Syyrian konflikti/sota

Tuonne ku ampuilis vähä sopivaa aseistusta saataisiin aika komeat palot aikaan ja voisi hetki kestää pojilla hommata korvaava kalusto tilalle. Voisi vähän aikaa olla hiljaista tuol suunalla noissa määrin
Jos padon räjäytys olisi onnistunut niin kuolleet saatettaisiin laskea kymmenissä tuhansissa.

The Islamic State, the Syrian government and Russia blamed the United States, but the dam was on the U.S. military’s “no-strike list” of protected civilian sites and the commander of the U.S. offensive at the time, then-Lt. Gen. Stephen J. Townsend, said allegations of U.S. involvement were based on “crazy reporting.”
In fact, members of a top secret U.S. Special Operations unit called Task Force 9 had struck the dam using some of the largest conventional bombs in the U.S. arsenal, including at least one BLU-109 bunker-buster bomb designed to destroy thick concrete structures, according to two former senior officials. And they had done it despite a military report warning not to bomb the dam, because the damage could cause a flood that might kill tens of thousands of civilians.
After the strikes, dam workers stumbled on an ominous piece of good fortune: Five floors deep in the dam’s control tower, an American BLU-109 bunker-buster lay on its side, scorched but intact — a dud. If it had exploded, experts say, the whole dam might have failed.
Jos padon räjäytys olisi onnistunut niin kuolleet saatettaisiin laskea kymmenissä tuhansissa.
Israel kontrolloi suoraan osaa Yhdysvaltojen asevoimista kuten tuota Task Force 9. Valkoinen hölmö kristitty on vain karjaa noille. Mikäli Suomi liittyy Natoon niin jokaisen Suomen merillä, maaperällä tai ilmatilassa olevan sotilaan tai asejärjestelmän on oltava Suomen alaisuudessa kriisitilanteissa.
Israel haluaisi säilyttää tilanteen nykyisen kaltaisena, koska se pitää Iranin asevoimien kasvattamista Syyriassa suorana uhkana juutalaisen valtion olemassaololle. Siksi Jerusalemissa ollaan huolestuneita Moskovasta kantautuneista valituksista.

Zakharovan mukaan Israelin ilmaiskut ovat ”karkea loukkaus Syyrian itsemääräämisoikeutta kohtaan ja saattavat laukaista jännitteiden huomattavan eskaloitumisen”, kirjoittaa Israel Today. Zakharova lisää, että Venäjä vastustaa yrityksiä ”tehdä Syyriasta kolmansien maiden välisen aseellisen konfliktin näyttämö”.

Vastauksessaan Zakharovan huomautuksiin Israelin puolustusministeri Benny Gantz painottaa, että yritykset työntää Iran ja Hizbollah ulos Syyriasta hyödyttäisivät myös Syyriaa.

– Jatkamme iranilaisen valloituksen estämistä, joka syö Syyriaa sisältäpäin. Tämä on äärimmäisen tärkeää Syyrian kansalle ja hallinnolle: pitää vakauttaa tilanne, siirtää iranilaiset joukot pois Syyrian maaperältä ja sallia maan kunnostaminen”, hän kertoo Christian Todayn toimittajille.

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Telecom giant Ericsson sought permission from the terrorist group known as the Islamic State to work in an ISIS-controlled city and paid to smuggle equipment into ISIS areas on a route known as the “Speedway,” according to a leaked internal investigation report obtained by the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists.

The report reveals that the Swedish-based firm made tens of millions of dollars in suspicious payments over nearly a decade to sustain its business in Iraq, financing slush funds, trips abroad for defense officials and payoffs through middlemen to corporate executives and possibly terrorists.
The internal investigation describes a pattern of bribery and corruption so widespread, and company oversight so weak, that millions of dollars in payments couldn’t be accounted for – all while Ericsson worked to maintain and expand vital cellular networks in one of the most corrupt countries in the world. The review, which has not been made public, covers the years 2011 to 2019.

Ericsson’s business in Iraq relied on politically connected fixers and unvetted subcontractors. It was marked by sham contracts, inflated invoices, falsified financial statements and payments to “consultants” with nebulous job descriptions. In one instance, a member of a powerful Kurdish family, the Barzanis, collected $1.2 million for “facilitation to the chairman” of a mobile phone operator — also a Barzani, the report says.

Most of the corrupt conduct came after Ericsson, a key actor in the West’s battle with China over the future of global communications, acknowledged in 2013 that it was cooperating with U.S. authorities investigating bribery allegations elsewhere. The U.S. probe resulted in a $1 billion bribery settlement in 2019 with the U.S. Justice Department and the Securities and Exchange Commission. The settlement does not mention Iraq.
The leaked documents include 73 pages of a 79-page report on Ericsson’s Iraq business, including summaries of 28 witness interviews and 22.5 million emails.
“We can’t determine where money sometimes really goes, but we can see that it has disappeared,” Ekholm told a Swedish newspaper.

Ericsson cited its “commitment to transparency” in its recent disclosures. But the company made no mention of other internal probes described in the leaked documents.
Confidential documents have revealed how the telecoms giant Ericsson is alleged to have helped pay bribes to the Islamic State terrorist group in order to continue selling its services after the militants seized control of large parts of Iraq.

The leak of internal investigations at Ericsson, which also found that the firm had put its contractors at risk and allowed them to be kidnapped by the militants, is potentially damaging for the multinational.

In addition to the findings about the alleged payments to IS, the investigations uncovered allegations the company was involved in corruption in at least 10 countries across four continents.

En nähnyt ylen artikkelia
Näin se maailma muuttuu.

Yhdistyneet Arabiemiirikunnat lähettivät aseita kapinallisille 10 vuoden ajan mutta nyt Assad kävi siellä vierailulla ensimmäisen kerran 11 vuoteen.
Bashar al-Assad arrived in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) on Friday, and met several influential and controversial rulers who signalled a willingness to strengthen ties with Syria again.
It marks a potential warming in Syria's relations with its Arab neighbours, which had previously isolated Mr Assad.

But the US criticised the trip, saying it was "profoundly disappointed".
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Liittolainen Venäjä voi olla vaikeuksissa. 😉

Tämä tapahtuu samaan aikaan kun arabivaltiot antavat kylmää kohtelua Yhdysvalloille (eivät ole vastanneet Biden soittopyyntöihin) ja Saudi Arabia flirttailee avoimesti sillä että saattaa aloittaa öljykaupan muillakin valuutoille kuin pelkästään dollareilla.
When the killing was done, at least 41 men lay dead in the mass grave in the Damascus suburb of Tadamon, a battlefront at the time in the conflict between the Syrian leader and insurrectionists lined up against him. Alongside piled heaps of dirt that would soon be used to finish the job, the killers poured fuel on the remains and ignited them, laughing as they literally covered up a war crime just several miles from Syria’s seat of power. The video was date-stamped 16 April 2013.
ISIS vielä hengissä, piru vie. Onneksi olivat Assadin miehiä.
