Syyrian konflikti/sota

Kaipa sitten FSB, tai Syyria tiedustelupalvelu eliminoi lentäjän, että on yksi todistaja vähemmän

Tässä tarjotaan syy kaasuiskuun:

"On April 4, 2017, the commander of No. 677 Squadron — Col. Yusuf Hasuri — received written orders from the Ba’ath Party headquarters in Damascus to arm two of his Sukhois with bombs filled with chemical agents. Syrian intelligence believed that leaders from Syrian jihadist group Hayat Tahrir Ash Sham were planning on meeting in the town of Khan Sheykhoun."
Mielipidemittauksen mukaan vain 18% amerikkalaisista haluaa Syyriaan maajoukkoja ja 70% mielestä Trumpin on haettava kongressista lupa lisätoimille Syyriassa. Trumpin pitää kehittää joku selkkaus jos haluaa kansan innostuvan sotimisesta.
Few Americans are willing to see the U.S. get involved in Syria beyond the use of airstrikes. Only 18 percent would want ground troops. Half of Republicans would limit involvement to either airstrikes or diplomacy, and Democrats largely would focus on diplomatic efforts.

Seven-in-ten Americans think Mr. Trump needs to get authorization from Congress before any further action against Syria; more than half of Republicans agree.
Kaipa sitten FSB, tai Syyria tiedustelupalvelu eliminoi lentäjän, että on yksi todistaja vähemmän

Tässä tarjotaan syy kaasuiskuun:

"On April 4, 2017, the commander of No. 677 Squadron — Col. Yusuf Hasuri — received written orders from the Ba’ath Party headquarters in Damascus to arm two of his Sukhois with bombs filled with chemical agents. Syrian intelligence believed that leaders from Syrian jihadist group Hayat Tahrir Ash Sham were planning on meeting in the town of Khan Sheykhoun."
Ilmeisesti taistelulentäjiä ihan uhrattavaksi asti.
Pannaas vähä poikkeavaa uutisointia.

Jutussa siis kyseen alaistetaan assadin osuus iskuihin ja syytetään kapinallisia. Vanhat iskut laitetaan todistetusti kapinallisten piikkiin. James Clapperin epäilys assadin hallinnon osallistumisesta ghoutan iskuihin pysäytti obaman iskut.

Tiedän kyllä huffinton postin trumpin vastaisen mentaliteetin, mutta siitä huolimatta kannattaa lukea koko pitkä juttu.

Kirjoittaja on kyllä ollut ennen oikeassa wikipedian mukaan.

William Scott Ritter Jr. (born July 15, 1961) was a United Nations weapons inspector in Iraq from 1991 to 1998, and later a critic of United States foreign policy in the Middle East. Prior to the invasion of Iraq in March 2003, Ritter stated that Iraq possessed no significant weapons of mass destruction (WMD) capabilities, becoming "the loudest and most credible skeptic of the Bush administration’s contention that Hussein was hiding weapons of mass destruction."[1] He received harsh criticism from the political establishment but became a popular antiwar figure and occasional talk show commentator as a result of his stance, later proven to be correct.

Wag The Dog — How Al Qaeda Played Donald Trump And The American Media

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Barack Obama back in September 2013 about the fallacy of an American military strike against Syria. At that time, the United States was considering the use of force against Syria in response to allegations (since largely disproven) that the regime of President Bashar al-Assad had used chemical weapons against civilians in the Damascus suburb of Ghouta"

"chemical attacks had been occurring inside Syria on a regular basis,
despite the international effort to disarm Syria’s chemical weapons capability undertaken in 2013 that played a central role in forestalling American military action at that time. International investigations of these attacks produced mixed results, with some being attributed to the Syrian government, and the majority being attributed to anti-regime fighters, in particular those affiliated with Al Nusra Front, an Al Qaeda affiliate"

"President Obama asked for, and received, a wide-range of military options from his national security team targeting the regime of President Assad; only the intervention of James Clapper, and the doubts that existed about the veracity of the intelligence linking the Ghouta chemical attack to the Syrian government, held Obama back from giving the green light for the bombing to begin"

A critical piece of information that has largely escaped the reporting in the mainstream media is that Khan Sheikhoun is ground zero for the Islamic jihadists who have been at the center of the anti-Assad movement in Syria since 2011. Up until February 2017, Khan Sheikhoun was occupied by a pro-ISIS group known as Liwa al-Aqsa that was engaged in an oftentimes-violent struggle with its competitor organization, Al Nusra Front (which later morphed into Tahrir al-Sham, but under any name functioning as Al Qaeda’s arm in Syria) for resources and political influence among the local population.

