Syyrian konflikti/sota

Yhtä asiaa en edelleenkään ymmärrä, miksi ihmeessä käyttää yksittäistä kaasupommia tai -kranaattia vastustajaan? Jos kaasua haluaisi käyttää niin se pitäisi tehdä massiivisella tavalla jotta kaasupeitto kohteessa olisi mahdollisemman laaja ja tiheä.äniemi_TS.pdf;sequence=2

Kyseessä ei ole harkittu taistelutoimi vihollista vastaan vaan terrorioperaatio siviiliväestöä kohtaan. Suojautumatonta kohdetta vastaan riittää paljon pienempi annostus ja jo varsin pienellä määrällä saavutetaan todella merkittävä psykologinen vaikutus, siviilikohteissa se on todennäköisesti jopa merkittävämpi kuin varsinainen kaasun aiheuttama tuho.
Kyseessä ei myöskään ole sellainen ase, jota kukaan (jolla jotain järkeä on päässään) uskaltaisi käyttää laajassa mittakaavassa. Noiden kanssa pelaavilla on eräänä kantavana ideana ollut nimenomaan plausible deniability, joka on menetetty heti vähänkin isommassa kaasuaseen käytössä.

"Ranskan mukaan iskussa käytetyistä kemikaaleista sekä yhden uhrin verestä otetut näytteet täsmäävät Syyrian hallituksen vuonna 2013 iskussaan käyttämiin kemikaaleihin. Kemikaalin valmistusmenetelmä vastaa Ranskan mukaan tapaa, jota syyrialaisissa laboratorioissa käytetään."
Ei siinä etteikö tuo pitäisi paikkaansa, mutta näin kemiaakin yliopistossa opiskelleena, sariinin valmistukseen ja säilytykseen kaksikomponenttikaasuna, joka sekoitetaan vasta ennen käyttöä, on oikeastaan vain yksi käytännöllinen tapa. Prosessin alkuvaiheessa voi olla pieniä eroja, mutta loppuvaihe on aina samanlainen.

Sinänsä tuo ei mielestäni todista mitään lisää, mutta kyllä tekijä ilmankin aika ilmeiseltä vaikuttaa.

Muoks. niin tietenkin, saannin maksimoimiseksi ja sariinin hajoamisen estämiseksi tietenkin täytyy käyttää erinäisiä muita kemikaaleja jotka voivat paljastaa tuottajan (olettaen, että esim. Venäjällä ei tuoteta samalla menetelmällä sariinia...).
Viimeksi muokattu:

"Ranskan mukaan iskussa käytetyistä kemikaaleista sekä yhden uhrin verestä otetut näytteet täsmäävät Syyrian hallituksen vuonna 2013 iskussaan käyttämiin kemikaaleihin. Kemikaalin valmistusmenetelmä vastaa Ranskan mukaan tapaa, jota syyrialaisissa laboratorioissa käytetään."

Tuosta boldatusta ei edelleenkään ole mitään näyttöä. Muuten tuo voi olla hyvinkin totta, Syyriassa oli 12 kemiallisten aseiden tuotantolaitosta joista 10 pystyttiin lopettamaan kemiallisten aseiden hävittämisen yhteydessä. 2 oli kapinallisten alueella joten ne jäivät ttoimintakykyisiksi.
Koalition edustajat eivät oikein tykänneet Turkkilaisten iskusta. Usan upseeri ei kommentoinut asiaa. Kurdit kyllä. Mitähän kulisseissa puhutaan?

Turkish Warplanes Hit Kurdish Targets on Iraqi-Syrian Frontier

Last Updated: April 26, 2017 4:59 AM
Dorian Jones, Zana Omar

Turkish warplanes on Tuesday targeted fighters from the outlawed Kurdistan Workers' Party, the PKK, as well as members of the YPG, a key Kurdish affiliate on the Iraqi-Syrian frontier, where Kurdish units play a key role in a loosely knit coalition battling Islamic State extremists.

Monitors from the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, said Wednesday at least 28 people were killed in the strikes with around 20 others injured.

Turkey, the United States and the European Union have designated the PKK as a terrorist organization for its decades-long autonomy push against the Ankara government in Turkey's southeast. On Tuesday, the Turkish military defended the expanded airstrikes.
"To destroy these terror hubs, which threaten the security, unity and integrity of our country and our nation, and as part of our rights based on international law, airstrikes have been carried out," a short Turkish military statement read.

