Syyrian konflikti/sota

Britit etäammuskelleet Reaperilla. Touhuhan alkaa muistuttaan vähän jo sotapelejä:

Brittien aseistettu lennokki esti Isisin tekemän julkisen teloituksen Syyriassa

Konetta kauko-ohjattiin Englannista satelliitin välityksellä.

Reaperin toimintasäde on tyypillisesti noin 1 850 kilometriä. (AOP)

Britannian puolustusministeriö kertoi tiistaina, että sen ilmavoimien RAF:n miehittämätön Reaper-lennokki oli onnistunut keskeyttämään Isin suunnitteleman julkisen teloituksen juuri ennen sen täytäntöönpanoa.

Tapaus sattui jo toukokuun 9. Syyriassa, mutta puolustusministeriö kertoi siitä nyt.

- Pakettiautosta vedettiin kaksi kahlittua vankia väkijoukon eteen. Kävi selväksi, että Isis oli juuri järjestämässä julkisen teloituksen, kerrotaan puolustusministeriön tiedotteessa.

- Paikalla oli suuri joukko siviilejä, joten Reaperin lentäjät eivät voineet kohdistaa tulta murhaa valmisteleviin Isis-taistelijoihin.

Reaper-lennokkeja ohjataan RAF:n tukikohdasta Lincolnshiresta Englannissa. Ohjaajat ovat lennokkiin yhteydessä satelliitin välityksellä ja he saavat reaaliaikaista kuvaa paikanpäältä.

Ohjaajat huomasivat läheisen rakennuksen katolla kaksi Isis-taistelijaa vahdissa.

- He ampuivat välittömästi Hellfire-ohjuksen talon katolle. Se oli täysosuma. Teloitus keskeytyi, koska muut Isi-taistelijat pakenivat paikalta ja väkijoukko hajaantui, kerrotaan puolustusministeriön tiedotteessa.

Reaperissa voi olla useita erilaisia sensoreita, muun muassa infrapunasensori, jolla voidaan havaita ihmisiä myös pimeässä. (ZUMA)
Lentoaika jopa 30 tuntia

RAF on käyttänyt Reaper-lennokkeja Isisin vastaisessa taistelussa vuodesta 2014 alkaen.

Reaper on yhdysvaltalaisen General Atomicsin valmistama. Siinä on 950 hevosvoiman moottori, joka pyörittää potkuria. Sen maksiminopeus on noin 480 kilometriä tunnissa.

Reaper pysyy lentämään yhtäjaksoisesti noin 30 tuntia. Lentoaika putoaa noin 10 tunnilla, jos se kantaa täyttä asekuormaa.

Aseistuksena on käytetty usein Hellfire-ohjuksia tai laserohjattuja pommeja.

Britit ohjaavat lennokkejaan Waddingtonin lentotukikohdasta Lincolnshiresta. Kohteet ovat tuhansien kilometrien päässä. (AOP)

Israelin "rakennus- ja asuntoministeri" Yoav Galant ehdottaa Assadin salamurhaa.

Israeli Cabinet Minister Says Time Has Come to Assassinate Assad
Construction and Housing Minister Yoav Galant (Kulanu) said on Tuesday that the time had come to assassinate Syrian President Bashar Assad. Galant, who was speaking at a conference on ground fighting, said that Assad was a despicable murderer who was perpetrating genocide.

"Lowlife murderers and leaders who call for the destruction of Israel, such as Assad and his operators in Tehran, no longer have any right to exist," said Galant. "When we finish with the serpent's tail we will also reach its head which is in Tehran."
Itse en pidä Assadin eliminoimista ongelman ratkaisuna, silloin meillä olisi jälleen yksi valtio jossa auktoriteetti haetaan pitkälti koraanista joka on ongelma.
Samaa ovat sanoneet Syyrian kristityt, ja itse uskon heidän ajatuksia. Vaikka kuinka nyt puhuttaisiin maltillisista kapinallisista, niin paskat, todellinen luonne tulisi kyllä esiin radikalin islamismin muodossa.
Tämän jälkeen ongelma jatkuisi Libanonissa joka jo nyt kärsii suuresti Syyrian kriisistä pakolaisten muodossa, unohtamatta maan eteläosan hessuja joilla heilläkin lienee sanottavana asiassa.
Itse en pidä Assadin eliminoimista ongelman ratkaisuna, silloin meillä olisi jälleen yksi valtio jossa auktoriteetti haetaan pitkälti koraanista joka on ongelma.
Samaa ovat sanoneet Syyrian kristityt, ja itse uskon heidän ajatuksia. Vaikka kuinka nyt puhuttaisiin maltillisista kapinallisista, niin paskat, todellinen luonne tulisi kyllä esiin radikalin islamismin muodossa.
Tämän jälkeen ongelma jatkuisi Libanonissa joka jo nyt kärsii suuresti Syyrian kriisistä pakolaisten muodossa, unohtamatta maan eteläosan hessuja joilla heilläkin lienee sanottavana asiassa.

