Syyrian konflikti/sota

Obama to Deploy More Special Forces Troops to Syria

In-Depth Coverage

by Mary Alice Salinas April 25, 2016

President Barack Obama is ordering a significant increase in the number of U.S. Special Operations Forces in Syria and is urging European nations to ramp up their contributions to the coalition fighting Islamic State.

Speaking at an industrial trade fair Monday in Hannover, Germany, Obama says up to 250 additional personnel will join a team of about 50 U.S. troops in Syria.

“Their expertise has been critical as local forces have driven ISIL [Islamic State] out of key areas,” Obama said.

Earlier this month, the United States announced the deployment of an additional 200 troops and several Apache attack helicopters to Iraq, where they will help government forces there take back IS-held territory.

The additional U.S. troops will not be “leading the fight on the ground,” Obama pointed out, “but they will be essential in providing the training and assisting local forces that continue to drive ISIL back.”

5:00 kohdasta eteenpäin ottaa Hindi osumaa ilmatorjunnasta. Aika satimeen nuo itsensä työnsivät. Allahin hokijat eivät vaan osu kunnolla.

Pahoittelen jos joukossa oli jotain k-18 matskua...

5:00 kohdasta eteenpäin ottaa Hindi osumaa ilmatorjunnasta. Aika satimeen nuo itsensä työnsivät. Allahin hokijat eivät vaan osu kunnolla.

Pahoittelen jos joukossa oli jotain k-18 matskua...
Toivottavasti muuten tuon Jordanialaisen lentäjän nappaajat oltaisiin tunnistettu ja nitistetty.
kuvia turkin kalustosta


250 people killed in Aleppo within nine days

More than two months after the world powers signed an agreement aimed at putting an end to the Syrian civil war, 250 people were killed in Aleppo within nine days

Nine days of continuous and bloody fighting in Aleppo, the largest city in Northern Syria, led to the deaths of about 250 soldiers, rebels and civilians. Most of the victims, including 40 children, were killed in the 30 airstrikes that were conducted in the rebel-controlled areas.

About two months after the US and Russia signed an agreement aimed at ending the war and in the shadows of the peace talks that are taking place in Geneva, Northern Syria experienced a drastic escalation in fighting. Only yesterday (Friday), the Syrian army declared a “regime of calm” in the areas surrounding Damascus and the coastal province of Latakia. However, the army did not include the city that has suffered heavy losses in recent days.

Aleppo has been divided for years between the rebels and the Syrian government. Syrian President Bashar al-Assad is currently attempting to regain control of the entire city.


The Syrian army refused to specify what exactly the “regime of calm” entails and what circumstances constitute a unilaterally violation. The “regime of calm” was intended to last from 24 to 72 hours in the different areas.

Tomorrow, US Secretary of State John Kerry is expected to arrive at the peace talks in Geneva, along with UN Special Envoy for Syria Staffan de Mistura and Jordanian and Saudi representatives.
Turvakameravideoita Aloppon sairaalapommituksesta linkissä.

Watch: Aleppo hospital bombing recorded from the inside

Security cameras inside Aleppo’s Al-quds hospital recorded the moments in which the medical facility was bombed by Assad’s forces. Human rights organizations claim that at least 50 people were killed and dozens were injured. Intense battles for control over Aleppo have progressed over the past few days.

Aleppo, Syria’s second largest city, has found itself in the midst of intense fighting between Assad’s forces and Syrian rebels, claiming hundreds of lives. The dramatic video, recorded by the hospital’s security cameras, shows the very moment in which Assad’s planes bombed the medical facility. According to several reports, at least 50 people were killed in the airstrike.

The difficult pictures from the scene were also published by Britain’s Channel 4, causing shock worldwide. Over the past few days, Aleppo has suffered dozens of Syrian military airstrikes on Syrian rebel strongholds. The northern city is divided between the government and opposition supporters. Doctors Without Borders claims that the airstrike hit a medical center which serves 250,000 civilians in the Aleppo area.

Russia, Syria’s military and political ally, severely condemned the incident and called it a terror attack, yet claimed that Al-Qaeda or the Al-Nusra Brigades were responsible for the bombing.
Erinomainen, pitkä analyysi Syyrian mahdollisesta jakautumisesta etnisiin aluieisiin. (Linkissä lisää)

The New Syria

In the past month, the Kurdish parties declared the establishment of a Federal system in Northern Syria – Rojava. Does this act signify another step towards the inevitable "Balkanization" of what was once called The "Syrian Arab Republic"?


... The new geopolitical situation has brought in some diplomats (such as Staffan de Mistura, the UN envoy in Syria) in order to promote the idea of a partition solution for this conflict.

Similar conflicts have ended up in this kind of an outcome, like the Yugoslav wars when the former republic of Yugoslavia split into six different recognized states or the civil war in Sudan between the Islamic north and the mostly Christian south.

Since the majority of the parties taking part in the Syrian civil war have (so far) rejected the idea of segmenting the country, we can look at this solution as an option that might be relevant in the future, at least, after a few more years of bloodshed.

But when the time will come to finally divide Syria – what new countries will emerge? What would they look like? And what will be their borders? ...


