Syyrian konflikti/sota

Islamistisen kapinallisjohtajan näkemys Syyrian sisällissodan alusta ja kapinallisista: islam oli alusta lähtien ajava voima, eikä suinkaan demokratian tavoitteleminen.

Puhuu tietysti omaan pussiinsa. Daraan mielenosoitukset, joista kriisi alkoi, olivat nimenomaan demokratiaa vaativia, eivät islamistisia.
Ovatkohan suomalaiset mukana evakuointioperaatiossa? Siellähän on suomalainen komppania FC:n reservinä.
Eivät ole. Suomalaiset on etelässä sinisellä linjalla yhdessä irlantilaisten kanssa ja yhdessä ranskalaisten kanssa.

Toisaalta suomalaiset ranskalaisia korvatessaan ovat operatiivisena reservinä joten jos hässäkkä syntyy niin voi komennuskin tulla.
Puhuu tietysti omaan pussiinsa. Daraan mielenosoitukset, joista kriisi alkoi, olivat nimenomaan demokratiaa vaativia, eivät islamistisia.

Onkohan tuosta kerrottu koko totuutta? Kenties mielenosoitusten taustalla vaikuttivat olennaisesti islamistiryhmät. Länsimainen (pro-Obaman politiikka) media luonnollisesti esitteli niitä aitoa demokratiaa ajavia voimia, joita myös oli mukana ja olemassa.

En siis väitä tietäväni asiasta paremmin, mutta onko ao. tapahtumista aitoa objektiivista tietoa?
Onkohan tuosta kerrottu koko totuutta? Kenties mielenosoitusten taustalla vaikuttivat olennaisesti islamistiryhmät. Länsimainen (pro-Obaman politiikka) media luonnollisesti esitteli niitä aitoa demokratiaa ajavia voimia, joita myös oli mukana ja olemassa.

En siis väitä tietäväni asiasta paremmin, mutta onko ao. tapahtumista aitoa objektiivista tietoa?
Itse ainakin olen kiinnittänyt huomiota siihen, kuinka Wikipedian sisällissodan alkuvaihetta koskevalla sivulla kerrotaan alkuaikana mellakoinnin ajoittuneen perjantairukousten perään. On "hieman" vaikea uskoa, että imaamit olisivat lietsoneet väkijoukkoa moskeijoissa saarnaamalla koraanin sijaan demokratian sanomaa.
confrontations escalated on 18 March after Friday prayers. Security forces attacked protesters gathered at the Omari Mosque using water cannons and tear gas, followed by live fire, killing four.
On 25 March, mass protests spread nationwide, as demonstrators emerged after Friday prayers.
Mosques used as headquarters for demonstrators and organizers were especially targeted.

Foreign Policyn artikkeli How the Muslim Brotherhood Hijacked Syria’s Revolution kertoo ainakin sen, että isomman aseellisen (FSA) vastarinnan alkaessa oppositio oli jo varsin vankasti muslimiveljeskunnan hyppysissä.
Puhuu tietysti omaan pussiinsa. Daraan mielenosoitukset, joista kriisi alkoi, olivat nimenomaan demokratiaa vaativia, eivät islamistisia.

Totta. Silmä kovana varmasti useampikin täällä seurasi mielenosoituksia. Salafistit yms oli oma vähemmistöporukkansa. Enemmistö vaati demokratiaa. . Jos taas mennään itse sotaan, niin joka ryhmittymä halusi maasta islamilaista valtiota. Sen vivahde-erot on ratkaisevia.
Ei ole ensimmäinen kerta kun enemmistön mielenilmaus on kaapattu vähemmistön toimesta.
Muutama piiloutunut islamisti ampumaan poliiseja ja kierre on valmis.o_O
Taistelut Raqqasta jatkuvat.

WASHINGTON, July 24, 2017 — Iraqi forces now control all parts of Mosul, Iraq, while tough fighting against the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria continues in Raqqa, Syria, Pentagon spokesman Navy Capt. Jeff Davis told reporters here today.

Syria Operations

Davis said that today is the 50th day of operations to defeat ISIS in Raqqa and about 40 percent of the city is now under control of the Syrian Democratic Forces, and yesterday the SDF liberated about 2 square miles of terrain in and around Raqqa as they fought off stiff resistance along three axes.

On the city’s western axis, he added, the SDF gained ground along a corridor south of the main supply route despite heavy ISIS resistance with small arms, machine-gun fire and homemade bombs.

