Syyrian konflikti/sota

Syrian troops backed by pro-government gunmen advanced during fierce battles with rebels on Saturday capturing at least one village in a strategic area in Homs province near the Lebanese border, activists and state media in Damascus reported.

The latest fighting came as U.S. officials said the Obama administration was poised to send millions more in non-lethal military aid to rebels trying to oust President Bashar Assad.

The clashes around the contested town of Qusair, close to the Syria-Lebanon boundary, had intensified over the past two weeks amid a fresh offensive by the Syrian army and a pro-government militia known as Popular Committees, backed by the Lebanese militant Hezbollah group.
Jordan has opened two corridors of its airspace to Israeli Air Force drones seeking to monitor the ongoing conflict in Syria, French daily Le Figaro reported on Sunday, citing a Western military source in the Middle East.

According to the source, the unmanned aerial vehicles are carrying out surveillance, but “they are also armed and therefore can hit targets anywhere in Syria.”
Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel said Thursday the U.S. intelligence community believes the Syrian regime used the chemical weapon sarin, a revelation that immediately raised the question of whether a "red line" had been crossed in the country's civil war.

There is "limited but growing" evidence that the Syrian government has used chemical weapons, PM David Cameron says
Joukkotuhoaseet. Interventio. Miten tämä kuulostaa niin tutulta? Mutta pakkohan sen on niin olla kun kerran noin sanotaan? Hetkonen, miksi sekin kuulostaa niin pirun tutulta?
hessukessu kirjoitti:
Joukkotuhoaseet. Interventio. Miten tämä kuulostaa niin tutulta? Mutta pakkohan sen on niin olla kun kerran noin sanotaan? Hetkonen, miksi sekin kuulostaa niin pirun tutulta?

Olen varma että tällä kertaa niitä löytyy!
hessukessu kirjoitti:
Joukkotuhoaseet. Interventio. Miten tämä kuulostaa niin tutulta? Mutta pakkohan sen on niin olla kun kerran noin sanotaan? Hetkonen, miksi sekin kuulostaa niin pirun tutulta?

Hyvä vaan jos diktaattorit alkaa välttää tiettyjä toimia tietäen, että siitä saa paskaa niskaan.
SJ kirjoitti:
hessukessu kirjoitti:
Joukkotuhoaseet. Interventio. Miten tämä kuulostaa niin tutulta? Mutta pakkohan sen on niin olla kun kerran noin sanotaan? Hetkonen, miksi sekin kuulostaa niin pirun tutulta?

Hyvä vaan jos diktaattorit alkaa välttää tiettyjä toimia tietäen, että siitä saa paskaa niskaan.

Ikävä kyllä nämä "tietyt toimet" joita diktaattorit ovat oppineet välttämään ovat joukkotuhoaseista luopuminen. Sitä ei missään nimessä saa tehdä, muuten lansi hyökkää.
New questions have emerged over the source of the soil and other samples from Syria which, it is claimed, have tested positive for the nerve agent sarin, amid apparent inconsistencies between eyewitness accounts describing one of the attacks and textbook descriptions of the weapon.

As questions from arms control experts grow over evidence that the Assad regime has used chemical weapons on a limited scale on several occasions, one incident in particular has come under scrutiny.


eyewitness accounts of that attack, in which six rebels died and which were reported at the time by the Associated Press described "white smoke" pouring from shells that "smell[ed] … like hydrochloric acid".

The suggestion that one of the sarin-positive samples may have originated in Homs has added to the growing confusion surrounding the claims made with different degrees of caution by the Israeli, French, UK and US governments in recent days.

According to the US and UK governments, "miniscule" samples recovered by opposition sources and passed on to western intelligence agencies have shown traces of sarin. No other agents have been mentioned.

While the contradictions between the eyewitness accounts and traces of sarin in the samples may well be attributable to the confusion of battle, it underlines the uncertainties around the claims, which have included questions about whether some of the videotaped symptoms are consistent with sarin exposure

An Israeli Cabinet minister has called on the U.S to intervene in the Syrian civil war after intelligence reports of chemical weapons use there.

The U.S has warned such weapons cross a red line and last week said the weapons were probably used. Israel says they were used.

Environment Minister Amir Peretz said Sunday action should have been taken long ago due to the high civilian death toll. "We expect whoever defines red lines will also do what is needed, first and foremost the U.S. and of course the entire international community," he said. His remarks do not reflect Israeli policy.

The White House says it is still trying to pin down definitive proof of the use of chemical weapons
Niin,ja kemiallisia käytti joku,mutta kuka. Obamaa harmittaa,kun meni puhumaan punaisesta viivasta. Kaikki viivat on ylitetty jo,ja nyt täytyisi jotenkin keplotella ettei tarvi sinne mennä.
Venäläiskuljettakone yritetiin ammuta alas kahdella ohjuksella yli Syyria.
Ne oli egytiälaisia matkustajaa meneen kotiin.

Kysymys1: Mikä huonot ilmataojuntaohjukset jos ne ei edes saa kuljetuskonetta alas!

