Syyrian konflikti/sota

-> Yrittää ampua israelilaisen hävittäjän alas ilmatorjuntaohjuksella

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Tässä vielä kerran syy. Havainto oli ballistisesta ohjuksesta, päätös tehtävä heti, siis AMPUKAA! :uzi:

In response to criticism that the interception was unwarranted, mainly from former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak, Haimovich said that “the Syrian SA5 missile has hundreds of kilograms of explosives in its tip and could be fatal and destructive upon landing.” Barak had said over the weekend that “perhaps there was no need to launch the intercepting missile” and hinted at the need for a more liberal missile interception policy.

How did the interception occur in the small hours of the night? “Soldiers detected a ballistic threat against the State of Israel,” explained General Haimovich. “The policy guidelines and the commands in these types of situations are very clear- intercept and neutralize any threat that endangers the people of Israel. And that’s what we did. I have no doubt that we will be just as ready in the future.”
Assad pitää Venäjää tasapinottavana tekijänä Syyrian ja Israelin välillä. Tuomitsee tietysti Israelin Arrow -laukaisun.

Assad: Russia holds a role in preventing confrontation between Syria and Israel

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad responds to Israel’s Arrow missile defense system, which shot down a Syrian missile launched against Israeli fighter jets. The Syrian President claimed Russia is significant in preventing a confrontation between the countries.

After Israel’s Arrow missile defense system shot down a Syrian missile that was launched against Israeli fighter jets last week, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad responded for the first time. Assad claimed that Russia is a significant factor and can prevent a confrontation between Syria and Israel.

“Protecting Syria’s borders is our right and duty,” Assad stated in response to Israeli Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman’s threats to destroy Syria’s aerial defense. “If we don’t do this as a government, the Syrian people will condemn us.”

Earlier today, Brigadier General Zvika Haimovich, the commander of the IAF’s Aerial Defense, said during a briefing that "the decision to intercept the missile was correct and justified. The missile moved in a ballistic trajectory that threatened communities inside of Israel, and therefore it was the correct decision to intercepted it".

In addition, Assad commented on the US led coalition’s attacks against ISIS and stated that any attack on his territory which wasn’t coordinated and approved by his administration will be regarded as an invasion. He added that the coalition’s intention to fight ISIS was never serious and the real reason for sending US troops to Syria should be examined.
Röpcken mukaan Erdogan olisi usuttanut "Eufratin kilpeen" kuuluneita ääri-islamisteja Idlibiin Assadin joukkojen kimppuun sen jälkeen, kun Venäjä/USA alkoivat blokata kyseisen poppoon toimia kurdeja kohtaan. Erdoganilla on toki koko ajan tuntunutkin olevan vähintään toinen jalka ääri-islamistien kanssa kimpassa.

Tuollahan alkoi taas pitkästä aikaa isompi HTS:n (eli Syyrian al-qaeda) ja Assadin välinen mittelö.
Viimeksi muokattu:
Ulkomaat 22.03.2017 10:16
Syyriassa USA:n isku osui kouluun ja tappoi yli 30, sanoo järjestö

Pohjois-Syyriassa ainakin 33 ihmistä on kuollut Yhdysvaltojen iskussa kouluun, sanoo Syrian Observatory for Human Rights -järjestö.

Järjestö sanoo, että isku tehtiin varhain tiistaina Isisin hallussa olevaan kaupunkiin Al-Raqqan maakunnassa.

Iskussa kuolleet olivat järjestön mukaan siviilejä, jotka oli siirretty alueelle Raqqasta, Alepposta ja Homsista.

"Syrian media outlets affiliated with the country's rebel groups alleged on Monday night that IAF jets struck and demolished Syrian military warehouses on Qasioun Mountain near the capital of Damascus. According to the reports, Syrian army radars were also hit in the attack, which targeted an area where an aerial defense battalion of the Syrian army is stationed. The IDF Spokesperson's Unit declined to comment on the reports"

Pro-Assad twiittaajan näkemys tilanteeseen:

Syyrian ja Venäjän ilmavoimat eivät ehdi kaikkialle ja kellon ympäri pyörivä ilmatuki on se mikä pitää Assadia pystyssä.
Saa nähdä miten nopeasti Assad saa palokunnan paikalle Hamassa ja miten se sitten sijoitetaan, prioriteetti varmaan Haman lentokenttä.

Turkki on varmasti tyytymätön Pohjois-Syyrian tilanteeseen ja se voi näyttäytyä tätä kautta. Venäjä taas voi keksiä jotain vasta-jäynää pohjoisessa.

The Ezza Army commander said the rebel attack in Hama was coordinated with the one in Damascus. He also said that more attacks would be launched "in a number of other areas"

Pro-Assad näkemys:
Viimeksi muokattu:
Pääkaupungin liepeiltä maisemaa:


Assadin rintama jatkaa edelleen luhistumistaan Hamassa. Apujoukoista ei näy merkkejä, NDF ottaa herkästi jalat alleen, mikä voi olla viisasta jos kohdalle osuu al-Nusra joka ei suuremmin ota vankeja.