Sinjar Mountains

Witnesses said Turkey's target grid was expanded for the first time Tuesday to include the Sinjar Mountains, a territory in northern Iraq where another Kurdish militia with links to the PKK was also hit by the airstrikes. Turkey has described Sinjar as a Kurdish logistics hub where militants plan attacks inside Turkish territory.

"Turkey has launched many cross-border operations like this against the PKK in the [nearby] Qandil Mountains," said Semih Idiz, columnist for the Al Monitor website. "It has warned it will do the same against Sinjar, to prevent it falling to the PKK like Qandil. It is also a message to the domestic audience, saying Turkey's determination to fight the PKK continues just as before."

Communication complex

Kurdish fighters said the location was initially used to broadcast TV and radio programs to the Syrian Kurdish cities and some Yazidi areas on the Iraqi border. VOA footage taken hours after the airstrikes showed the complex in rubble.
Helicopters containing a contingent of U.S. military arrived at the site later Tuesday to assess the damage. U.S. commanders accompanied the YPG forces on a tour of the damage but refused to speak to reporters.

A YPG commander who requested anonymity told VOA that YPG leaders had come under a lot of pressure from Turkish airstrikes and told the Americans that they might not be able continue to fight IS in Raqqa if the U.S. was not going protect them and their families from future attacks.

As the U.S. contingent was preparing to leave the site, thousands of Kurdish protesters who were marching near the mountain approached them. They chanted slogans against Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and demanded that the U.S.-led coalition act to halt the Turkish raids.
State Department spokesman Mark Toner said the U.S. expressed concern to the Turkish government about the airstrikes, saying they were conducted without proper coordination with the U.S.-led coalition battling Islamic State.

"We recognize their concerns about the PKK, but these kinds of actions, frankly, harm the coalition's efforts to go after ISIS, and frankly, harm our partners on the ground who are conducting that fight,” Toner said.

Viimeksi muokattu:
Irak tuomitsi iskun tottakai. Olihan osa iskun kohteista Irakissa. Irak on jo muutenkin Hermo kireellä Turkkiin koska Turkki miehittää osaa pohjois Irakista ja oli sekaantua Mosulin taisteluun.

]Baghdad censures Turkey air raid in northern Iraq

In-Depth Coverage

Iran Press TV

Tue Apr 25, 2017 6:0PM

The Iraqi government has condemned a deadly air raid by Turkish warplanes in northern Iraq, which killed at least six peshmerga Kurdish fighters.

Government spokesman Saad al-Hadithi, in a statement on Tuesday, slammed Ankara for violating Iraq's sovereignty.

"The Iraqi government condemns and rejects the strikes carried out by Turkish aircraft on Iraqi territory," the statement read.

Regional authorities in Iraq's semi-autonomous Kurdistan region have already denounced Turkey's airstrike in Sinjar Mountains area late on Monday, which left five peshmerga soldiers and one police officer dead.

The Turkish army earlier said it had conducted a strike against the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) militants in an alleged bid to prevent the Kurdish forces from sending weapons to Turkey.

Turkey frequently launches airstrikes in the mountainous regions of northern Iraq without coordination with Baghdad. Ankara has also deployed troops into Iraq, sparking a bitter rift with Baghdad.

The troops are based in a town near the city of Mosul, which is currently the focus of a massive operation to recapture it from Takfiri Daesh terrorists.

Baghdad has repeatedly called on Ankara to withdraw its forces from the region, describing Turkey's military presence in Iraq as a violation of its sovereignty.

Daesh terrorist shot dead 15 Iraqi civilians in Mosul

In a separate development, Hossameddin al-Abbar, a member of Iraq's Nineveh provincial council, on Tuesday said Daesh terrorists, wearing police uniforms, had shot dead at least 15 civilians who had welcomed them in central Mosul.

"Daesh members, some of them wearing federal police uniforms, entered the Al-Maidan and Corniche areas of the Old City," the official said. "They were driving black vehicles and posing as liberators from the Iraqi forces."

"When some families welcomed them, they arrested several of them. They executed at least 15 other people," Abbar added.

Meanwhile, Iraq's Joint Operations Command (JOC) confirmed in a statement that militants under the guise of security forces entered the area on Monday to trick residents. "Daesh terrorist gangs committed a brutal crime yesterday morning in an area of Mosul's Old City," the JOC said in a statement.

The statement said the terrorists wanted to "confound civilians who expressed joy and welcomed them with chanting."

The JOC said they killed women and children "to make it clear the area was still under enemy control."