Kysymys2: Ne ehkä ampui panssaritojuntaohjuksilla lentokonetta vastaan! :D
1) Arvelisin kyseessä olleen olalta laukaistavat ohjukset jotka eivät edes yllä matkustajakoneiden lentokorkeuksiin. Hyväällä säällä savuvana voi kuitenkin näkyä jos lähestyy alhaalta etusektorista.
2) Täytyy mennä Verkkomediaan lukemaan josko vastauksia jo löytyisi.
Debka uutisoi/Väittää tänään,että Israel aloitti tiistaina 30.4 tuhansien reserviläisten kutsumisen palvelukseen. Ylimääräisen ja yllättäen tulevan harjoituksen vuoksi. Joukkoja kootaan koko tämä viikko ja keskitetään Syyrian ja Libanoin rajalle jossa sitten "Harjoitellaan". Mielenkiintoiseksi menee. Jenkithän aloittaa tässä jossain vaiheessa liittolaisineen jonkinlaisen harjoituksen Persianlahdella myös. Jordaniaan on tullut 200-miehen lisäjoukko Jenkkien 1.panssaridivisoonasta.
Jenkkejähän siellä on ollut kouluttamassa jo pitkään , mutta panssaridivisioonasta joukkojen ottamine kuulostaa hölmöltä, vaikka en niiden tapoja tunnekkaan,.
Omat koirat purivat:

An Al-Nusra leader rapes Al Jazeera reporter

TEHRAN, Apr. 30 (MNA) – A female Al Jazeera reporter who was raped by an Al Nusra commander has been transferred to Qatar.
A female Al Jazeera correspondent, who is covering the terrorist activities from different cities in Syria for months, was quickly moved to Qatar, after one of the commanders of Al Nusra Front, Al-Qaeda affiliated terrorist group, raped her in Aleppo. Egyptian daily Al-Nahar reported that Ghada Oweis, Al Jazeera correspondent, has long been working alongside terrorist groups opposed to Bashar al-Assad in Aleppo to send reports to Qatari

A few days ago on the invitation of one of the commanders of this Salafist group, she went to his office. Surprisingly however, the Al-Nusra militias did not allow her camera crews to enter the office.

And they took Ms. Oweis by force and told the crews to come back for interview tomorrow.

Al Jazeera correspondent was rushed out of Syria via Turkey, when it was discovered she was raped by the commander of Al-Nusra Front in Aleppo. She was transferred to Qatar later, she is emotionally in shock.

Returning to Qatar, Ghada Oweis demanded justice and asked the senior leaders of Al-Nusra group to punish this commander. Reportedly Al Jazeera is trying to prevent the reporter from affirming the news by ways of pressure and payments of huge amount of money to maintain the good image of the terrorists fighting in Syria.

The terrorist militias in Syria have been committing numerous acts of violence and shameless atrocities against the civilians, by using a Fatwa; issued by one of the Muftis of Salafists, that militias fighting in Syria can force women to ‘Jihad al Nikah’ (Girls must participate in "marriage" to fulfill their Jihad obligations in Syria).
JOKO kirjoitti:
Omat koirat purivat:

An Al-Nusra leader rapes Al Jazeera reporter

TEHRAN, Apr. 30 (MNA) – A female Al Jazeera reporter who was raped by an Al Nusra commander has been transferred to Qatar.
A female Al Jazeera correspondent, who is covering the terrorist activities from different cities in Syria for months, was quickly moved to Qatar, after one of the commanders of Al Nusra Front, Al-Qaeda affiliated terrorist group, raped her in Aleppo. Egyptian daily Al-Nahar reported that Ghada Oweis, Al Jazeera correspondent, has long been working alongside terrorist groups opposed to Bashar al-Assad in Aleppo to send reports to Qatari

A few days ago on the invitation of one of the commanders of this Salafist group, she went to his office. Surprisingly however, the Al-Nusra militias did not allow her camera crews to enter the office.

And they took Ms. Oweis by force and told the crews to come back for interview tomorrow.

Al Jazeera correspondent was rushed out of Syria via Turkey, when it was discovered she was raped by the commander of Al-Nusra Front in Aleppo. She was transferred to Qatar later, she is emotionally in shock.

Returning to Qatar, Ghada Oweis demanded justice and asked the senior leaders of Al-Nusra group to punish this commander. Reportedly Al Jazeera is trying to prevent the reporter from affirming the news by ways of pressure and payments of huge amount of money to maintain the good image of the terrorists fighting in Syria.

The terrorist militias in Syria have been committing numerous acts of violence and shameless atrocities against the civilians, by using a Fatwa; issued by one of the Muftis of Salafists, that militias fighting in Syria can force women to ‘Jihad al Nikah’ (Girls must participate in "marriage" to fulfill their Jihad obligations in Syria).

Saattaa olla tottakin - mutta huomaathan että tuo uutinen tuli Teheranin tuutista, joten uskottavuutta lienee syytä arvioida kriittisesti.
President Obama is preparing to send lethal weaponry to the Syrian opposition and has taken steps to assert more aggressive U.S. leadership among allies and partners seeking the ouster of President Bashar al-Assad, according to senior administration officials.
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