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Mutta onko arvauksia mikä tuon alikalin iskemän ylle on osunut? Olisiko singon ammus osunut hyvin epäedullisessa kulmassa, kun on jättänyt nuo sirpale iskemät? Eli olisi tullut kuvan oikealta ja tuo alikalin iskemän yllä n. kello yhdessätoista oleva reikä olisi ontelon tekemä reikä? Mainittakoon, että en ole tästä ihan varma, koska odottaisin hieman soikeampaa reikää.
Eikös Aleppo, kaasuisku ja sitä seurannut Trumpin risteilyohjussade, Turkkilaisten Afrin invaasio, Raqqan valtaus kaikki tapahtuneet sen pudotuksen jälkeen?Venäjän tiedustelukoneen menetyksestä lähtien isot uutisotsikot Syyriasta ovat olleet poissa.
Minulta on mennyt täysin ohi jos risteilyohjuksia on ammuttu Syyriaan tiedustelukoneen pudotuksen jälkeen.Eikös Aleppo, kaasuisku ja sitä seurannut Trumpin risteilyohjussade, Turkkilaisten Afrin invaasio, Raqqan valtaus kaikki tapahtuneet sen pudotuksen jälkeen?
Venäläinen Il-20 tiedustelukone ammuttiin alas viime syyskuussa alle kaksi kuukautta sitten. Kaikki mainitsemasi tapahtumat tapahtuivat ennen tuota alas ampumista. Tietääkseni muita venäläisiä tiedustelukoneita ei ole Syyriassa alas ammuttu.Eikös Aleppo, kaasuisku ja sitä seurannut Trumpin risteilyohjussade, Turkkilaisten Afrin invaasio, Raqqan valtaus kaikki tapahtuneet sen pudotuksen jälkeen?
Venäläinen Il-20 tiedustelukone ammuttiin alas viime syyskuussa alle kaksi kuukautta sitten. Kaikki mainitsemasi tapahtumat tapahtuivat ennen tuota alas ampumista. Tietääkseni muita venäläisiä tiedustelukoneita ei ole Syyriassa alas ammuttu.
Kuulostaa hyvin tutulta ihan EU alueellakin.Assadian symppaavat sometilit kertovat Turkin valtaaman alueen turvallisuustilanteen täydellisestä romahtamisesta. Aluetta terrorisoi jengit ja jidahistit.
US-backed forces launch counterattack against Islamic State in eastern Syria
By Thomas Joscelyn | November 25, 2018 | [email protected] | @thomasjoscelyn
US-backed fighters in eastern Syria launched a counterattack against the Islamic State yesterday. The operation came in response to a coordinated assault by the jihadists near Deir Ezzor on Nov. 23.
Combined Joint Task Force – Operation Inherent Resolve (CJTF-OIR) said in an announcement that coalition forces are “employing combined fires, including indirect fire and close air support” for their “Syrian Democratic Force partners, in order to contain ISIS in the last remaining territory they currently hold.”
In addition, Iraqi Security Forces are working to prevent the jihadists from fleeing across the border.
The battle is taking place in the Middle Euphrates River Valley (MERV), which is one of the so-called caliphate’s last major strongholds. However, despite losing almost all of the territory it once controlled, the Islamic State continues to operate a prolific insurgency in Iraq, Syria and elsewhere.
CJTF-OIR claims that there are “approximately 2,000 ISIS forces remaining,” but the basis for that assessment is not clear. It also isn’t clear if CJTF-OIR is referring to the number of fighters in the MERV, or elsewhere in Syria as well. It is possible, if not likely, that the estimate refers solely to those jihadists operating in the MERV, which is currently the main operating area for US-backed forces.
The US government and other official sources have offered higher estimates of the Islamic State’s force strength in Syria in recent months.
For instance, during the second quarter of this year, the lead inspector general’s office conducting oversight on Operation Inherent Resolve reported a far higher number of Islamic State fighters. The Department of Defense told the inspector general that “between 13,100 and 14,500 ISIS members remained in Syria,” including an estimated 4,000 to 6,000 jihadists “in the U.S. military’s areas of operation.”
Therefore, most of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi’s loyalists in Syria are thought to be stationed outside of the U.S. military operating sphere, which is currently centered in the eastern and northern parts of the country. This makes it more difficult for the US to estimate the group’s total membership across the entire country, as American personnel and their allies have less knowledge of the areas where Bashar al Assad’s regime and its allies operate. The Islamic State also has a cellular network in Idlib, which is dominated by rival jihadists and Islamists.
A United Nations Security Council committee reported in late July that, according to some UN member states, the Islamic State’s total “membership” in Iraq and Syria is between 20,000 and 30,000 individuals. These members are “roughly equally distributed between the two countries,” meaning that there would be about 10,000 to 15,000 Islamic State fighters in Syria alone.
Syrian TV: Syrian air defenses shotdown a number of hostile targets over the area of Al Kiswah south of the Damascus