Nuo Lähi-idän diktaattoreiden vallasta suistamiset ovat käytännössä pahentaneet tilannetta, vaikutukset ovat tuntuneet ja tuntuvat Suomessa asti. Hyviä vaihtoehtoja tuolla ei oikein ole, mutta ei se demokratian vientikään ole toiminut. Diktatuuri tai islamismi, siinäpä taitaa realistisesti Syyrian vaihtoehdot olla.
Israelin "rakennus- ja asuntoministeri" Yoav Galant ehdottaa Assadin salamurhaa.

Israeli Cabinet Minister Says Time Has Come to Assassinate Assad
Jahhhah... Ha'arezin juttuja taas. Eipä noita kannata ottaa mitenkään kirjaimellisesti, päinvastoin vältä tuon agendan levittämistä ilman lähdekritiikkiä, jos sopii. Mizrahi-puolueella on omat sisäiset matsinsa, jos kuka tahansa baathisti haluttaisiin hengiltä se olis happea vailla jo.
Jos/ kun Suomen naapurissa raikaa minareereista joku Uppsala vs. Tukholma matsi, onko Suomen puolustusvoimilla intressiä ruveta heittelemään vähiä JSOW:eja sinne sekaan. Eipä taida olla :(.
Sama juttu tuolla. Syyrian hommat on Israelin kannalta lähinnä jäsentenvälisiä, paitsi ne 2700 potilasta jotka on raahattu haavoittuneina rajalle ja ovat saaneet länsimaista hoitoa israelilaisissa sairaaloissa... ml. jotkut epäillyt ISIS-terroristit.
Siinäpä ei niin pieni siivu humanismia josta Ha'aretz ei hirveästi kirjoittele, kun ei sovi agendaan.

Soros, Clinton Foundation et. al. ... mutinaa...
lisää vihaista mutinaa..
Juu, ei Ha'aretz ole kovin puolueeton. Hyvin vasemmiston julkaisu, tosin ei sekään mikään "Tiedonantaja" ole. on englantia puhuville ehkä paras, siitä hieman oikealla, mutta asiallinen myös.

Noilla pärjää.
Yhdysvallat pyrkii estämään Syyrian ja Irakin välisen maasillan rakentamisen tai ainakin hidastamaan sen toteutumista.
Jos se toteutuisi alkaisi kalustoa ja joukkoja siirtyä sitä pitkin vahvistamaan Assadin hallintoa. Ilmasilta tuskin riittää täyttämään Syyrian tarpeita.

Turkey demands US replace envoy in spat over Syrian Kurds

ISTANBUL (AP) — Turkey has told the United States it will not join in any military operations that include Kurdish fighters in Syria, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said Thursday, while vowing to strike the U.S.-backed Kurds if they threaten Turkey's security.

Turkey's foreign minister also demanded that a U.S. envoy be removed for allegedly backing the Kurds, but the State Department said Brett McGurk has the "full support" of the Trump administration.

Speaking in Istanbul two days after meeting President Donald Trump in Washington, Erdogan criticized the U.S. decision to ally with "terror organizations" for the long-awaited operation to capture Raqqa, the de facto capital of the Islamic State group.

"We said we would not be in such an operation with you where you ally with terror organizations and so we said good luck," Erdogan said.

Turkey considers the People's Protection Units, or YPG, in Syria a terror organization and an extension of the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK), which has waged a three-decade-long insurgency against the Turkish state.

Erdogan said he warned Trump that Turkey would combat YPG if the group posed any security threat. "We are already telling you in advance, our rules of engagement give us this authority, we will take such a step and we won't discuss it or consult with anyone. Because we have no time to lose," he said.

