Syyrian konflikti/sota

Israel on jo aiemmin tukenut yhtä "riippumatonta" ryhmää Golanilla. Tarkoituksena on estää Hizbollahin/Iranin läsnäolo raja-alueella.

Syyrian, Iranin, venäläisten jne. joukot ovat laajentaneet maayhteyttä DeirEzzoriin ja saaneet avattua myös erillisenä saarrettuna olleeseen lentokentätän yhteyden. Kurdien (SDF ei tässä vaiheessa ole mukana kuin nimeksi) kärki on edennyt Eufratin koillispuolella 15 km päähän Eufratista ja on Deir-Ezzorin esikaupunkialueen tuntumassa. Deir-Ezzorin luoteispuolelle Eufratin molemmille rannoille on syntymässä iso motti. Lounaassa joen eteläpuolella sitä ei enää ilman taistelua murreta, koillispuolella on pussin suu vielä jonkin verran auki.
Israel toimittaa myös humanitääristä apua Golanin siviileille.

Watch: IDF provides Syrian civilians with humanitarian aid
A new video released by Syrian rebel forces shows IDF troops unloading humanitarian equipment and giving it to the rebels. This has been done for over a year now as part of an IDF policy.
Sep 9, 2017, 11:40AM Omri Ariel

A rebel group in Syria released a video on Saturday showing Israeli forces bringing humanitarian aid for residents of the Syrian Golan Heights.

The video shows a van arriving at a meeting point along the border, from which the forces then unload the equipment.

Israel has also been treating wounded Syrians for over a year now, as part of an IDF policy named "good neighborship." Apart from medical treatment, the Syrian patients also receive food, clothing, medicine and more.


An IDF officer holding a Syrian baby Photo Credit: IDF Spokesperson's Unit/Channel 2 News

There are 80 Syrian villages on the other side of the fence, whose 200,000 residents suffer daily from the ongoing battles between the rebels and President Bashar al-Assad's army. Israel assists these residents while making sure not to intervene in the war.

"Our main mission is to protect the Israeli towns along the border, but at the same time we provide humanitarian aid to innocent civilians," says Lt. Col. Shaul Yisraeli, the commander of the IDF's Battalion 77.

"Our troops come across wounded children, mothers who carry their wounded babies in their arms," he continued. "It's a real privilege to be able to treat them, even if it means risking ourselves."
Ohessa Anna-newsin puolen tunnin pätkä Deir ez-Zorin vapautuksesta, mukana mm. vbied ja miinanraivausta panssarivaunulla.
Loistavaa propagandaa:

Tehokkuudesta puheenollen Venäjän Syyrian interventio on osoittanut, että ainakin Venäjän armeijan eliitti eli erikoisjoukot pystyvät hoitamaan homman kotiin. Venäjällähän on Syyriassa lopulta melko vähän joukkoja ja aseistusta (muistaakseni hävittäjiäkin on vain muutama kymmenen), mutta Venäjän panos on ollut täysin ratkaiseva sen suhteen, että Syyrian hallitus käänsi varmalta näyttäneen häviön voitoksi.
Tästä röllin höpötyksestä vielä että ei ne Venäjän joukot yksin pelastaneet tilannetta. Avustivat toki, mutta taisi jonkin verran arabi- ja persialaisnuorukaisia päästä paratiisiin tukiessaan/tehdessään likaisen työn. Eikä kukaan ole kai laskenut paljonko Venäläisiä "vapaaehtoisia"/palkkasotilaita kuoli esim. Aleppossa ja Palmyrassa.
Menee mielenkiintoiseksi. SDF ei salli assadin ym liittolaisten ylittää Euphrat jokea. Kuitenkin ilmeisesti ruskit virittelevät ponttoonikalustoa kuntoon joen ylitystä varten. Ilmeisesti USA puoltaa SDF linjaa. Saa nähdä iskeekö liittouma tuollakin suoraan assadin ja liittolaisten niskaan. Tarkkaa kuvaa ei ole, mutta joukkojen väli on ilmeisesti vain muutamia kilometri?
Viimeksi muokattu:
Menee mielenkiintoiseksi. SDF ei salli assadin ym liittolaisten ylittää Euphrat jokea. Kuitenkin ilmeisesti ruskit virittelevät ponttooni kalustoa kuntoon joen ylitystä varten. Ilmeisesti USA puoltaa SDF linjaa. Saa nähdä iskeekö liittouma tuollakin suoraan assadin ja liittolaisten niskaan. Tarkkaa kuvaa ei ole, mutta joukkojen väli on ilmeisesti vain muutamia kilometri?