“On the eastern axis, the SDF made incremental gains and repelled ISIS counterattacks, and incorporated indirect fires and vehicle-borne [improvised explosive devices], Davis said. “On the southern axis south of the Euphrates River the SDF cleared about 1.5 square miles, despite ISIS counterattacks from area villages.”

He also said the east-west deconfliction line south of the Euphrates is holding, referring to the boundary established through the Russian channel to deconflict the advance of regime forces.

“Regime forces further to the south are moving ... in the direction of Dar Azar,” Davis said, “and this deconfliction mechanism has worked effectively to ensure that there are no skirmishes between SDF fighters and regime fighters as the regime moves further downriver.”...


A U.S. Marine fires an M777-A2 Howitzer in Syria, June 1, 2017. The Marines had been conducting 24-hour all-weather fire support for the coalition’s local partners, the Syrian Democratic Forces, as part of Combined Joint Task Force Operation Inherent Resolve. Marine Corps photo by Sgt. Matthew Callahan
Hessut ja Syyrian armeija laittamassa jihadisteja ahtaalle Syyrian ja Libanonin rajalla. Linkissä paljon kuvia.

Hezbollah claims advances in border offensive near Syria
By Caleb Weiss | July 24th, 2017 | [email protected] | @Weissenberg7

Captured position by Hezbollah inside Lebanon on the outskirts of Arsal

As fighting rages on in the Jurud Arsal region of Lebanon and in the western Qalamoun region of Syria, Hezbollah has claimed several advances against Sunni jihadists.

Since the operation to clear the border area began Friday, numerous videos have been uploaded to Hezbollah’s War Media Center on Telegram and YouTube. In one video, the Shiite jihadists are seen capturing a Sunni jihadist-occupied hill in the Jurud Arsal region of Lebanon (photo above). In others, Hezbollah fighters and the Syrian army are seen advancing near the town of Fleita in Syria’s western Qalamoun region.

Today, the Shiite jihadist group claimed capturing Fleita barrens and its surroundings alongside the Syrian military. Several infographics from Hezbollah have also been released showing the progress against the Sunni forces on both sides of the border. The infographics do not show the position of the Lebanese Armed Forces (LAF), however, an English translation of one graph by Lebanese publication The Daily Star does show LAF positions.

Hay’at Tahrir al Sham (HTS), a coalition of different jihadist and rebel groups in Syria in which al Qaeda’s branch operates, has also claimed that its forces killed over 50 Hezbollah fighters and that several attacks were repelled. This number is likely exaggerated.

However, at least 15 Hezbollah fighters have been confirmed killed in the battles so far. Several have been eulogized on Hezbollah-linked social media accounts. A funeral procession for six of those fighters was also held yesterday in one of Beirut’s southern suburbs, a Hezbollah stronghold.

Additionally, Saraya Ahl al Sham – a Free Syrian Army-branded coalition of rebel groups in western Qalamoun – reportedly withdrew from its positions following the Hezbollah-led advance.

Despite claims to the contrary by Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri, the LAF is coordinating its efforts near Arsal with the Hezbollah-led offensive on the border. Lebanese troops are said to be positioned on the outskirts of Arsal to prevent the flow of jihadists into the city. The Shiite forces appear to be undertaking the brunt of the military operation.

English translation of an earlier infographic from The Daily Star showing the positions of the LAF:

Onko laatujournalismi kuollut? Sinänsä hyvälaatuiseksi julkaisuksi kuvittelemani Foreign Policy syyllistyi melkoiseen roskajournalismiin otsikolla Bashar al-Assad’s Son Flunked a Math Competition in Brazil Last Week. Oli isäpapasta sitten mitä mieltä tahansa, niin tuntuu aika omituiselta naljailla hänen lukiokäisen(?) poikansa Hafez al-Assadin osallistumisesta kansainvälisiin matematiikkaolympialaisiin. Hafez sai kilpailussa 7 pistettä (max. 42) ja oli sijalla 528. Sivumennen sanoen Suomen 6-henkisestä joukkuesta neljä sai 8, yksi 9 ja yksi 15 pistettä, joten tuo 7 pistettä ei ole kovinkaan huono, jos yhtä lukuunottamatta jokainen kotimainenkin matematiikkanörttimme pääsi vain nipin-napin parempaan tulokseen. No, toisaalta kokonaisuutena Suomen joukkue (yht. 56 p.) hävisi selvästi Syyrialle (yht. 85 p.).

Hafez participated as a member of the Syrian national team, which placed 56th overall, far behind South Korea, China, the United States, and others.

President al-Assad succeeded his own father, and according to O Globo, pro-regime commentators hailed Hafez’s membership on the Syrian team as a sign that he, too, was superb leadership material.