Citing a cross-border offensive Turkey launched against IS and the YPG in Syria last year, Erdogan said "we won't hesitate to launch similar operations if we see the need."

Earlier Thursday, Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said the Trump administration understood Turkey's position against the YPG. "They did not say anything negative about this issue and treated it with understanding," he said.

In April, the U.S. had criticized Turkish airstrikes against Kurdish militants in Syria and Iraq.

Cavusoglu said Trump's administration seems more understanding about Turkey's security concerns. He went on to plead for the replacement of Brett McGurk, the U.S. presidential envoy for the global coalition against IS.

"This McGurk is definitely supporting the PKK and YPG. It would be beneficial for this person to change," he said, accusing the diplomat of carrying on Obama-administration policies.

State Department spokeswoman Heather Nauert said McGurk has done "tremendous work" in coordinating and leading the international coalition against IS, and has the support of the White House and Secretary of State Rex Tillerson.

The U.S. respects Turkish concerns about its "by, with, and through" approach to the Syrian Democratic Forces led by the YPG, and will continue consulting with Ankara as the focus on combating IS continues, Nauert said.

Cavusoglu said Turkey received U.S. assurances that arms sent to the YPG would be used only against IS, without explaining how this would be monitored.

"The weapons provided will only be used in Raqqa and its south, they will absolutely not be used against Turkey, this will not be allowed," Cavusoglu said. "Turkey and the U.S. will together run an active combat against the PKK."

A cease-fire between Turkey and the PKK collapsed in July 2015 after a two-and-a half year hiatus in fighting, leading to clashes in Turkey's southeast and round-the-clock curfews as well as airstrikes on alleged PKK camps in northern Iraq.

According to the International Crisis Group, at least 2,798 people, including state security personnel and Kurdish militants, have been killed in Turkey. The death toll includes nearly 400 civilians.

The PKK is considered a terror group by the U.S. and Turkey's Western allies.

Tämähän alkaa mennä jo Ottomaanien ajattelumaailman puolelle. Eivät ole kansanryhmää tavanneetkaan jota eivät haluaisi tappaa.
Syria has condemned air strikes by the US-led coalition on pro-Syrian government forces near the Jordan border.

Tiettävästi nuo tyypit olivat menossa alueelle josta jenkit ja venäläiset olivat keskenään sopineet että "off-limits" ja venäläiset olivat tästä etukäteen varoittaneetkin että elkää menkö sinne. Yksi esimerkki taas siitä miten vähän kontrollia ns. "nukkemestareillakin" tähän hommaan on. Kentällä olevat kaverit tekevät mitä lystäävät.
Aina vaan kansainvälisemmät karkelot.

DAMASCUS, SYRIA (17:35 P.M.) – On Saturday, Iraqi military commander Shakir Abid said a unit of Norwegian special forces had been allowed to enter Syria through the Al-Waleed border crossing in western Anbar.

The Norwegian unit arrived at the Al-Tanf region on the Syrian side of the border, home to US-backed Free Syrian Army (FSA) that have become the target of an ongoing offensive by the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) along the Damascus-Baghdad highway.

The Iraqi Army, Iraqi border guards and Iraqi Federal Police notably provided the Norwegian contingent safe passage to link up with US and British forces already deployed inside eastern Homs, despite vocal objections by the government in Damascus.

Katkaistun linkin takaa hiukan lisää. Jos tuon avaa, sivu kysyy lupaa toimittaa tietoja jatkossakin.

Debka antaa ymmärtää, että Hizbollahin, Iranin ja Assadin yhdistelmäarmeija alkaa uhkaamaan tuota jenkkien ja muiden koalitiomaiden tukikohtia ja Fsa:n koulutuspaikkoja. Huolimatta viimepäivien jenkkien ilma-iskuista ja kovista tappioista Assadille uskolliset joukot etenevät silti. Fsa on se virallinen vihollinen,mutta riski kasvaa, että ovat vastakkain länsimaiden kanssa. Jenkkien on pakko tehdä kunnon ilmaiskuja ihan juuri. Tänään tai huomenna.
Aina vaan kansainvälisemmät karkelot.