Iraqi army soldiers and Hashd al-Sha'abi fighters launched the offensive to retake Mosul last October and since then they have made sweeping gains against Takfiri elements.

"French analysis of the chemical compounds from the site also pointed to the presence of sarin, hexamine and diisopropyl methylphosphonate, a compound formed when sarin is synthesised. The chemicals found there essentially match the biological fingerprint of the Assad government’s sarin manufacturing process, as the same chemicals were found in samples collected from a 2013 attack in the town of Saraqeb in Idlib, which was also linked to the regime."

"The Guardian visited the site of the massacre two days after the chemical attack and independently confirmed that the warehouse and nearby grain silos were empty and had not been bombed recently, contrary to Russian claims."

Siinäpä sitä trolleille taas töitä ja hyödyllisille idiooteille ihmeteltävää.
Suuri räjähdys Damaskoksen kansainvälisellä lentoasemalla
Syyrian Damaskoksen lentoasemalla on räjähtänyt, kertoo brittilähde.

Damaskoksen kansainvälisellä lentoasemalla on tapahtunut laaja räjähdys. Asiasta kertoo brittiläistaustainen Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.
Ihmisoikeusjärjestön mukaan lentoasemalla on laaja tulipalo. Räjähdyksen alkuperästä ei ole toistaiseksi tietoa.


Multiple strikes hit Damascus airport base used by Iranian-backed forces: Syrian rebel sources

Multiple dawn strikes hit an ammunition depot complex near Damascus airport used by Iranian-backed forces supplied via an air corridor between the Syrian capital and Tehran, said two senior rebel sources operating in the Damascus areas.

They said their monitors operating in the eastern rural outskirts of the capital where the rebels are based had tracked at least five strikes that hit the airport compound at dawn.

They said the attack caused a fire with flames appearing to come from a closed military area of the sprawling complex widely known to be used by Tehran to supply weapons by air to Iranian-backed militias operating alongside the Syrian army. It was not clear if it was a missile or an air strike, they said.
Viimeksi muokattu:
Ei siinä etteikö tuo pitäisi paikkaansa, mutta näin kemiaakin yliopistossa opiskelleena, sariinin valmistukseen ja säilytykseen kaksikomponenttikaasuna, joka sekoitetaan vasta ennen käyttöä, on oikeastaan vain yksi käytännöllinen tapa. Prosessin alkuvaiheessa voi olla pieniä eroja, mutta loppuvaihe on aina samanlainen.

Sinänsä tuo ei mielestäni todista mitään lisää, mutta kyllä tekijä ilmankin aika ilmeiseltä vaikuttaa.

Tässä ketjussa

Eliot Higgins käy ensin läpi Ranskan raporttia Google-kääntäjän avulla, kunnes saa linkin raportin viralliseen englanninkieliseen käännökseen.

Kyseisen sariinierän tuotanto pystytään yhdistämään Syyrian valtiollisiin toimijoihin valmistusprosessissa käytetyn haponpoistajan, heksamiinin avulla. Tässä Bellingcatin kirjoitus amiineista ja sariinista:
Amines and Sarin – Hexamine, Isopropylamine, and the Rest…
Suuri räjähdys Damaskoksen kansainvälisellä lentoasemalla
Syyrian Damaskoksen lentoasemalla on räjähtänyt, kertoo brittilähde.

Damaskoksen kansainvälisellä lentoasemalla on tapahtunut laaja räjähdys. Asiasta kertoo brittiläistaustainen Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.
Ihmisoikeusjärjestön mukaan lentoasemalla on laaja tulipalo. Räjähdyksen alkuperästä ei ole toistaiseksi tietoa.


Multiple strikes hit Damascus airport base used by Iranian-backed forces: Syrian rebel sources

Multiple dawn strikes hit an ammunition depot complex near Damascus airport used by Iranian-backed forces supplied via an air corridor between the Syrian capital and Tehran, said two senior rebel sources operating in the Damascus areas.

They said their monitors operating in the eastern rural outskirts of the capital where the rebels are based had tracked at least five strikes that hit the airport compound at dawn.

They said the attack caused a fire with flames appearing to come from a closed military area of the sprawling complex widely known to be used by Tehran to supply weapons by air to Iranian-backed militias operating alongside the Syrian army. It was not clear if it was a missile or an air strike, they said.

Iipot asialla Syyrian hallituslähteiden mukaan.
Turkkilaiset antoivat FSA:lle panssaroituja ajoneuvoja, videolla näkyy joku APC. Myöhemmin osa ajoneuvoista päätyi ISIS:n haltuun ja on epäilyjä, että FSA möi ajoneuvot. Asiaa on tutkittu turkkilaisten toimesta mutta juttu on edelleen auki.

