;
  • negotiation group;
  • group for agreements and cooperation with foreign organizations;
  • information support group;
  • group for humanitarian support of the Syrian population.
Attention is to be paid to the fact that the majority of the Russian officers of the Centre have significant experience in peacemaking activities both under the aegis of the UN and within other peacekeeping formats.

The name of the Centre tells about its main missions:

  • receive appeals from representatives of local authorities and armed groupings through a common telephone line and an e-mail address concerning their willingness to stop the combat actions and to negotiate for a truce;
  • provide any assistance to everyone who makes addresses to the Centre of organization of contacts and further cooperation with the Syrian state authorities in order to sign ceasefire and peace-making agreements;
  • organization of cooperation with international organizations in the field of deliveries of humanitarian cargoes to the Syrian population and return of refugees from other regions and countries.
All the contacts of the Centre are shown on the screen and are now being spread through, first of all, the Syrian media, television, radio, SMS and e-mail as well as through all other channels at disposal.

As soon as the contact information was brought to the Syrian population, the active work of the Centre started.

There are some first results.

The Centre is receiving appeals, there are dozens of them.

First of all, they are thoroughly checked.

The Russian Defence Ministry does not exclude provocations against the Centre and its personnel.

The work is not simple, because it includes not only telephone talks but also field work for practical implementation of ceasefire agreements and delivery of humanitarian help to the population.

Passing to the certain results for the last two days.

The Centre has already received more than 10 appeals from certain areas where Russian servicemen are conducting an active work now.

Blue areas on the map show the regions from which appeals on ceasefire are being received.

They are located in different provinces of Syria. Members of the centre are actively working with representatives of groupings in different settlements of the Hama, Homs, Latakia, Damascus and Daraa provinces.

One of the results is the signing of peace documents as it has happened in Javalik settlement and a number of other inhabited areas in the Homs province.

There are also some results in the north of Latakia. Combat actions have been terminated in the settlements of Ghunaymiyah, Laulyat and Burj Islam in the north of the province. Peace documents have been signed there.

Negotiations are being held in a number of settlements of the province.

The regions and settlements of Syria, where the peace documents have been signed, local population receive humanitarian cargoes, living essentials and medical support from personnel of the Coordination centre.

It is it be emphasized that the Russian-American agreements are not acceptable for everyone. In particular, in the north of Syria where large-caliber artillery continues shelling of the Syrian bordering settlements from the territory of Turkey.

Attention is to be paid to the fact that the selective blindness of international human rights organizations concerning this fact arouses deep concerns, to say the least.

Instead of unsubstantiated accusations of the Russian party of indiscriminate strikes, the Amnesty International, the Human Rights Watch, the Doctors Without Borders and other organizations would rather give their official view on the criminal actions of the Turkish Armed Forces.

Concerning the cooperation with the American partners.

Yesterday the US military attaché in Moscow was presented all the contact information of the “hot line” (main and alternate channels) as it was prescribed by the Russian-American agreement on ceasefire in Syria.

Twenty-four hours have already passed. No answer has been received yet.

The Russian party has no idea if it is connected with the strange statements of the Pentagon spokesman Peter Cook who has a quite superficial and, to say it more precisely, distorted view on the achieved Russian-American agreements on the Syrian topic.

It is to be reminded that Mister Cook stated that the ceasefire in Syria was a test for the Russian authorities.

Mister Cook should calm down and focus on the department, the representative of which he is – the Pentagon.

For sure, Mr. Cook finds difficult to do that unlike his predecessors because of lack of knowledge in military science.

Therefore, Mr. Cook aspires to redress by making great mistakes.

He should be gentler and more professional.

The Russian Defence Ministry paid attention to articles in mass media about alleged framing of plans by the American partners. The plans were called as “B” and other letters of the alphabet.

It is to be said that the Russian party has started a complex and particular work aimed at reconciliation in Syria.

The American partners are considered to start the real work instead of traveling through letters and words as fast as possible.

These are the results of the Russian aviation group from the Hmeymim airbase.

In the course of the last two days, strike intensity of the Russian aircraft has significantly decreased.

Mainly, it is caused by claims aimed at cease fire and start reconciliation negotiations, which had been made by local authorities or representatives of the illegal armed forces.

The Russian aviation performs no strikes at these regions.

Alongside, it is to be stressed that this Russian-American agreement on cease fire in Syria does not apply combat operations aimed at liquidation of the ISIS, Jabhat al-Nusra, and other groups, which had been determined as terrorist ones.

Therefore, the Russian aircraft continue making strikes on objects of these international terrorists.

In the course of the last two days, aircraft of the Russian aviation group have performed 62 combat sorties engaging 187 targets in the provinces of Hama, Raqqah, Deir ez-Zor, Aleppo and Homs.

