Syyrian konflikti/sota

Golanilta Damaskokseen on alle 60 kilometriä. Standoff-aseella ei Israelin ilmavoimien välttämättä tarvitse edes tulla Syyrian puolelle ollenkaan. Delilah-ohjus esimerkiksi kantaa yli 200 kilometriä.

Olen saanut sen käsityksen että siellä Syyriassa olevat Venäjän S-300-400 järjestelmät kykenisivät torjumaan kaiken mahdollisen. Vikaa laitteissa vai olivatko nukkumassa?

Venäläiset ovat keskittyneet turvaamaan ilmatilaa Latakian alueella ja rannikolla, josta on yli 200 km Syyrian etelä- ja lounaisosiin eli Damaskoksen alueelle. Todennäköisesti Israelin ilmavoimien koneet eivät ole edes lentäneet Syyrian ilmatilassa tai jos ovat lentäneet, lentoaika on laskettu minuuteissa. Golanilta Damaskoksen alueelle on noin 50 km.

Venäläiset ovat keskittyneet turvaamaan ilmatilaa Latakian alueella ja rannikolla, josta on yli 200 km Syyrian etelä- ja lounaisosiin eli Damaskoksen alueelle. Todennäköisesti Israelin ilmavoimien koneet eivät ole edes lentäneet Syyrian ilmatilassa tai jos ovat lentäneet, lentoaika on laskettu minuuteissa. Golanilta Damaskoksen alueelle on noin 50 km.


Venäjällä ja Israelilla on sopimus Syyriasta. Ihan sen takia, ettei satu vahinkoja puolin ja toisin.
Israelilla ja Venäjällä on erittäin todennäköisesti yhteisymmärrys siitä, että Israel voi pommittaa terroristeille tarkoitettuja asekuljetuksia, vaikka se tarkoittaa Syyrian pääkaupunkin pommistamista. Ilmasodankäynnin kannalta nämä iskut ovat malliesimerkki siitä, mitä pitkän kantaman asejärjestelmät tarkoittavat käytännössä. Eräs Israelin taktiikka on ollut lentää F-15:lla koneilla lujaa ja korkealla, ja näin aseelle on irroitushetkellä saatu maksimaalinen kantama aikaiseksi. Toki risteilyohjukset ovat myös mahdollisia ja Israel kyllä tarpeen vaatiessa lentää vaikka pääkaupungin yläpuolella EW:n turvin, mutta se on sellainen pelikortti, mitä ei mielellään paljasteta vastustajalle.

Syyrian ilmapuolustuksella pelottelu oli aikoinaan Pentagonin hätävalhe Obamalle, kun ei ollut intoa uuteen lähi-idän sotaan. Toki USA:lla on heikompi tekninen osaaminen verrattuna Israeliin.
Tässä vielä yksi uutinen ja video Damaskuksesta:

Mezzeh Military Airport in Damascus shelled; Syria blames Israel
Several powerful explosions were heard at the Mezzeh Military Airport south of Damascus. It is an important airport utilized by the elite and the Iranian Revolutionary Guards. The Syrian Army alleged that Israel was responsible for the attack.

A number of powerful explosions were heard last night in the Mezzeh Military Airport south of Damascus. Eye-witnesses reported that ambulances rushed to the area. This airport that is located in the south-eastern part of the city is the most strategically located base that is in use mainly by the elite and the Iranian Revolutionary Guards, whose job is to defend Syrian government institutions and personnel. In the past, it was utilized in order to launch rockets at rebels in the outskirts of the city.

The cause of the explosions is not clear although the Syrian regime blames Israel for the attack. A senior level official in the Syrian Military warned Tel Aviv of “the expected consequences” following the “outrageous attack.” Syrian TV quoted a senior level official as claiming that missiles were fired from a base in the Lake Kinneret area shortly after midnight.

The Syrian Military did not report whether or not the attack caused causalities but documentation from the area shows that a fire broke out at the airport. Israel has fired in the past at Hezbollah targets in Syria. This Lebanese terror group backed by Iran has been fighting alongside the Syrian regime during the civil war within the country. Israel is deeply concerned that Hezbollah is gaining experience in Syria that can be utilized against Israel in the future.

Video linkissä:
Venäjällä ja Israelilla on sopimus Syyriasta. Ihan sen takia, ettei satu vahinkoja puolin ja toisin.

Tästä taisi olla foorumillakin puhetta syksyllä 2015 Venäjän aloitettua operaationsa Syyriassa, sopimus laadittu juuri mainitsemistasi syistä johtuen.