Hiphei. Lisää ulkkiksia pelastamaan syyrialaisia puolelta tai toiselta. Vieläkö joku puuttuu, luulen että Nicaraguasta ei ainakaan ole tullut vielä joukkoja? Syyrialaiset ovat epäilemättä tästä kansainvälisestä huomiosta innoissaan.
Hyvä analyysi Hizbollahin joukkojen siirroista. Osa menossa auttamaan Assadin joukkoja juuri sinne, mihin Norjalaisetkin toiselta puolelta siirrettiin.

Analysis: Hezbollah redeploys forces after withdrawal from Syrian-Lebanese border positions
By David Daoud | May 20, 2017 | [email protected] | @DavidADaoud
Last week, Hezbollah’s Secretary General Hassan Nasrallah gave a televised speech on Al-Manar on the anniversary of the assassination of the group’s commander, Mustafa Badreddine. In addition to his usual anti-Israel and anti-Saudi diatribes, Nasrallah announced the withdrawal of Hezbollah’s forces from the Lebanese-Syrian border and the hand-over of their positions to the Lebanese army. Their mission – to repel the threat of Sunni militias to Hezbollah’s Baalbek and Beqaa Valley strongholds – had been accomplished, he announced. But there is more to the story: Hezbollah’s forces were not demobilized, they were merely redeployed. It appears that Hezbollah has repositioned its men for the ongoing battles in Syria.

Hezbollah’s jihadists have supplied crucial manpower for Bashar al Assad’s regime. The Syrian army is currently engaged in a large-scale military operation in the eastern Syrian desert, with the goal of reaching the Syrian-Iraqi border, and they are in need of reinforcements to fortify their current positions, as well as to aid in their eastward push. Assad’s allies in Hezbollah have been inserting additional fighters into the Syrian battlefield and reorganizing their positions in Lebanon to facilitate the movement of additional fighters and equipment across the border.

Indeed, reports indicate that the withdrawal trumpeted by Nasrallah was in fact a redeployment along the Lebanese border. A high-ranking Lebanese Army official told the Lebanese pro-Western al-Joumhouria that “there are no Hezbollah positions in Arsal or Ra’s Baalbek,” Lebanese towns near the Syrian border where the group was formerly present. The Lebanese Army “alone is deployed in these areas and is expanding its deployment on [Lebanon’s] eastern border.” This dovetails with recent reports in Al-Joumhouria of the Army intensifying its operations against the Islamic State and the group formerly known as Al Nusrah Front in those towns.

The official also denied claims that Hezbollah had targeted Nusrah commanders from the Lebanese town of Arsal, noting that any such attacks would have been launched from the organization’s Syrian positions and not from within Lebanon. This coincides with Daily Star and Al-Masdar News (pro-Assad regime outlet) reporting on continued “heavy clashes” between the Shiite group and Sunni militants on the Syrian side of the border in the immediate days after Nasrallah’s speech.

However, Hezbollah appears to have held on to positions south of those two towns. “Security sources” told Prime Minister Saad Hariri’s Al-Mustaqbal newspaper on May 18 that “Hezbollah’s withdrawal from the Eastern Mountains [of Lebanon] was incomplete, and the group retained a number of positions and bases,” which it has possessed since the early 1990s.

According to Al-Mustaqbal, Hezbollah has pulled out of the Lebanese border towns of al-Tofail, and “the outskirts of the towns of Ham, Maaraboun, al-Tayba, al-Khudur, and al-Nahleh.” But the group remains in positions considered “sensitive and strategic” by the party’s leadership in the countryside of the Lebanese border town Brital, northward to the outskirts of Baalbek and Nahleh. These fortified positions were built for the group by Iranian engineers above tunnels that reportedly extend into Syria and are stocked with advanced equipment.

Both the London-based pro-Saudi Asharq Al-Awsat and the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights seem to confirm that Hezbollah merely redeployed on the Lebanese-Syrian border. The Shiite jihadists withdrew from some positions to fortify others in Lebanon and Syria that operate as Hezbollah’s “artery for the deployment of its forces and weapons into Syria.” Now, many of the fighters seem to have been redeployed into Syria, where they are reinforcing various military operations by the Assad regime.