Near Ithriyah (Hama province), Su-34 bombers destroyed more than 10 militants’ strong points located on tactical heights.

Strikes caused destruction of engineer installations of terrorists, elimination of more than 50 militants. A tank and three off-roaders with heavy armament were also hit.

At the approaches to Tadmur (Palmyra, Homs province), on the Tlul al-Ramlayat height, a Su-34 bomber carried out a strike on the ISIS positions. Two direct hits resulted in elimination of two mortar batteries with the crews as well as two pieces of armored hardware.

Near al-Bab (Aleppo province), a Su-24M bomber attacked a concentration of ISIS manpower and hardware concentration. The objective monitoring data confirms liquidation of at least 10 militants as well as 3 automobiles with large-caliber machine guns.

In the Raqqah province, a column, which consisted of 10 heavy trucks with armament and munitions, was completely eliminated with all its contents on its way to Deir ez-Zor province by strikes made by Russian Su-34.
Liekö kyseessä osittain aika vahva viesti USA:lta Turkin suuntaan? Vertailun vuoksi: Ukrainassa javelinien saanti taisi jäädä turhaksi toiveeksi, joten ei niitä tosiaan ihan helpolla irtoa edes viralliselle valtiolliselle taholle.

Tätä vaihtoehtoa ei voi unohtaa, etenkin kun Javelinit ilmaantuivat sotanäyttämölle hyvin pian Turkin aloitettua tykistöiskut Syyrian maaperälle ja on olemassa oleva uhka siitä, että Turkin ja Saudi-Arabian johtama koalitio aloittaisi maaoperaation Syyriassa. Signaalin lähettämistä Turkille ei voi jättää huomiotta.

Torni ottaa osumaa

Eikös tuo ole t-90 vaikka videossa lukee t-72. Minusta näyttää, että shtora-systeemi näkyy tuossa.

EDIT: Jos ja kun tuossa on shtora, miksi se ei toimi? Senhän pitäisi ohjata ohjus siten, että se ei osu tankkiin ollenkaan. Kyseisessä videossa väitetysti tapahtuu näin:
. Myös Ukrainalaiset kertoivat, että tälläinen efekti käy kun shtora toimii.
Viimeksi muokattu:
Viimeksi muokattu:
According to Turkish Ulke TV station, the victims of the February 17 terrorist attack in Ankara include 22 Turkish Air Force pilots, out of 28 total fatalities.
The Turkish government has not issued an official confirmation but, according to Turkish media, Erdogan is deliberately trying to conceal that fact.
The explosion took place next to the Turkish Armed Forces headquarters building, as well as the parliament and government buildings. The fatalities included 26 military and 2 civilians. Another 60 people were wounded.

Jos oikeasti mennyt pelkkiä pilotteja niin tainnut olla isot pojat asialla, turhan hyvä sattuma.
Näitä pst ohjuksia taitaa kavereilla olla pilvin pimein, kun voivat kaiken maailman kaivureita ja lava-autoja noilla tuhota. Jotenkin on sellainen tuntu, että meillä nuo säästettäisiin tst-panssarivaunuille ja kertasigoilla ja muilla kevyemmillä välineillä paukuteltaisiin miehistönkuljetus vaunuja, kuorma-autoja ja pakuja ynm. No ehkä tilanteen kiristyessä meilläkin olisi isompia pst ohjuksia tuhlattavaksi asti.

Toisaalta etäisyydetkin olisi meillä usein lyhyempiä.
.. vika säije
Näitä pst ohjuksia taitaa kavereilla olla pilvin pimein, kun voivat kaiken maailman kaivureita ja lava-autoja noilla tuhota. Jotenkin on sellainen tuntu, että meillä nuo säästettäisiin tst-panssarivaunuille ja kertasigoilla ja muilla kevyemmillä välineillä paukuteltaisiin miehistönkuljetus vaunuja, kuorma-autoja ja pakuja ynm. No ehkä tilanteen kiristyessä meilläkin olisi isompia pst ohjuksia tuhlattavaksi asti.

Toisaalta etäisyydetkin olisi meillä usein lyhyempiä.

Hallituksen joukkojen taktiikat ovat menneet varovaisemmiksi eikä tankkeja ole enää yllin kyllin tarjottimella ammuttaviksi. Siksi niitä sitten käytetään kohteisiin joihin ei ehkä muuten ohjusta ammuttaisi.
Jotta saa uutta Tow-ohjusta, pitää vanhat käyttää, tämä johtaa yksittäisten henkilöautojen jahtaamiseen.

