Syyrian konflikti/sota

Syria: Assad’s army closes in on ISIS’s capital
Assad’s forces successfully crossed the Al-Raqqah province border on their way to conquering ISIS’s most important stronghold. The progression towards Al-Raqqah was primarily made possible by Russian airstrikes.


Syrian military

Today (Saturday), Assad’s military succeeded in penetrating the Al-Raqqah province border with the help of Russian airstrikes, setting back Islamic State forces. Over the past few days, the Russian Air Force focused on targets within the eastern areas of Syria’s heated district, near the Al-Raqqah province border. Assad’s military victory is considered to be a significant step in the battle against ISIS, since this is the murderous terror organization’s current capital city.

Meanwhile, ISIS continues to suffer military defeats on different fronts and is losing many areas in Iraq and Syria. In recent days, the Iraqi military and rebel forces have conducted combined attacks, accompanied by aerial aid from coalition forces, on the Iraqi city of Fallujah in an attempt to liberate it from the hands of the Islamic State.

The UNHCR reported that thousands of people are fleeing from the city and that there were numerous casualties, including civilians. “We received reports about many casualties in the city center as a result of the heavy bombings,” said William Spindler, the UNHCR spokesman. “Of the casualties, there are seven people from one family. We have in our hands information about civilians being held as human shields by ISIS.”
Assadin joukot ovat kärsineet tappioita Aleppon lähistöllä kapinallisille ja ISIS valtasi alueita Deir Ezzorin lähistöllä.
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Syria: Assad’s army closes in on ISIS’s capital
Assad’s forces successfully crossed the Al-Raqqah province border on their way to conquering ISIS’s most important stronghold. The progression towards Al-Raqqah was primarily made possible by Russian airstrikes.


Syrian military

Kilpajuoksu Berliiniin. Vai miten se meni. Edelliset viikot on arabikoalitio vääntänyt kuka valtaa kaupungin.
Onko osapuolille sama kuka toimii vapauttajana. Tässä kohtaa on hyvä muistaa kevät talven huhut venäjän ja usan suunnitelmista tuhota yhdessä Isis kesä tai heinäkuussa. Voivat toimia sovitusti.
YPG panostaa liikkuvaan sodankäyntiin. Manbij'ista pohjoiseen Turkin rajalla olevaan Jarablusiin vievä tie on saavutettu ja katkaistu useammassa kohtaa. Aiemmin on katkaistu yhteys Manbij'ista etelään kohti Raqqaa. Nyt voisi veikata aikovatko saartaa kaupungin islamisteineen vai jättävätkö reitin auki pakenemista varten?

Verkosta löytyvät tilannekartat eivät ehdi pysyä ajan tasalla.

Daeshin vastaisen koalition tiedustelu ja ilmatuki on varmaan merkittävää operaatioiden suunnittelussa.
Joidenkin mukaan tuo pickup video on vanhaa perua. Venäjän mukaan heidän koneita ei ole ainakaan ammuttu alas Aleppon tienoolla. Eli eipä ole mitään varmuutta minkään koneen alasampumisesta toistaiseksi.

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Al Nusrah Front and allies launch new offensive in Syria’s Aleppo province

The Jaysh al Fateh (“Army of Conquest”) coalition, which was cofounded by Al Nusrah Front and its closest allies, has launched a new offensive in the southern part of Syria’s Aleppo province. The assault began sometime during the past two days when two suicide bombers detonated a large amount of explosives on positions controlled by Bashar al Assad’s regime and its Iranian-backed paramilitary allies.

Al Nusrah, which is al Qaeda’s official branch in Syria, has already released several videos of the fighting. A few of the videos were recorded using small drones, which captured the dramatic scenes from overhead. Al Nusrah claims that two of its “martyrs” killed more than 100 Shiite fighters in twin bombings. (Screen shots from the videos, along with other propaganda from the battle, can be seen below.)

Jaysh al Fateh seeks to expand its grip on the territory surrounding the town of Khan Tuman, which is located south of the city of Aleppo.

The jihadist coalition seized Khan Tuman last month. Al Nusrah and other member groups in Jaysh al Fateh say their fighters have targeted the neighboring towns and villages, including Humayrah, Khalsah, Qal’ajiyah, and Qarassi, all of which are south of Khan Tuman. In addition, jihadi accounts on social media report heavy fighting in Maratah, which is to Khan Tuman’s east. The jihadists have specifically targeted fuel and weapons storage locations.


These locales can all be seen on the map reproduced above, which was first posted on Ajnad al Sham’s official Twitter feed. Ajnad al Sham is one of several groups that have joined Al Nusrah in the Jaysh al Fateh alliance.

The green area is controlled by Jaysh al Fateh, with a pinpoint on Khan Tuman. The area in purple is now contested, with Khalsah being the southernmost point identified on the map. The area in red is controlled by the Syrian regime and its allies from Iranian-backed militias and other paramilitary forces.

Jaysh al Fateh’s member organizations claim to have “liberated” several of these locations during the early fighting. Although such announced gains wouldn’t be surprising, their claims cannot be independently verified. There is also an ebb and flow to the fighting, with their enemies trying to regain the initiative.

Ahrar al Sham, which models itself after the Taliban and has its own links to al Qaeda, has posted a series of images from the new offensive as well. Pictures posted by Ahrar al Sham purportedly show the bodies of men who belonged to “sectarian militias,” meaning Iran’s and Assad’s proxies. Ahrar’s partner, Ajnad al Sham, and Al Nusrah have tweeted similar photos.

Ahrar al Sham claims to have taken over Maratah. Photos and a video depict Ahrar’s men in control of the village, as well as the “spoils” they have captured.