Both the IRGC-affiliated Fars News and the pro-Iranian regime ABNA reported that Hezbollah sent “12 regiments with 1,000 fighters to Homs, Dara’a, and Quneitra” to help Assad retake Deir Ezzor from the Islamic State, buttress regime positions south of Damascus, and prepare for an “imminent large-scale” operation to dislodge the Islamic State in central Syria. Fars News claimed that an additional “3,000 [Hezbollah] forces” were moved towards al-Tanf to reinforce the Assad regime’s operations in Syria’s eastern desert. Most of those forces, the IRGC outlet said, “had earlier been station in al-Zabadani, Madhaya and Sarqaya,” but others came from “al-Tofail, Brital, Ham and Ma’araboun,” – the same Lebanese border towns recently vacated by Hezbollah.

Al-Mustaqbal’s report gave a more detailed, if slightly different, account of Hezbollah’s redeployment. The group’s elite “Radwan” force, and other special forces, were fully withdrawn from Syria and replaced with its “Badr” force, which spread out in Aleppo’s eastern and northern countryside. Hezbollah’s “Aziz” unit was withdrawn from the outskirts of Palmyra and temporarily replaced with “Al-Qaem” unit.

Meanwhile, the “Radwan” force was put on “high alert” and sent to southern Lebanon, deploying from the Litani to the Shebaa Farms on the border with Israel – in violation of UN Security Council Resolution 1701. Hezbollah’s IRGC-trained “Al-Jalil” unit – tasked with carrying out attacks within the Galilee in a future war with Israel – remained in place in its south Lebanon positons. Hezbollah’s “Nasr” unit, which answers directly to Nasrallah via a deputy identified as Al-Hajj Dhul Fiqar – remained in reserves.
Samasta aiheesta. Jonkinlaista rotaatiota ollut käynnissä ja pitempään Syyriassa olleita yksiköitä tuotu Libanoniin ja toisia viety Syyriaan. Kokeneempia porukoita sijoitettu Israelin vastaiselle rajalle.

Lebanese Daily: Hizbullah Has Stationed Its Elite Unit In Shab'a Farms Area In South Lebanon, On High Alert And With Special Gear
A May 18, 2017 report in the Lebanese Al-Mustaqbal daily, owned by Al-Mustaqbal faction leader Sa'd Al-Hariri, claims that in recent weeks Hizbullah has rearranged its forces in Syria and Lebanon. According to the report, Hizbullah has withdrawn its elite units, including the Al-Radwan Division,[1] from Syria and transferred them to South Lebanon, south of the Litani, to the front with Israel. It reported further that the Al-Radwan Division, "equipped with special logistical gear," has been stationed in the Shab'a Farms area and is "on high alert."

The Al-Mustaqbal report also addressed an unexpected announcement made last week by Hizbullah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah, that Hizbullah would pull its forces from positions it has maintained in the last few years on the Lebanon-Syria border. The daily stated that, in actuality, the organization has not fully withdrawn its forces from that region, but rather continues to maintain forces there as well as strategic military posts and tunnels that extend into Syria. Similar claims were also made in the Lebanese daily Al-Nahar.

The following are excerpts from the reports in the two dailies.

Al-Mustaqbal: Hizbullah Has Withdrawn Its Elite Units From Syria And Redeployed Them To South Lebanon; The Al-Radwan Unit Has Been Stationed, On High Alert, In Shab'a Farms Area

The May 18, 2017 report in Al-Mustaqbal stated: "Hizbullah has redeployed and reshuffled its [military] units [in Syria]. Exclusive sources told the daily that, several weeks ago, the Hizbullah leadership, in coordination with the Iranian military leadership, began pulling the organization's elite units from [various] areas and cities in Syria where military action has stopped... The organization has moved these units to militarily-sensitive areas in Lebanon, replacing them with less-trained commando infantry units."

The daily added the following details about the changes in Hizbullah's deployment:

"1. The Al-Radwan unit, Hizbullah's main special force, as well as other special units, have all been removed from Syria and replaced with a Badr unit that has been deployed in the north and east of Rif Aleppo.

"2. The 'Aziz unit has been removed from the Palmyra area and replaced with the Al-Qaim unit until further notice.

"3. The Al-Radwan unit has been deployed in South Lebanon up to the Shab'a Farms area. It is on very high alert and is equipped with special logistical gear.

"4. The Al-Jalil unit remains on full alert, with its commando companies and their weapons.