"While the world might be fixated on ISIS, the Saudis and their allies know that much of the violence plaguing the Middle East is rooted in Assad and the Iranian-created Shia militias. If they decide to go after these terror nurseries, it will be time for the White House to finally decide exactly whose side it is on."
Näitä pst ohjuksia taitaa kavereilla olla pilvin pimein, kun voivat kaiken maailman kaivureita ja lava-autoja noilla tuhota. Jotenkin on sellainen tuntu, että meillä nuo säästettäisiin tst-panssarivaunuille ja kertasigoilla ja muilla kevyemmillä välineillä paukuteltaisiin miehistönkuljetus vaunuja, kuorma-autoja ja pakuja ynm. No ehkä tilanteen kiristyessä meilläkin olisi isompia pst ohjuksia tuhlattavaksi asti.

Toisaalta etäisyydetkin olisi meillä usein lyhyempiä.

Näkisin, että me käyttäisimme tykistöä tai KRH:ta tuollaiseen, mutta ei ole väärin käyttää PST-ohjusta tuollaiseen, jos muuta ei ole. Tarkoituksena on hyökätä vihollisen suunnitelmaa vastaan, joten pioneerivälineistön tuhoaminen on ihan viisasta, jos ei halua vihollisen kaivautuvan mihin lystää.

Ei silti, voisi varmaan meilläkin olla joku halvempi PST-ohjusjärjestelmä juuri tuollaiseen käyttöön, joskin niitä tuskin tarvitsisi olla montaa, koska käyttöpaikkoja ei ole paljoa. Tietenkin kyseinen systeemi toimisi myös BMP:itä vastaan.
Syria: 'Russian generals killed' by massive car bomb at Latakia military base
  • ibtimes-staff-reporter.jpg

    By Staff ReporterFebruary 24, 2016 17:34 GMT
Syrian militant groups have claimed responsibility for a car bomb that killed several Russian military personal in the town of Latakia, according to reports. Ahrar al-Sham and Bayan groups claimed they planted a car bomb at base the eastern city after on 21 February.

According to Ahrar al-Sham, the announcement of the attack was delayed until three days later to ensure those responsible returned safely to opposition territories, reported the Jerusalem Post.

A statement from the group added: "After weeks of hard intelligence work we were able to determine the location and time of the meeting and planted the car in the location. After the explosion several ambulances and Russian choppers rushed to the location and they were seen evacuating deaths and wounded Russians to Latakia and Jableh hospitals."

IBTimes UK has been unable to verify the claims. The alleged attack took place before US and Russia have announced plans for a ceasefire in Syria that would begin from 27 February.

The ceasefire will not include targeting against Islamic State (Isis) or the Al-Qaeda affiliate Al-Nusra Front.

Syrian rebels claim car bomb attack that killed Russian soldiers in Latakia
February 25, 2016

ARA News

LATAKIA – A car bomb attack hit a command center for pro-Assad Russian forces in Latakia province in western Syria on Wednesday evening. The blast has reportedly claimed lives of a dozen Russian soldiers, according to security sources.

“A huge explosion hit a security building in central Jableh city of Latakia province, where senior Russian forces were holding a meeting with Syrian army commanders,” a source close to the Syrian national security department told ARA News, speaking on condition of anonymity.

“The explosion was caused by a car bomb that hit the main entrance of the building,” the source said, adding that the initial death toll has reached ten people, mostly Russian soldiers.

Syrian rebel groups of Ahrar al-Sham and Bayan issued a joint statement on Wednesday midnight, claiming responsibility for the attack.

Latakia is the heartland of the Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. Pro-Assad forces and allied Russian troops have been trying to fortify the province in a bid to deter any attacks by the rebel groups. However, the Syrian armed opposition has recently seized several towns and villages in Latakia countryside, mainly near the Jabal al-Turkman.

Reporting by: Jan Nasro

Source: ARA News
Eikös tuo ole t-90 vaikka videossa lukee t-72. Minusta näyttää, että shtora-systeemi näkyy tuossa.

EDIT: Jos ja kun tuossa on shtora, miksi se ei toimi? Senhän pitäisi ohjata ohjus siten, että se ei osu tankkiin ollenkaan. Kyseisessä videossa väitetysti tapahtuu näin:
. Myös Ukrainalaiset kertoivat, että tälläinen efekti käy kun shtora toimii.

Se on T-90 ja asiallinen hehkutus tuolla atlantin takana, koska jenkkiohjus..
Why the most dangerous group in Syria isn't ISIS
  • Jabhat al-Nusra is more dangerous than ISIS, Jennifer Cafarella says
  • Cafarella: U.S. focus on ISIS is allowing al Qaeda to set up a return to the global stage
Jabhat al-Nusra is also more adaptive than ISIS. It intentionally does not control terrain; this makes it difficult to target, as it cannot be attacked directly without destroying the more moderate Syrian opposition groups with whom it is embedded. And it has safe-guarded itself against tribal uprisings by prioritizing local support.