While the Kurds in Iraq finally got a degree of autonomy during the early 90's, after the first Gulf War (mostly thanks to the US military that prevented any of Saddam's Air Force from operating in the country's northern region), the Kurds in Syria are still falling behind in a few critical parameters:

  1. Internal division – Unlike in Iraq, where we find the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) ruling the Kurdish territory with a substantial support from the local residents (despite voices of dissention that began to rise in recent years), the Kurds in Syria are divided between two main factors: the "Democratic Union Party" (PYD) backed by rebels from the PKK, and the "Kurdish National Council" (KNC), which unites several Kurdish parties and is backed by the KRG in Iraq.
Besides the ideology differences, The main argument between the two sides regards the manner in which they declare independence – while the PYD supports the idea of establishing a Kurdish state that is independent of other factors in the Syrian opposition, the KNC hopes to establish a Kurdish autonomy that will be an integral part of the new Syrian state (similar to what is taking place with the Kurdistan Regional Government in Northern Iraq).

  1. Territorial continuity – The KRG controls the main counties in Northern Iraq and enjoys a territorial continuity over large areas, with some of them (like Erbil) containing large oil sources.
Meanwhile, the Kurds in Syria mainly hold three provinces in the north of the country – two of them (Kobani in the center and Qamishli in the east) are adjacent to each other and share "common borders,” while the western province of Afrin is cut off by forces from the Syrian opposition (Mostly FSA & Al-Nusra front) and ISIS...
Pitäneeköhän ja miten paljon paikkaansa?

Report: Assad’s army is cooperating with ISIS

Documents that reached Sky News revealed that Assad’s government and the murderous terror organization in recent years made a series of agreements, among them coordination in the reoccupation of the city of Palmyra. The documents also reveal that ISIS and the Syrian government had trade deals: oil in exchange for chemicals.

ISIS and the Syrian government are cooperating with one another, Sky News has reported. The report is based on confidential ISIS documents. One of the documents relates to the re-occupation of Palmyra that was in the hands of ISIS.

According to the report, shortly after the Syrian government reoccupied Palmyra, after months where it was controlled by the murderous terror organization, ISIS fighters were sent to the old headquarters of the terror group within the city and were told: “You must withdraw all of the heavy artillery from inside and surrounding Palmyra to Raqqa.”

The documents that reached Sky News dealt with orders and instructions written by hand that were sent to ISIS headquarters in Raqqa. Sky News clarified that it is not clear if the documents are authentic but stressed that all previous documents sent by the same source proved to be accurate.

Sky News reported that for the last year and a half, there was a connection between the Syrian Military and a group that was stationed in the city of Raqqa; they were placed along the Turkish border. This group occupies a network to smuggle Iraqi members of ISIS.

When one of the Iraqis was asked if ISIS cooperated regarding the movement of forces and the exit from the region with the Syrian Army and even the Russian Air Force, he responded simply: “For sure.” According to him, these collaborations continued for years and they included evacuating from various regions and trade agreements, such as the exchange of oil for different chemicals.

The report also shows that ISIS began to train terrorists to target the West much earlier than was initially thought. This intelligence reinforces and increases the fear that ISIS cells are spread out throughout Europe and are planning future terror attacks in locations such as Brussels and Paris.

Prior to this report reaching Sky News, in August 2015, a Free Syrian Army rebel told JerusalemOnline that the ISIS threat was created by Assad himself: “ISIS is Baathist under cover. Their leadership consists of former Baathists. They are not fighting ISIS but the Syrians. ISIS and the Baathists are one.” JerusalemOnline previously reported that Assad released all of the Islamists from prison so that they could be utilized to fight against the moderate Syrian Opposition. These terrorists alongside former Baathists emerged to become ISIS, which implies that Assad played a huge role in the creation of ISIS.

Middle East Online reported that ISIS has cooperated with the Syrian Intelligence, who supplied them with weapons and money to fight in Mosul and permitted them to transfer ISIS personnel from Syria to Iraq. According to them, ISIS received this support for it is an Iranian interest to destabilize Iraq so the Iranian axis can be strengthened there. They even reported that Assad’s airstrikes were utilized in order to weaken the Syrian population and aid ISIS. Syrian Opposition leader Sherkoh Abbas added that these Islamists and former Baathists that make up ISIS were also utilized in order to ethnically cleanse the Kurds from Syria without the Iranian axis facing international repercussions.
Tänään on ainakin iso hyökkäys kurdeja vastaan. Samaa huhuja myös kuullut.

Myös 2 KIA sattunut tänään ulkomaalaisille näissä taisteluissa

USA:n ulkoministeri John Kerry järjesti kiireesti kokouksen Venäjän ulkoministeri Sergei Lavrovin kanssa todettuaan, että tulitauko repeilee pahasti monilla alueilla. Hän heitti vakavan varoituksen Syyrian presidentti Bashar Assadille uhaten vakavilla seurauksilla, joista yksi on tulitauon keskeytyminen ja sodan alkaminen uudelleen. Hän sanoi uskovansa, ettei Venäjä halua sitä, eikä Assad hyödy siitä. Tulitauko solmittiin helmikuun 27. päivänä Assadin ja muutamien suurimpien kapinallis-järjestöjen välillä yli viisi vuotta kestäneen sodan ja mielettömän verenvuodatuksen lopettamiseksi. Uutiset kertoivat, että Iran olisi tarjonnut turvapaikan Assadille, mutta että hän torjui sen. Syyrian hajoaminen tulee entistä ilmeisemmäksi.