"5. The Nassir unit remains on full alert as Hizbullah's reserve force. It receives orders directly from Hizbullah Secretary-general [Hassan Nasrallah] via the organization's senior military commander Al-Hajj Dhu Al-Fiqar."[2]

The daily reported further: "According to information [we received], the IRGC leadership approved Hizbullah's partial withdrawal from Syria and the changes in [the deployment] of its military forces following meetings in Damascus between the Iranians and top commanders in the Russian and Syrian military. [The changes were approved] for several reasons:

"1. The fighting in most of the areas and cities under the control of the [Syrian] regime army has abated and the regime has managed to tighten its security control over them; moreover, the Russian army is present in these areas, so Hizbullah's military presence is unnecessary.

"2. Hizbullah seeks to bolster its military presence in South Lebanon, along the border region stretching from the Western Beqaa to Hasbaya and Shab'a [in southeast Lebanon], in fear of Israeli military attacks from the direction of Deraa [and the Syrian] Golan or an Israeli surprise attack [on Lebanon].

"3. Hizbullah seeks to ease the logistical strain [on its forces by] deploying commando infantry units in some of the areas and positions in Syria from which its elite units have withdrawn.

"4. [Hizbullah seeks] to allow its military branch to concentrate its forces and redeploy them [in order] to focus on a [possible] confrontation with Israel."[3]

Lebanese Dailies: Despite Hizbullah's Announcement That It Is Withdrawing Its Forces From The Lebanon-Syria Border Region, It Continues To Maintain Positions And Forces There, As Well As Tunnels Penetrating Into Syria

The Al-Mustaqbal report also addressed Hassan Nasrallah's statement, in his latest speech on May 11, 2017, that Hizbullah had decided to withdraw its forces deployed along the Lebanese side of the Lebanon-Syria border.[4]Hizbullah forces have been deployed in that area for several years, with the stated aim of keeping terrorist organizations – ISIS and Jabhat Fath Al-Sham, which are present in Syria and in parts of the Syria-Lebanon border region – from infiltrating deeper into Lebanon. The Lebanese press has often reported that Hizbullah was preparing for a military confrontation with these organizations, whose fighters are present in the Arsal mountains and Ras Baalbek area inside Lebanon. Nasrallah's announcement last week on the withdrawal of his organization's forces from the area therefore came as a surprise. The Al-Nahar and Al-Mustaqbal dailies explained that this development was the result of U.S. pressure on Lebanon. In recent weeks, the Lebanese army has stepped up its fighting against ISIS in this region with the aim of preventing it from penetrating into Lebanon. According to reports in the Lebanese press, this was done in close coordination with the U.S., which has also dispatched to Lebanon two planes loaded with ammunition and military gear for the purpose of this campaign. The planes landed in the Rayak air base in the Beqaa region, rather than in Beirut international airport, possibly in order to keep the gear from being seized by Hizbullah, which is known to control Beirut airport.[5] According to a May 17, 2017 report in Al-Nahar, the U.S. agreed to extend this military assistance to the Lebanese army on the condition that it prevent military presence by Hizbullah in the border region – and this was the reason for Nasrallah's announcement on the withdrawal of his forces from the area. Al-Nahar added, however, that the announcement "does not mean Hizbullah is no longer present in that region," and that Hizbullah operatives in civilian clothing remain there, "as they have been doing in South [Lebanon] since the 2006 war."[6]

The Al-Mustaqbal report (published one day later, on May 18), made similar claims. It stated that Nasrallah's announcement regarding the withdrawal of his forces from the Syrian border region "confirms reports regarding international contacts with Lebanon aimed at achieving the deployment of its legitimate forces [i.e., he Lebanese army] along its eastern border with Syria, as part of a strategic American-Russian plan to curb ISIS presence and cut it off on the Syrian side of the border."