Israelilla ja Venäjällä on erittäin todennäköisesti yhteisymmärrys siitä, että Israel voi pommittaa terroristeille tarkoitettuja asekuljetuksia, vaikka se tarkoittaa Syyrian pääkaupunkin pommistamista. Ilmasodankäynnin kannalta nämä iskut ovat malliesimerkki siitä, mitä pitkän kantaman asejärjestelmät tarkoittavat käytännössä. Eräs Israelin taktiikka on ollut lentää F-15:lla koneilla lujaa ja korkealla, ja näin aseelle on irroitushetkellä saatu maksimaalinen kantama aikaiseksi. Toki risteilyohjukset ovat myös mahdollisia ja Israel kyllä tarpeen vaatiessa lentää vaikka pääkaupungin yläpuolella EW:n turvin, mutta se on sellainen pelikortti, mitä ei mielellään paljasteta vastustajalle.

Syyrian ilmapuolustuksella pelottelu oli aikoinaan Pentagonin hätävalhe Obamalle, kun ei ollut intoa uuteen lähi-idän sotaan. Toki USA:lla on heikompi tekninen osaaminen verrattuna Israeliin.
Huolla siinä sitten joukkoja, jos tiedustelu toimii.
Iran's Syria project: pushing population shifts to increase influence
Iran seeks arch of control from Tehran to Israel’s border by moving Shia communities into areas where Sunnis have fled or been forced out

In the valleys between Damascus and Lebanon, where whole communities had abandoned their lives to war, a change is taking place. For the first time since the conflict broke out, people are starting to return.

But the people settling in are not the same as those who fled during the past six years.

The new arrivals have a different allegiance and faith to the predominantly Sunni Muslim families who once lived there. They are, according to those who have sent them, the vanguard of a move to repopulate the area with Shia Muslims not just from elsewhere in Syria, but also from Lebanon and Iraq.

The population swaps are central to a plan to make demographic changes to parts of Syria, realigning the country into zones of influence that backers of Bashar al-Assad, led by Iran, can directly control and use to advance broader interests. Iranis stepping up its efforts as the heat of the conflict starts to dissipate and is pursuing a very different vision to Russia, Assad’s other main backer.

Russia, in an alliance with Turkey, is using a nominal ceasefire to push for a political consensus between the Assad regime and the exiled opposition. Iran, meanwhile, has begun to move on a project that will fundamentally alter the social landscape of Syria, as well as reinforcing the Hezbollah stronghold of north-eastern Lebanon, and consolidating its influence from Tehran to Israel’s northern border.

“Iran and the regime don’t want any Sunnis between Damascus and Homs and the Lebanese border,” said one senior Lebanese leader. “This represents a historic shift in populations.”

Key for Iran are the rebel-held towns of Zabadani and Madaya, where Damascus residents took summer breaks before the war. Since mid-2015 their fate has been the subject of prolonged negotiations between senior Iranian officials and members of Ahrar al-Sham, the dominant anti-Assad opposition group in the area and one of the most powerful in Syria.

Talks in Istanbul have centred on a swap of residents from two Shia villages west of Aleppo, Fua and Kefraya, which have both been bitterly contested over the past three years. Opposition groups, among them jihadis, had besieged both villages throughout the siege of Aleppo, attempting to tie their fate to the formerly rebel-held eastern half of the city.

The swap, according to its architects, was to be a litmus test for more extensive population shifts, along the southern approaches to Damascus and in the Alawite heartland of Syria’s north-west, from where Assad draws much of his support.

Iran is engineering population swaps in Syria

Labib al-Nahas, the chief of foreign relations for Ahrar al-Sham, who led negotiations in Istanbul, said Tehran was seeking to create areas it could control. “Iran was very ready to make a full swap between the north and south. They wanted a geographical continuation into Lebanon. Full sectarian segregation is at the heart of the Iranian project in Syria. They are looking for geographical zones that they can fully dominate and influence. This will have repercussions on the entire region.

“[The sieges of] Madaya and Zabadani became the key issue to prevent the opposition from retaking Fua and Kefraya, which have exclusive populations of Shia. Hezbollah consider this a security zone and a natural extension of their territory in Lebanon. They have had very direct orders from the spiritual leadership of Iran to protect them at any cost.”

Iran has been especially active around all four towns through its Hezbollah proxies. Along the ridgelines between Lebanon’s Bekaa valley and into the outskirts of Damascus, Hezbollah has been a dominant presence, laying siege to Madaya and Zabadani and reinforcing the Syrian capital. Wadi Barada to the north-west, where ongoing fighting is in breach of the Russian-brokered ceasefire, is also part of the calculations, sources within the Lebanon-based movement have confirmed.

Elsewhere in Syria, demographic swaps are also reshaping the geopolitical fabric of communities that, before the war, had coexisted for centuries. In Darayya, south-west of Damascus, more than 300 Iraqi Shia families moved into neighbourhoods abandoned by rebels last August as part of a surrender deal. Up to 700 rebel fighters were relocated to Idlib province and state media announced within days that the Iraqis had arrived.