What actually happened, however, is that the younger Assad performed abysmally, ranking 528 out of 615 total participants.

He also came in dead last on the Syrian national team.

Participation in math olympiad — even mediocre participation — is a resume crown jewel that can earn admission to prestigious universities around the world. For that reason, International Math Olympiad is almost as famous as the actual Olympics in some countries, at least among the educated classes.
Onko laatujournalismi kuollut? Sinänsä hyvälaatuiseksi julkaisuksi kuvittelemani Foreign Policy syyllistyi melkoiseen roskajournalismiin otsikolla Bashar al-Assad’s Son Flunked a Math Competition in Brazil Last Week. Oli isäpapasta sitten mitä mieltä tahansa, niin tuntuu aika omituiselta naljailla hänen lukiokäisen(?) poikansa Hafez al-Assadin osallistumisesta kansainvälisiin matematiikkaolympialaisiin. Hafez sai kilpailussa 7 pistettä (max. 42) ja oli sijalla 528. Sivumennen sanoen Suomen 6-henkisestä joukkuesta neljä sai 8, yksi 9 ja yksi 15 pistettä, joten tuo 7 pistettä ei ole kovinkaan huono, jos yhtä lukuunottamatta jokainen kotimainenkin matematiikkanörttimme pääsi vain nipin-napin parempaan tulokseen. No, toisaalta kokonaisuutena Suomen joukkue (yht. 56 p.) hävisi selvästi Syyrialle (yht. 85 p.).

Juu, menee selvästi roskajournalismin puolelle, tämä siitäkin huolimatta, että sisällyttivät tämän kohdan:

"Participation in math olympiad — even mediocre participation — is a resume crown jewel that can earn admission to prestigious universities around the world. For that reason, International Math Olympiad is almost as famous as the actual Olympics in some countries, at least among the educated classes."

Kyllä tuon täytyy olla melkoisen exclusiivinen tilaisuus pelkästään päästä sisään
Trump’s underlying attack did not appear focused on the story’s central claim — that CIA program existed — but instead on the details relating to its end. According to the Post article, Trump’s interest in finding ways to work with Syrian ally Russia played a role in the decision to terminate the effort. Trump reportedly made the decision following a meeting last month with CIA Director Mike Pompeo and National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster, in advance of a July 7 meeting with President Vladimir Putin at the G20 summit.

While the Post drew a connection between the program’s end and Trump’s meeting with Putin, Trump tweeted that the program was “massive, dangerous, and wasteful” — factors that contributed to its end. In doing so, the president essentially confirmed the operation’s existence.

Although the program has not been officially confirmed until now, information about its nuances have been reported before. Launched in 2013 under former President Barack Obama, the program has been shrouded in secrecy. Part of an attempt to persuade Assad to step aside and empower Syrian rebels, the effort seemed to acknowledge an on-the-ground reality that U.S.-backed rebels militias were losing ground in Syria’s ongoing civil war. But four years have done little to change that trend — the war is still raging, and Assad remains in power. Nations like the United States and France have now said removing the dictator is no longer a priority, as attention settles on threats like ISIS.

That’s a dramatic shift for the Trump administration. In April, the U.S. military abruptly fired 59 Tomahawk missiles at a Syrian air base in retaliation for a chemical weapons attack orchestrated by Assad. Last month, the White House warned Syria would “pay a heavy price” over future attacks. But now it seems that approach is changing, as evidenced by the end of operations like the one Trump has now confirmed.

Part of this shift is due to Assad’s growing advantage in the war, aided by allies like Iran and Russia — the latter of which has expressed opposition to the CIA program. Ending the operation has been seen as a net gain for the Kremlin by several officials privy to the decision.

“This is a momentous decision,” one official told the Post on condition of anonymity. “Putin won in Syria.”

U.S. Special Operations Commander Tony Thomas also appeared to confirm the end of the CIA program on Friday, but he swiftly walked back his comments, claiming they were based on “public reporting.” Trump, by contrast, has not yet retracted or clarified his remarks about the program’s end. A spokesman for the CIA also declined to comment on Trump’s tweets.
Tässä on havaittavissa muutos informaatiosodankäynnissä. Aiemmin Syyrian armeijaa demonisoitiin mutta nyt sallitaan positiivista viestiä.
Tätä ei tapahtuisi ilman hyväksyntää korkealta taholta.

Tässä indepent tänään.

The Syrian army were standing up to Isis long before the Americans ever fired a missile
The survivors of this army, and their families will expect their sacrifice to be respected and, indeed, rewarded
Tässä indepent tänään.