Al Nusra has a long history of manufacturing and employing crude chemical weapons; the 2013 chemical attack on Ghouta made use of low-grade Sarin nerve agent locally synthesized, while attacks in and around Aleppo in 2016 made use of a chlorine/white phosphorous blend.

Even slick media training, however, cannot gloss over basic factual inconsistencies. Early on, the anti-Assad opposition media outlets were labeling the Khan Sheikhoun incident as a “Sarin nerve agent” attack; one doctor affiliated with Al Qaeda sent out images and commentary via social media that documented symptoms, such as dilated pupils, that he diagnosed as stemming from exposure to Sarin nerve agent. Sarin, however, is an odorless, colorless material, dispersed as either a liquid or vapor; eyewitnesses speak of a “pungent odor” and “blue-yellow” clouds, more indicative of chlorine gas

And while American media outlets, such as CNN, have spoken of munitions “filled to the brim” with Sarin nerve agent being used at Khan Sheikhoun, there is simply no evidence cited by any source that can sustain such an account. Heartbreaking images of victims being treated by “White Helmet” rescuers have been cited as proof of Sarin-like symptoms, the medical viability of these images is in question; there are no images taken of victims at the scene of the attack. Instead, the video provided by the “White Helmets” is of decontamination and treatment carried out at a “White Helmet” base after the victims, either dead or injured, were transported there.

Moreover, if Al Nusra was replicating the type of low-grade Sarin it employed at Ghouta in 2013 at Khan Sheikhoun, it is highly likely that some of the victims in question would exhibit Sarin-like symptoms
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Pannaas vähä poikkeavaa uutisointia.

Jutussa siis kyseen alaistetaan assadin osuus iskuihin ja syytetään kapinallisia. Vanhat iskut laitetaan todistetusti kapinallisten piikkiin. James Clapperin epäilys assadin hallinnon osallistumisesta ghoutan iskuihin pysäytti obaman iskut.

Tiedän kyllä huffinton postin trumpin vastaisen mentaliteetin, mutta siitä huolimatta kannattaa lukea koko pitkä juttu.

Kirjoittaja on kyllä ollut ennen oikeassa wikipedian mukaan.

William Scott Ritter Jr. (born July 15, 1961) was a United Nations weapons inspector in Iraq from 1991 to 1998, and later a critic of United States foreign policy in the Middle East. Prior to the invasion of Iraq in March 2003, Ritter stated that Iraq possessed no significant weapons of mass destruction (WMD) capabilities, becoming "the loudest and most credible skeptic of the Bush administration’s contention that Hussein was hiding weapons of mass destruction."[1] He received harsh criticism from the political establishment but became a popular antiwar figure and occasional talk show commentator as a result of his stance, later proven to be correct.

Wag The Dog — How Al Qaeda Played Donald Trump And The American Media

Muutamia otteita pitkästä artikkelista

Barack Obama back in September 2013 about the fallacy of an American military strike against Syria. At that time, the United States was considering the use of force against Syria in response to allegations (since largely disproven) that the regime of President Bashar al-Assad had used chemical weapons against civilians in the Damascus suburb of Ghouta"

"chemical attacks had been occurring inside Syria on a regular basis,
despite the international effort to disarm Syria’s chemical weapons capability undertaken in 2013 that played a central role in forestalling American military action at that time. International investigations of these attacks produced mixed results, with some being attributed to the Syrian government, and the majority being attributed to anti-regime fighters, in particular those affiliated with Al Nusra Front, an Al Qaeda affiliate"