Turkey-backed FSA sold Turkish armoured vehicles to Islamic State: military source
27 April 2017 10:06 CEST

Turkey-backed FSA members in Syria as part of the Euphrates Shield Operation.

According to a claim made in Turkish media on Wednesday, Turkey-backed Free Syrian Army (FSA) groups sold Turkish armoured vehicles to the Islamic State (IS) group, during the Euphrates Shield Operation.

A report in the Birgun daily based on military sources said FSA groups given eight tanks and armoured vehicles to enter al-Bab in northern Syria sold or handed over some of these vehicles to the jihadist group.

The Turkish Chief of Staff launched an investigation into the matter but no results were gained as the file remains open, the report added. The value of a single vehicle is thought to be in the range of 680 thousand dollars.

Footage on the Birgun website shows the tanks in question first seen being used by FSA militants, who are praying on top of the vehicle, which then appear in IS ranks. Vehicle ‘243768’ is identifiable from its number plate. IS members point to the tank and say, “Spoils of war,” in the video.

Military sources speaking to the newspaper also alleged there were double standards during the operation into Syria and that FSA members were treated better than Turkish soldiers.

“We conducted the operation in very difficult circumstances. There was nothing to eat and nowhere to wash. There were also double standards. FSA members had better conditions. On top of this they sold armoured vehicles. The vehicles were registered to us. Many of them [FSA] were thieves, drug addicts and smugglers.”

More than 70 Turkish soldiers and 500 FSA militants were reportedly killed in the Euphrates Shield Operation launched in August 2016 and suspended in March 2017. Turkish authorities said the operation was being carried out against the IS and to block Kurdish forces from expanding their area of control in northern Syria’s autonomous north.
Turkkilaiset antoivat FSA:lle panssaroituja ajoneuvoja, videolla näkyy joku APC. Myöhemmin osa ajoneuvoista päätyi ISIS:n haltuun ja on epäilyjä, että FSA möi ajoneuvot. Asiaa on tutkittu turkkilaisten toimesta mutta juttu on edelleen auki.

...tai sitten turkkilaiset tukivat ISIS:tä mutkan kautta ja selittelevät tapahtumaa tällä tavalla. Turkkilainen tutkinta varmaan saa ja julkaisee absoluuttisen totuuden tapahtumasta.
Syyria pitää varmana, että Israel teki iskun.

Syria has confirmed that Israel was behind Damascus explosion

Hours after the explosion near Damascus airport, an official in the Syrian army issued a statement denouncing "Israeli aggression." The source stated: "The attack was carried out using a number of missiles fired from the occupied lands."


Illustration Photo credit: Reuters/ Channel 2 news

Syria has confirmed that targets near the airport in Damascus were in fact attacked earlier today. Voicing Hezbollah's earlier accusations, Syria blamed Israel for the attacks: "Israeli aggression took place early this morning at one of the military posts located southwest of Damascus International Airport, " a military source in the Assad regime told the Syrian news agency SANA.

"The attack was carried out using a number of missiles launched from the occupied lands. As a result, numerous explosions occurred and a fire broke out. Extensive damage was done," the military source said.

"This was a desperate attempt to raise the morale of the terrorist organizations, who are being crushed by our attacks. It will not deter us from continuing the war against them and from defeating them," said the source.

Hours after the attack attributed to Israel, Iranian Defense Minister Hossein Dehghan, who is on a visit to Moscow, condemned the attack and denied the allegations about the target. As JOL reported earlier, an intelligence officer in the Middle East told Reuters that the target was a weapons arsenal used by Hezbollah. According to the source, Iran uses the Damascus airport to bring weapons into Syria via commercial and military cargo aircraft. The weapons are then used by Hezbollah and the Shi’ite militias in their fight alongside the Syrian Army. In a conversation with the media, Dehghan also denied that he had met with members of the Israeli delegation participating in a Moscow security conference, the RT news channel reported.
Air Force Col. John Dorrian arvostelee Turkkia harvinaisen selväsanaisesti. Tuntuu, että USA:n mitta alkaa täyttyä.

Turkish Airstrikes in Syria, Iraq Kill Partner Counter-ISIS Fighters
By Cheryl Pellerin DoD News, Defense Media Activity

WASHINGTON, April 26, 2017 — Turkey conducted airstrikes this week in Syria and Iraq that killed partner forces in the fight against the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, giving little notice and making no effort to coordinate the strikes, a spokesman for Combined Joint Task Force Operation Inherent Resolvesaid today.