The Syrian army were standing up to Isis long before the Americans ever fired a missile

Ja independent tarkoittanee vissiin näitä "sotureita":

No joo kuvan purokenraali on oikeasti Irakki, mutta idea varmaan tulee selväksi?
Hay’at Tahrir al Sham (HTS), eli entinen al-Nusra ja muut al-Qaida ryhmät ampuivat hessujen pommi-dronen alas käsiaseiden tulella.

HTS shoots down armed Hezbollah drone in western Syria

Hay’at Tahrir al Sham (HTS), an insurgent umbrella organization in Syria which includes al Qaeda’s branch in the country, released a video earlier today showing its forces in western Syria shooting down an armed Hezbollah drone.

The video depicts the last moments of an armed Hezbollah drone flying over HTS positions somewhere in western Qalamoun. At least two explosives were dropped from the commercial drone before it tumbles to the ground after being hit by small arms fire. The drone was being used as part of a current Hezbollah-led offensive in both western Qalamoun and in the Jurud Arsal area of Lebanon.

This is not the first time Hezbollah has used an armed drone for its operations inside Syria. Last year, the Shiite jihadist group used an armed drone in support of an offensive in Aleppo. That instance was the first visual confirmation of Hezbollah displaying the capability for building and deploying armed drones. Prior that, in 2014, Hezbollah claimed using an armed drone on militants loyal to the Al Nusrah Front (al Qaeda’s branch in Syria, now part of HTS) in Arsal.
Syrian Democratic Forces Make Gains in Raqqa Against ISIS
By Terri Moon Cronk DoD News, Defense Media Activity

WASHINGTON, July 27, 2017 — In its 53rd day of coalition operations to liberate Raqqa, Syria, from Islamic State of Iraq and Syria control, the Syrian Democratic Forces have about 45 percent of the city under its control, Army Col. Ryan Dillon, Combined Joint Task Force Operation Inherent Resolve spokesman, told Pentagon reporters today.

A Marine fires an M777A2 howitzer in Syria during the early morning on June 3, 2017. Marines have been conducting 24-hour, all-weather fire support for the coalition’s local partners, the Syrian Democratic Forces, to support Combined Joint Task Force Operation Inherent Resolve. Marine Corps photo by Sgt. Matthew Callahan
Speaking from Baghdad via teleconference, the colonel said the SDF have cleared about 9 square miles of terrain this past week as they fought against stiff, sporadic resistance from ISIS entrenched in Raqqa.

“On the western axis, the SDF took control of a series of multistory buildings that allowed them to provide over watch and push further into the city's center,” Dillon said. “On the eastern axis, the SDF made incremental gains south of the main road that runs east to west in the city.”

The distance between the east and west axes is less than a half-mile, he noted, and added once the two link up, the SDF will have full control of southern Raqqa. And south of the Euphrates River, the SDF continue to isolate Raqqa and reinforce their positions.

Law of Armed Conflict Violations Reports

Dillon also discussed recent reports of alleged Law of Armed Conflict violations during defeat-ISIS operations.

Authenticity of the reports has not been verified, he said, adding that any violation should be investigated transparently.

Coalition Disrupts ISIS Propaganda

Meanwhile, the combined joint task force and the coalition are making significant strides in countering ISIS’s propaganda operations, Dillon said.

“We have said several times that we will not allow ISIS sanctuary,” he said. “When known, we will degrade ISIS's ability to conduct battlefield operations; to inspire, plan, finance and direct terror attacks; and recruit and move terrorist fighters.”

The spokesman said the coalition has in recent months targeted and killed numerous senior ISIS propagandists and facilitators in Iraq and Syria.

“The removal of these key ISIS leaders disrupts ISIS's propaganda production, distribution and the ability to fund their activities,” Dillon said.

The defeat ISIS coalition “has collectively blunted the edge of terrorist propaganda. ISIS's online supporters are dwindling, with counter-ISIS content outnumbering pro-ISIS content across the world,” he said.

The colonel reported a 92-percent decrease in global shares of ISIS video content on Twitter during May. In April, ISIS propaganda production dropped to its lowest point in more than six months, a 75-percent reduction in ISIS's monthly output in 2016.

The global coalition launched a campaign -- #takedaeshdown -- to inform social media users of how to report ISIS extremist content to platform owners and add pressure on them to remove the content, he added.

“ISIS is losing on every front -- on the battlefield, in recruiting, in social media, and generating money,” Dillon said. “And they will continue to lose with the pressure put on by our partners in Iraq and Syria.”