Alla oleva kuva selittää syyn miksi tuo otetaan vakavasti, suurin osa öljykentistä on Eufratin itäpuolella.

Näitä tällaisia ulostuloja viimeviikona aika useampi. Nyt haetaan mielikuvaa,että Syyrian sota on voitettu. Outoa hommaa.(kuva ei edes ole Syyriasta)

Haetaanko tässä nyt oikeutusta vetää kalustoa kotiinpäin sieltä vaikuttamatta heikolta? Jolloin tietysti herää kysymys, onko kalustolle tiedossa kohta joku tarve lähempänä kotia...
Tuskin taustalla sen kummempaa kuin tulevien neuvotteluasemien pönkittäminen ja yleinen henkselien paukuttelu. Kun kaikki uskovat että Assad on voittanut sodan, Assad on voittanut sodan.

Diplomaattihuhujen mukaan ainakin Saudi-Arabia on luopunut koko "Syyria-hömpötyksestä" ja kapinallisille on ilmoitettu ettei tukea enää sieltä tule, Qatarin kriisiin menee kaikki saudien huomio.
Menee mielenkiintoiseksi. SDF ei salli assadin ym liittolaisten ylittää Euphrat jokea. Kuitenkin ilmeisesti ruskit virittelevät ponttoonikalustoa kuntoon joen ylitystä varten. Ilmeisesti USA puoltaa SDF linjaa. Saa nähdä iskeekö liittouma tuollakin suoraan assadin ja liittolaisten niskaan. Tarkkaa kuvaa ei ole, mutta joukkojen väli on ilmeisesti vain muutamia kilometri?

Asia selvinnee pian. Somejuorujen mukaan ylitys olisi tehty viime yönä. Kattellaan.
Hoidetaan nyt loppuun.

I Want to Finish This’: US Special Ops Leaders Urge Washington to Stick by the Syrian Kurds

Commanders inside Syria say rebels are doing all they hoped for — and are the best shot to break the region's cycle of terrorism.

KOBANI, Syria – Talking with American special operators as we walk in the summer heat through the sprawling training facilities of the Syrian Arab Coalition, one sentiment is immediately obvious: relief.

It is not that these elite American troops are relaxed about the mission; it is that they make clear they think it’s working and see that the end is achievable. And for those of us who have written about and covered the post-9/11 wars, that is indeed a shift.

“My military guidance is clear; what we are trying to do here in terms of the campaign against Daesh is clear; the direction that we receive from CENTCOM is clear,” said one senior U.S.commander, a leader of the mission to train and assist the Syrian Democratic Forces, of which the Syrian Arab Coalition are a part. “We help the SDF clear territory, we help the internal security force hold territory, and to the extent we can within our authorities, there is a bit of building going on.”...

The view from this dusty base in northern Syria is that the mission – and the Washington policy decision to fight ISIS “by, with, and through” local forces trained by elite Americans – is succeeding. But that mission is on a collision course with geopolitical reality. Washington has backed the Syrian Kurds’ central role in the SDF, while Turkey considers those forces to be separatist terrorists. U.S. special operations forces leaders here say they feel Syrian Kurds have a chance to help end the cycle of insurgency that has burned across Iraq and Syria since 2003, and turn at least part of a war zone into a governable peace. But if Washington turns its back on the SDF to placate a NATO ally, these leaders say the American-trained and -armed Syrian forces could be overrun, their gains lost – and this special operations mission will be for naught.

Näitä tällaisia ulostuloja viimeviikona aika useampi. Nyt haetaan mielikuvaa,että Syyrian sota on voitettu. Outoa hommaa.(kuva ei edes ole Syyriasta)

Kuva vissiin on kuin onkin Syyriasta, MiG-29SMT:tä väitetään nyt operoivan Hmemeimistä käsin:

Jos näin niin ensimmäinen venäläinen MiG-operaatio Syyriassa, pl. Kuznetsovin MiG-29K:t.
Osaltaan kuvaa miten dominoiva Suhoin asema on nykyään tuossa duopolissa.

