Greatest Leader
Venäjä on tehnyt täyskäännöksen israelin suhteen ja salliikin Iranin proxyjen sijoittumisen Israelin rajalle. Sanoo Debka.
Exclusive: Deep apprehension in Israel over a Russian U-turn, which is letting small Iranian Al Qods and Hizballah units regain former positions 10-15km from the Israeli and Jordanian borders. They are coming back after Russian forces drove them out last year and established a safe zone at those border districts in their stead.
Exclusive: Deep apprehension in Israel over a Russian U-turn, which is letting small Iranian Al Qods and Hizballah units regain former positions 10-15km from the Israeli and Jordanian borders. They are coming back after Russian forces drove them out last year and established a safe zone at those border districts in their stead.

Russia lets Iranian-Hizballah forces redeploy opposite Syrian-Israel border - DEBKAfile
Exclusive: Deep apprehension in Israel over a Russian U-turn, which is letting small Iranian Al Qods and Hizballah units regain