Shia shrines in Darayya and Damascus have been a raison d’etre for the presence of Hezbollah and other Iranian-backed Shia groups. The Sayeda Zainab mosque on the capital’s western approach has been heavily fortified by Hezbollah and populated by families of the militant group, who have moved in since late 2012. Tehran has also bought large numbers of homes near the Zainab mosque, and a tract of land, which it is using to create a security buffer – a microcosm of its grander project.

Abu Mazen Darkoush, a former FSA commander who fled Zabadani for Wadi Barada said Damascus’s largest Islamic shrine, the Umayyad mosque, was now also a security zone controlled by Iranian proxies. “There are many Shia who were brought into the area around the mosque. It is a Sunni area but they plan for it to be secured by Shias, then surrounded by them.”

Senior officials in neighbouring Lebanon have been monitoring what they believe has been a systematic torching of Land Registry offices in areas of Syria recaptured on behalf of the regime. A lack of records make it difficult for residents to prove home ownership. Offices are confirmed to have been burned in Zabadani, Darayya, Syria’s fourth city, Homs, and Qusayr on the Lebanese border, which was seized by Hezbollah in early 2013.

Darkoush said whole neighbourhoods had been cleansed of their original inhabitants in Homs, and that many residents had been denied permission to return to their homes, with officials citing lack of proof that they had indeed lived there.

“The first step in the plan has been achieved,” he said. “It involved expelling the inhabitants of these areas and burning up anything which connects them to their land and homes. The second step will be replacing the original inhabitants with newcomers from Iraq and Lebanon.”

In Zabadani, Amir Berhan, director of the town’s hospital, said: “The displacement from here started in 2012 but increased dramatically in 2015. Now most of our people have already been taken to Idlib. There is a clear and obvious plan to move Sunnis from between Damascus and Homs. They have burned their homes and fields. They are telling people ‘this place is not for you anymore’.

“This is leading to the fragmentation of families. The concept of family life and ties to the land is being dissolved by all this deportation and exile. It is shredding Syrian society.”

At stake in postwar Syria, with the war beginning to ebb, is more than who lives where when the fighting finally stops. A sense of identity is also up for grabs, as is the bigger question of who gets to define the national character.

“This is not just altering the demographic balance,” said Labib al-Nahas. “This is altering the balance of influence in all of these areas and across Syria itself. Whole communities will be vulnerable. War with Iran is becoming an identity war. They want a country in their likeness, serving their interests. The region can’t tolerate that.”
Siirretty hävärikeskustelua "Liikenneinfran tuhoaminen" -ketjuun, jatketaan siellä tätä kiinnostavaa aihetta.
Deir Ezzor on tällä hetkellä daeshin tähtäimessä. Assadin joukkojen hallussa ollut alue on jakautunut kahteen ja osat ovat menettäneet yhteyden toisiinsa. Lentokenttä ja siihen liittyvät sotilasalueet on eristetty varsinaisesta kaupungista. Daesh jatkaa edelleen painostusta ja koettaa laajentaa valloituksiaan varsinaisen kaupungin puolella. Joidenkin tviittien mukaan Hezbollahin joukkoja olisi toimitettu tukemaan puolustusta. Ilmatoimintaa on ilmeisesti niin paljon kuin Syyrian ja Venäjän koneet ehtivät lentää.
Saudien ulkoministeri on opitimistinen Trumpista ja Turkistakin. Uskoo, että Turkki ei tule luopumaan vaatimuksestaan Assadin syrjäyttämisestä.

"I don't see a change in Turkey's position. The fact the Turks are talking to Russians is not a concern. Turkey has people on ground in Syria and has direct contact with the Syrian opposition on ground," he said.
Nyt ne ei sitten ilmeisesti ammu toisiaan?

Venäjä ja Turkki yhteisiskussa

Palmyran lisäksi Isis siirtää joukkojaan Deir ez-Zoriin, jossa Isis hyökkää hallituksen hallussa olevaan piirittämäänsä kaupunkiin, sekä al-Babiin lähellä Turkin rajaa.

Venäjä ja Turkki ovat keskiviikkona tehneet ensimmäisen yhteisen ilmaiskunsa Isisin kohteita vastaan al-Babissa. Yhteisoperaatioon osalistui yhdeksän venäläiskonetta ja kahdeksan turkkilaiskonetta.

Hyökkäys tehtin alle viikkoa sen jälkeen kun maat olivat allekirjoittaneet yhteistyösopimuksen.
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^Pinkkiin vivahtavat sävyt toimivat hiekkaympäristössä hyvin...
Lähtevien koneiden tilalle tuli jo neljä Su-25SM:ää. En tiedä kuvastaako tämä sitten jotain taktisen painotuksen muutosta?

Nyt ne ei sitten ilmeisesti ammu toisiaan?

No siitä tilanteestahan on jo monta KUUKAUTTA! Elä hyvä mies jämähdä menneisyyden haamuihin nykyaikaisessa dynaamisessa maailmassa... :)