Like Al-Nahar, Al-Mustaqbal too reported that Hizbullah nevertheless maintains some presence in the region. It quoted security sources as saying that "Hizbullah's withdrawal from the eastern mountain region has not been complete... It continues to maintain positions and posts in the Brital mountain region, up to the Baalbek and Nahle mountain region, [positions] which Hizbullah's military leadership considers sensitive and strategic for its military needs." The daily added that these are "fortified positions equipped with advanced gear and located over tunnels that reportedly extend into Syria and were constructed under the oversight of Iranian military engineers."[7]

[1] The Al-Radwan Division, named after Hizbullah's former military chief 'Imad Mughniyeh, who was killed in 2008, comprises some 10,000 fighters from Hizbullah's "Intervention Forces" and "Special Forces" that have spearheaded Hizbullah's military action in Syria. This division took part in the military parade held by Hizbullah in the Syrian village of Al-Qusayr in November 2016. On this, see MEMRI Inquiry and Analysis No. 1295, The Significance, Ramifications, And Messages Of Hizbullah's Show Of Military Force In Al-Qusayr, Syria, January 3, 2017; MEMRI Special Dispatch No. 6677, Hizbullah Military Parade In Syrian Town Of Al-Qusayr: Tanks, Cannon, And Machine Guns, November 14, 2016.

[2] Apparently a reference to Al-Hajj Dhu Al-Fiqar Al-'Amili, commander of the Arab National Guard, a militia fighting in Syria alongside Assad's army.

[3] Al-Mustaqbal (Lebanon), may 18, 2017.

[4] For the speech, see, May 11, 2017.

[5], April 18, 2017; Al-Gomhouriyya (Egypt), May 19, 2017;, April 25, 2017; Al-Arab (London), April 26, 2017; Al-Quds Al-Arabi (London), April 26, 2017.

[6] Al-Nahar (Lebanon), May 17, 2017.

[7] Al-Mustaqbal (Lebanon), May 18, 2017.
Enemmän kuin pintaa syvemmälle - humanitaarinen katastrofi

Jos tarkastelemme ihmisen käyttäytymistä naturalistisesta lähtökohdasta käsin ja pidämme myös ihmistä ”eläimenä”, niin Homo sapiens on maapallon tuhoavin eläinlaji.
Jos taas tarkastelemme ihmistä humanismin kannalta, niin ihminen ei ole oppinut historian aikana tarpeeksi, ollakseen niin humaaninen, ettei tuhoa toisia ihmisiä mielivaltaisella tavalla.

Tulin tähän johtopäätökseen, kun katsoin eilen illalla Syyriasta tehtyä dokumenttia. Se oli raakuudessaan ja ihmisen brutaaliudessaan ennen näkemätöntä. Syyriassa on käyty veristä ja julmaa sisällissotaa yli viisi vuotta. Sota on aiheuttanut valtavan humanitaarisen katastrofin ja ulkopuolisten maiden sekaantumisen tilanteeseen.

Dokumentti paljasti, kuinka miljoonat viattomat lapset kärsivät kriisien seurauksista. Ei voi olla oikein, että lasten elämä toimii nykyaikaisen sotateollisuuden koekenttänä. Kun huippu tehokas ja aseistettu hävittäjä tuhoaa ja lapsi on keskiössä, on viimeistään kyseenalaistettava nykyaikaisen sodankäynnin järkiperäisyys.
Tehoaseiden käyttö on hektisyyttä ilman humanistista ajattelutapaa.

Se on enemmän kuin mihin ihmisen ajattelukyky pystyy. Ihminen ei kykene ymmärtämään tämän kaltaisen sodankäynnin syy-seuraussuhteita.
Aseiden suunnittelijat, laukaisijat ja sodista päättävät ovat kadottaneet altruistisen kyvyn toimia ihmisenä. Altruismi on oppi, jonka mukaan teon moraalisuus määritellään sen mukaan, tuottaako se hyvää muille.

Altruismi on egoismin vastakohta. Kun egoismi kasvaa suuremmaksi arvoksi kun lapsen henki, ei voida puhua humanismista. Nähdyn perusteella on puhuttava barbarismista, jonka olemusta ei ole saatu kuriin ihmisenä kasvamisessa; väkisinkin tuli mieleeni natsien teot toisen maailman sodan aikana.

Dokumentti näytti monella tavalla sellaista, jota on uskallettava ja osattava myös arvioida ihmisen ”mielipuolisena käyttäytymisenä”. Nähdyn perusteella ihmiskunnalla ei ole toivoa; toivottavasti olen väärässä.
Jonkillaista kommunikaatiota viritellään taas.