Haman sotilaslentokentän kerrottiin eilen olevan TOW-kantaman sisällä ja tänään mahdollisesti tuhottu helikopteri TOW:lla.
Viimeksi muokattu:
USAn joukot ja SDF ovat tehneet maahanlaskun Tabqan länsipuolelle. Joukkoja on viety myös veneillä Assad-järven ylitse.

Katso liite: 13970

Tabqan patokin on saadun tiedon mukaan kommandojen käsissä. Eufratin ylikulku etelään Raqqasta isoilla ajoneuvoilla ei enää käy.
Nyt on näköjään Raqqan rintamalla hyökkääjällä vauhti päällä. Kurkunleikkaajat eivät ehdi rakennella miinoituksia tai itsemurhapommejaan.
Tässä BBC:n juttu Taqban padosta:

IS conflict: US airlift backs new assault near Raqqa stronghold
  • 22 March 2017
US-led coalition aircraft have for the first time carried out an airlift of allied fighters battling the jihadist group Islamic State (IS) in Syria.

The Pentagon said members of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) alliance were dropped behind IS lines close to the Tabqa dam, west of the city of Raqqa.

Fierce fighting was continuing around the dam, thought to be a base for hundreds of foreign fighters, it added.

The development came as coalition member states met in Washington.

Secretary of State Rex Tillerson told the gathering that it was "only a matter of time" until IS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi was killed.

The Pentagon declined to say how many US aircraft had been used to airlift Arab members of the Kurdish-led SDF close to the Tabqa dam, on the River Euphrates some 45km (28 miles) west of Raqqa, a key stronghold of IS.

The assault, conducted during darkness early on Wednesday, took IS militants based there by surprise, it said.

Aside from being strategically important and providing electricity to the region, the dam is believed to be used by IS foreign fighters to plot attacks outside Syria, according to the Pentagon.

There is also a town, a military airfield and a prison holding IS hostages nearby.


Coalition spokesman Col Joseph Scrocca said all aircraft had returned safely and that troops had not come under fire during the operation.

Apache helicopters also provided close air support, and a marine artillery unit sent to Syria earlier this month targeted IS positions, he added.

The SDF said in a statement that its fighters had seized four villages south of the Euphrates and cut a nearby highway linking Raqqa with the second city of Aleppo.

Plans to do more: BBC defence correspondent Jonathan Marcus
The use of a US-provided airlift and fire support to facilitate an operation by its Syrian allies marks a small but significant stepping up of Washington's military role on the ground in Syria.

So far President Trump has sought to reinforce the previous administration's approach on Syria - putting in artillery and more troops on the ground and expanding what US forces can actually do.

US advisers, for example, are now much closer to the frontline and better able to help co-ordinate operations. It's still not clear what the full extent of US involvement in the Tabqa dam assault may be.

But news of the mission comes on the day that the Trump administration is setting out its approach to countering and destroying IS - the clear implication being that Mr Trump plans to do more.

The anti-IS activist group, Raqqa is Being Slaughtered Silently, confirmed that the highway had been severed and said artillery was targeting the dam.

It also said 27 people had been killed and 40 wounded in a coalition air strike on a bakery in the Second District of the town of Tabqa.

It was not immediately clear when the incident occurred, as RBSS reported overnight that a bakery in Tabqa had been destroyed in a raid on Monday.


The US recently sent 400 additional troops to northern Syria to support the SDF

Meanwhile, Mr Tillerson told the first summit of the full 68-nation coalition since December 2014 that the US was "ready to grow stronger and stay aggressive in this battle" against so-called Islamic State.

It was the "policy of the US to demolish and destroy this barbaric terrorist organisation", he said.

The coalition should be encouraged by the progress it was making, he added, noting that the flow of foreign fighters into Syria and Iraq was down by 90% over the past year.
Pääkaupungin liepeiltä maisemaa:
Assadin rintama jatkaa edelleen luhistumistaan Hamassa. Apujoukoista ei näy merkkejä, NDF ottaa herkästi jalat alleen, mikä voi olla viisasta jos kohdalle osuu al-Nusra joka ei suuremmin ota vankeja.
Ilmeisesti nyt apujoukkoja on paikalla.

Saa nähdä, kauanko tuo Haman rintama jatkaa ikiliikkumistaan ja Wikipedian "Hama offensive 20XX"-sivulista paisumistaan.
Kurdien vesistönylitystä Tabqan lähistöllä:

Näppärästi on otettu siviiliveneet käyttöön. Tunnistaako joku, onko ponttoonisillan palanen neuvostovalmisteinen vai USA:lta saatu?