Syria Weekly: Maarat Al-Numan evacuation brings new dangers
Aid workers braved Russian air strikes and regime fire to race down the highway to southern Idlib for one of the biggest evacuations since the start of the Syria war.
"The 11-day bombardment displaced at least 216,000 and killed 160 people"
"Many of those left in Maarat Al-Numan in the final days of the assault did not have cars or vans to escape, so had to try and flee by foot "
"Amid a freezing north Syria winter, Ahmad and his family are living in a field outside a refugee camp with little more than the clothes in their backpacks. They managed to find shelter in the cellar of a partially built home, but the heavy rain has flooded parts of their room and the children have to jump over puddles and mud to reach the corner they sleep in. "
``We were fortunate to have this cellar, our relatives are living under trees,``
Jos Assad&Putin offensiivi jatkuu, melkoinen määrä ihmisiä tulee siirtymään Turkin kautta Eufrat joen itäpuolelle, Turkin "puskurivyöhykkeelle".