A U.S. Air Force KC-10 Extender refuels a British aircraft during a sortie to support Combined Joint Task Force Operation Inherent Resolve over Iraq, March 22, 2017. Extenders have provided fuel to coalition aircraft to weaken and destroy the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria. Air Force photo by Senior Airman Tyler Woodward

Air Force Col. John Dorrian briefed Pentagon reporters via teleconference from Baghdad.

“Turkey conducted airstrikes in northern Syria's Hasakah province the night before last, resulting in the loss of life of our partnered forces in the fight against ISIS,” Dorrian said. Partner forces in Syria include the Syrian Democratic Forces and the Syrian Arab Coalition, he said.

The Turkish air force notified the Combined Air Operations Center less than an hour before conducting the strikes, “and this was notification -- certainly not coordination as you would expect from a partner and an ally in the fight against ISIS,” the colonel told reporters.

Dorrian said the coalition let the Turks know that the amount of time provided before the strikes was inadequate to assure the safety of forces on the ground. The coalition had forces within six miles of the strikes, he added, but none were put in harm’s way by the strikes.

“It was an unsafe way to conduct operations,” Dorrian said. “It's a very complex battlefield here, and we just want to make sure that coordination is done so we can get these things right and prevent the types of incidents that we saw here, which included the killing of peshmerga soldiers in the Sinjar area [of Iraq].”

Partner Deaths in Iraq

The Turkish air force conducted more airstrikes last night near the northern Iraq town of Sinjar, killing five Kurdish peshmerga fighters, Dorrian said, adding that these strikes also were conducted without proper coordination with the coalition or the Iraqi government. “We're troubled by that,” he said.

No extensive discussions have taken place with Turkey about the strikes, Dorrian said. “But I know that there has been a significant amount of diplomatic activity between the two sides since that occurred,” he told reporters.

Partner forces in both Syria and Iraq have been integral in fighting ISIS, Dorrian said. “They've been reliable in making progress against ISIS fighters under very difficult and dangerous conditions,” he said. “They have made many, many sacrifices to help defeat ISIS, and that keeps the whole world safer.”

The coalition calls on all forces to remain focused on the fight to defeat ISIS, he said, which is the greatest threat to regional and worldwide peace and security.
Tulenarka väite: Kurditaistelijoiden kerrotaan tappaneen 17 Turkin sotilasta Syyrian rajalla
13 minuuttia sitten (päivitetty 1 minuutti sitten)
Turkin ja Syyrian välisellä rajalla on sattunut useita yhteenottoja turkkilaisjoukkojen ja kurditaistelijoiden kesken.

  • 2a02ea97cf58fe7e4b18f911c8fca4713e1e088d8b922dd940dd0694265b4a25

    Turkkilaisjoukot ja kurditaistelijat ottivat yhteen lähellä Syyrian Tal Abyadin aluetta.

17 turkkilaissotilaan kerrotaan kuolleen Turkin ja Syyrian rajalla tapahtuneessa yhteenotossa.

Iraqi Newsin mukaan Syyrian kurditaistelijoita lähellä olevat uutissivustot sanovat taistelun tapahtuneen samaan aikaan, kun Turkki on tuonut lisää sotilaitaan rajalle.

Turkkilaisjoukot ja Syyrian kurditaistelijat ovat tulittaneet toisiaan eri paikoissa maiden välisellä rajalla.

Myös Turkin panssaroitu ajoneuvo tuhottiin, kertovat Yhdysvaltain tukemien kurdien YPG-joukkojen lähteet.

YPG:n kerrotaan määränneen joukkojensa vetäytymisen lähellä Turkin rajaa sijaitsevista kaupungeista siltä varalta, että Turkki lähettäisi joukkoja rajan yli.

Turkin hävittäjät tekivät tiistaina ilmaiskuja Irakin ja Syyrian pohjoisosissa tappaen useita Yhdysvaltain tukemia kurditaistelijoita. Turkin mukaan kohteena olivat Kurdistanin työväenpuolue PKK:n asemat. EU ja Yhdysvallat ovat Turkin tapaan luokitelleet PKK:n terroristijärjestöksi.

Yhdysvallat tukee YPG:tä taistelussa Isisiä vastaan. Turkki katsoo YPG:n olevan osa PKK:ta ja on ärsyyntynyt USA:n antamasta tuesta YPG:lle.