"President Obama asked for, and received, a wide-range of military options from his national security team targeting the regime of President Assad; only the intervention of James Clapper, and the doubts that existed about the veracity of the intelligence linking the Ghouta chemical attack to the Syrian government, held Obama back from giving the green light for the bombing to begin"

A critical piece of information that has largely escaped the reporting in the mainstream media is that Khan Sheikhoun is ground zero for the Islamic jihadists who have been at the center of the anti-Assad movement in Syria since 2011. Up until February 2017, Khan Sheikhoun was occupied by a pro-ISIS group known as Liwa al-Aqsa that was engaged in an oftentimes-violent struggle with its competitor organization, Al Nusra Front (which later morphed into Tahrir al-Sham, but under any name functioning as Al Qaeda’s arm in Syria) for resources and political influence among the local population.

Al Nusra has a long history of manufacturing and employing crude chemical weapons; the 2013 chemical attack on Ghouta made use of low-grade Sarin nerve agent locally synthesized, while attacks in and around Aleppo in 2016 made use of a chlorine/white phosphorous blend.

Even slick media training, however, cannot gloss over basic factual inconsistencies. Early on, the anti-Assad opposition media outlets were labeling the Khan Sheikhoun incident as a “Sarin nerve agent” attack; one doctor affiliated with Al Qaeda sent out images and commentary via social media that documented symptoms, such as dilated pupils, that he diagnosed as stemming from exposure to Sarin nerve agent. Sarin, however, is an odorless, colorless material, dispersed as either a liquid or vapor; eyewitnesses speak of a “pungent odor” and “blue-yellow” clouds, more indicative of chlorine gas

And while American media outlets, such as CNN, have spoken of munitions “filled to the brim” with Sarin nerve agent being used at Khan Sheikhoun, there is simply no evidence cited by any source that can sustain such an account. Heartbreaking images of victims being treated by “White Helmet” rescuers have been cited as proof of Sarin-like symptoms, the medical viability of these images is in question; there are no images taken of victims at the scene of the attack. Instead, the video provided by the “White Helmets” is of decontamination and treatment carried out at a “White Helmet” base after the victims, either dead or injured, were transported there.

Moreover, if Al Nusra was replicating the type of low-grade Sarin it employed at Ghouta in 2013 at Khan Sheikhoun, it is highly likely that some of the victims in question would exhibit Sarin-like symptoms

Mitä!!! Ei kai Ritter ole niin HULLU että väittää, notta CNN voi VALEHDELLA!!!!! Ja valkoisten kypäreitten syyttäminen on kauheinta kaikista: tälläkin foorumilla on osoitettu, kuinka he tekevät vaikeissa olosuhteissa vaativaa työtään niin hyvin, että eräskin söpö pikkutyttö pelastettiin ei vain kerran, vaan peräti kolme kertaa peräjälkeen, kun satanalliset pommikoneet jahtasivat tyttöraasua ympäri Syyrian kaupunkia ja suburbiaa...

Valitettavasti tämä todistaa nyt vain sen, että sinä Passi olet Kremlin kätyri ja Trolli pahin-masta päästä. Luultavasti ketään Scott Ritteriä ei ole olemassakaan ja jos on, hän on sitten myös Trolli ja Janitskinin palkkalistoilla.

Kaikki täällä tietää, että Assad oli vain tarpeeksi kohtelias tarjotakseen sopivan syyn omalle pois kampeamiselleen juuri kun oli Venäjän avulla voittamassa sotaa, kun briteilläkin oli jo valmiiksi uudet jyrkät vaatimukset valmisteltuna ja Trumppikin tarvi kovasti apua sisäpoliittisessa tilanteessaan. Asiaan EI myöskään vaikuta se, että Trump on niin naimisissa Lähi-Idän ainoata demokratiaa pyörittävän joukon kanssa kuin hetero nyt kykenee...

Ja jos James Clapperistä puhutaan niin jo nimikin kertoo, että miehellä on luultavasti hyvin vakava sukupuoliteitse tarttuva tauti, joka aiheutti kyseisiä houreita Barack HUSSEINin kaudella.

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Hieman kun googletin niin huomasin että koko netin ensimmäinen maininta englanniksi on juuri tuo "fsa officeeri".