As Syria war enters new phase, U.S. looks to expand communications with Russia

Tässä puolustusministeriön alkuperäinen brieffi

Department of Defense Press Briefing by Secretary Mattis, General Dunford and Special Envoy McGurk on the Campaign to Defeat ISIS in the Pentagon Press Briefing Room


I'm -- I'm -- I'm confident that we've made progress in that regard over the last couple months. Spoke to my counterpart, as recent -- my Russian counterpart as recently as last night. We -- we speak routinely when we need to, to work through the deconfliction.

In addition to the direct communication that I have, we've opened up a three-star level channel where RJ5 here in the joint staff routinely corresponds -- communicates with his counterpart in Moscow. And then we have a pretty robust operational link on the ground from our combined air operations center and counter to the -- to the Russians on the ground.

And we are looking for the Russians to -- to work with the regime, to deconflict our operations. I think what you're highlighting is absolutely a fair point, which is the ground is becoming increasingly complex and constrained. But to date, we have -- we have been able to deconflict operations.

We had a proposal that we're working on with the Russians right now. I won't share the details. But -- but my sense is that the Russians are as enthusiastic as we are to deconflict operations and ensure that we can continue to take the campaign to ISIS and ensure the safety of our personnel.

Enemmän kuin pintaa syvemmälle - humanitaarinen katastrofi

Jos tarkastelemme ihmisen käyttäytymistä naturalistisesta lähtökohdasta käsin ja pidämme myös ihmistä ”eläimenä”, niin Homo sapiens on maapallon tuhoavin eläinlaji.
Jos taas tarkastelemme ihmistä humanismin kannalta, niin ihminen ei ole oppinut historian aikana tarpeeksi, ollakseen niin humaaninen, ettei tuhoa toisia ihmisiä mielivaltaisella tavalla.

Tulin tähän johtopäätökseen, kun katsoin eilen illalla Syyriasta tehtyä dokumenttia. Se oli raakuudessaan ja ihmisen brutaaliudessaan ennen näkemätöntä. Syyriassa on käyty veristä ja julmaa sisällissotaa yli viisi vuotta. Sota on aiheuttanut valtavan humanitaarisen katastrofin ja ulkopuolisten maiden sekaantumisen tilanteeseen.

Dokumentti paljasti, kuinka miljoonat viattomat lapset kärsivät kriisien seurauksista. Ei voi olla oikein, että lasten elämä toimii nykyaikaisen sotateollisuuden koekenttänä. Kun huippu tehokas ja aseistettu hävittäjä tuhoaa ja lapsi on keskiössä, on viimeistään kyseenalaistettava nykyaikaisen sodankäynnin järkiperäisyys.
Tehoaseiden käyttö on hektisyyttä ilman humanistista ajattelutapaa.

Se on enemmän kuin mihin ihmisen ajattelukyky pystyy. Ihminen ei kykene ymmärtämään tämän kaltaisen sodankäynnin syy-seuraussuhteita.
Aseiden suunnittelijat, laukaisijat ja sodista päättävät ovat kadottaneet altruistisen kyvyn toimia ihmisenä. Altruismi on oppi, jonka mukaan teon moraalisuus määritellään sen mukaan, tuottaako se hyvää muille.

Altruismi on egoismin vastakohta. Kun egoismi kasvaa suuremmaksi arvoksi kun lapsen henki, ei voida puhua humanismista. Nähdyn perusteella on puhuttava barbarismista, jonka olemusta ei ole saatu kuriin ihmisenä kasvamisessa; väkisinkin tuli mieleeni natsien teot toisen maailman sodan aikana.

Dokumentti näytti monella tavalla sellaista, jota on uskallettava ja osattava myös arvioida ihmisen ”mielipuolisena käyttäytymisenä”. Nähdyn perusteella ihmiskunnalla ei ole toivoa; toivottavasti olen väärässä.

Tuossa nähdäkseni tyyppi sekoaa siinä, kuin tuo lapsen henki korotetaan johonkin absoluuttiseen arvoon, että sen yli ei ole mitään ja jos jonkun teon seurauksena lapsen henki saattaisi vaarantua, niin sitten julistetaan, että "ihmiskunta on mennyttä!" Eikä tietenkään pysähdytä tutkimaan asiaa tuon altruismin perusteella, että voisiko se lapsi olla vielä enemmän vaarassa, jos tekoa ei tehdä.