Syyrian konflikti/sota

Miksi Israel jättäytyy tuhoamasta näitä lihavia maaleja kentälle? Sata varmasti kuljettavat materiaalia jota muutenkin pommitavat säännöllisesti Syyriassa paskaksi.

Koska Israel haluaa jättää jotakin mihin eskaloida, ilman täysmittaista sotaa, jos vaikka tarvetta sattuisi ilmenemään.

Speaking to CNN's Dana Bash after his appearance in the White House driveway, Graham said he didn't mean to suggest that Trump is pausing troop withdrawal altogether.
"He has not reversed his decision" to withdraw troops from Syria, Graham said. "The pause is to assess the effects of the conditions on the ground."

Graham said that during the President's surprise trip to Iraq last week, commanders on the ground informed Trump that ISIS is not "completely destroyed," which he said was an "eye-opening" experience for the commander in chief.

"Turkey is asking the U.S. to provide substantial military support, including air strikes, transport and logistics, so that Turkish forces can assume the main responsibility for fighting the Islamic State extremist group in Syria, senior U.S. officials say.
The Turkish requests are so extensive that, if fully met, the American military might be deepening its involvement in Syria instead of reducing it before leaving, the officials added.

Discussions on how the Turks might take over the Syria mission will take place in talks in the Turkish capital Ankara on Tuesday involving White House National Security Adviser John Bolton; Gen. Joseph Dunford, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs; and James Jeffrey, the State Department envoy for Syria."

"The officials said they didn’t believe the Turks could logistically move their forces deep into Syria’s Middle Euphrates River Valley to battle Islamic State’s remnants and provide the supplies they needed. The officials also questioned Turkey’s ability to carry out a substantial air campaign against the terror group, which has been a key part of the U.S.-led coalition campaign.
There also are widespread fears that the Turks will target the Kurds, a longtime on-the-ground partner for the U.S. in the anti-Islamic State campaign."

"Turkey is asking the U.S. to provide substantial military support, including air strikes, transport and logistics, so that Turkish forces can assume the main responsibility for fighting the Islamic State extremist group in Syria, senior U.S. officials say.
The Turkish requests are so extensive that, if fully met, the American military might be deepening its involvement in Syria instead of reducing it before leaving, the officials added.

Discussions on how the Turks might take over the Syria mission will take place in talks in the Turkish capital Ankara on Tuesday involving White House National Security Adviser John Bolton; Gen. Joseph Dunford, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs; and James Jeffrey, the State Department envoy for Syria."

"The officials said they didn’t believe the Turks could logistically move their forces deep into Syria’s Middle Euphrates River Valley to battle Islamic State’s remnants and provide the supplies they needed. The officials also questioned Turkey’s ability to carry out a substantial air campaign against the terror group, which has been a key part of the U.S.-led coalition campaign.
There also are widespread fears that the Turks will target the Kurds, a longtime on-the-ground partner for the U.S. in the anti-Islamic State campaign."

Näin puheet muuttuvat. Turkki oli ISIS:in päätukija aikanaan kun nämä tappelivat Kurdeja vastaan. Turkki pelkää tuolla vain yhtä osapuolta. Ja ne ovat Kurdit.

"President Donald Trump will not withdraw American troops from northern Syria until the Turkish government guarantees it won’t then attack Syrian Kurdish forces that have been critical allies in the fight against ISIS, national security adviser John Bolton said Sunday.

Bolton said a commitment from Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan that protects the Kurds after American forces exit is something Trump is demanding, and that it’s just one of several conditions that have to be met before U.S. troops leave."

Se siitä vetäytymisestä, mitähän twitter-ideoita seuraavaksi on tiedossa.,7340,L-5445287,00.html

"Syrian state news agency says Israeli jets hit ammunition warehouse at Damascus airport"


"In January 2017 Eisenkot obtained the government’s unanimous consent for a change in the rules of the game. Israeli attacks became near-daily events. In 2018 alone, the air force dropped a staggering 2,000 bombs "
Viimeksi muokattu:
Mitenkä tuo Manjibin alue nykyään, hesarin mukaan siellä on venäläiset alkaneet partioida ? Onko jenkit siis vetäytyneet sieltä, kun olen vähän ymmärtänyt etteivät vielä?
Ainakin kolme amerikkalaissotilasta kuoli ISIS:n itsemurhaiskussa Manbijissa.
Islamic State claimed responsibility for a bomb blast Wednesday in a Syrian city under U.S.-backed Kurdish control that killed at least three American troops, according to U.S. officials, underscoring the threat the extremist group still poses as the Trump administration prepares to withdraw troops from the country.

Local media and the U.K.-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reported that allied fighters with the Syrian Democratic Forces and a number of civilians were also among the dead and injured in the attack in the northeastern city of Manbij.

The White House said President Trump was monitoring the situation.

“The President has been fully briefed and we will continue to monitor the ongoing situation in Syria,” White House spokeswoman Sarah Sanders said, referring further questions to the Pentagon.
A U.S.-led coalition spokesman, Col. Sean Ryan, said that its forces had been conducting a routine patrol in the city.

Islamic State released two brief statements through Amaq, its media arm, claiming that the attack by a suicide bomber targeted a coalition patrol, killing or injuring nine U.S. soldiers, according to SITE Intelligence.

The bombing comes a month after President Trump announced a rapid withdrawal of U.S. forces from Syria, tweeting, “We have defeated ISIS in Syria, my only reason for being there during the Trump Presidency.”

The president later walked back on his claim of Islamic State’s defeat, amid confusion over the timeline for the American withdrawal.

Islamic State, which at its height controlled swaths of territory across parts of Syria and Iraq, has lost the vast majority of areas it once held. Its territory has shrunk to a small pocket in eastern Syria. But as the group has lost ground it has increasingly turned to guerrilla-style attacks—using suicide attacks and sleeper cells to target civilians and those fighting it.

In March, an American and a British service member of the coalition were killed in Manbij when an improvised explosive device exploded near their vehicles. Five others were wounded.

There is still a lot of uncertainty about what President Trump meant when he announced that the U.S. would be withdrawing its troops from Syria. WSJ's Gerald F. Seib discusses.

Manbij has been the focus of intense wrangling from all sides involved in the Syrian conflict. Turkey has threatened to attack the city if the Kurdish YPG militia don’t withdraw. The YPG is an offshoot of the Kurdish separatist PKK, which both Turkey and the U.S. have designated a terrorist group.

Meanwhile, the Syrian regime and its main military backer Russia have nearby outposts and have inched closer to the city after the YPG asked the Syrian government for protectionfrom a possible Turkish attack.

With the U.S. beginning its withdrawal from Syria, the Kurdish forces are expected to strike a deal with the Assad government.
Netanjahu kehoitti Irania lähteämään Syyriasta tai pysymään Israelin kohteena. Tänään Iranin kaartista vastattiin että eivät lähde. Syyriassa pysyy neuvonantajat, sotilaat ja aseet. Samalla kehotettiin Israelia olemaan nyppimättä leijonaa hännästä tai se karjaisee ohjussateen päähän.( vapaa suomennos).
Iranilaisten fetissi avustettua kollektiivista itsemurhaa kohtaan on hämmentävää.