U.S.-backed Syrian fighters say will not let government forces cross Euphrates

BEIRUT (Reuters) - U.S.-backed Syrian militias will not let government forces cross the Euphrates River in their bid to recover eastern Syria, their commander said on Friday, but Russia said army units had already done so near the city of Deir al-Zor.

An aide to President Bashar al-Assad meanwhile said the government would fight any force, including U.S.-backed militias, in efforts to recapture the rest of the country.

Syrian government forces supported by Russian air strikes and Iran-backed militias, and a U.S.-backed alliance of Kurdish and Arab fighters, are converging on Islamic State in separate offensives around Deir al-Zor.

The government side has advanced into the city from the west. Last week, they broke an Islamic State siege of the provincial capital, which sits on the western bank of the river.

The Deir al-Zor military council, fighting as part of the U.S.-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), has meanwhile advanced toward Deir al-Zor from the eastern side of the river since launching an offensive into the province a week ago.

Military council commander Ahmed Abu Khawla warned government forces and their militia allies against firing across the river as his fighters close in -- something he said had happened in recent days.

“Now we have 3 km between us and the eastern riverbank, once our forces reach the area, any shot fired into that area we will consider an attack on the military council,” he said.

“We have notified the regime and Russia that we are coming to the Euphrates riverbank, and they can see our forces advancing,” he said. “We do not allow the regime or its militias to cross to the eastern riverbank.”

But Russian foreign ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said the Syrian army had already crossed.

“The suburbs of this provincial center (Deir al-Zor) have been liberated. Advance units have successfully crossed the Euphrates and are holding positions on its eastern bank,” she said, without specifying where.

Abu Khawla said this was “mere propaganda ... no one has crossed.”

Assad aide Bouthaina Shaaban later said the Syrian government was ready to fight the SDF.

“Whether it’s the Syrian Democratic Forces, or Daesh (Islamic State) or any illegitimate foreign force in the country ... we will fight and work against them so our land is freed completely from any aggressor,” she said in an interview with Hezbollah’s Al Manar TV.

“I‘m not saying this will happen tomorrow ... but this is the strategic intent,” she said, dismissing suggestions that Washington and Moscow’s military decisions would decide Syria’s fate.

The Russian- and U.S.-backed campaigns against Islamic State in Syria have mostly stayed out of each other’s way as the sides seek to avoid conflict, with the Euphrates often acting as a dividing line between the sides. Talks have been underway to extend a formal demarcation line that has separated the campaigns, officials have said.

The SDF accused Syrian government forces of attacking its positions near the town of Tabqa in Raqqa province and the United States shot down a Syrian government warplane in June.

Abu Khawla said a civilian administration would be set up to run areas of Deir al-Zor province captured from Islamic State by his fighters, including oil fields. The Syrian government was “not fit to lead and rule the people”, he said.

Oil-rich Deir al-Zor province is Islamic State’s last major foothold in Syria and Iraq. It is bisected by the Euphrates River and abuts Iraq.


“Every village around the eastern riverbank of the Euphrates river until the Iraqi-Syrian border is a goal for our forces,” he said. “We are moving forcefully and quickly. We do not have a timeline, but we hope soon to free the entire eastern bank.”

Reflecting the demarcation line, the U.S.-led coalition said on Thursday the SDF was not planning to enter Deir al-Zor city.

But while Deir al-Zor city was not an SDF target, Abu Khawla did not rule out the possibility it may become one, saying people in the city wanted to be liberated from “the regime and Daesh at the same time”.

But “right now, we have a schedule that we’re following which is the liberation of the eastern riverbanks of the Euphrates”, he said.

He said Islamic State had “shown fierce resistance” when SDF fighters entered the outskirts of Deir al-Zor on the eastern bank. “The battles are continuous,” he said.

Abu Khawla, who is in his early 30s, said 10,000 fighters were taking part in the Deir al-Zor campaign, the bulk of them members of Arab tribes from eastern Syria. The campaign is supported by the Kurdish militia that dominate the SDF.

“All our soldiers’ training (is) in the Coalition training camps, they oversee our training and our armament,” he said.

Abu Khawla was a member of a Free Syrian Army rebel group in Deir al-Zor until Islamic State took over most of the province in 2014 at the height of its expansion in Syria and Iraq. He fled to Turkey before returning to Syria and joining the SDF.

“Now we are setting up a civil council parallel to the military council of Deir al-Zor, and this civilian council will run all areas freed from (Islamic State),” he said.