Toinen aiheeseen liittyvä kirjoitus oli lähes samaan aikaan redditissä.

Tämänkin kirjoittajan viestihistorian kun katsoo, niin todennäköisesti kapinallisten nettisoturi.

Eiköhän nää ole juuri näitä charlesin lähteitä, kun ei muutakaan mainitse.
Iranilla tämän mukaan lievästi sanottuna merkittävä jalansija Syyriassa.

Charles Listerin (joka tosin on tuntunut hieman propagandahahmolta) mukaan USA:lla olisi todisteita Venäjän osallisuudesta Syyrian kaasuiskuun.

Iran käytännössä johtaa Syyrian joukkoja.Esikunnissa ja kentilllä. Iranin jalansijan vuoksi tuntui aika kovalta tavoitteelta "poistaa Iran Syyriasta". Miten ihmeessä ne sen tekevät?
Ilmeisesti koittamalla saada vipuvartta Venäjään. Joten nyt syytetään Venäjää kaasusta ja vaikka mistä.
Enkä vieläkään usko etteikö Tillerson tapaisi Putinia. Se tapahtuu vain salaa.
Haetaanko neuvotteluasemaa, eri osapuolet uhittuleillaan?

Tämä on hämärää. Foliohattu saa ja kuulukin olla päässä. Jos tapaavat salaa on hyvä tehdä etupiirijakoa kun ei virallisesti ole edes tavattu. Mutta Trumpin hovihan on Iranin vihollisista koottu ja nyt tie Persiaan käy Moskovan kautta. Iran renkutus ehti jo rauhoittua kun Venäjä ilmoitti että heidän mielestään Iran ei ole terrorismintukija.. Nyt on löydetty kaasuiskusta vipuvoimaa.
Tää vois yhtä hyvin olla ketjussa valmistautuuko Venäjä suursotaan, mutta Syyriaan liittyen pohdin sitä täällä.

Mikään armeija ei pysy pitkään toimintakuntoisena ilman huoltoa. Jos Venäjä todella ajautuu aseelliseen konfliktiin Syyriassa USA:n kanssa, olis kiinnostava tietää, kuinka Venäjä on ajatellut hoitaa joukkojensa huollon Syyriassa. Varmasti tätä on Venäjällä esikunnissa laskeskeltu. Meriteitse huollon USA (+liittolaiset) saanevat Venäjältä tukkoon. Eikä ilmateitsekään huolto ole tuosta vaan sanottua. Turkki toimii välissä maantieteellisenä puskurina ja Assadia vastustavana tahona sekään ei ole takuuvarma huoltoreitti Venäjälle. Eli mistä ruoka, polttoaine, varaosat, ammukset jne Venäläisille joukoille Syyriassa, jos tosipaikka tulee? Uskoisin tämän olevan yksi Venäjän suurempia sotahaluja hillitsevä seikka Välimeren pohjukassa.
Syyrian ystävien ukaasi. Red line on hyökkäys Syyrian armeijaa tai liittolaisia vastaan ja siihen vastataan voimalla.
Niin se maailma muuttuu. Obama kun olisi oman punaisen viivan aikana toiminut, ei olisi tällaista tullut.

They stressed that from now on, they will respond to every American action and explicitly threatened US President Donald Trump, who clarified that he is ready to attack Syria again.
Silmukka alkaa kiristymään.

WASHINGTON (AP) — A senior U.S. official says the United States has concluded that Russia knew in advance of Syria's chemical weapons attack last week.

The official says a Russian-operated drone flew over a hospital in Syria as victims of the attack were rushing to get treatment.

Hours after the drone left, a Russian-made fighter jet bombed the hospital in what American officials believe was an attempt to cover up the usage of chemical weapons.

Until Monday, U.S. officials had said they weren't sure if the drone was operated by Russia or Syria. The senior official said it still wasn't clear who was flying the jet that bombed the hospital.

The official said the presence of the drone couldn't have been a coincidence, and that Russia must have known the chemical weapons attack was coming and that victims were seeking treatment.

The official wasn't authorized to speak publicly on intelligence matters and demanded anonymity.
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